HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/17/2007 Print Form City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Zoning Map Amendment, Type III ~~ estin Ferdun Company: lLunabndge Address: 13575 NE ShaV~, Portland Oregon 97212 Applicant Signature: ~~) \~ Property Owner: Attn: Patricia Wright Company: Springfield Church of the Brethren Address: .1072 Main Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Owner Signature:Y C:&~ lb~L~ ((f)c' ek~ If the applicant Is other than the owner, the owner hereby grants ~:;;::n for the applicant to act 10 his or her' behalf ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-~1 ,TAX LOT NO(S): 4600,4700,4800,4900 Property Address: 1062,1072,1082,1096 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon 974n Area of Request Square Feet: approx 45,500s1 Acres: Phone: 971-998-7156 '. Fax: \503-284-9453 Phone: 1541-746-2278 Fax: ! EX, ipsting ~e(s) Church, Charitable Services, Transient Housing, Education, Retail o rope. ~T: Description of The Proposal: The re-zone of four properties to be in accordance with the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Comprehensive Plan. The re-zone to be from "Commumty Commercial" to "Mixed Use -- -.-. -- - - - - ..~ ~\7<:iiU"'I,,"dl \IIIIVt"l.J Cl~ j./ah VI i:j ...."Y O. O!JI'lIynl:llu DClL\;fl rTO~5S. Attached Exhibits E...(, ~La ,; - Vi,,;..:l, M.... Exhibit B - Deed Exhlbtt C - Findings Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Case No.: ~7.nrt- croCS" 3 Date: lol11f~1- Application Fee: ~rott postage Fee: non-{)ro11t Received by: .J-, (initials) -I ~ Total Fee: --t!r Edited 7/1912007 bjones ~ ?JM ~ - 6fb3L-/ f~ ~1--6OD~ -V(M . EXlllBIT C . . '. 8233418 Legal Description PARCEL t. " R~glnn'n9 It . ~fnt ~ic~ Is J60 feee C.sC of . ,ot__ ehtt Is '4.51 ,..t SOllth 40. 40' tau fl"Clll a po1..t 105.2 fm Ieort" af tilt Southwst. \,.' .., Of I.he Paul er.th'n Donat'o" l.ftCf Chi. no. 63. I" To.nsMp 17 South, 1taft9~ 3 Yest of the w'11~tt. Me,.ldf.ni runnf", lheCt Elst 6Q feet, ~e or les.. to the IlOt1ClIQent tIflfc:h .....IIS thl Southeast CO"".,. af " oct Ifo. 7 0' ,...tta'ns Adl1tttolt m Sprin,fleld. Line Covnty. OregOft, kfart HlllI MIS "'c.ltedi thence Ilnrtll 196.3 fief. i t"'nce West. &0 fut. 1lOf" Or' less to I pgtnt due Harth 0' the hagl""f,,, pot...t; thence $outlt 196.3 feet to the place of beglnn'n,!, in to."e County. Oregan. E1C!PTIICG the...frGII tIIat p01'tfon of tria ,boye described p,.emises inclvded in that certaln deed whltt1n 'Iul Hldley and Pea,.1 Hldler, husband and wife. ...... Gr.ntors Ind th. Tcnm of Springfield, .., gnntet. r'9~sttrtd in Volume 14, PIGI 480. of the Certificate of AlgistlTld Titl.S. bel ng InstUlllt"t Ko. 8414. 17-03-35-41 11-4700 UT-1232 PARCEL 11. B891nnlnlllt I polat qo feet ~ast end zot.9 flit North of & po1nt that it 94.57 feet South 40. 40' ElSt fl"Qll . point J05.a flit Rortft of the $Gutll.st corner q' the P,ul ,.-.ttlfn Doltltton Lind Chili Ho. 63, 1n Township 11 SOuth. RaBge 3 ~est of the WIll.matte Mer1dian. in Line COUnty. Oregan, Ind running thence South plrln,,, with tile ElSt line of rent" Street 206.' f.et. IIOf"t Of' liSS to the RDrtlt line of Hltn Street 1n Springffeld Lane Caon~, Oregon. thene. Easte,." 110ng the North l1ne af Matn Street &0 feet; thence Rorth parallel with tht Eut 11ne of TenUl.Street tIn.! feet. IIIQre Or' tess, to I rofnt 60 feet Eut 0' thl lIeglllllt"" paint. ,"d tMnCI West Q) 'e.t to th, plice of betfnning. EXaPTlNG ntEJt(F'M)M that certlln tract. a,nveyed by ^ndrew J. Wlffle IfId Stella 14. Waffle, tMasblnd and w1ft, to City Of Sp,.lngfield, I lIllfnlelg11 corporUlon. b11nstNlllnt recorded October ~1. 1 "'0, fn L.". County refon DHd Records, tmd... ItKorder's ltecept ion M". B8967.17-03-35-41 TL4600 PARCEL lit. Stgl"n1n, .t . point on tbe South 1In. 0' tilt all., runn'''g lut .net West between Main Stre.t Ind .A. Streqt 225 flet East of the ElSt lfna af Tlnth Strltt I" Springfield, LIne County. Oregon. and running th.ne, tlst on the South line 0' sl'd Il,., 1S f..t~ thence South parallel ~th the Elst l(fte of Tenth Street 168.00 'eet, fIOre or '.ss, to tilt Ilor'tll lfnt Of Mlf" Street; thence WQsttrl1 on the north Itne of said ~in Street 75 plus ,.It to . potnt , . fuetl" 225 ',et t..t af the ElSt 11ne of Tenth Street. if ext.nded Southerly. thtne. Ro..ttr l~'.OS f.et. 110'" or less. and Nrlllt' ~th the hat lhM of ,Tenth St....1 ~o tilt plac. Of begin"'nt. fn lanl County. Oregon. 