HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-11-6 fC I . ~q FORD ~ '1:55 ~ =A553-'1~:R LAND SURVEYING . CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION . WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS November 6, 2000 Bruce Wiechert Custom Homes, Inc 3375 Park Hills Dnve Eugene, Oregon 97405 Attention Mr Dernck Westover RE: Subgrade Evaluation 909 So. 67th Street Springfield, Oregon Permit No. 00-05284-01 On November 6, 2000, an engineer observed and hand-probed the subgrade exposed on the above referenced residential bUilding pad to assess beanng capacity and shrink/swell potential of the soil The follOWIng observations and recommendations are presented to assist In the foundation and drainage design for the residential structure The building lot is located on a northwesterly sloping site The rear of the lot has been cut Into the hillSide exposing an approxImately 5-foot high vertical face of the near surface sOIls The upper 2 feet of the site IS comprised of dark brown soft topsoil underlain by varying degrees of weathered basalt. The building Will have tiered foundation with the majority of the liVing space on the uphill side of the structure The exposed subgrade at the time of my site viSit IS sUItable for an allowable bearing capacity up to 1,500 psf I recomm~nd that 12-inches of crushed aggregate be placed over the subgrade immedIately after excavation to stabilize the mOisture content of the subgrade soil and mitigate the potential for sOil shrink/swell. The aggregate shall be compacted to at least 95% of its maximum dry denSity as determined by AASHTO Method T-99 Adequate subsurface drainage of the bur/ding site is imperative. During the site ViSIt, a 3-lnch dIameter drain-pipe with a filter sock was placed around the perimeter of the building pad and Will be covered With open graded aggregate A drain should also be placed adjacent to the base of the footing. A typical footing drain detail IS attached. I recommend that landscaping and soil adjacent to the foundatIons be sloped to direct surface water away from the structure, roof drain should outlet to the street and water should not pond adjacent to footings Ronald J Derrick P --,./ Pnnclpal Engineer .. ~ .. . ~ RET WALL ///-<--\'<// /~ ~\Y(// 12" IMINI 0f7/ @~ r--=-----, 100 00"01 "0 l> O' 0001 I fl' C ~ I LJ C> /l 0 IDD (}oc'l~ o I) j ~ I 0 .0 0 I ~ p ,Co D () I ~ I ~ 0 0 .~ 0 ( Il() 0 AO. 0 () I II, U <J ,6. I L.:=..., Cl /-- I rl" J o\~Y I ---L \.:__=7 /I/~'o/ .. PROPERLY ;;:- COMPACTED BACKFILL ///~~'o/ ~ -%" CRUSHED ROCK H 2/3 H . . --=- - FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE 3" DIA. PERFORATED A B S OR ADS PIPE NO SCALE RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL