HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-9-12 Sep-12-01 02:57P Mortier Eng & Building De (541)484-6859 P.Ol MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGEt~E, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080. FAX (541) 484-6859 TOU FREE IN OREGON 1-877.661.9959 ,', \\,'1" /;' , ," ," '1" '-~"'{_~: "; -:,i", ("." ~'.,., -( . . -: :. - ;It,; ,I . "I . j~_: : :'t'-;;~ I~"~;' - . I ~,l,'L_b_,'"" ,I .'." \-:- .J:'/,< f~'\:S' ' STI1UCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN · FIRE PROTECTION CO:JE CONSULTA.II.JT · PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTiON September 12. 2001 Rainbow Valley Construction 232 W 5tl1 Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 RE: 6922.6934,6940, and 6942 A Street. Sorinafield, Or_- Compaction Test - W.O.13988- RDR As you requested, a compaction inspection of the gravel under the proposed foundation has been performed on this site In preparation for the construction Involving foundation for the proposed structure. The excavation involved the placement of a maximum of 12" of 1 1/2" minus crushed rock, The compacted surface of the crushed rock is adequate to support a conventional wood frame restdence with a standard foundation per 2000 State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code as adopted per the local jurisdiction The compaction of the gravel surface is greater than 95% of a standard proctor, per ASTM 0698-91. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. If you have questions regarding this report, please contact me at 484-9080 Sincerely, Bradley R. Myers P,E. " .t(~.-t; ?il~(' ~y ~~ I, . " . \\\. ,. ~ ..... , ", ..\'-.- " Sep-12-01 02:57P Mo~tier Eng & BUilding De (541)484-6859 P.02 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. OREGON 974D1 PHONE (541) 484.9080 · FAY (54') 4B4-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGOill 1.677-661-9959 ~ \l.. 'II /,' " ,",~i~lDj..~,; ..:1), . . "( ,'1< 1,-;" . .' ~"'1'~.1 ",: . ? Il LI.a-'J:..:.':"" ,I, ", " \' '(,/":'1\ \'- STFlUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECT!ON ~ MORTIER ENGINEERING, Re. BUILDING ANALYSIS REPORT Stat..~..",l orCoaditioDS smd Limitatiom CLIENT:Rainbow Valley Construction W.O.itB911Il-RDR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 6922, 6934, 6940. and 6942 A Street, SpriniBeld 1. Type of lnspe~im ant! items inspected is limited to: a. Structural Conditions b. _ Weath.;.. ".""ling (Exterior surfilces) c. _ Storm Drainaee (Building. Site) X d, _ Site Conditions (Soils. Geological) e. _ Plumbmg (FIXtures, Piping) HeJltlng (Furnace. Heat Pump. Air - Condihoning. Fireplace. Stoves, Chimneys) g. _ Electrical (Service, Wiring. Outlets) r h. Other The L '......_ _ Ii fir die pwptIfil! ufalertq tile dJellt III nJIVOT deflaellCleS In !be coocittlOll of tile property descnbed above and accordmg 10 the condttlOllS llOIlIaaIed mh rqxlrt lIIld dus s:..~_..._ The.............. and ftlIIOrl arc ....f". .......d and prqered fur thl: sole. CCldidcntlullllJd c~clusivc U5C and po53CSSI'01l ofthc CLIENT No obhption or ,........~lllhty to ctbcr ...,,,...15 1l!lSl1l1leCl Tblll....r-~'OO IS oflhe readity tca:sslble _ of the buil4mg alld L!llnn!ted 10 vlllla! Obgel'\llltlons ofapparcn: c;o1ldttlnas eXJStIDg &t ~ IBnC ofthc 1.......___ l.tilentend.. ".~..Ied dcfi:c1s IllId dcfic:JCDC1~S are cla:luded ltan lbe ;...,........00. cqUtjlOlCnl, ClOl'lslrw;tlOlI &lid !)'SIems wIll ROt be dlSJllanllcd Ma"...._,.... lIIMiolher IlenIl1lY be ~.J,tutlhey Ille nota pm moor Ir~.._...... The rcport IS DOt a CQmpliancc Inspectlon or ~rtdicatlon fur pIUl or fn'lICIlIl sm-. ......... codes or replabollS of lilt)' land. The ..,......:.on 8Illl report do lIOf add1ess aad are JlOI iJ1tl:ndlxllo Ild~1IS ~ possible pmcncc of or danger from any potentially harmfu 1 subslant:es and .., .' , " ,<oJ IBzlInti lfd~ bulllOt IlmllCd to radon gila. lead pamt, asbestos., u~a fonneJdehyclc and ID>uc or 8ammable chemi"l!" Any relitreDCes !11iICle IDII1eae ~ m our report IS IIIlIde forthl; wlc plIl'p05CS of alerting our ehCIII to tbc posgblhty ofthmf existellCe We are lNking no po5lbve delmtIIr1atJc!t as 10 llleir accuaI ...-.-.... as M: do not do Ial ,..."_ " :....,:.... IfCUENT WIsbc>s Ill\Y fin1hc:r WormaUOIl or . . ._.~.._ndatioru; 11'1 regilrd to tM ,............. oflhc5e substances.. we TCIlOIIIlI1CIld ......__ing I spccJal~ emuonmcntal OOIIlr&Ctor The report 4__':' _, the property <:ondJb<lft and sIatus .... the "'101 of l"..,..JOIJ The putpQee .. to alert c10ents to ~_._..: defects SuiH;w1ice soil ....JL..... JllL....;;.Je 1IIC8S and bturcs, applUlZll:eS. secunly alarms, In... ~.._ system&, so1ar bcatlll8 sysrems or pIlIIel&. sprmkler systems. qm.~ plOl!t 'WIer~ Q:IIIn] v.-m 5)'--' and tk .' -.-..._ Of ab6ellal ofroclems. tcnmlel; or 011=- wcas are specIfically excluded fium the scope of thIS rqnt While every .,..,."..~I.c1bt_lt1IlIctoj_.....,~,.lhD... .r"", condrtions, 110 prlUllees Il/'e eqressed or ~aed !l./o ..",...,..ibihty IS assumed b:8IIY RmsOlltSldl: ~SC1CIiZ oflllls L.~,~."" nor QUI "'0 bo held _..,.__.:ble 1'0< work r ..::.. .J by otben LIAbility Ibrdamap arlSin& 0lU oferrors 01 DIIlI5PlU5 sbaU be l~ to the allIt ofiM 900pC oL,.,. i .:101\. No" .'. .. .1IIaUOIlIl are made concen\IlIg the arehitec:runll 01' en,...:. _. .... CODdItlOllS Mortier Englnccrmg. lIS cmpI~ aad agents, lISSllrne no liability 01', ...'. ~ibllny fur the coot ofreplllrlng or replacmg any ~_...,neC dcfCCl'l or dc::_---..,edbcrcum:mtallrisins mdle future, or for any ,,'....., damages. cousequenhal ~ or bOdily In,hary of allY nature 'The wpcalOft and rqxtlIllC lit mlcniied a 10 be laIli as a guamntef or warranty, ex~ at unpiled, regardIng the adeqllllCy. perlbrmana: or CORdillOO of any Inspected ldirucIl1re, ttcm or S)'Slem For MORTIER ENGlNEERING, PC g~11 ~ EngIneer c~..-...:...: 12, 20GI Slsrwure Title Date -,