HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/7/2008 SPRINIFIELD City of Spnngfield Development Services DepaI1f)tile Received: 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541)726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 MAR 11 2008 Original submittal Historical Review Application, Type I Minor Alterations: Sites and Structures Assessor's Map No. i 1- 0'3-_~5- 2.'--( LocatlOn of property . {Q4 b l (- ~ i S~e:t \--R-S \' d eV\ tt ~.J Tax Lot No: (jJ I J (0 OL) EXistmg use of property. DescnptlOn of proposal Lt. ~.5 c.J,..Q ~ cle-'~D\\~\~ ~ {l:~ cluthacecqJ (\ C r p c::...c:::; /") I.--~ S'~Ll P:\-1A~ J( ~ J _ _ I I" Owner Name: / e;YrS^ JI~",I<"1 (lJift) r: S.f (/ 1m jPr"Jli (ffl =.1kY?<:'~, !/I/V1 \ / i-vl . t:r ' &'10 c_ Sf-- 5pnnif, ,tic! . IJY.? cot! '7'7 q7 <17 7 Phone:J </ {- (P'if7 - 7z C(!J ,5l,PL YI r?J[YI KeJ / (/VJ ~pphcant Name Address: Address Phone ~(II. wI7-72'1\ The undersigned acknowledges that the info~~a'/this applicatIOn is correct and accurate. ~/ ApplIcant Signature~=-"'V /" A/ N""-- If the applicant IS other than the owner, the owner her y grants permission for the applicant to act in their behalf. ~Owner'sSlgnature. -y........"'" ~ ;I, / Please attach the names, addresses, phone numbers and signatures of any additional property owners. For Office Use Only: J~umal No. 'DRC- '2.008 - '000'2-0 Received By. Au____, Assessor's Map No. I~ - o~,.. 3S - ~4 Date Accepted as Complete Tax Lot No. J ( h 0 0 HISTORICAL REVIEW WHAT IS IT? The purpose of Hlstoncal Review is to encourage the preservatlOn and adaptive use of identified Hlstonc Landmark Structures and Sites Hlstoncal reView also implements the Hlstoncal pohcles of the Metro Plan, Washburne Hlstoncal Landmark Dlstnct, Chapter I of the Spnngfield Code - 1965 and OAR Chapter 660. Reference. Article 30 of the Spnngfield Development Code. HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. THE PRE APPLICATION MEETING: The prospectlVe applIcant is encouraged to meet With staff III a Pre-ApphcatlOn Meetlllg to become famlhanzed With the reView process and deternllne what is reqUlred for a complete applIcatlOn. 2. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The applIcant fills out the appropnate Hlstoncal ReView ApplIcatlOn describlllg the proposal and sublmts it to the Development Services Department accompamed by any other reqUlrements of subnllttal and a fee, when requITed, to help offset the cost of processlllg 3. REVIEW: Type I applIcations for Mmor AlteratlOns of Hlstoncal Landmark Sites and Structures Will be reviewed by City Staff Adjacent property owners and occupants are not notified. The types of Mlllor Alteration revIewed are: a) ConstructlOn, modlficahon or demohhon of accessory structures; b) Additions, partial or total demolItlOns or substantial alteratIOns to bUlldmg facades of non- contributmg and mtruslve structures, c) Replacement of damaged extenor features With Virtually the same matenal; d) Additions, partml demolItlOns or alteratlOns to Hlstonc Landmark Sites or Structures which fully conform to the standards of SectlOn 30.100 of the Development Code and which are not vlSlble from the street, e) InstallatlOn of fewer than four parking spaces, f) Installation of SignS less than four square feet, g) Any similar alteratlOns or use which does not detract from the character of a Hlstonc Landmark Site or Structure. Type II applicatlOns for Major Alterations of Hlstonc Landmark Sites or Structures will be reviewed by the Hlstoncal ComnllsslOn The Hlstoncal Conllmssion acts as the Development Conllmttee for issues lllvolvlllg Article 30 H Hlstoncal Overlay DiStriCt. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a publIc reView meeting and state their concerns, or send wntten comments. The types of Major AlteratlOns reviewed are' a) Additions, partial demohhons, or substantml alteratlOns to a budding fayade; b) Change to a more mtenslve use category as defined in the underlYlllg dlstncts; c) InstallatlOn of four or more parkmg spaces; d) Removal or radical trimming of large established trees or vegetation, except where necessary for immediate pubhc safety as determined by the City Engineer. e) Special use m the Washburne HiStOriC Landmark Distnct listed in SectlOn 30.080 (3) ofthe Development Code; f) New constructlOn of 1,000 square feet or more withm the Washburne Hlstonc Landmark DiStrictS; g) Any other alteration or use that the Director determmes may detract from the lustonc character of a Histone Landmark Site or Structure. 