HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Application 2002-2-21 r .-" PCJlGE ENGINEERING .F~:541-485-5624 Apr 12 i' 8:57 FEDEAA' . EMERGENCY MANAGEMENt ,AGENCY' . NATli 'riAL FLOOD INSURANce P.R.OGRAM EL ;VATION'CERTlFICATE tmportalrt: Read the instructlons on p;i e$ 1 .7. . . - sl!CTiqN' A. PKU,.ERTY OWNER IIlFOflM.6.T10N . BUI~CiJ'lG ':;;,NER'S HAM!! . "TOM ~!J!- CD~ <;""OM.~ . . .' . BlJII.OING~'" ACOIlESS (IntlllClingJIpL, Unit. Suilo, .nGlor 81d;. 1'10.) O~ P.O. !'loI.lTEANC SOX tlO. ",-rci ...>><c.-c- l,-~e....' . . em' STATE . ~Pl&\.u."\e..t> i... oc:a- PFlOPIOR)t :~scRtPT10H (~Ol .nd B:cei!< Nwnecrs; Tax pargol N~. L.egal Qescriplicn, et=.) . (.0" ll:z. L..i"l y..,-!.c..~.e.. z,1:!Il Ai::o-'TIO..l PII.'!L"S -, t>2-":> \,....z '1I~ ~ c.ou....-n: BUll.OtNG use (0.;', ~1lI1. tI.......idenU.I, Addilllll, _"I, elc, Use Covnm_ _n W ~'IY.) l:O.eo5o>\ ce......,., ""'- . .' \,ATrTUof1t.c;.Gli1Jce (OPTiONAL) HO~NTAL o.o.TUM: (..#11.","" or ".,.,.,." WNAD~1l27 WNAC19a:! , 0.M_B.No:3067.,)071 Ex;lires July 31. 2002 ,. , . 'J P.Ol -cicoiie "'M~'" . 1"1.""" lZ-e.t.Oeo<:o . SECTION e .~COC INSUR.ANCE RATE MAP (Ft~M1INFORMAT10N . 81. NI'IP cu;,,;~.., JTY I'II\~ & COM/olUNm HUM . 62. COUNTY NAME' '. I B3. liTATIi ~P8't~6'Fte,L.~ 4\'59'1"2. . . . .~~ . oa.eA~"" _ &&. MAP AHO PAN 85. S\JFl'1X Be. FIRM,INDEX . S{FIRMPANet.. I ~. F\.OCO I as. ll<'SE Fl..OOO a.E'JA TiON(S) NUMIIlO~ . 0A'lE' EFFEc=ElREVlSElJo.o.n: ,ZONE($). !Z"neAO..... dlllllll offtoocllng) <\-IO~c:.. \l~r /P' z,1'Io<, ".-z...qc:, . ."...~""')C. CS'~\. \ - .._' ' !l10. Indicate lrle source of 1I1e !l~S8 Flgod 8J"atioli (BFE) data or base ~ocd depth entered In as. . .' U FIS Profile U FlAM ~ Community OeIetmil1ed U Other (Dese:1~e): 911. Indlcate !tie e!ev8ll0n datum used for tile BF!: .. a9: 6NGVO 1929 U NAVO 1988 LJ OOer (Dw::1ll0)' . ~'2. Is the building 10Cllted In a Co;mal Sarrier RO$:lUr=! System (CBRSi are<! or Otherwise Protected AreiI (OPA)? U Yes ~N. Desilr-ation Cate: . '.. SECTION C. SUlurlNG !LEVAiION INFORMATIC'~-(SURVEY REQUiReD). . 'e,,1I0In9 elevations are :ased on: WConstnJctf>nOl'llWlnga' ~undb'lg Under Constructi.n' UF'oni.hed Construction . A new eJeva~Dn Certifo<:a1a will be re<;ulred whoil """sWellon 01 the building is cem plaw. . ' :2. Building Diagram Numb'" ~ (Seed the tUlIlllng diagram most .imlar lCO ltla bli/ld1nll tor which this c:arti1Icate is being comllle\ecI- see pages 8 and 7. If no diag~m aCClll'ltely /8llreseinta the bUlld;;,g. provic!8 a sketd1 cor photograph.) ,.' ;3. E18118l1.ns -Zones A1.A30, AS.~, A (with aFli), v:. V1.\i:lO,V (willi BFE). AA. ARJA.AAJAE. ARlA1-A3O, mAH; AAJAO Ccomplote Iteina ~a-i bol~ ._rdinll to. the bu;ding dia;ram :Jpecffled in Item C2- State the dalllm used. If l/le clatum is dilferanl.rroin . the datum'used tcr the BFE in Section a, CQnVer1lhed2l1Jm to thatllsed Iort,e 5FE. ShOw fteid measuremen1ll and datllm ccnvenllan calculation. Use t/l8 SjlllCll provided or the Com.."ants area of section D or Sec!i"" <3, u appropriate, tCl doc:urn8ltt the datLpn;..... _.ion. Datum '-"~ c~onlCom"',,"tS.""1?'" o.'