17-03-35-41 TL 4900 PARCEL IY. . hginnf", It . point Oft till Soutll line of the In., rulll1ng rlst IncI IItst. betWltft Mlfft Stnlt and -A- St....t ..,., _ feR E..t I' tilt hIt 'H,.. of Ttnth Stflet In I,ttt.tn'. Addltton to Sprlngfl.,.. in lint Count1, ~flfGn. IS plltted Ind recorded fn 'olUM 9. Page It Line County OnIOn PlIt Reaords. runn(ntJ thenee tast 60 fMt; thence 5CIuth 180 flit. .... or less, to the 'Iort" li"e 0' MI'" St...ett thene. _ste,." .10", the Korth line of Me'n St1"ttt to I . fOlnt due Sout.h of ~1I, lIO'nt of beginning; thence North 170 'eet. 1I0re Gr' tst, ~o t", potnt 0' "ginning. in Lane COQnU, hgon. 17-03-35-41 TL 4800 .. ., 1\ '" I'" ..~ ~ . .,~: "..'~ r":"" 1%'~ ~1,H' . I~' ~~,,~......1~"jN \i:~~'''';,,":' ~1''' 5l......~t ~~..~j~,! ~ l:".:1 "..~~ Y, t ~ ~ . \.~ .:\:... I j "".. ~. ":;'~~c+'~~:~. 1,~J,.".."",,,,\ ~"~t"ri71.T.4. 1 ,""'; .(..~.."'A.,.....1.: ..~' f~.\ ' .i.~~~ :. t: 4 '9 ... , ~ I..'. . ~ . r ..~, "':' ( ~. t~l II \ , . \ \ \ \ " If"'; ''Y'';'' t.~""'" - ,J".. ~ '!S---.... - ,.....~_-.:.. . ::i:.L .B23341.B - ( . II,)' / . .. .............._ I ~ KNOW AU MBfI BY THaa p~ TW. ..--.... _M__ .,,-.. . . I ....... ~ H Oil/ilK It..! . ~.l.t"'r...._._. ~. _. ._ ...__._ ...---. .. 11MB""'" caI1wI , . ".'. ", (01 ,t. com/dHlltiolt ,.,.,.,,.,..w. ..,...,,,.........,,., ... .., ....,., cmIo . .~... SPUNGF.IEL.11. CH.utCfl DF. f.lUt.aU.tBREH..- ....._._... _._.....__....... .....-.... .-. . '.__"N .... ...... _M' hNeltllll'ft caII<<I ,,__, ."'" .. "..- ........ .a .. tllntl, .," I flIredl,.".,a _fill .."., ,.. ,lION ....... oI...M .M .. L411f._.____~ $ta~. 0I~'- ~.~ ~~ t~~~i~;~~. \;'~,~~ ".'., ~~"., J~".J.t':.. 'j. ,,~..~ ..'kt...'. ~~ "" ,'v '+ ~}'.,.:;.~\t_,~-? ~"' . ;~~ r ~_~",.:.(...Jf~~~"-~ .'. ~ ;--,... .~~1;ft\,,'\. ,t,;.. ,... .~ .~ ti...r.;. 'l,: .' '''LeOA&. P C IP'rt ....' \ ~. _I ~ " i !. !' ., I': ::: ;(~- .' { , , ~ (";.:1' I i I ! 'i I 0821AO.1 11/04/82 REC ~ B~ flU 03'. =--:: irA", 0. , .. -......-.-. ..................................-..........-.-..... ~~ ......_._~ .. ':::]1 _.. .. 1'__ . "It: A.- ........",.".... .., "~~, . . ... ,_ ...... .., ." ....t;.:. ~ ... lot ,..., uti .. _ .. ... ..... till ... "., "'- __ ,. ",,5. Ji\;,~ ..",..,.., ..., ,.., tAl .."., II ,., , ::~" if ~ol _._..... ..."};:; Hi ..,. -.1 "iiii..I ~ ;;;- ;w;;.;,~' ,;;;';iI.n;'* :wwa.. ~'. L;~ .,..." .,1oftMl,...,uldl,, " ,r_~"'''''''''''' .~.N< ,.,. of ~, ,., r.., """"T 01'" ,.",., .. ......., MIl .eA 01" . '.' fltMt "" ,"'~........ ...I fit be,,. ""' ,; ... _*'I. ' '."!>- "'_.WI . .,.,~.. (011"01""" ~ , "AI.) i-~~. ~. I "t r. -I- ....... #,. :~'"'!.. .. , . ...., f ORIOOIf. ~ ., ---L..u.....-..._"~_S- "flu. 4.1 ,I...U_ I . I " I j ! I , I _..._.. .__, ___._ k<<_.........___.. If..,., "."".,... 0...,.. "" ,...' i: ,;, ...,.,..., ,. ""WARP. .f ..>>1(IC. - , . bf,jI "~I . . .--....-. "...., . '1\1 .. ~I't' ~../;...."~ l"';-~~. < of,. . ,.""'1................ < "*JB~U..~..:dURdlil; ~.. _.............,...l~(. '--:' "fA' .....;,.... .... ..:... .. ._...... :.......;...... . ....t.~ I ~.1:.. . tMlIIfn.-"- .', . ........... -... GR"NTfE-'__4~' _.~ . . \ J ...-.-'V""'"".---- --"""'- ~ . . . , . ~. ~'. . '~"""(~ ~.,..: ":. ~ .. I- ..... . ,.,. .. 8233,11R f\.T.l?Jl ~ ~ PARCEL I. . lleginnlnlJ 3l .4 lll)lnt IIIhtch Is 360 feet c.,t ttf , pofllt th~t I~ 94.S1 feet SQuth 400 40' tast from a point lOS.2 feet Morth of tM SOuthwst. co..ne.. of 'he Paul Brattain DonatIon land C'a1m no. 63, In To.nship 17 South, lan9f 3 ~est of the wlllamette Meridian. running thee. East 60 feet, more or less, to the ~nument which marks t~e Southeast corner of "ock No. 1 of atatta'ns ^driltton to SpringfIeld, lane County. Oregon, before same was vaeatedi thence Iltl'rth 196.3 feoti tilence West 60 feet, more or less to a point due North of the heg1nnlng poInt; thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, in tane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING theref~ that portion of the above described premises included in that certain deed wherein Pa~l Hadley and Pearl Hadley, hushand and wife, were Grantors and the Town of Springfield. was grllnteflt regIstered in Volume 14. Page 480, of the Certificate of Registered litl~s, being Instument Ko. 8414. PARCEL 11. Beginning at a point 4~O feet (.st and 206.9 feet North of a point ttMt it 94,57 feet South 40. 