2 1/20/2006 ~.I ~..: JJ""'" J B] Lllr OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00020 640 "C" Street L:itB; ST "t" :-:..8;':-:::; ~':'<_._ "0 ::: 1- H, h 6:8'" .~ ..... '..". .VJ , ~"'." ,.;', T ~.~ ~ IT} 1'1 .~ "' : ~~ - ":; - (f) FE , 'c-J~ :~ ~ :::""f. ~ :=::> ~ I. LO P::~T s:! :;1 ~ ,.~~. 'w [E@[EOill [E '~I' I' MAJ - 8 2008 I . .... ~ -1 By_.,. S.l.l ~ Map 17-03-35-24 Tax Lot 11600 Circa 1924 G~t:2.1gc at 626 'c' Street .. , 'i} !::. .- ~ Property Hne between two garages. There is fire damage to both garages ~~~ "",""L...~ - ~~@~Dm~~ MAR - B 2008 --I By .,. -. r - _. -..- ~ -~-l L ~ - = 1- ~- r=-<~ r - -- ~ [:-_ ~ ~':I: r ~- I L__ L. ...----- - I -- ~- .~. '~~' ~~~-J {~>~ ~:~'. " ~. r""- :.. .........'- ..; -~ ~~,.: ~- - C.e' ..."f' 'T'~ . ...;""" l.r:: ''''' -~ ,...- - -~- -~ 1_'"1= .1 ~. -..I ~~..';;.,~ IIln...~-, ~~. IIL-_"~-W, ~ ""'" ,'" "-........ ""'t!"!"""""""''''' -.-:If ,", --] . . - ."lJtf' _ _~a "'- , ~ to' '..' '-~ --... '; .:;;.;:: ~ -~ -~-'-- .-"... -.. ~j ~ ..~.... ~'- .~ , _...:,,~ -:~~ ~~. ',: .~--;... ~ ~....-":..~.~~ . ~i.~":"""'.- 1 j ~. ~............. ....;:- ~~ ~,......,,, .~.t'~"'''''' -'" _ .......~. /- ~ i' . ........ ~~ --- 1, .. . J , 'j . t: " _. ~1G' .... 'J _ L: ,.. , .. \ 1 ...... ,I r:: .~ ~J-:: ~'-.._... .,;. ~_. ~ ~ -:=t!!; ....~ 3'.-:;'... ~ ~ _~~~.,;;::;-~ :;"..,r .-.;- ... I---~~~ , 7--, :. ,.;; i - - ..... "..--'--;= -=:::::z""'" - ...-'~ -- ~'..:i iIool -- ::;;;IJ , .- - '1'-<- .. ....... - -l I - -::"....., ~ ~ ~ .-- 1"; __~J """' ;""".-= .",. ;, -..------ --- -_..-..~ ....-. '. -- --- ..:.~ tt ;.J t' .: ..,., -l' ... .-. ---~ --- '\,::to- -- ... .... . . .k ~ ~.:."'-- ...---- -- =-- ..~-- - y 41" _ '" , - ."""",,-- ~~-- , ~ ~ @ ~ 0 ill [E .~\ MAR - 8 2008 l J By ~. " ./ C/. " /' ..... ...... / c:;:lIa ;r ~ ~6 ."./ ..,., ::i!~ ;{:. w: ~ _ os. ~:&.~ :'-~" ~~ ~,~~_', ~,~.: 1'!1,;t .,. ~~"";l:~;" I:< .- ~:~ (;. V It @ It 0 \!i lH'1 MAR - 8 2008 . i -)i I _:...1 2L MEMO: February 12, 2008 From: Kitti Gale, Historical Coordinator, City of Springfield To: Historic Commission Regarding demolition of accessory structure at 640 C Street On May 8, 2007 property owner Teresa Hensley discussed the restoration of her garage with me. She advised me that the structure had been damaged by the neighbor's fire in 1998 and that she had covered the roof with plastic and was researching what to do with the structure. We discussed the process of demolition and I sent her a number of details that would be required if she wanted to pursue demolition of the accessory structure. On February 11,2008 she advised me that she had received two restoration estimates and both contractors informed her that it would cost approximately $30,000.00 to restore the structure. Ms Hensley would like the Commission to consider demolition of the garage. There is no recorded of surveying the garage in the 2000 Accessory Structure Survey of Washburne Outbuildings, nor is the structure noted on the original 1984 nomination survey. The house at 640 C street is listed in the WHD nomination as being that of Secondary importance, but the accessory garage is not mentioned. Staff concludes that the garage may be considered a 'compatible' accessory structure, but not necessarily a 'contributing' accessory structure even though it may be circa 1924. Staff visited the site and recorded a circa 1924, gable-roof, horizontal board structure that showed signs of the 1998 fire on the west end of the structure. On February 11 th Hensley requested that staff present her demolition proposal to the Historical Commission at their February 12th public meeting. Staff advised her that she had missed the deadline for application submittal and recommended that she pursue the application at the Commission's March 2008 meeting. Springfield Development Code Section 3.30915 C 1 advises that demolition of an accessory structure be reviewed