HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/17/2005 / City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Historical Review Application, Type I Minor Alterations: Sites and Structures Assessor's Map No: \1- O~ 35" 13 Ofr8)O() , Location of property 1-:7A- U S I liLt . EXIsting use of property jfJA.-V\/ +- r I!-C\; ~(J1;) Tax Lot No: ~D4-b.l}?- Description ofpropos~l Ou..r d t? f!.\~ ri>..! \.,,~ 41> re:-p~r ~D.r ~~..,kP~15+1.\'lf /~JN.J.HL~ 1A.l'LVv~t~ ./lAI'--O p.tu ;,^,+- +k- I~ LL~ (~ (r~-N~.ft-. Owner Name: K.ca~ f7~~~~ll\.JC ~2A ~lrbu- ()2-, r;;~ r)12... CiT4D2- r>-.t-IVU ~ 6-blJlM_ Phone 9/1 ~ vS- q~, I Applicant Name Address: Address: Phone The undersigned ackn(}w1e4fes that the }nfo;;'1ation i: this a p~ication is correct and accurate. Applicant Signature: _) ~~ ~ If the applicant is other th~n the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in their behalf. Owner's SIgnature: Please attach the names, addresses, phone numbers and signatures of any additional property owners. For Office Use Only: Journal No. \'){C C 2tP5 - ('!'f\1..5l::L- Received By . Assessor's Map No. (1- -0-:2- ~ .....- - (3 Tax Lot No. - - '"' . l t'Yz- ~~ Date Accepted as Complete ., ~ " April 4, 2005 Historic Commission Minutes Meeting began at 5:30 p.m. Attending: Chair, John Tuttle; VIce Chair, Roxie Metzler; Ted Corbin; Maren Tomblin; James McNett; and, staff, Kttti Gale Excused: MIchelle Dennis and Tama Tochihara; March minutes approved Item #1 344 8th Street, LeglOn Hall up-date by staff. The Legion Hall has until April 18th to provide additlOnal mformatlOn regardmg the hIstOriC use ~nd current use of their site. Ken GUZOWSkI provIded the HC WIth a letter (Exhibit A) from Concerned ResIdents regarding the continumg use of the Legion Hall site for a 6-day-per-week soup kItchen. Mr. GUZOWSkI paraphrased the letter. CommisslOner Metzler adVIsed "Concerned ResIdents" to report every incident of disruptlOn so that an accurate record of the impact of the SIte's use could be recorded. AudIence guest, HarrleI Rozen, informed HC that she had heard many dIscusslOn take place at Brattian School regarding the benefits of the soup kItchen's programs feeding those m need who attended Brattain School. CommisslOner Metzler inquired of Rozen if she had solicited the school's help in resolving the negative impacts to the WHD. Rosen advised that she had not. 1r 734 'D' Street applicant and owner, Michele Peniakoff descnbed the proposal to repair and/or replace histonc windows WIth 'm-kind' material and design. Pemakoff described her home as a "sweet little house that they want to weatherize, make solId, clean up and boost the buildmg's looks". CommiSSIOner Metzler inquired as to whether the proposed replacement wood wmdows would be metal clad. Pemakoff was not familiar WIth the aVailable products. HC suggested that Peniakoff contact Northwest Door and Sash, Mann Glover, Emerald Windows, and Pella windows to see what was - - ...q available. Commissioner Tuttle advised that all replaced wmdows should be wood and match the original wmdows and openmg dimension. Staff suggested that the HC advIsed,- the applIcant to contact staff with exact details regarding the proposed replacements pnOl:-'.', to any removal and replacement work. HC agreed. Staff advised HC that a report would- be forth commg. '-: 207 'D' Street (Foumal). Staffmformed HC there was an oversight on staffs part m reviewmg the final site plan drawmgs. The proposed parking off the alley, in the con( of vision is not permitted therefore the SIte's parkmg layout needs to be reevaluated. No '. parking is allowed m the 15' foot setback cone-of-vision at the mtersection of the alley . and Pioneer Parkway West. Staff recommended to HC that an evaluation ofthe required. ,. parkIng should contmue between staff and the