40' East from II pOint 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Bratt8Sn Donation land Claim No, 63, 1n Township 17 South. RaBge 3 ~est of the Wi'\emette Meridian. in laBe County. Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, mort or less to the florth line of Main Street in Springfield, lane County, Oregon. thence Eftsterly along the Harth l1ne of Main Street 60 feeti thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or less. to a ~oint 60 feet East of the beginning point. and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain tract conveyed by ^ndrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle. husband and ~fel to City of Springfield, a ~ln1c1pal corporation. by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, to Lane Covnty Oregon Deed Records. u"de~ Recorder's Reeept1~n No, 88967. , , " " . ( -. , -j j I PARCEl I H. Beginning at a po~nt on the South Hne of the alley running rut and West between Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet Eut of the East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane County. Oregon. and running thence fast on the South line of said alley 1~ feet. thence South parallel with the East lIne of Tenth Street 168.00 feet, more or less. to the Horth line of Matn Streeti thence Westerly on the Uorth ltne of said Hain Street 75 plus felt to B potnt · exactl) 225 feet East of the East 'fn@ nf Tenth Street if extended Southerly. thence North 1~6.OS feet, more or less, and patal'el w1th the [.,t "ne of Tenth Street to the place Of beginningt in lane County. Oregon. PARCEl tv. Beg'nning at a point on the South 11ne of the a11ey running East and West between Main Street and "A" Street and 300 feet Ellt of the East line of T."th Street In Bratt""', Add't1on to Spr1ngf,.1d, in lane County. ~regon. a, platted and recorded 1n Volume 9. Page 6, lIne County Orego" Pl.t Records, runnlnlJ thenee East 60 feet; thence South 180 feet. 1IlCJre or less, to the 'iorth line of MaIn Str&et; thence Westerly along the Horth line of Main Street to a point rlue Sout~ Of tbe poInt of be9inning; thenee North 110 feet. more or less. to the po'nt of beginning. tn lane County, Oregon. : r. . "';>""j.t#.~~'i "af~..~}. ~ ... I . , 'j .. ! " I i I 1 .'111" I ", ,. r ". J'" ~ tll- '.m-I.;'~I.'; ....~.(,. ~..,- ! '~J'I,.. .') t '. '! 1 '.'';.... L~. \., .,,1 i. ..~'\' ~l ';~'. \i."'...~' .....iv .,., ~ I ~ I .,,'J.!'I'!r I. "J~; ~.1';, I ". . .1\.. .:f' · .~1" ~. {.',1~1 ,.~ 'f ;:k ~('''' ., · .., 1 ..'" I . ~ 'ff "" ~ ." r ." I. I l,t '.... it ' " . .'! ,~t<~..('r f4\:\....~~~Wj).i..!J.t r..'!: fl!Jl! t~ ..~ " :~t-}1~.~ :~~:,'~ t ". . --., . ,.s..t .. .. , I ~ l'i~".lf ~'~T~~-: Ii ~~ I . ..' ;;. fj ~ 'f;'l":J'r.'1'.t~"t!A'.'\~~ .. ';,1 \.".' ". {i~~,J.'."t,'...~ ~.r.):.'.' " ..1.... s..~~' lOt ~~ . ,.. '.(t. J 'i~' ,.r."". ~~~'-, ~ "~I r.~I' / ,. ~..;' :. I- ~'.~.I' ~ .4.. .~. :.. "'. . . r.." .,. . rill" flit. W .. . ~ , ' ~ '.n rr: " " .. "ai' ..: I" ... ... irl =.& lu~ ~i 1~.." I. .....'" .. "r~=- :" .. .. .. !ft'. ': ~&" :=:Il .. . " ...... .. ..:ll"n .... - " ..... ".... ...", ~. .. Jf l: r r ~ I · It fS'" { ,,;:; ~ .!J g ~ """ ~~f.;J ~ .. "'" .t"., ... f lIS f ~ , IS " . . f~ . . . . '......0. .. ~ ., ,~............. ......, ... --- B .J;:a ~ (l) I ~ "-" " . t'-" , , . , ".. .' " . ~ M'~"'~ . \':~.~~~[.: : ~ 'Z ~ l ~ t . ' L \ . Exhibit C - Findings a. Consistency with the Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram: The properties exist in an area exlnbiting a plan/zone conflict. Changing the zonmg from "Commumty Commercial" to "Mixed Use Residential" will bring the propertIes mto compliance with the Metro Plan Diagram and the Metro Plan polIcies and resolve the plan/zone conflict b. Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans: There are no refinement plans, plan district maps or conceptual development or functional plan overlays of the sites at thIs time. c. The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. The Property Owner, Spnngfield Church of the Brethren, in cooperation With Brethren Community Services has hired Lunabridge prinCIpal, Destin F erdun, a Development Consultant to review the feasibility of the site for development. Findings are available in a PrelImmary Site EvaIuation Report dated September 10, 2007 that detaIls contacts, conversations and findings related to facilities, services and networks, that can be briefly summarized as follows. a. The site is well located just outSide the Springfield downtown core providing excellent access to public facilities and; b The SIte is SItuated on Main Street providmg access to frequent service from public transit and sufficient vehtcular capacity to accommodate sigmficant future develvl'......ent and; c The site is well served by utilities and services that can accommodate significantly more development at this location. EXHIBll' A - VICINITY MAP DATE: 10/30/07 SPRINGFIELD CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN I.- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE P. O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OR 45201 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Date: JUN 072004 Employer Identification Number: 93-0854309 DLN: 17053323032003 Contact Person: DALE T SCHABER ID# 31175 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 Accounting Period Ending: December 31 Foundation Status Classification: 509 (a) (1) Advance Ruling Period Begins: July 9, 2003 Advance Ruling Period Ends: December 31, 2007 Addendum Applies: No BRJ:t.lnKEN COMMUNITY SERVICES C/O DANIEL G HUNTER 610 67TH PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Dear Applicant: Based on information you supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section SOl (c) (3). Because you are a newly created organization, we are not now making a final determination of your foundation status under section 509(a) of the Code. However, we have determined that you can reasonably expect to be a publicly supported organization described in sections 509(a) (1) and 170(b) (1) (A) (vi). Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a publicly supported organization, and not as a private foundation. This advance ruling period begins and ends on the dates shown above. Within 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period, you must send us the information needed to determine whether you have met the require- ments of the applicable support test during the advance ruling period. If you establish that you have been a publicly supported organization, we will classi- fy you as a section S09(a) (1) or S09(a) (2) organization as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. If you do not meet the public support requirements during the advance ruling period, we will classify you as a private foundation for future periods. Also, if we classify you as a private foundation, we will treat you as a private foundation from your beginning date for purposes of section S07(d) and 4940. Grantors and contributors may rely on our determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period. If you send us the required information within the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on the advance determination until we make Letter 104S (DO/CG) J -2- BRETHREN COMMUNITY SERVICES a final determination of your foundation status. If we publish a notice in the Internal Revenue Bulletin stating that we will no longer treat you as a publicly supported organization, grantors and contributors may not rely on this determination after the date we publish the notice. In addition, if you lose your status as a publicly supported organi- zation, and a grantor or contributor was responsible for, or was aware of, the act or failure to act, that resulted in your loss of such status, that person may not rely on this determination from the date of the act or failure to act. Also, if a grantor or contributor learned that we had given notice that you would be removed from classification as a publicly supported organization, then that person may not rely on this determination as of the date he or she acquired such knowledge. If you change your sources of support, your purposes, character, or method of operation, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status and foundation status. If you amend your organizational document or bylaws, please send us a copy of the amended document or bylaws. Also, let us know all changes in your name or address. As of January 1, 1984, you are liable for social security taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act on amounts of $100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year. You are not liable for the tax imposed under the ~ederal Unemployment Tax Act (FUT~). ( Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the pri- vate foundation excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, you are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. If you have any questions about excise, employment, or other federal taxes, please let us know. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2105, and 2522 of)the Code. Donors may deduct contributions to you only to the extent that their contributions are gifts, with no consideration received. Ticket purchases and similar payments in conjunction with fundraising events may not necessarily qualify as deductible contributions, depending on the circumstances. Revenue Ruling 67-245, published in Cumulative Bulletin 1957-2, on page 104, gives guidelines regarding when taxpayers may deduct payments for admission to, or other participation in, fundraising activities for charity. " You are not required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, if your gross receipts each year are normally $25,000 or less. If you receive a Form 990 package in the mail, simply attach the label provided, check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less, and sign the return. Because you will be treated as a public charity for return filing purposes during your entire, advance ruling period, you should file Form 990 for each year in your advance ruling period Letter 1045 (DO/CG) r -3- BRETHREN COMMUNITY SERVICES that you exceed the $25,000 filing threshold even if your sources of support do not satisfy the public support test specified in the heading of this letter. If a return is required, it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period. A penalty of $20 a day is charged when a return is filed late, unless there is reasonable cause for the delay. However, the maximum penalty charged cannot exceed $10,000 or 5 percent of your gross receipts for the year, whichever is less. For organizations with gross receipts exceeding $1,000,000 in any year, the penalty is $100 per day per return, unless there is reasonable cause for the delay. The maximum penalty for an organization with gross receipts exceeding $1,000,000 shall not exceed $50,000. This penalty may also be charged if a return is not complete. So, please be sure your return is complete before you file it. You are not required to file federal income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre- lated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. You are required to make your annual information return, Form 990 or Form 990-EZ, available for public inspection for three'years after the later of the due date of the return or the date the return is filed. You are also required to make available for public inspection your exemption application, any supporting documents, and your exemption letter. Copies of these dOcuments are also required to be provided to any individual upon written or in person request without charge other than reasonable fees for copying and postage. You may fulfill this requirement by placing these documents on the Internet. Penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with these requirements. Additional information is available in Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, or you may call our toll free number shown above. \ You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application, we will assign a number to you and advise you of it. Please use that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. If we said in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies, the addendum enclosed is an integral part of this letter. Because this letter could help us resolve any questions about your exempt status and foundation status, you should keep it in your permanent records. Letter 1045 (DO/OG) . -4- BR.JS',uu<.EN COMMUNITY SERVICES If you have any questions, please contact the person whose name and telephone number are shown in the heading of this letter. Sincerely yours, ~ f ~~. - Lois G. Lerner Director, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Enclosure(s) : Form 872-C Letter 1045 (DO/CG) Alley . Housing Housing over Reta iI Community Building Main Street l