under Type I procedures as specified in Section 3.3-945. The current fee is $58.00 and doesn't require a 300' notice; however, staff recommends that a notice be sent to the neighboring property owners and that the Type I application be presented in a courtesy review to the Historical Commission even though. D)~@~DW~~ MAR - 8 2008 ..J By $ - -" ( --, ;' d i' ~ \ r SUBSTRUCTURAL REPAIRS t'" - .. June 2007 ( -1 ) I Dry Rot - Pest Damage Remodels - Renovations - Rehabs License #73518 - Bonded - Insured Gerald Smith Substructural Repairs P.O. Box 574 Creswell, Oregon 97426 GERALD SMITH (541) 672-5119 CEL 915-9100 ~ ..;.....l, ~ I .,- PO Box 574 Creswell. OR 97426 I i Regarding: 640 C Street, Washburne Historic District, Springfield, Oregon June of2007 Mr. Gerald Smith visit~d my home and inspected the garage to the rear of my dwelling. The garage was severely damaged in a 1998 fire, which originated in the neighbor's garage to the west of my property. The neighboring garage was damaged beyond repair and has since been replaced. I Mr. Smith advised me that he wouldi charge a fee to write a formal estimate and assessment of my garage. I declined his offer of a formal estimate due to the cost, but he I did agree to talk to me about the con~ition of my garage structure. It was his opinion that it would cost in the realm of $30,000.00 to put a concrete slab under the garage and replace and re~air the fire damage. He told me that he could build a new garage for less than $24,000.00.1 The 1998 fire damaged to the westerr portions of my garage and Mr. Smith said that it appeared to him that the garage was bnly being supported by the long, inside cross board and the rear wall. He thought perhaps that was one of the reasons that the garage is leaning. ~ ~ @ ~ 0 ill ~ ~l'il i MAR - 8 2008 j By March 6, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: We are writing this letter regarding a shed on our property at 640 C Street in Springfield. Weare extremely concerned about the safety of this structure. The building is leaning significantly and very unstable. We have small children who play in the yard beside this shed. In addition, we are worried about our surrounding neighbors, who also have young children and often park their vehicle in the vicinity of our shed. Weare requesting permission to tear down this structure. We sincerely appreciate your time and consideration of this issue. Thank you. Sincerely, r-',~ 1t..c"",-,-~.:; Teresa Hensley and Shannon Kellow 640 C Street Springfield, OR 97477 687-7295 rG)~@~OW[{8 if [ lJL MAR - 8 2008 ~' ~y----;---- -/ June 18, 2007 Teresa Hensley 640 C St Springfield OR 97477 Dear Teresa: The attached quote will show how expensive it would be to reconstruct your outbuilding. The building is in pretty bad shape and as it stands, it Is unsafe for use. It would be extremely dangerous to rebuild it, as the structural frame is rotten and unstable. Even recognizing that this is a historical structure and that you live in a historical district in Springfield, I would still strongly recommend demolishing this structure and rebuilding an outbuilding that is similar in historical style. As you know, I am a contractor who strongly believes in rebuilding and reusing whenever possible, but in this case, I don't think that trying to save this decomposing structure would either be safe or in your b~st interest as a homeowner. I am sorry that I couldn't provide a better outcome, as I know you expressed strong interest in saving this building. Let me know your decision if you should chose to engage me. Thanks very much, /. ~ ?lI&fI"'" {}.Jl. Susan Wehner Susan's Mobile Tool Box ~ ~ @ ~ 0 ill ~ -:1'1' u~ I ' , I' I MAR - 8 2008 !. : By Susan.s Mobile Tool Box 2085 Pierce Street Eugene, OR 97405 541-520-1415 CCB# 153580 Name I Address Teresa Hensley 640 C Street Spnngfield OR 97477 Shop Rebuild Matenals mclude 25Lx19Wx15Hpeak rebUlld supply's, frammg lwnber, roofing matena1s, concrete, floor lwnber, sIdrng matena1, and hardware Lane Forest Products includes removmg all prOject debns off customers property Contractor will recycle as much as possIble Rental Equipment mcludes, hOIst, jacks, and debns box Labor mcludes PIck up and