HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/8/2005 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } } 55. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my caQaQitv as Secretary, I ,prepared and cq~sed to be D({~6 Of? r o-o-C)! g '-'1-k bl-m r-e4J f<-?V{ 4L>. mailed copies of ..Hili1t L fr1:- Du'~ <i:1 ~ (7j)!1iJ.:f:LlfU'ltY L!t' yu":''Y,mtee u . ~~' attachment "A") on Iff ~ , 2005 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. !&r;i;'fMl Brenda Jones' D - Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane (}JJ A 11. ~ , 2005 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Se~~~a;,'-'who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: '{-....__......,.... I '\ ~ - - - OFFICIAL SEAL ." t , SANDRA MARX , NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON ~ COMMISSION NO 385725 R.... ~ _ !:1~ ~~~~~?~ ~~~~RES NOV 12, .20~j ~'01\~ My Commission Expires: " /12-/ O~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 (541) 726-3753 NOTICE OF DECISION LIMITED LAND USE DECISION HISTORICAL REVIEW APPLICATION, TYPE I MINOR ALTERATIONS: SITES OR STRUCTURES DATE: Apnl 8, 2005 JOURNAL NUMBER: DRC2005-00018 Tax Lot 6000 Assessor Map 17-03-35-13, addressed: 734 'D' Street APPLICANT and PROPERTY OWNER: Robert Consentino and MIchele Peniakoff 734 'D' Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: The applIcant submitted an Historical Review Application, Type I Minor Alterations: Sites or Structures Application, Case Number DRC2005-00018, on March 17,2005, to the CIty of Spnngfield for review by the Springfield Historic Commission on April 4, 2005. RECOMMENDATION of the Historic Commission on April 4, 2005: Approval of applicant's proposal with conditions as stated in this document. APPLICATION BACKGROUND: The applicant submItted the Type I application, which proposes to repair, preserve, replace and weatherize the Stewart House at 734 'D' Street. The focus will be on window repair or replacement with in-kind material and style. The applicant/owner wIll also complete minor repairs to the sIding and foundatIOn as well as exterior pamting. SITE INFORMATION: The subject property is described as Tax Lot 6000 on Lane County Assessor's Map 17- 03-35-13. The site is located at 734 'D' Street. The zoning designation is Low Density ReSIdential (LDR) wIthm the H-Histonc Overlay District. The Eugene/Springfield Metro Plan Dzagram designation is also LDR. The property is regulated by Spnngfield Development Code, Article 30 Historic Overlay District. Tax Lot 6000 has 48lmear feet of street frontage on 'D' Street and is (48' x 120') approximately 5,760 square feet. There IS a 14' alley r-o-w to the north of the tax lot, from which the garage has access The origmal1984 State of Oregon Inventory -Nomination Form - of Historic Sites and Buildings states: Primarv Sif!nificant - Contributinf! Nomination Item #106. paf!e 39 Both this house and the house at 746 'D' Street are prominent landmarks in early photographs of the CIty, dating from 1906. ThIS resIdence IS a 2-story, steep- pitch, gabled roof verSIOn of the local Homestead House style charactenstIc of the district. It has a hipped roof verandah that wraps the front, one side, and half-way across the rear [[The paired wmdows at the gable are decorated m Gothic tradition. The elevatIOns are fimshed with drop siding, a narrow comer trim, and are fenestrated WIth single one-over-one (1: 1) double-hung windows on the SIdes, and a large picture window m front. The front door has multi-pamed wmdows. A metal chimney extends from the center of the one SIde of the roof. A detached gabled roof outbUIldmg with an attached shed abuts the verandah at the rear]]. The property was mcluded in the 1893 foreclosure of the Spnngfield Manufactunng Company and the house was likely extant when B. A. Washburne purchased the land from Rufus Mallory m 1905. James E. Stewart, the brother of Joseph Stewart, owned and lIved m the house in 1912-1913, then moved to Klamath Falls. Between 1913 and 1923, Isaac E. Stevens lived in the house. The Stevens family is another famIly prominent in Springfield's hIStory. The house was owned by the Stevens family until 1938. In the 1920s, Prat Holverson, who was the proprietor of a Main Street butcher shop, lived there WIth his WIfe, Ida Platt Holverson, who was a teacher at Lincoln School. The house IS important not only for its representative style, but m its connectIOn with the Stewart family. Joseph Stewart arrived m Springfield from Missouri in 1852 shortly after the town's founder Elias Briggs. 