!.'"l1:) l..DL#<<- r:>><~M ""? ~ ~.e.M.,Io. ~'" . EJilvatIon referenCe m.rt used_ ~ ~~,., Doel &oe elevation reference marl< used appeat~.. -' '~^lo o a) TQP oft:co!lOm n..r (lndlldIng t:aaem8tllarilndolunt) c;, l.... . .5L. ft.(aIj i ~9J~A~L 1 C b)Topofnuthi;herftoOl' c,\<4 .!l.,tl,t-l . LAN 80fW'I!;YOR o ~)BotIomoflowest~.rl:or.tlIlstnJC!U""mem~er(Vzon_conty) w/^ ._1I.(m) II . C~A:llIc.'1edsaraga(topofs/abl. . "il'!> .~1L(.)n'. I.....(,J. 1012 o e) LQWest el8118tion .f maCl1inety lIndibr equipment . ~ ~ Pro . servic:in9 Itle building "II ~ - '" tl(Ja) f i M o l) Lowest adjacent grade (I.AG) ~I,,? . \.'"1L(1IIIl I" .Ai.,,'~i ~ ) o g) Highest Idjao:enl grade (HAG) . '5\ ~ .;. ft.(.) J" \ JOHATH~ A. OAKES o h) N.. at pem'lBllent copenings (nand vents) wi"in '1ft. above adjacent grade I d- . . _' . If . C i) Total area of all permanent openings (ftcod """lIi" f3h \ ~<;;\ sq. In. ,""'-"';' ..... . os-.... ". ., I,.ZW?" seCTION D. $URVErrOR, ENGINEER, OR m'HfTECT CERTIFICATION. . ' ... ..- . rhis C8Ilincation II to be ~ned and .ealed by Ilan~ surveyor. engineer, or archilacllut/10~ by law to certify ei...".tion inIcorma1lcon. oertii't /lIat itJe WcmwtJan'.. Sm:DonS A. S. ami C '!Il /JIjJ oertilfc8te rvpresants my but eff;xU to irltetjril 1M data iivaIabJe. lJIldar.rtand tIlal an~ false sratemetit may b. Durosheble bv!ble .r.Im~Ontl78nt IJflder 1! U.s. Coda, Sedfoti 1001. :l:lm~S NAME \ I rP\. ~ . UCS'l$1i NulolSER __~-t\.~; oiL.l....,..~ot; . E . .. . COMPANY w.r.ce .pg.oC:~'J"" ~ ~O ~a..-.la;.,,04- PQk-- ~,!oJ,c.v;.G.I':!4.J. '!AA2.Ve"t'~ \~. y. 0,' . L.~L.- 1 ,........:..vv:--- STAi1! I ZIP::ODe IGNAnJlU: ~.A U,.~ bAn. reLl!I'HOHS . . (l.J.a.l, Z.1-~'O~ 'e.4;..~-~ - . SOURce: W GPS (Type~ LJ USGS QII3CI Nap . W CI/ler-"-: " '-, ..<"... POl=lGE ENGINEERINGafax:S41-48S-S624 l=I r 12 . iPORT ,Iu"'T: In thlSe ~s. eOPY~llo~d1ng Infon'llation fl'om ~ee1ion "" p 12 ~ jllDll'IG $TREET ..cORA"" (In<ludlng AlI'., v"", 5>1... ._ Sl<Ig. NIt.) Oil P.O. PlOUTE ANO BOlt ;;o.W _ Gr1.o1 -.Jk..eJe;;- ;::;"":""''"-_ ~. . ZiP ceOi . 0Iii rTY .; $TA-re cn4,1 ~ .,! ~PlLI ~..I:'l e.LC> . ,oer-. '.. "..crION C. SURVEYOR, I;llGINEER. OR ~CHITi!CT CeRTIFICATION (CONTINUE...) ~id" Q1lh1s elevation CerIIlicate lOt (1) ~Unily crlltcial. (2) lnSuratlCll agonll=mpallY, and (3) b\lildinlI "",""'. ~. -~ ~ ~--"""""""..:! """'~ .... ". ~,........,.,...... .~ ..- ~P .. ......- .v- Wf ~ ....\oPQI..r1' 'GlF-~ ~ ~'f~ M ~ ~. ~~ of. 1\'If. 1W.~~~'T")'?"'tl1=- n"'''i!'. -f-rtW~IollZX:>. <:-IT'( t:>"""'';'I/I.~~\7._~I' .e."')..' ~'^ GI'!>.l' ~~'1.0I4? ~'<1~ ' ~e ~o:.. c.o..Nu;t1!-O 'W ~.9.:.f04.,ja.. ~",. .\ 1Q1el;khel'll!.