dehvery of matenals, rebmld floor, hft bmldmg to msta11 new footmgs, rebwld roof, walls and doors Estunate mcludes add1nonallabor Customer will supply proper penmts for project ContingencIes allow add1nonal tune and matena1s for unforeseeable dry-rot damage Work WIll be based on tune and matenals Call to schedule Estunate is good for 60 days from date above I accept tlus estrmate and acknowledge recelpt of the "Consumer Notlficanon form" and "Informanon nonce to owner about construcnon hens" 6/18/2007 V~@~Dm~~ MAR ~ 8 2008 I ~ By Rate 9,595 00 2500 825 00 3600 Total Signature Estimate Date Estimate # 2546 Terms RetaIner reqwred Total 9,59500 200 00 825 00 15,12000 $25,740.00 Cc f 153580 ConSU'UHler Notification You can do more to protect yourself before hiring a contractor than the CCB can do to help you after problems have developed. Here are some suggestions to prevent problems on construction projects. Choose a licensed contractor Check if your contractor is licensed with the CCB at 503-378-4610 (24-hour automated inquiry line), 503-378-462 (CCB staff during regular business hours) or www ccb.state or. us with the contractor's license number or phone number. A license means the contractor has a surety bond and liability and property damage insurance. Licensing is not a guarantee of the contractor's work. Check the contractor's license category. Each category has different surety bond and liability Insurance requirements for contractors: · General Contractor-All Structures ($15,000 bond, $500,000 insurance) · General Contractor-Residentlal Only ($15,000 bond, $500,000 insurance) · Specialty Contractor-All Structures ($10,000 bond, $500,000 insurance) · Specialty Contractor-Residential Only ($10,000 bond, $300,000 insurance) · Limited Contractor ($5,000 bond, $100,000 insurance · Inspector ($10,000 bond, $300,000 insurance Check out your conl&C4ctor Ask for and check references. Get educated. Request a free brochure called "16 Ways to Avoid Repair, Remodeling, Construction and Don't automatically accept the lowest bid. Landscaping Problems." Use the phone number or web address below. Be smart during the project Take your time and plan your project. can also get a free copy by contacting the CeB by phone or at the web address below. Have a signed, written contract before the work is started or you pay any money. Only sign a contract when you understand all the terms. Make changes to the original contract in writing, including any differences in cost and extensions of completion dates. Read your lien notice. The business you contract with is required by law to give you a document called "Information Notice to Owner about Construction Liens" if the contract price is more than $1 ,000. You Do not pay the full cost of the job in cash before work begins. Keep good written records. Keep receipts, change orders, a phone conversatIon log, etc. Read your EPA pamphlet Contractors who disturb paint on pre-1978 dwellings must provide an EPA pamphlet to the Owner or occupant before work starts. Get a signed receipt and keep records for three years. Call1-800-424-LEAD. If you have a complaint Contact the CCB (use the phone number or the You can file _a claim against a licensed contractor Web address below). If you have questions about withIn one year of the work being substantially filing a claim, call 503-378-4621. completed. -(flcons-n/10-<J2) (Information in this brochure is not legal advice. For legal advice, consult with an attorney) - Construction Contractors Board PO Box 14140, 700 Summer St NE SUite 300, Salem OR 97309-5052 www.ccb.state OLUS, fax: 503-373-2007 503-378-4610 (automated 24-hour Inquiry line) '~~@~DW~-: MAR - 8 2008 J By How to Protect Yourself · When you pay your contractor for materials, labor, equipment or services, you may wish to consider making your checks payable jointly to the contractor and whoever sent you a Notice of Right to Lie~. · You can ask. for a statement of the reasonable value of the materials. labor. equipment or services provided to your project from everyone who sends you a Notice of Right to LielL If the information is not provided in a timely manner. the sender of the Notice of Right to Lien may still be able