applicant/owner. HC agreed. Item #3 Commissioner Metzler reported that the Museum continues to research and enact ways to ,- raise financial support. Metzler recommended that each Commissioner become a "Friend of Museum" member. Also, Metzler highly recommended shopping at the museum gift shop. Commissioner McNett recommended that the HC hold one ofthe regular meetings in the museum. Metzler advised that there was space to accommodate the HC and 5 or 6 audience guest. Metzler advised HC that she will continue her 4-year volunteer term on the museum board. Item #4 Audience guest, Hanlei Rozen presented the HC with a written description (Exhibit B) of her Main Stories, a strategy to enhance Springfield cultural resource awareness using the 'stories' ofthe historic uses and development along Main Street. Rozen gave examples 1 ., of possible walkmg tours, story boards in windows, mime presentations on sIdewalks, and historic plaques to describe the mstoric events of Main Street. Rozen advised HC that there may be 8 downtown busmesses that partIcipate m Tuesday, May lOth HIstonc Preservation Month actIvities. Rosen is m contact with the Downtown ASSOCIation and Emerald Art Center to make 'something' happen to bnng people downtown Spnngfield. Commissioner Tuttle inquired as to what role Rozen would like the HC to play. Rosen replIed: "Weare gomg to do something. The HIStOriC CommissIOn is a strand m this open history inqUlry for Springfield". Rozen advised that if 10 businesses participate in tms year's May lOth activities that she will make a map of the 'event areas route' and possibly create a book mark for the occasion. Commissioner McNett suggested an idea to re-create the development stones of empty lots and possibly depict the locations of the ongmal downtown train and street car tracks. Rosen suggested that the HC emphasIs ItS goal toward publIc educatIOn and out reach. CommIssioner Tuttle advised Rozen that there were HC funds available to help wIth future pnnting costs of projects for education development. Rozen advIsed that museum coordinator, Kris Redmond was organizmg poster productIOn for the future events involvmg the museum. CommIssioner Corbm suggested that Rozen present ideas to HC wIth more advance preparations. Rozen then informed the HC that she would like to create a forum to work on m the winter and one possibilIty was the up-coming September 27-0ctober 2,2005 National Trust's annual Preservation Conference in Portland, Oregon. Rozen would like the HC to have a table at that conference to network for the benefit of Springfield's historic resources. The HC continued to dISCUSS past events that the HC has sponsored over the years for what used to be called_Histonc Preservation Week. Commissioner McNett agreed to research the UniversIty of Oregon's partIcipation in preservation activitIes. Commissioner Tomblin agreedJo research opportumties with L TD downtown station to add an interpretIve hIStOriC d!splay at theIr site. Commissioner Metzler advised the HC that she had a book and student's dissertation covenng the Conde McCullough bridge design and construction across the Willamette River to Glenwood. Staff requested that CommIssioner Metzler let staff reproduce the documents for the City's files. CommIssioner Tuttle'advIsed the HC that the two wood doors that were saved when the Springfield flour mIll was demolished needed a new storage locatIOn. The owner can no longer store the 8 x 10 historic doors. Commissioner Metzler offered temporary storage facilitIes. Commission Tuttle will contact the mlll site owner to make arrangements. Item #2 Staff advised HC that all attempts to create a draft National Register nomination for a local property had failed. Staff recommended returning t~e money to SHPO. The HC reluctantly voted unanimously to return the money to SHPO. Staff advised HC that Tama TochIhara's baby gIrl born March 23rd was named KeIko Elyce Moses. HC happily accepted CommiSSIOner Metzler's offer to purchase a gift from the Springfield museum for the chIld. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. 2 From: Robert, Consentino Michele Peniakoff 87824 Oak Hill Drive Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 345-9661 To: City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 726-3753 Re: 734 D Street "The Stewart House" Springfield, OR 97477 March 16, 2005 Dear Development Services, The intent of this proposal is the repair, preservation and weatherization of The Stewart House. The buildings have maintained time and weather well, but are in need of insulation and an upgrade of the electrical service. We would like to increase the energy conservation of the home without any alteration to the exterior architecture and some minor alterations to the interior. Our efforts will focus on weatherization and an upgrade of the electrical service panel to accommodate electric wall-mounted heaters as the primary heat source for the home. Alterations to the exterior will consist of repair/replacement of windows, minor repairs to the siding, replacing the deteriorated apron of siding over the foundation and a thorough prep and repainting of the house and garage. Other additions and modifications to the infrastructure and interior would include "blown in" insulation of the walls, installation of weep hole and underdrain, removal of existing no-vent fireplace insert in the living room and rebuilding water -damaged floor in the bathroom. Attached please find the information requested under Type 1 Historical Review Application requirements for alterations under sub heading B: Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials. We look forward to working with the City of Springfield in preserving The Stewart House and contributing to the historic resources of the Washburne District's community. Best regards, Robert Consentino Michele Peniakoff Alterations & Materials The Stewart House 734 D Street Type 1 Historical Review Application B: Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials: 1. RepairlReplace Double Hung & Double Slider Windows (Fig. 2,3, 6, 7) Kolbe & Kolbe Wood Windows (Fig. 8,9); these are double pane and constructed of western pine. 2. Replace Particle Board Siding Over Foundation (Fig. 4) - 7-3/16" Drop Lap siding; 1x8 flat grain fir milled from sample of existing siding. 3. Minor Repairs to the Siding (Fig. 5) 7-3/16" Drop Lap siding; 1x8 flat grain fir milled from sample of existing siding. 4. Painting of All Structures (Fig. 1) ,Exact colors have yet to be determined; walls and trim will be painted existing bluish-grey or ~imilar greenish-grey hues (p.27 Guidelines for Color; Historic Design Guidelines). -.I U U' C ,. '- I) ~ , j L' . 4(( '/ 66' . , ~~ ~ 'N ".........: :-.: ., w: .... o .' ". ! ; i: ! . ~. ::.. , J'_~i_L'j"CE"" '( '~~~}I ,':(. _. ::f',"t~(<i._E-I~',rl!;;: ':. '%r~Gu.%,:;::: .... """" . '~~"!"~': I II..", ': . . . I , ,', ,I;'. _ 1 , ;': ; ". ."_', ' . . '''. '--'GRASS' __ '':'' " " I: , ~. ;': .., 'J I r ..; I _ I' I ',:.;,q " I i I I , : ; , ' , ~... ,- I I l \ . I :!~; :', 1-' I' "': f : '~:""",L.. .:', "" '7i'n"Rf'l' : . ~l": .' :;.::::, ' , !, r~~s .y-, .._ ,_ T ,. . ~:',: '..;." . ~. ---I' ':-i-~J,,1H; l: ' 'I:,.: ~ '. . ~ '. ~ '.'. 'g, N,".U , , "',, , ,.,,' ~ " :, 'zii6Tga:f"'f.t I I I I I I : 1:"I',:d, '':,'" ',.: " ' ,. 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WESTERN PIONEER TITLE CO OF LANE COUNTY 600 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD EUGENE, OR 97401 o .