HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 10/16/2007 ~ Brethren Community Services: Batch Rezone Application P~ge 1 of2 JONES Terry (Tara) From: MILLER LIz Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 12 10 PM To: Destln Ferdun, GALE Klttl Cc: JONES Terry (Tara), LAFLEUR Karen, DONOVAN James Subject: RE Brethren Community Services Batch Rezone Application - 1 Destln , We checked with the Planning Supervisor and the postage fee for the batch rezone application will also be waived Keep In mind that for the next application for development approval (such as the Site Plan Review) copies of the paperwork meeting the requirements of the Springfield Development regarding Fee Waivers for Non-Profit Affordable Housing ProViders Will need to be prOVided Please see section 2 1-135 In the Code, section C b and Items I through VI The Planner-on-Duty at the front counter can take the application In between the hours of 8 to 12 and 1 to 3 I looked at the attachments qUickly and It looks like It IS all there for Intake except the Owner's Signature on the first page of the application, (which I know you probably couldn't send, but don't forget) Please let me know If you have any additional questions Thanks, LIZ Miller Planning (541) 726-2301 From: Destin Ferdun [mallto:dferdun@lunabndge.com] Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:43 PM To: GALE Kltti; MILLER Liz Cc: JONES Terry (Tara) Subject: Brethren Community Services: Batch Rezone Application Planning Team Here IS the Re-Zone Application I would like to have the Springfield Church of the Brethren submit mid-week, So that It can be Included In Januarys batch process If you see any glaring mistakes, or would like additional information, I would love to know , AI~o, can you tell me what the application fee Will be (both reimbursed and non-reimbursed) (keep In mind we have both affordable hOUSing waiver, and batch process waiver potentially) They need to get cost approved through committee Also, should I have them talk to anyone In particular when they come In? Thanks everyone for all your help, we are excited to get started Destln Ferdun Real Estate Development Consultant 10/16/2007 ~ Brethren Community Services: Batch Rezone Application Page 2 of2 Lunabndge 3575 NE Shaver Portland, OR 97212 P 971-998-7156 f 503-284-3422 e dferdun~lunabndQe com w http /Iwww lunabndqe.com . <<Exhibit A - VICinity Map pdf>> <<Exhibit B - Deed pdf>> <<Exhibit C - Findings pdt>> <<_Zone Map Amendment Type III pdt>> 10/16/2007