to record a construction lien, but is not entitled to attorney fees. · Consider using the services of an escrow agent to protect your interests. Consult your attorney to fmd out whether your escrow agent will protect you against liens when disbursing payments. - · Contact a title company about obtaining a title policy that will protect you from construction lien claims. · Ask your contractor. lending institution and architect what (nc\.4.utions. if any. they will take to protect your project from construction liens. o Get evidence that those who sent you a Notice of Right to Lien have been paid or have waived all their construction lien rights. · Have a written contract with your contractor. A written contract is required for projects greater than $2,500. and highly recommended for projects less than that · Review the Consumer Notification form (ORS 701), which your contractor must provide to you when a bid or proposal is made on a residential structure. · Contact the Construction Contractors Board (CCB) and confirm that your contractor is licensed. The law requires all construction contractors to be licensed with the CCB or landscape businesses licensed with the Landscape Contractors Board (LCB). Contact the CCB at www.ccb.state.or.us. 503-378-4610 (24-hour automated inquiry phone line), or 503-378-4621 (staff). Call the LCB at 503-986-6561. Should you have a dispute with your contractor, you may be able to file a claim with the CCB or LCB and be reimbursed in whole or in part from the contractor's bond. For more details about help available through the agency. write to the CCB at PO Box 14140. Salem. OR 97309-5052 or call them at 503-378-4621 ert 4910. · Consult an attorney. If you do not have an attorney. consider contacting the Oregon State Bar referral service at 503- 684-3763 or 1-800-452-7636. -. I Signing this Infonnation Notice indicates only that you have received it Your signature does not give your contractor or those who provide material. labor. equipment, or services any additional rights to place a lien on your property. Job site address 11Iis Notice Wl!.s furnished by: Received by: (Contractor) (Owner(s)) (eCD #) (Date) (Date) The material in this Information Notice is not intended to be a complete analysis of the law in ORS Chapters 87 and 701. You may request a more detailed description of Oregon lien law called: "Construction Liens: What They Are and How to Deal With Them" by calling 503-378-4621 to request the publication. For more detailed infonnation, consult an attorney. (Info-Ntc21f 106/25/02) 7 "" By_ ---- -- ----. .;.=--. CCS#l )80 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 700 Summer St NE Suite 300 PO Box 14140 Salem OR 97309-5052 Telephone. 503-378-4621 Fax: 503-373-2007 Web Address: www ccb state.or us Automated 24-hour inqUiry line. 503-378-4610 INFORMATION NOTICE TO OWNER ABOUT CONSTRUCTION LIENS f \ This is not a lien. It is provided to you by your contractor to inform you about construction lien laws. An Information Notice is not a reflection upon the integrity or credit standing of your contractor. This Information Notice explains the construction lien law and steps you can take to protect your property from a valid lien. As a homeowner, you should read this Information Notice carefully. This Information Notice is required to be given if you contract for residential construction or remodeling or if you are buying a new home, at any time the contract price exceeds $1,000. ~ / Under Oregon law, your contractor and others who provide labor, materials. equipment or services to your project maybe able to claim payment from your property if they have not been paid. That claim is a construction lien. If your contractor does not pay subcontractors, employees. or rental equipment or material suppliers or does not make other legally required payments, those who are owed money may lien your property for payment It is in your best interest to verify that all bills are paid. even if you have paid your contractor in full. If you occupy or will occupy your home. persons who supply materials, labor, equipment or services ordered by your contractor are pennitted by law to record a lien against your property