@@ ~" DATE OS/10/2004 ESCROW NO 10-S106S BUYER'S FINAL CLOSING STATEMENT ROBERT A CONSENTINO and MICHELE J PENIAKOFF SUBJECT PROPERTY 734 0 STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PRICE BUYER DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN ESCROW PRORATIONS AS OF 08/10/04- REAL TAX @ 940 10 paid to 07/01/04 DEBIT 139,900 00 ESCROW FEES TO WESTERN PIONEER TITLE CO OF LANE COUNTY ESCROW CLOSING FEE - 50% TITLE CHARGES: TO WESTERN PIONEER TITLE CO WARRANTY DEED ADDITIONAL CHARGES/CREDITS TOTALS 260 00 26,00 140,IS6 00 ESCROW ~R~CINDY CREDIT 140,082 98 103 02 140,IS6 00 LEARY WARRANTY DEED WPT 211259 10-81068 TAX ACCT N0 304657 MAP NO, 17 03 35 13 06000 ROBERT A. CONSENTINO and MICHELE J. PENIAKOFF, EXAMH~ED AND H~RnY.~,C"C~D husband and wife, Grantee, JOHN D. FITE and KRISTEN R. FITE, Grantor, conveys and warrants to the following descrlbed real property situated in LANE County, OR, free of encumbrances except as speciflcally set forth herein, to-wit, Lot 16, and the West one-half of Lot 17 in Block 83, WASHBURNE'S SUBDIVISION OF THE SPRINGFIELD INVESTMENT AND POWER COMPANY'S ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD, as platted and recorded In Book 2, Page 73, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon Thls conveyance is subject to and excepts. RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN STREETS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD AND 2004-2005 REAL PROPERTY TAXES, A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE The true conslderatlon for this conveyance is $139,900 00 THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. DATED: 08/06/2004 JOHN D FITE KRISTEN R. FITE STATE OF OREGON ss County of LANE Thls lnstrument ~as acknowledged before me on by JOHN D FITE and KRISTEN R FITE , 2004, Notary Public of Oregon My commisslon expires Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address After recording return to. Western pioneer Title Co , P. 0 Box 10146, Eugene, OR 97440 ESCROW CLOSING INSTRUCTIONS ESCROW NO 10-81068 TO, WESTERN PIONEER TITLE CO OF LANE COUNTY 600 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD EUGENE, OR 97401 DATE: 08/06/2004 PAGE: 1 OF 3 PARTIES SELLER. JOHN D FITE and KRISTEN R FITE BUYER, ROBERT A CONSENTINO and MICHELE J. PENIAKOFF, husband and wlfe SUBJECT PROPERTY. 734 D STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 As more fully descrlbed ln the tltle report referenced below The partles hereby employ Western pioneer to act as escrow agent ln connectlon wlth the sale by Seller to Buyer of the subject property and hereby agree wlth and advise and lnstruct Western Ploneer as follows' CONSIDERATION to be paid by Buyer Funds deposlted ln escrow by Buyer Buyer wlll hand you prlor to close of escrow TOTAL CONSIDERATION 1,000.00 138,900 00 139,900 00 TITLE INSURANCE POLICY OR POLICIES Obtain through WESTERN PIONEER TITLE CO. the followlng title insurance POllCY or policies on the subject property, OWNER'S $139,900.00 insuring BUYERS NAMED HEREIN ENDORSEMENTS NONE SHOWING TITLE VESTED IN. ROBERT A CONSENTINO and MICHELE J PENIAKOFF, husband and wife SUBJECT TO the usual printed conditions and exceptlons contalned in the terms of the form of title insurance policy herein provided for AND exceptions arislng from or created by the documents recorded through this escrow AND the followlng exceptions of that tltle report dated July 14, 2004, order no. 211259, whlch tltle report the parties have read and hereby approve: 1 INSURANCE Insurance arrangements shall be made by the parties outside of escrow TAX PRORATION Slnce the amount of the current year's property taxes lS not avallable, you are to base the tax proration ln this escrow on the amount of the last fiscal year's property taxes When the current years taxes become avallable, any discrepancy shall be adjusted between the parties outside of thlS escrow All bllls to be paid through escrow have been submitted prior to close of