2000 Ore1!on Inventorv of Historic Properties Historic Outbuildin1! Survey Form The outbuilding survey of 2000 depicts the accessory structure that is accessed from the alley and SItS to the north-east of the reSIdence as compatible in style and materials with a shed roof addition to the north. It has a pair of wood double hung windows as well as a single alummum slIder. It is considered Primary/Contributmg (1890-1915). Washburne Historic District Sprim!field. Ore2on Property Information Summer 2003 The follow-up Property Information Summer 2003 Report states that the dwelling IS claSSIfied as a Homestead style house, 1.5 stories, concrete foundation, gabled with compOSItion shingle roof form, droplap siding materials, decorative wood materials, 1: 1 wood sash windows, an addition on the side of the 2 house was added (no date), there is a small bmldmg behmd the house, and that the dwelling is m fair condItion with good mtegrity. General Finding of Existing Conditions: A site visit by staff confirmed that the house is still essentially as described above. WRITTEN COMMENTS: A Type I Limited Land Use DecisIOns does not reqmre the notificatIOn of property owners/occupant wIthm 100 feet of the proposed development; however, the Springfield Historic CommIsSIOn reviewed this applicatIOn proposal at theIr April4, 2005, public meetmg. The applicant presented the proposal to the CommiSSIOn. There were no other comments from interested partIes, nor did staff receIve any wntten comments regardmg the proposal. The site plan applicatIOn, Case Number DRC2005-00018 was accepted as complete by the City of Spnngfield upon its submittal date of March 17, 2005. It contained the required information necessary for review by staff and by the HIstonc Commission. General Finding #1: ApplicatIOn was reviewed and approved as condztioned on April 4, 2005, by the Springfield Historic Commission General Finding #2: The submittal crzterionfor a complete application has been met because the applzcant 's submzttal complied with submittal requirements of SDC Article 3.050 and 31.050. 3 General Finding #3' The owners submitted a Type I application proposal to repair and/or replace damaged exterior features and wzndows with Identical materials and design, which will not detract fi"om the character of the historic structure; therefore, SDC30.040(3)(c) and (g) have been satisfied. General Finding #4: The lzst of HIStOrzC Landmark Sites has been consulted. The property IS wzthzn the boundarzes of the Washburne Historzc Landmark Distrzct Overlay District and is therefore protected by Article 30 of the Sprzngfield Development Code The followzng code review requirements apply and were reviewed by the Sprzngfield Historic CommissIOn on Aprzl 4, 2005, at their public meetzng 4 General Finding #5: The purpose of Artzcle 30 and the goal of the Hzstoric Commission is to encourage the preservation and adaptzve use of identified Hzstorzc Landmark Structures and Sites. The applzcant 's proposal must meet the crzteria ofSDC 100(1). On April 4, 2005, at thezr publzc meetzng, the Historic Commission reviewed the proposal and found it generally consistent with SDC100(1). Finding #6: The Historic Commzssion directed the applzcant to review wzth staff, prior to replacement, all proposed window changes to znsure that the proposed replacement material and style meets the crzterion ofSDC100(1)(f) as stated above in SDC 30.100(1)(f) Historic Commission Recommended Condition #1: At their April 4, 2005, public meeting, the Hzstoric Commission and the applicant/owner agreed that all replaced windows would be made of wood, match the original window design, and match the original wzndow openzng dzmension. Historic Commission Recommended Condition #2: Prior to removal or installation of windows the applicant/owner shall present to staff detailed informatzon regarding the material, design, and dimenszon of the replacement window. 5 WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROV AL Primary The applicant shall conform to ConditIOns # 1 and #2 as stated: Historic Commission Recommended Condition #1: At thezr Aprzl 4, 2005, publzc meeting, the Histonc Commzssion and the applicant/owner agreed that all replaced windows would be made of wood, match the origznal window deszgn, and match the onginal window opening dzmension. Historic Commission Recommended Condition #2: PrlOr to removal or znstallation of wzndows the applicant/owner shall present to staff detazled informatzon regardzng the material, deszgn, and dzmenSlOn of the replacement window Secondary 1. Obtam any necessary permIts. 2. Provide the HIstOriC CommiSSIOn with photographs ofthe finished constructIOn. QUESTIONS: Please call Kitti Gale in the Development ServIces Department at (541) 726-3632 if you have any questions regarding thIs process. 6 qENT SERViCES 'lATlON ,TREET LO, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELr Robert Consentino and Michele Peniakoff 734 'D' Street Washburne Historic District Springfield, OR 97477