HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-12-19 -. n l"'~;l Infomiillion ~.,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing n ; DAILY FIELD REPORT ~ Date Performed: December 19, 2000 Mr. Steve Krenzer Sony DIsc Manufacturing 123 InternatIonal Way Springfield, OR 97477-1047 Report Number: ~ 722-00554-1 Client: Project Name: New Offset Printer Support 123 International Way Springfield, Oregon Project Location: P.O. No.: Type of Inspection: Fabricator/Erector: Contractor: SM0902919 Weldments S2 Ind., Inc Permit No.: Weather: Shop or Field: Inside Field Field Observations and Comments Met on-site with contractor to perform visual Inspection of support beams for new printer Reviewed engineering drawings and speCifications, welder procedure speCifications and welder certifications. Weldments checked for Size, length, profile and location, To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with drawings, speCifications and applicable to AWS D1 1 (static) code. Contractor wa~ asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, Inspector: Mike Antley, ICBO# 5039977-85 & AWS# 93100711 fyou have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contacfus at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, prrtssional Service Industries, Inc. ~e LLllL Dale A Webber Structural Steel Field Supervisor c KPFF Engineering THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD ."").,.\nf\; ..T.' f.,/~"f-fvtE:Af13, :J:C~'-;'-;'IY; FULL, ~HTrl'::;~';-;-; ,-= ~~'RiTTEf..i PEHM,S\jj'(j,.' vlry.rt\:Jrc~.:JICf'tr\L.. ":'~T\,,;et!1, UJVo,JIl j'UI.':o.J, fS1!!'R01=f/t;j{fCU Professional Service Industnes. Inc. 1040A Shelley St . Spnngfleld. OR 97477. Phone 541n46-9649. Fax 541n46-7163 DEC-11-2000 08:37 AM S.2.INDUSTRIFlL r~ t, ) SECTION IX - 'A.RT QW WILDING 541 874 2453 ~ ) ~ QW"'14 Qw.... ManllflCttnr'. RICOI'd 01 W..... · Weldl.. Operator Qualtnc.doa ,... (541. QW-3Dl) ,. . W""NII'I' L.a.;.,.y cfl'ttL__ctlacIlNo. _ _'''P'''o. S-.:1. W.hlllll P~~lItiI Co ~...t ,..,J. ..Jirauk~lle , 'm.&I1IJ.J4J- 11I1IC~O<<i'M" whh W4Idl", Procedure SpAin,.r1lH1 (WK) --S~:..A-I 1Ia.:llint (Q,w.4f)al -AJ""Q.JJ..t. -,. . - L" .." ',b~illl (QW.40J) .,.4'!:DltaJ'dllAf P No, _,w' . '. -,- to P No. J Tbi4'tuttftr. RUlp dL7S- , 8.J~Di. "-' .,2,'!.h :J." II I'lllrr Metal (QW....Cl") SINe, NfJ. -Ed- .' ..-. II No r _3.. '!:...!::t- -" OU\8r _ ----. -----. -' .----- "osiliofl (QW 40$1 ___ .'--6.-re..j,JJ9., IU.JJ- . (lG, ie:, 60) ~ E*"i~a1 <:Ilatat'terlldcI (QW'409) Cllncnt --'2. '--_~___ Polarity fT" II ~U!:... - W.ld Pru,tn,uln (Qw....t o. _ A.!.. _ ~-1 cJ.tt...:AJ-.~ . . - --- - fOil INflOIlMATIOH ONI.\' ,~ I' Fillet' Mftlll Dlune~r a1l4 Trlodi Nun~~ Flwl fo, bllmafted A~ ot Gas fM 1M" GM S\1ldclcdAre II;'(.I/~ 6 "~Q ".. 6.70'-1...._ __Weld"" -.---. -~-- GUIDlD eUD nil AUUL TI OW".Ulal. QW..w.3(1). o.VII..."".) .. T)'pcl lAd tl"". No .~ I $"3 Ty.. aNI Jtetult fI ijJurt No, pG l)~~c,.ti..-~ tJ.A tk .{~~ tr A '" R.IImlI AI' (/Jt.f~Gt~ J.J ~ t:H ~ ,.. ~ ",. Rad...pl\lt I'tcaulcs' For .llcnll'tive quaIUlc:.doa of poo.r. 1Il.1lk by rtd.phy II _orduIft with Q.W'~ aod QW-JOS . Tesc tondllCJcd by Labo"ttII'Y~T.. NG. - '11' fltl.n WnD TEST RUUl fa ... QW-4U.4tal. OW.w.4I1tJ) fI"etllt. Tnt (Dacnbc me 1oeWon. nU\1~ and tile of an)' cnell Of CftriftI of .. ~n) Ltnph Ind \In eeM Ql Ddtccl ,__._lndIct ~ MaerDTett.hllOll ..:...- - ---- Appuran~' ....lIict SIM . _ _ In.)( .~__" In Ccnvexlry or CGMl!tiry lA. Te<< Con~hl\:u~d by L.bo1aIOI)' - TtaI No. jHf ------- - -~ --- w~ ecrury dlat rile i'-'QlC11ts III till. rccor" .r. ~orMd an41h1' the -" lIHIlda w..- ,"pattd. \Ile\d.d UI4i tlllU'" III lecordAAe. with Ole require_II 01 ktioatt UC 01... A'~l .1IdlI. 5lpcl ~.s.t,..,~ _~HC D~tc _9-1.1.- 00 I)'~~- COotaU .,1 ,ecord of ttIlI ue .U\I..,aIiVf ani)' u1d ma~ be mc>>Ifled to COftfocm 10 th. cy,. ~nd Il~ bill OrtOU ftqlllnd b)' me O~.) NO'll!. An)' NII'lwt wvlaltln in a4dlclon to ch_ iblWlllulll be t~orde4. TIu~ "'0"" ,IIJbQlD&b\. frCltJ\ llle urd<< Depl.. ASMI. 145 I! .7th St. New 'flull. fIf 'I. tOOl7 04.aa.. ~\' :' . P.01 t' , '. ~ i f ;.t t ir .., ;) , . \to \- ., _,-L--