HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-3-23 \ 'I ,. , Mar~~l-mo 12.36P Mortler ~ng & ~uilding De ;,' I I 1- (541 )484--685g , " . '" - I ._~,~ _ti~ I \, .-.. P. 02 ;; " M()fiTIER '~~GINEERING, EC. _...__. ......_.. '....n_.... .,,-.-.--......._ ......-~ ._-+5 PEARL STR~El EUGEN~, OREGON 97401 ' ?H0NE (";,\1) 484-::jf)80 ~ FAX:'(5411 ~84-63S~ T:)LL FREE: IN C'REGOt~ 1-877-6f',1.')f)5~ 't,.... STRUCTURAL BUILDING DE::S1GN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION .Marcll 23,2000 /' \ , I I -' ".. Patnck Homes 4021 Hampshiro L [lne Eugene, OR ~174CH RE: "1047];. 6~b I - Compaction Test - W.O, #12583.-RDR As you requested, a compaction inspection of the gravel under the proposed foundation has been perfo;med on this s1te in preparation for the construction invohnng foundaticns for the propos8d resIdence. The excavation Involved the placement of a minimum of 12" of 1 1;2" fY!inus crushed rock, The compacted surfac~ of the crushed lOck IS adequate for 8{ f,,oundation bearing capacity at 1 000 psf~--Th~.'?mpaction of the gravel surfac8 is gre~H~r than 95% of a standard PluctO(, per A$TM D6m~'":91, I . , ., ! hope yOLl find this report adequate for your purposes at this time. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. If you have fU!1her questions, please do not hasil Jte to cor:lact me at 484-9080. ./ \ ~- Very lruiy yours, Emile Mortier, P.E. T,jM/jn ( 'l"Il-IQc.rJo:.r:2 .:- r, ,^