HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 11/14/2007 " r - " - " _L"-4 ..I AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON ( }' . } 55. } County of Lane I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DivIsion of the Development Services, Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of DLCD Notice, ZON2007-00053 Zoning Map Amendment (See attachment "A") on November 14, 2007 addressed to (see Attachment liB"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box wIth postage fully prepaid thereon. ~ V Brenda Jones Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 7h~ /4 ,2007 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, ~cretary, who acknowledged the foregOing instrument to be their voluntarY act. Before me: r~""''-'-_...'\.......r~..''....~......... ,." . . '" .... - - -........ A (I) OFFICIAL SEAL 1 SANDRA MARX 1 NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON 1 COMMISSION NO 385725 .L_-..:~~~~~~~~~~9.V-.2~~~,~ " ;;l' ~~J.AJiJ f My Commission Expires. IJ//~/ 2. ()O 1 I FedEx~ US Airbill Express Tr:ce~~ 8 6 3 1 Number 0757 9685 From Pfeasspmtandprssshsrd. DatlN(w_ 14. 2007 Sende(s FedEx Account Number 1054-6085-6 Sende(s Name K i r r i GR 1 e Phonel <)41 ) 726-3610 ComoanvC1TY OF" SPRINGF"LD/DEV SVCS Address 225 N 5TH ST DeptJFloorlS~oom CrtvSP R I NGF I ELD OR ZIP 97477-4671 State 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Firsr:24charactDrswlllappsofonlnvolce ),3 10, T. 3 To Recipient's Name Plan Amendment Suecialist Phone( 503 ) 373-0050 Comoenv Deuartment of Land Conservation and Develoument , ReCipient's Address 63') Cqp.i..tol Street. NE. Suite 150 We C'annotdellverto PO boxes or PO ZIP codes Dept./FloorlSulte/Room ~ Address To request a package be held at a specific FedEx location, pnnt FedEx address here Crtv Salem State OR ZIP 97301-2540 0368751909 e Store your addresses at fedex.com Simplify your shipping. Manage your account Access all the tools you need. SAC22 ~, Filrm IDNQ ,. 02:L5 4a Express Package Service D ~~;:.;,';.o~,Z~~~:~ht D ~~~'~~~~nClvemlght shipments Will be delIVered on Monday Saturday DellVe!)' NOT available unless SATURDAY DelIVery IS select8d D FedEx 2Day D FedEx Express Saver ~~,~~::~~~~:r:e~~~~Ond8Y ~~~lg:~~V;oT8vallable .~nle::d~~~~I:~~~:en~~:::~:d MInimum charas One Dound rate ----.J 4b Express freight Service D ~~~~p"'y';r.el!l~r shipments will De delivered on Monday unless SATURDAY Delivery IS selected . Call for Confirmabor Packages up ID 150 Ibs. D f:rt~e~~:J2~~:I~I~~ delrverytnselectlocBtJons.- Saturday Delivery NOT available ~ . To most locations. :l> Z C :z " Packages over 150 Ibs. D ~~~.~2:'~!~19ht Saturday DellVUry NOT available D ~;C~~b~n~ ~re!1l~~""", shlpmOntsWlU be d:flVOrod on Monday unless SATURDAY DelIVery IS selected ~ Z -Yomosllclc:a!=ns. 5 Packaging D FadEx Envelope* D FedEx Tube . Declaredvalua[;m:tSfJOO. :z " ~ c: . , ~ c: " " ~ ~ z '" C D FedEx Pak* D FedEx ~~~~~:~~~~~ ~~ Stllrdy Pak. Box D Other 6 Special Handling I Includo FodEll odd".. In Sccllon 3 -, D SATURDAY DelIVery D HDWWeekday D HDWSatunlay NOT Available for at FedEx LocatIOn at FedEx LocaMn FedExStandard OV9rn~ht, r~OT Ausdtbla ror P..'JCtlc!J:'o {1~lVfu" ~~~ ~~e~n;8~ ff~~tExprass FedEx First Overnight ~~ ~&~~ ~~~f:~:bn~S Does thiS shipment contain dangerous goods? Ono bOJl: muct bo ctlcc'tod 1 10 No 0 X'::arllttllChad 0 X::pefsD8ClamOll 0 ~~C~cgeUNl845_X DllngerousllOOdS(lnClud~~::~:~:~~::ShIPped~:~~I:~kallfnll 0 Cargo Aircraft Onty 