HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-12-13 ..-, '~ .. l"'}!: _(Information ~.,. .To Build On " Engineering. Consulting. Testing SPECIAL INSPECTION Final Summary Report Decem bel 13,2000 Report No 722-90455-10 MI Richard BllggS Matellal Recycllllg, lnc 80 West 231d Avenue Eugene, OR 97405 ~02122<.i' (j((fb ~ ~"i?~ ~Q ~ :.; DEe 2000 I ~' .... ....-V...... jI.) ('I) "~,..:,:: '~.' 00 ~ ';.:'~ .,. , " 18 c;. ~ .i..J':,.' '...:.- w <"0 GJO <'6 /"" c9<'9Sf7~t.\. Rc: DIck Bnggs BUlldll1g 720 35th Stleet Springfield, OR Deal MI BIIggS TIllS IS to certl fy that, m accordance with Chapter 17 of the Umform Bmldll1g Code and deSign I equlrements, we have performed SpeclallnspectJOn at the above referenced project on the followmg Items Sods Observation :2 High Strength Bolts 3 Structural Weldmg I nspectlolls and tests were perfoqned and reported accordll1g to the reqLIlrements of Chapter 17 and as directed by our chent To the best of my knowledge, the work Il1spected was performed III accordance wIth the approved plans, specificatIOns, reVISIOns, applIcable workmanship provisions of State BuIldmg Code and Standards and Ul1lform BLIlldll1g Code Note Our firm also performed Ill-place nuclear denSity testll1g of base rock for the bUlldlllg pad locations and pt:rformed contmLlous 1I1spectIon durmg pile dnvmg operations FOI specific detaIls I egardmg our lI1spectlOn and testll1g serVices, please reference our previously subm Itted I epO! ts lZespectfull y subm Itted, P, ol(',I.\'lonal Service Industries, Inc IK V If\J f,tl' --"~_.' (k<:.... J' r \...,. J...(}.JAAA...- \'r J Raymond V AlIpertI Depal till en t Manager c City of Spnngfield PM Hagel & ASSOCiates - Pat Hagel r' ProfeSSional Service Industnes, Inc. 1040A Shelley St . Spnngfleld, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163