HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/25/2008 fED 2 5 2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision Original Submittal ';\= '" f ~ ". %0.""-&-9...,, ;",<:;(-" "~;#:w'~ $"i/""f ' - ~ -'< pplication Type 0 > i:o'E".;~>" ,,,,'d'.' ~.:d~>,~> ~~ ~b;~~n:;ri"R:i;U>Z:.. '(Applicant: .€heck.one) Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Plat Submittal: Applicant Name: /ifa,1.! Ltl1/q Company: t;...J 8 90 kcle,c:( / Address: t::VC/erJ~. () l!! t: , 0e };r""tj , Q - PltlLe.- Phone: Fax: Applicant's Rep.: ~ Ion Uu ip.5 Company: ~a4e.~ Enql,-- Address: 1?tJ,~x ,2527 Eu~en~J OK Phone:5'1;-I8.5-4~5 Fax:511-~5-5b2f Property owner:/jcfr i r~ L In ria Company: S'e br/;"q I Phone: Fax: Evtf'-eP7~ > I Address: ;l )7'f[) /Pc/ed P /k{ ~ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I 7-03- 27- ;(Ax LOT NOeS): / 'lot) I Property Address: k'~ 4f 3 -~O tN' rn SfN2e I- Size of Property: J ~ I 2 78 <;<< 1/-- Acres D Square Feet gj ~ 1 ' Proposed Name of Subdivision: I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this application. Proposal: rA"t"'~ .,;J It>-h Existing Use: 1I~lu11e-- I Tentative Case #~J){)olJ. - O{Y); ( . - . .... . . - Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf Density: du/acre rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next a e. # of Lots/Parcels: Si natures: Please si . , - - Associated Applications: f,2 ~ ;)0011 - 0 Of) / IdS vr3 ~OO{ - 0001/ (Ter;f) Pre-Sub Case No.: fKi 10D0 - D OlJl'ltJ Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: S' Vr0J.OO\j--ODO I; Application Fee: $ J. I 5 14 TOTAL.FEES: ~ ~)\m1 J. ~J'6 ~-&;>>~t., "'~->%<.,i@1!lL _"'-<<.d_? '$t:7~~,_,/// ...'" Date: J dS I og Reviewed by: VY1'2 VV\ Technical Fee: $ /;/-1, q 5 Postage Fee: $0 PROJECT NUMBER: ff?TJOD~ -OCO\t) ~~;-;-&/;-f 4if "'/N/&/",< , ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 " . (.._ L ........__ ...~ Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting \ Date: Signature Print Submittal i represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS prOVided herein or the information will not be prOVided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Signature ~~~ ". ~ S~& Date: ~ d.~/ OS' N\ f\~ K Print N. Date Received: FEB 2 5 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00012 780 W "M" Street ~-t.rs~ u ~J&TJ r I I I I J Q; ~ I II LM- IlJJ J I I I I , r I 1 -I SITE Map 17-03-27-43 Tax Lot 1900 }j "'\~: ~ r~l f ~ ~:] %" , , ~ l" <n t-# \ IngL.' " T'i" r' '(" < " ---~~i-~\7=;:=- --i~=-;I-l1 , ;": IT < ~ ~ ';=- - ~~' : , ~ It " ^""~ " 1.;,<,l ,,) :J.. f' " '> " I :, ]I , 1 "' .4-. , ", x "' ~x 0 F :t \L-:, ',1. F or-Final-Plat Submission/Transmittal Date Received: FEB 2 5 2008 Original Submittal Name of Plat: Sebring M St Partition I have checked through submitted documents, and the following have been submitted: ff'Mylar of plat (and bond copy for Planning) ffAccess & Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement I!J.-Declaration of Development Restriction Requirement ~t Title Report o A copy of each of the prevIOus for Plannzng These documents are the only ones the Survey Division requires for the Final Plat submission and filing. Sincerely, ~ ~ City InstructIOns: This form IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the PublIc Works Department of the City of Sprmgfield at the time of final plat submittal The purpose IS pnmanly to notifY the planmng office that the Surveymg DlVlslOn has received all the documents It reqUires for final plat submittal County Instructions: ThiS form IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the Lane County Surveyor's Office at the time of final submittal for recordmg The purpose IS pnmanly to notifY that office of whIch Items need to be recorded simultaneously With the plat, but ]t also serves to remmd the developer/surveyor that these documents need to be mcluded m the final submIttal package to the County Surveyor V \FORMS - PUBLIC WORKS\Engmeenng Dlvlslon\SatlsfactlOn Survey\SURVEY SECTION\Surveymg Approval Memo---temp doc WESTERN PIONEER TITLE Fax:5414847321 Feb 20 2008 14:08 P.02 ~ ~ ~ .. First American I~ Guarantee No.: 71t9.