7 Payment S,IIID EnlIlrFedExAcctNo .. Cnldd Card No below D Sender I D ReCipient D Third Party D Credrt Card I D Cash/Check AcclNo rnSecbon 1 will be bllJed kg :z " .. :l> ~ " :l> '" " FedExAcctNo. CredrtCllnlNo Exp Om z c .. c: c ~ :z 2 " " c " c Tolal Packages TolalWelght Tolal Declared Valuet $ IX! t~~~~:~~~~:e~::~~~~e:sV::;~J~n8~~g~~~~~i:~~~~8foGU~:~~~=:S~~~U~~I:T:the B ReSidential Delivery Signature Options IfyoufOqu1I88oQnBtufO chockO'fOc1o,lndml No SI~neture o ~a~a~~~~Ybelaft wrthoutobtarnmpa Slgnaturafor dellVary Direct Signature D Someone at reCIpient's address may sign for dllllveryFc:Jcr.;llC3. lfn~~~~~a~~a~~~re Drec'Plsnt'SlIddross,someone atanslghbonngaddressmay slgnfordarrvery F~r;;:::::' 15191 I 1 ~ Rev DlltlllO/00-PllrtI158Z7g.(C)1994-Z006 FedEx.PRINTEO IN U S A..SRS Terms And Conditions -y Definitions On this Alrblll, "we," "our," "us," and "Fed Ex" refer to Federal Express Corporation, Its employees, and agents "You" and "your" refer to the sender, rts employees, and agents Agreernent To Terms By glvmg us your package to delIVer, you agree to all the terms on thiS Alrblll and m the current FedEx Service GUide, which IS available upon request You also agree to those terms on behalf of any third party with an mterest m the package If there IS a conflict between the current FedEx Service GUide and thiS Alrbill, the current FedEx Service GUide Will control No one IS authonzed to change the terms of our Agreement " Responsibllitv For Packaging And Cornpleting Airbill You are responsible for adequately packagmg your goods and properly filling out thiS Alrblll If you omit the number of packages and/or weight per package, our billing Will be based on our best estimate of the number of packages we received and/or an estimated "default" weight per package as determmed by us Responsibility lFor Payment Even If you gIVe us different payment mstructlons, you will always be pnmanly responsible for all delivery costs, as well as any cost we Incur In either returning your package to you or warehousing rt pending dlsposrtion Limitations On Our Liabilitv And Liabilities Not Assurned o Our liability In connection With thiS shipment IS IImrted to the lesser of your actual damages or $100, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, and document your actual loss In a timely manner You may pay an additional charge for each additional $100 of declared value The declared value does not constrtute, nor do we provide, cargo liability Insurance o In any event, we Will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, inCidental, speCial, or consequential, In excess of the declared value of a shipment, whether or not FedEx had knowledge that such damages might be Incurred, including but not limited to loss of Income or profits II }\ ,~ ~, , I " ~I I. ~'l~1~ r .- v . We won't be liable . ," 1-' 'J- '.i:;{;.' - for your acts or omiSSions, including but not limited to Improper or inSUfficient packing, secunng, marking, or addressmg, or those of the reCipient or anyone else With an Interest m the package - If you or the recipient Violates any of the terms of our Agreement - for loss of or damage to shipments of prohlbrted Items - for loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, mcludmg but not limited to acts of God, penis of the air, weather conditIOns, acts of pu)Jllc enemies, war, I stnkes, CIVil commotions, or acts of publlcauthontles ' With actual or apparent authonty Declared Value Lirnits . The