escrow and all other bills, lf any, wlll be paid outside of this closing and said closing agent 1S not to be concerned therew1th PRORATIONS shall be based upon a 365-day year and shall be made as of Close of Escrow. The only ltems to be prorated or adjusted in escrow are REAL PROPERTY TAXES Western Ploneer Title Co of Lane County depos1ts and maintains its cl1ents' trust funds 1n nonlnterest bearing accounts in local deposltory banks As a result, Western Ploneer Title receives indlrectly from the banks monetary benefits ln the form of accountlng, data processing and banking services It lS estlmated that the amount of the benefits received from the services provlded is approxlmately $28 00 per clos1ng escrow and $0 53 per month per collectlon escrow The est1mate 1S based upon benefits received and escrows processed/ closed durlng the calendar year 2001 These benefits help support escrow operatlons and offset var10US costs associated with compliance w1th escrow regulations Pursuant to ORS 696.578 and OAR 863-50-065, the undersigned consent ~o and approve the foregoing and authorize Western P10neer to retain the benefits so received ESCROW CLOSING INSTRUCTIONS ESCROW NO.: -10-81068 PAGE: 2 OF 3 08/06/04 . CHARGE BUYER WITH THE FOLLOWING. (XX) 1/2 CLOSING FEE (XX) NECESSARY RECORDING FEES CHARGE SELLER WITH THE FOLLOWING (XX) DELIVERY FEE TO WPT CO (XX) 1/2 CLOSING FEE (XX) NECESSARY PRORATES (XX) TITLE INSURANCE PREMIUM (XX) COLDWELL BANKER/CIR-TRANSACTION (XX) PILLAR TO POST (XX) DIAMOND HAULING (XX) LIEN RELEASE PROCESSING FEE (XX) PAY OFF EXISTING LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES (XX) REAL ESTATE COMMISSION FEE TO BE COMPLETED BY SELLER(S) ONLY PROCEEDS DUE SELLER SHALL BE ( ) made payable to Seller and picked up at Western Pioneer Title Co branch. SELLER TELEPHONE NUMBER deposited to Bank: Branch/address. Bank. ABA ROUTING NO. . Branch/address to seller and sent by one-day delivery at seller's Acct No: wired to: Acct No ( ) made payable expense to ( ) other DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED THROUGH ESCROW SHALL BE the documents required to place tjtle 1n the conditions called for above, any documents referred to in the sect10ns entitled "Ex1st1ng Encumbrance(s}/Loan(s)" and/or "New Encumbrance(s) II and any other documents specified in these instructions Buyer wlll cause to be del1vered to you the funds and documents necessary for Buyer to comply with these instructions Seller will cause to be delivered to you the funds and documents necessary for Seller to comply with these instruc- tions When you are 1n receipt of said funds and documents, you are to record and/or deliver the documents and disburse the funds in accordance with these instructions and the attached closing statements as adjusted BUYER AND SELLER HAVE READ AND HEREBY AGREE TO THE GENERAL PROVISIONS ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A IT IS UNDERSTOOD BY THE PARTIES SIGNING THE ABOVE OR ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS THAT THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE THE COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS BETWEEN THIS FIRM AS AN ESCROW AGENT AND YOU AS A PRINCIPAL TO THE ESCROW TRANSACTION. THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY NOT INCLUDE ALL THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS ESCROW. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, AND DO NOT SIGN THEM UNLESS THEY ARE ACCEPTABLE TO YOU. SELLER JOHN D FITE ADDRESS AFTER CLOSING: KRISTEN R FITE ADDRESS AFTER CLOSING: BUYER' 08/06/04 ESCROW CLOSING INSTRUCTIONS ~SCROW NO 10-81068 PAGE 3 OF 3 ~~~e~NI~~jI- . ADDRESS AFTER'CLOSING' J7JcJy O/)kf!llL dJt:.- Lv r;; C ;1/ rf/ ()f2 1/ <jf!) .