HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work Miscellaneous 7/13/2005
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1) Feasibility of rezone and Impact Issues;
By ease Non::5
The purpose of a Development Issues Meeting is to discuss Issues that could
anse dunng development of a property For thIs meeting, a general map showing
zone changes was submItted for review. No facts, reasons or arguments have
been submitted on behalf of the applicant, nor has staff had the opportunity to
evaluate and consider a detailed proposal. The proposal would require a Metro
Plan Amendment and rezoning applications which would go before the Planning
Commission and the City Council Since staff hasn't considered all the
POSSibilities that might support or weIgh against this proposal, we can't possIbly
project how the Council will respond. It IS also my expenence that you predict
Council actIon at your own peril. DLCD will also have ItS opinion on the
amendment and rezoning.
There are a number of Issues and facts that we do know of that are undoubtedly
"at play" regarding this request, but It IS Impossible to say If time or
circumstances will result In a different outcome than the last effort to amend the
plan designation of this site (Home Depot). The City's Commercial Lands Study
(February, 2000) concludes the City needs about 250 acres of additIonal
commercIal land to accommodate demand for the 20 year planning penod (1995-
2015). Other than the Peace Health Master Plan, whIch includes about 45 acres
of commercial for a captured market, the City has not undertaken any effort at
addressing this deficiency.
The Lane County Home Builders believe, strongly, that the eXisting Inventory of
suitable and avaIlable (permit-ready) land for development of detached, single
family homes IS inadequate. The HBA are currently challenging in court several
actIons taken by the metropolitan partners that are unresponsive to the Home
Builders desire to proVide more low density Inventory, primanly through
expansion of the urban growth boundary I don't know If this argument has
gained purchase with a majority of our Council, but I do believe a majonty of the
CouncIl consIders UGB expansion as one of several appropriate options to
mitigate an Inventory shortage In-fill, redevelopment and redesignation are also
tools for Council consideration.
This proposal would reduce the MDR inventory and Goal 10 will have to be
thoroughly addressed. LCOG did a Eugene/Spnngfleld ReSidential Land Study,
and I can give you a copy of the Spnngfleld ReSidential Land Monitoring Report
Another factor will be the neIghbors who will have definite opinions about your
The City has imposed conditIons to mitigate the impacts caused by Plan
amendments This IS more tYPically a function of state law (the TPR, for
example), but can include Identifiable increased or negative impacts Conditions
can also Include Increased participation in Infrastructure, caps on automobile
trips, maximum bUilding footprints, minimum density, etc Until all the facts and
testimony are offered, It is difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate the breadth of
2) Ways to mItIgate campus industnal zone loss.
A major Issue will be the reduction of Campus Industnalland Goal 9 will have to
be addressed. I'm not aware of any alternative to mitigating loss of campus
Industnalland other than replacement. I'm not certain that there is any property
left In the city limits or UGB that IS on par with this sIte regarding shovel ready
preparedness It's inside the city limits, flat, well drained, fronts several hundred
feet of new collector street, is close to the freeway, is under single ownership,
and IS not encumbered by steep slopes, floodplains, or other Impediments other
than being in a one and two year TOTZ The Council was unmoved by the
arguments Home Depot made to redesignate Campus Industnal to Community
Commercial. I'm not sure things have changed enough to persuade them to
accept a loss at thiS quality site in return for more deSignation but at an inferior
site If one can be found.
3) Scope of traffic impact analysis. Goal 12
4) Infrastructure reqUirements: Collector street, all utilities including storm and
sewer to serve the entire site. Off site requirements.
By~a.~ /..)0 TE"S