highest declared value allowed for a FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak shipment IS $500 o For other shipments, the highest declared value allowed IS $50,000 unless your package contams rtems of extraordmary value, m which case the highest declared value allowed IS $500 o Items of extraordmary value mclude shipments containing such Items as artwork, Jewelry, furs, precIOus metals, nego- tiable Instruments, and other rtems listed In the current FedEx Service GUide o You may send more than one package on thiS Alrblll and fill In the total declared value for all packages, not to exceed the $100, $500, or $50,000 per package limit descnbed above (Example 5 packages can have a total declared value of up to $250,000 ) In that case, our liability IS limited to the actual value of the package(s) lost or damaged, but may not exceed the maXImum allowable declared valuels) or'the Yotal declared value, whichever IS less You are responSible for proving the actual loss or damage .. i;, \, ~ Filing A ClaiJll YOU'MUST MAKE All CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim Within striCt time limits set out In the current FedEx Service GUide You may call our Customer Service department at 1 800 GoFedEx 1 8004633339 to report a claim, however, yo.u mU,st st\1I file a !Imely wntte.n cl~l.m We aren't obligated to'aGf on'any olalm until you have paid all transportatIOn charges, and you may not deduct the amount of your claim from those charges I . If the recipient accepts your package without notmg any damage on the delivery record, we Will assume the package was delivered m good condition Forus to proce~s your claim, you must make the onglnal shipping cartons and packing available for inspection ~ight To Inspect We may, at our option" open and Inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver Right Of Rejection We reserve the nght to reject a shipment when such shipment would be likely to cause' delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel, or lithe shipment IS prohlbrted by law, or lithe shipment would Violate any terms of our Alrbill or the current FedEx Service GUide .. C.O.D. Services COD SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS AIRBlll If COD Service IS reqUired, please use a F'ldEx COD Alrbill \ , Air Transportation Tal( Included A federal excise tax when reqUired by the Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion of thiS service, If any, IS paid by us Money-Back Guarantee In the event of untimely delivery, FedEx Will, at your request and With some limitatIOns, refund or credit all transportatIOn charges See the current FedEx Service GUide for more mformatlOn Panll5821S.Relt lMl6 il DLCD Notice of Propo_sedAl!leo( ."!_~~t THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD AT LEAST 45 DAYS PRIOR TO 11111: ~.ST EVIDENTIARY HEARING PERORS 197610, OAR CHAPTER 660, DIVISION 18 Jurisdiction: Springfield, Oregon Local file number: ZON2007-00053 Date First Evidentiary hearing: 1/15/2008 Date of Final Hearing: 1/15/2008 Is this a revision to a previously submitted proposal? DYes IZINo Date submitted: D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment IZI Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Other: .~ Briefly Summarize Proposal. Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See Attached" (limit of 500 characters): This is a Springfield Zoning Map Amendment to change the existing zoning of approximately 1.05 (~5,500sf) acres from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed-use Residential (MUR). The proposed zone change will make the local Springfield zoning map consistent with the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram designation, and the zone change is not expected to be controversial. The tax lots: 4600, 4700, 4800, and 4900, as identifed on Assessors Map 17-03-35-41 are within the City of Springfield Has sufficient information been included to advise DLCD of the effect of proposal? Yes Plan map changed from: To: Zone map changed from:cc To: MUR Location of property (do not use Tax Lot): 1062 & 1072 & 1082 & 1096 Main Street, Sprfld. Or. Previous density:l resdn unit New density: 80% resdn units Acres involved: 1 Applicable statewide planning goals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Is an exception to a statewide planning goal proposed? 0 YES D NO Goals: Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special districts (It is jurisdiction's responsibility to notify these agencies. DLCD only reports this information.): Local Contact: Kitti M. Gale Address: 225 Fifth Street, DSD City: Springfield Zip: 97477- Phone: (541) 726-3632 Extension: Fax Number: 541-726-3689 E-mail Address:kgale@ci.springfield.or.us OLeo file No. SUBMITTAL REQlJIKEMENTS This form must be received bv DLCD at least 45 davs nrior to the first evidentiarv hearin~ per ORS 197.610 and OAR Chapter 660, Division 18 1. This form must be submitted by local jurisdictions only (not by an applicant). 2. When submitting, please print this form on light green paper. 3. Send this Form and TWO COPlES of the proposed amendment to: ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, Sl.JITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4. Electronic Submittals: At least one hard copy must be sent by mail or in person, but you may also submit an electronic copy, by either email or tIP. You may connect to this address to YIP proposals and adoptions: webserver.Icd.state.or.us. To obtain our Usemame and password for tIP, call Mara Ulloa at 503-373-0050 extension 238, or by emailingmara.ulloa@state.or.us. 5. Unless exempt by ORS 197.610(2), proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's Salem office at least 45 days before the first evidentiary hearing on the proposal. (The clock begins on the day DLCD receives your proposal.) The first evidentiary hearing is usually the first public ~earing held by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposal. 6. Submittal of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehensive plan or land use regulation must include the text of the amendmyn,t and anv other information the local government believes is necessarY to advise DI.!CD Qft~.t/ t/:ffyct of the nroDosal. "Text" means the specific language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulations. A general description of the proposal is not adequate. \ 7. Submittal of a proposed map amendment must also include a map of the affected area showing existing and proposed plan and zone designations. The map should be legible and on 8~ xII inch paper. Please provide the specific location of property, such as an address and/or tax lot number. Include text rel?arding: backtrround and/or the justification for the change, such as the application accepted by the local government. 8. Submittal of proposed amendments that involve a goal exception must include the proposed language of the exception. 