~ '" From: Robert Consentino Michele Peniakoff 87824 Oak Hill Drive Eugene, Oregon 97402 (.541) 345-9661 To: City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (.541) 726-3753 Re: 734 D Street "The Stewart House" Springfield, OR 97477 March 16, 2005 Dear Development Services, The intent of this proposal is the repair, preservation and weatherization of The Stewart House. The buildings~have maintained time and weather well, but are in need of insulation and an upgrade of the electrical service. We would like to increase the energy conservation of the home without any alteration to the exterior architecture and some minor alterations to the interior. Our efforts will focus on weatherization and an upgrade of the electrical service panel to accommodate electric wall-mounted heaters as the primary heat source for the home. Alterations to the exterior will consist of repair/replacement of windows, minor repairs to the siding, replacing the deteriorated apron of siding over the foundation and a thorough prep and repainting of the house and garage. Other additions and modifications to the infrastructure and interior would include "blown in" insulation of the walls, installation of weep hole and underdrain, removal of existing no-vent fireplace insert in the living room and rebuilding water -damaged floor in the bathroom. Attached please find the information requested under Type 1 Historical Review Application requirements for alterations under sub heading B: Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials. We look forward to working with the City of Springfield in preserving The Stewart House and contributing to the historic resources of the Washburne District's community. Best regards, Robert Consentino Michele Peniakoff Alterations & Materials The Stewart House 734 D Street Type 1 Historical Review Application B: Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials: 1. Repair/Replace Double Hung & Double Slider Windows (Fig. 2, 3, 6, 7) Kolbe & Kolbe Wood Windows (Fig. 8, 9); these are double pane and constructed of western pine. 2. Replace Particle Board Siding Over Foundation (Fig. 4) 7-3/16" Drop Lap siding; lx8 flat grain fir milled from sample of existing siding. 3. Minor Repairs to the Siding (Fig. 5) 7-3/16" Drop Lap siding; lx8 flat grain fir milled from sample of existing siding. 4. Painting of All Structures (Fig. 1) Exact colors have yet to be determined; walls and trim will be painted existing bluish-grey or similar greenish-grey hues (p.27 Guidelines for Color; Historic Design Guidelines). V N lO I'f) I'f) o r-- a. o ~ "'1"'1""'. c1I IV (() ...... '6 " 51 . 41 .. :3 ' 21 Jl 1 16001500 1400 I I I I I 8700.....\ "'I ~ '\\ ~ .....~~ ~~ ~ GS\ ._~. 9200 930~\ \ 9400 ., \) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 17-03-35-13 Tl 6000 60 -~ F .A- I- 32101' 91 '8 '71 I 90) I 1800 W ~ I 5 I W ~! I a:: . 2odo I' I I- ~ I ~ (f) 10 1 9\ 8 I ~ 320 sp 2300 I 2~ I I I 16 171 I 2100 I ~ I I II I I 2200 I I I 12 13\ I 14 15\ ~ E 80 8e 80 9000 8900 8800 ~ '" ,. ~ ~ ~ 9100 ~ ~ ~ l~ 191 20 2600 ~ I ~ ~ I . 2700 .. , ... ~ I 18 191 20 80 9500 60 n"'''1 ~ ~ " LANI See t- W W e:: I- (f) r -' - JZ 101 .. 91 . 8 - .lZ 7 I 300 Ibl '201 () 14AC ') .... ~ I \' .. ~~ I 13(J- ~ 0 12 ~c I ~ 3Z': . I.. 32' /,n."" T1TTm ~/(i. I~ I 280) :l 3000 ; I : I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ III I~ ~9,1?i Jil~ 3 '>I- 1 SPR I ~ ~ ~ AND I 101 9 8\ - 8660 8500 , I ~ I. - ~ I: I I: I I "t I 1'4' IS'I 3Z" 9600 I 970C , I I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 3200500000000000097 Date: 03/17/2005 Job/Journal Number Description DRC2005-000l8 HIstone RevIew Type I Pflyments: Type of Payment Cheek 3/17/2005 Paid By ROBERT CONSENTINO Received By tJ Page 1 of 1 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Batch Number Number How Received 596 In Person Payment Total: 10:28:16AM Amount Due 58,00 $58.00 Amount Paid $58 00 $58.00