HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver APPLICANT 5/11/2007 " ......- ....u....o .I.l:It4 4I~ Ci.U"'UO~ '-.It I VI' i:tr<<H'i1 w. I(g UU2 City of Springfield Developxiient Services Department 225 F 1fth. Street Springfield, Oregon 97417 Phone; (541) 726-3759 ' . Fax.: (541)726-36.89 SPRINGFIELD FEE WAIVER NON-PROFIT AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROVIDERS ~tz,E..\H~ ApplicantName CO~O~I'-(l( SE:.iLV,ctS Phone: 541- GIZ -~lf2<O (Print Name) . ' ApplicantAddress.1!b"lZ MPm,.) !5-r~(-t.-(~ S~',.:)G-tn~; o~ q'}-yq..'=t "5 p~ ~"'8~ . Property Owner Name Q..tot-Ctt af- --rrti. RWti/..X;.}J Phone: -51.f I - f)1.{ l. - 22.1)~ (Print Name) , Property Owner Address '5 AMe 0...<; a. ~ d \J{'~ Assessor's Map No. '/C) - 4>3 - '56 -1..{ I Tax Lot No. a't6 (j <i Property Address ICqb M.fTl~ ~~1 , - Applicable land use application fees for affordable housing units may be waived by the Director in order to encourage the construction of affordable housing. Affordable housing as defined below shall be either newly constructed rentals or home ownership housing, Waive fees for: t)~.u...d M~' J<5<;ut;'S Mlkt; AJ 6-, . . . (lDdic~ffordable h~~ing Calegorie~ that apply t~ proje~l) ',,' 7~ (~) Rental housing, re~ted to, households with incomes below (iO% of the area median income, as determined by the Federal Housing and, Urban . Development (HUD) income limits ~ effect at tJle time of submittal. (b) Home ownership housing sold to households with incomes below 80% of the area median income, as detennined by the HUD income limitS in .effect at the time of submittal. The' property owner a~es to 'enter into a contractual agreem~nt with the" City for a five. year period of affordability for each project to assure compliance with the stated intent of the project. 'Criteria of hgreement per SDC 1.070(3)(a)(1 )(a through f) shall include the _ follov:mg: . . , , 1 -- -- -- _._ _ r ______ ~ uu., a. Proof of registered non-profit status; b. Adequate docmnentation that the housing meets appropriate standards regarding household income, rent levels, sales price,location, and number of units; c. ,For rental housing, adequate docwnentation that such housing shall remain exclusively available to low-income households at affordable rents for the 5- year period of affordability. d. For home ownership housing, adequate documentation that this housing shall be sold exclusively to low-income households at an "affordable sales price, and additional documentation that if the bousing is resold within the 5-year period of affordability, such housing shall only be sold ~o another low-income household at aD affordable sales price. - e. Adequate documentation that if. within the period ofS-year affordability, the use of the property is no longer for low-income housing, the owner shall pay the waived development fee(s) .GULLI which the owner or any prior owner was exempt; and" . . ' f. Recording of appropriate covenants and documentation to insure compliance with the requirements set forth in this agreement. , , Certification and Acknowledgement; , . r. '. This Agreement, entered into this // -day of 11 ""'1, Z. eo 7by and between the City of Springfield and ~~ C?J^ r.Q-"I Muu-t~ ~..,(..'l'$hereinafter known as the "Applicant", in accordance with Springfield Development Code Section l.070(3)(a}. I, 6A-f( If ~hfll_./,'4..r ' . (applicant's representative) certify that <- -. '\~ jJ,'Q.,#t ,~ ~JIVI ,< JV~ (applicant's name) meetS all criteria for determining ~]t.e-t..u(W- eligibility for aU applicable land use application fee waivers as an affordable housing , - - ( ( provider. ' " ,Ie l7 B7 , hQ\D~Q' ~Si~.~.) . ',.. 'fflll/or:' .' ~I<t C-I'. r"'9/.~o(' .-. Ar;;,.name} , Date J40-::J vI~J g C~~ Y / (fU.--r~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant and City have ~xecuted this Agreement as of - this date: , ,,''', . . <> (cont.) .2 ' . '--4.&.... V. ..... a'.....~. III If!IUU~ APPLICANT REPREffATIVE, Signa_ W g 69i'li II ~ j)A1E: (pnnt name): V I . ~ : . I , Signature By: ' +>ATE: (print name); 5/;;/07 ' _ OFFICIALS~ JJ:FF PROCIW " I NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 409159 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 1i 2010 . STATE OJ. OREGON, County of Lc...., <. . i f1... II - , ,'2..01 (date). Personally appeare4 the above named J>...J,..I.. Prr_flJ...... +-' , who ackn.owleaged the foregoing instrument to be their v?luntary act Before me: '. I - , , /I I /'/ j~1 ./ ~//'I/ ~. N6tar{Public for Oregon My Commission expires: A ....J w..1 /. / t' ~. :z 0 to , CITY O~SPRINGFlE~ JfEPRES~NTATIVE ' . ' . Si~B~ 'iJ!;~ate: . ~/2-//C6j7 STA ~ OF OREGON, CoUnty of VafU/ ' '. " .l'b&tif . ~ (date). PelSooally appeared the above named '" - , ~1f/' 1J1 ~/ " who acknowledged thefQrego~gi~entto,be . their voluntary act. B.fo~e: . f. / ' . <'. r~/fJu:.I " . . ~__-'~""Cl"''''' "." '.- ) Notary Public for Qt~gOD " '.' , OFFICIAL SEAL - - - __oW. , u, r '; , BRENDA JONES ' , ., '. ~ t'Y1- ~()I ' NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON 6 _My COpmnSSlOD exprr~s, g l r;I-, .;' _ COMMISSION' NO "379218 ; , ," < ~~~~'~.~fl~~S~V.27,2008~ . " ~' \) " 3