~ents SE!CT10N! . BuILDING !l.EVATIOIllINPORM1T10N (SURVEY NOT REQUIREC) FOR Z?NE AO AIlO ZON~(Wn.""UT8FEl ; "zoneAO and :zc"eJ;. (wi1I1OUI SFEl. ccmplelallCljts EIl/lrOIlgll E4. Iflha Sev<<lion c.ttJllcs/w is ~ forI'>> M$Ul1l1a1ting 'onnatJon(/lI'e.1.0MAorLOMR-F.s.ClfcnCJ7lll$tbjt~ .... ' I~ sufldir.g Dlagrom Number _ (Select In. bUI~9 dJagt8m (lloslsiml1ar Ie 1he building fgrwhidl thi$ ~c:ate is being~~'- SeG paga e and 1. If no dl.gram s=unoteiy reprttenlSthe.bundln;. provide a sket<:ll or pholograph.) . ~ The!ep of the bOllom ftoar Oncludln; basemer.t oi 8lIdolUre)' of 1he bullc1lngls . LL11t(m)' LJJn-(cm) U ,bove or U below (Checl< one) tlte hlglleit adjacairt gl'llle. :". ..' 3. For BIOndlng Oiagrame.~ with openings (_ paq. 7), the nPt higher nocr or elevated !loor (eleVation b). of the bullding;s , L-Ll1L(m) L.-LJitI.,(cm).a~ the higheet adI;c:anl grade... . . . . 4. Fer ZOntl AO only: If no !loed depth ".mber is ....abIe. ~ tile tep 0(1118 buaom !loOt elowiltod In .....ccrdaMC8..nth the cammullily's Aoodol.in manegem"," ordinance? U y... I J No '. ..JYnkn"",". Th,! local ofII<lal must cerlily lhlllnformation In Section G. . . " ..ecrlON F. PROPERTVct.YNeR (OR OWNER'S KJOyRESENTJ;.TNE) CeRTlI'lCATION . . - lie property owner or own..... a~.._. :.... 'Illr..entaliv. whO c;ompleleSSectlons A, S, and E for Zone A (Wilhollt a FEMA-issued or :l)nll"uni1Y-issuod BFE) or Zono AO must sign h.....' . ........ ~OPEflT'r C.vNe.~ OR OWNER'S .....rr><cR~c R~ewrr...TJVn ~. P.02 . .oOR~5ll ;IGAA T\JRe , AMeNTS STAT! ZIP COOIi l;OIlT OATE. TeUPI10"'i .' SeCTION G _ COMMUNITY INFORMATiON (OPTIONAl.) e local offlci.a1 who i, authonzod by l!iw or ordlnanee 0 admini$!er ;;;;community's fIoocllllain m~nagement ol'llinancs c:ari c;omplele . . Clfons A,a, C (or El. and a of this Elevation Certl1l'ot& Complel"-the eppncable it8m(S) and sIgn below. . '. - . . U The .ln1orme1llln I" S....en ~ W1IS takan from ~ei' doc:umentatlon tIuIl has been signed and embo$Sed by a ncensed s~, . ,"~",""!,,.~~~:-1.'.2.'5 aulhori:ed by ataje OlIOQII.w III eertlty elevation infonnatlon. (Indicate IMe sO\JraI and date Of tile . . .e1...a~h;JIlItlt.iqJI".~mmOnt?'iree Ilelow.l i . . . ...... . ".' . U P. c.'lm.~~o~da~=":~~~islldlon E for ~ b.1td1n9 located in Zone A (withOut a FeMA-lsSued or alrnmuni\y-iasued ElFE) or .Zone"'O.. ..." ....,.. .. . . -. . . U ,,;e'riiif~g.;ICi';'8tt.lrOlCi.is;G<I-G9)..is profided for =mmurrity ftoodp1.in managem..,t~seS. 4. PEAAlrr Nl.iM6ER G!. CATEPERM.i.ISSUEO .' G8. elA C8'1TIF1~ ce .. . " ,. . : .. ISSI.Il!ll . 1h1s.?enn~ ~.~sSu.od for: LU NIlW c~n 'w SubstantJallmprovement . Elev.aUO" df'~ ~'fi~ftnd?din91l..emeitl of the building Is:. . SFE or O~ne"'Ql d~.~ ft~ing lit tti. bUl1dit1l iita is: lCAL ~1c;!AI:::i ~. '. '. 1-' Cheek Mere If ,:!ttadlll",(ll$ .NCEiOCCUPANCY I. _ . _It.(rn) Catum: ._ft.(m)Oatum: TITI.C TE..ePhONE ;!MalIUNITY - elATe , ;jI'lA'NRe JMMI3'mi - r ChElcl< hen! if ,?~~menlS ~IO;II A(,';;.~ Al r PRl'\IInl ~"'.l=nmn....<; IA.~""" A1~'1 AI~l:lA . .~. '..