9. Do not submit this form without supporting documentation. 10. Need More Copies? You can now access these forms online at http://www.Icd.state.or.us/. Please print on 8-112xll f;:reen Daner onlv. You may also call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fax your request to: (503) 378-5518; or Email yourrequesttomara.ulloa@state.or.us - AIThNTlON: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST. ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2007 -00053 1062, 1072, 1082 & 1096 Main Street ~J~L I I 1~.1 I I f'::lll 'i'J ,Will ~: ill ~I I ut.LLI I IffilsiU ~ILBlsJtJ 1>. .lliillJ."" ... ~ ~ llilBl . ~1I I 1 ~ ;$tdJlJJ t-AlSjJ LJ III I J ~.,f. I I I~I -P>~I-\7~ . -. -~.. ..~-LUJJn) tfJ(, I ~'UlL '1; tU H 'DJllillLllU ..t., '1'V A 1 Wsi Lf.JWOit. l._~rl I ~:f I i'~Ilili;~.I"4/~~T~:~ I 871 _ ~ . JJ(f.!- ~ ~- ~7f- - =l j1J -fLL . SITE Map 17-03-35-41 Tax Lot 4600, 4700, 4800,4900 FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY NE/4 SE/4 SECTION 35 T 17S LANE COUNTY SCALE 1. "" 100 R 3W W M '~l~;;:.r..i~~_.. ~:~_:-~:=" -_..,~ : ~~~~': 17 03 35 41 SPRINGFIELD NAD 83/91 .J I I I tl, I' . .. -;;- -;;- --;;-r,;- ..-;;--/" --..- --.----.. ...... . .. - -. BOO BOO ;/' ./.; :;'0- - - 1900 1600 1700 0 g I 1.00 13001100 1000 900 017 At; o U1, u...__ ~ I 1.220011____~__1__ 700 II i .,r;olc. , ~; ---~'-_SffiE_E+----___________~;; I I ~! : f ' I. 2:0 . w . ~ ~ W-- 0;- -..--- ~ --"----'--1'. - - . 3:00 - ~ : I '" ~. ;:; I 2500 ~ 2700 ~ 2900 3000 3100 3200 ::l 3400 i 3500 3600 I Of:: I '@p gf '~(f'~~' rg<:ft ~~! fT < iH I ' -(~~~ ----nr\~__ _ ~ ~~____j- ~ f I' ,:-tj~":. ~ ~ ';;;;'00' :_;:. ~ - =- 'P ~r. ,~ ': -~ - ~ '00 ~ ~ ~ "!'l r::: fai,- 'z ~ t f-.- ':;' I "He i 11 OB' '" -W~ I ... ...~l~. 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CS FilENO ~ lFILlNGDATE~ rB NARRATIVE \.., ~ ~ V) ftbmunents fOlUld and used as control ATe 1) West !lne 0 L C No 63 P K naIl set by tbe CIty & R R spIke at the 10th & D Street centerlIne ccnterlme interscctlon 2) Alley nAht-of way r ~ No 22432 & W' ITon pIpe Ii S/811 lron rod on south hne of alley 3) North bne of malO 5t C 5 No 22432 & 5/8" 1 Ton rod @ S E comer of tax lot 4800 4) North-south property hncs beIng parrallel to & deed dIstance from west hne of SaId clalln Record of Survey 0iURl11 OF TIlE BRI:1JlREN- ~pnnAflold No '" sr ~,SeL 35. T 175 . R , W . W M Spr Ingfleld. Lane C.ounty. Oregon Apn1 I, 1983 ~ " ~ 1,&1 ~ I" ~ ,,":J. oP 1\,fJ .,~ fP- BnmchHnglneeTlng ~ f.&:.4..I,I...kltJ 1 Pti )f ~s ~IONAL 212 Q ~tTeet LA"'O ~I, ~VEYOR ~pTlngf1e Id. Or /1 p;/'/, .(, - 1- 746-0389 ~~_ l OREGON J" t.EP1f~ ..l" ~l '11~ DONALD l BRANCH "}."U p AI""~rH r ~5"O' '" ,--- oS n"_' :SO~ E: rs ""'. (Q) 4SS <Xl' ~f; ,/ 6\'}1.l ~. t tI 2' II!- " ... 9-(~ ~.I'o ~D \) II J ~ ~ ,rI" ~. ./ oP j'# 'J} 1'" ~ ~~/r,ll .Q'~ ; -I,~ /~ ;b ALLEY /s-a"". { 6/iJ,) 1tpO T.::- /II 07' tfJ . 'I~ ~Ijb ~ A#j't .~ o " ~ C.S. I(; . ~. . l\\ ~.~ . " ~..... ~ till nA/N .5TREET I' $274U8 - .~.-~._~, -. . ,. " . ~.;..- 4 ;.~~(~;.:- -; l .. ..... .,. . . .. S233,11A f.I.T.123i! r '. , .J f ! ,j PARCEL I. +70::> . P.eglnnln9oat a l~tnl which Is 360 feet t.,t of . pof"' t~t 's 94.~1 flet SQuth 40. 