only if they have sent you a timely Notice of Right to Lien (which is different from this Infonnation Notice) before or during construction. If you enter into a contract to buy a newly-built. partially-built or newly-remodeled home, a lien may be claimed even though you have not received a Notice of Right to a Lien. If you do not occupy the building. a Notice of Right to Lien is not required prior to filing a lien. Common Questions and Answers about Construction Liens Can someone & .;,....u~ J a construction lien even if I pay my contractor? Yes. Anyone who has not been paid for labor. materiaL equipment. or services on your project and has provided you with a valid Notice of Right to' Lien (where one is required) has the right to record a w.L>auction lien. What is a Notice of Right to Lien? In certain circumstances persons with whom you do not have a contract are required to send you a Notice of Right to a Lien if they intend to protect their construction lien rights agaimt your project It is sent to you for your PrDtection. It is not a construction lien. What should I do when I receive a Notice of Right to Lien? Don't ignore it. Find out what arrangements your contractor has made to pay the sender of the Notice of Right to Lien. When do construction liens need to be recorded? In Oregon, construction liens generally need to be recorded within 75 days from the date the project was substantially completed or 75 days from the date that the lien claimant ceased to provide labor, materiaL equipment or services, whichever is earlier. To enforce a lien. the lien holder must fIle a lawsuit in a proper court within 120 ,days of the date the lien was recorded. (Important information on other side) ~ ~ @ ~ ~ "1: ~ ~! . I:' MAR - 8 2008 :, ---" By .J June 2007 Gerald Smith Substructural Repairs P.O. Box 574 Creswell, Oregon 97426 Regarding: 640 C Street, Washburne Historic District, Springfield, Oregon June of 2007 Mr. Gerald Smith visited my home and inspected the garage to the rear of my dwelling. The garage was severely damaged in 1998 by a, which originated in the neighbor's garage to the west of my property. The neighboring garage was damaged beyond repair and has since been replaced. Mr. Smith advised me that he would charge a fee to write a formal estimate and assessment of the garage. I declined his offer, but he did talk to me about the condition of the structure. It was his opinion that it would cost an estimated $30,000.00 to put a concrete slab under the garage and repair the fire damage and all other restorations that would be required to make the garage meet today's city codes. He advised me that he could build a new garage for less than $24,000.00. The 1998 fire damaged the westerly portions of the garage and it appeared to Mr. Smith at the garage was only being supported by the long, inside cross board and the rear wall. He thought perhaps that was one of the reasons that the structure was leaning. SUBSTRUCTURAL REPAIRS Dry Rot - Pest Damage Remodels - Renovations - Rehabs LIcense #73518 - Bonded -Insured GERALD SMITH (541) 672-5119 CEL 915-9100 PO Box 574 Creswell. OR 97426 I~ ~ (rLl n; f'1 \" rs r r ~ l.!; l!D l.!; IJ ~I [,};" :'!( Ii , MAR - 8 ~C08 11/ L~, \ .L_.-1 ~1.':!.l ~l c::.:::J ~ @ ~ pv 00 c.) C:J , ... \ .,~J~,~;'~~~:o/'~~eR;;f:~t~1~tit~i::;',,~,;~<,,~~~~~~~fI~;;:';:~::~1~t~1c,,~;~:,~\~}\~~ r:I:; I 0::: <( ~ .--, Circa 1924 Gm, -..J'; at 626 'C' Street ilr .,'. ,! ,. .- , r-'"- Property line between two garages. There is fire damag.e to both garages - 1 _.u' ~i.tJ'" ~...~t'JJ.~'u':r)~ ,II'" 'Ju~~uJ~'iI~...,.Llll"J_ b<LJdI~J.~~ '~~@~OW~~' MAR - 8 2008 ....J By 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone C'ity of Springfield Official Receipt Jeveloprnent Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00020 DRC2008-00020 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #: 2200800000000000300 Date: 03/0712008 DescriptIOn CTY HIstone RevIew Type I + 5% Technology Fee PaId By TERESA HENSLEY Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How Received acl 1805 In Person Payment Total: ~~@~O\~i ~-=' . MAR - 8 2008 By Page 1 of I 11:22:40AM Amount Due 5800 290 $60.90 Amount Paid $60 90 $60.90 -'I I 3/7/2008