40' tast from a point 10S.2 feet Morth of tM Southwst co..ner Of lne Paul Brattain Donation tand Cl.iM no. 63, 'n Tovnship 11 South, ta"ge 3 Yest of the w'll~tt. Meridian, running theee Elst 60 feet. more or less. to the mon~nt which marks t~. Southeast eorner of "ock No. 7 0' Btatta'ns ^dn1t'on to SpringfIeld, Lane County, Oregon, before same MIS v,eatedi thence Ilnrth 196.3 feot; t~ence West. 60 feet. Mre 01" less to a potnt due Harth of the heginnfng po'nti thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beg1"nin~, in tane County. Oregon. EXCEPT1KG therefrom that portion of the above described premises included in that certain deed Wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley. hushand and ~fe. were Gtantors and th. lONn of Springfield. .as grlnte~t re9~stered in Volume 14, Page 480. of the Certificate of Registered Titles, being lnstument Mo. 847~. PMtEL 11. Ii <boa 8891 nning It a po'nt 42,0 feet tast Ind 206.9 feet North of a point thtt is 94.57 feet South .,Q" 40' Eut fr'Olll I pOint 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Bratt'S" Donatton l~nd C1aim Ho. 63. in Township 17 South. RaBge 3 wrest of the Willemette Meridian. in Line County. Gregon. Ind running thenee South parallel w1th the East line of Tentb Street 206.9 feet. JOrt or less to the fwrth line of Main Street in Spr1ngfield. Lane County. Oregoni thenee Easterly along the Horth 1tne of Main Street 60 feetj thenee Nort~ paral'el with the East l1ne of Tenth Street 21D.! feet. more or less, to a roint 60 feet East of the beginning point. and thence West 60 feet to the place of beg'nn1ng. EXCEPTING nl[~t:FROM that certain tract conveyed by ^ndrew J. Waffle Ind Stella H. Waffl.. husband and ~fe, to City of Springf1eld, a ~ln1c1pal cor,orat10n. b1 instrument recorded October III 1940. tn Lane County Oregon Deed Records, under Recorder's Recept1~n H~. B8967. . " , . " ~ ".' " I PARCEL III. 4-"l 00 Beginning at a point on the South l'ne of Ute alley running Cast and West betwe~n Main Streit Ind -A" Street 225 feet Eut of the East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lene County. Oregon, and running thence tlst on the South lIne of said alley 75 feet. thence South paralle' ~th the [est line of Tenth Street 168.00 feet, fIIOre or less, to the f10rth Hne Of Main Street. thence Wnsterly on the north line of said Hatn Street 75 plus feet to a potnt eXlctlJ 225 feet East of the East "ne nf Tenth Street if extended Souther1y. thlnce North 1~6.OS feet, ~re or less. and porallel ~th the [aat "ne of !tnth Street to the place Of beginning, 1n lane County. Oregon. PARCEL tv. 4~OO 8e9'nnin9 It a point on the Soutll Hne of the a1t11 running East and West between Main Street and -A,- Street and 300 feet tilt of the East lin. of T."th Street In Britt.,"., Add1tton to Sp~tngft.ld, in lane County. ~r'fOn. as platted and recorded in Vo1ume 9. 'Ige 6. llfte County Oregon Plat Records, runn t"9 the nee East 60 feet; th,nce Sout" 180 feet, 1lIOr& Or less. to the 'lorth line of MaIn StreQt; thence W~ster'l a10ng the Horth tine of Mltn Street to a point ~ue Sout~ of ~be po'nt of beg1nning; thenee North 110 feet, more or les~, to the poInt of beginning. 1n lane County, Oregon. .. =: ,[ , ~..~ ~...-" .,),~,(jlt", . ~tl.~." . ..01 . " '111- , ",. r'" J'" t ''''. I 0' ~J ~ ..., .' i I . .'~ 1 ',' ~ .; ~. ,.\', 'f{:.l I~... .... ,. . r ' -. (. . -...... ..... r..- t ... , ~ t 16"::",,: I, ';"l~ ~ -:-~1',' ;-'. ~.~i' It: .~1' , ~ " f..,(. I I ..'" .....'...., .,. r ." .\" ~ ".;/t~t(.? t\:\",;.:~,J'J.i)..:!-J.r~it~J~ t~ ~.~' I ~-? .' f:.l ~ ......". -"l i ~ ......2.:......,~ t"'..' :;.a~i","-L ....... 1....~.. .~ , .- , . ~ .-. -- r T 1- ~ - V-~~_ -..t: ~.. - . P"; .,;,," - .... l' ~ . :.,:...... ~.::--~~r.. 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