~8 Pag~~ 1 of :3 f FitfJtAmtJr/Qm Tltfe Ztlwmm:e ~ny"'Oregrm 600 Country Club,Road r Eugene, OR ~740,1 I Phn - (541)<48.'1-2900 ~ fax" (541}184-'321 r l I i' 1 I' Subdivision Guarantee 2ND SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of: Mark N. Sebring and Linda J. Sebring FEE $ , 22S.do ! YOUR REF.: , 719~.898488 f, ~ j' GUARANTEE NO.: First ),mmcsn TItle rnsurance Company tI( Omgtln L I r L The Oregon Real Estate ComlTiisslon, and any County or City within which said subdivision or Propos~d subdIVision i$ located. ' ~ reports to 1. That, accordtng to the public ~cords which impart constructive notice or matters affecting title to th~ premises hereinafter referred to, we find: : v r: I \ , f ~ark N. Sebring and Linda :I. Sebring, husband and wife, as tenants 'by the entirety r We also flnd the following apparent encumbrances, which Includes "Blanket Encumbr~nces" as defin~d by ORS 92.305 (i), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective da~ hereof:, ~ t The rights of the PUbl;C in and to that portion of the premises hereIn deSc;:ribed lying Withl~ the limits of streets, roads:and highways. ! : ' That the last deed of record rU'ns to: Date ReceivecJ FEB 2 5 2008 I' f I, ~ 1 L: 1- . Original SUQmlttal FIrst AfT1eI'k:an Title WESTERN PIONEER TITLE Fax:5414847321 Feb 20 2008 14:08 P.03 .. Subdivision Guaranl:llile ,- , Guarantee No.: 711119-"8488 Page 2 of 3 ~ ~ f I' NOTe: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $1,266.37 Map No.: 1703274301900 Property 10: 0235158 Tax COde No.: , 01900 ., f r ~ [ We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and state and Federal liens ~9alnst the Gr~htee named above and find: ' I " f' , , r -NONE- The premises are In Lane CouJ;1ty and are described as follows: The land referred to i~-thls report is descrIbed In Exhibit A attached hereto. THIS IS NOT A mLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property. Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indlces~ and therefore above listings do not Include additional matters which might have, been disclosed ~ an examination of the record title. We assume no liability In connection with this Subdivision Report an~ will not be responsible for errors or omissions thereIn. f Dated: February 13, 2008 , I First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, , , : By'~~ ~an~i"del'Soi1, Authorized Signatory ~ Mt/62 JNMJS l f f Date ,Received: r FEB 2 5 2008 ~ f t Original Su~mittaL____ ~ I- f, f , First American Tltfe WESTERN PIONEER TITLE Fax:5414847321 Feb 20 2008 14:08 P.04 .. Subdivision Guarantee ~ Guarantee No.: 7119-898488 , pagr 3 of 3 I Exhibit Df!.R Real property In the County qf Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: BEGINNING AT A POINT 262.~ FEET SOUTH AND 830 FEET WEST OF A STONE MONUMENT ON TH~ EAST UNE OF THE ROBERT E. CAMPBELL DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 59, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, : RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMmE MERIDIAN, WHICH IS 21.68 CHAINS NORTH OF THE EA:! 1l::l{1. Y SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM; THENCe SOUTH 120 FeET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO JOHN D. PENDERGRAST, ET UX, RECORDED MAY 29, 1947 IN BOOK 348, PAGE 666, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUN1Y, OREGON AND THE lRUE POINTiOF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST 100 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 134 FEET; THENCE EAST 100 FEET; AND i THENCe NORTH 134 FEET Tq THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. . Tax Parcel ~umber: 0235158 : , p Datt~ i~eceivedf i FE~ 2 5 2008 ~ Original ~I\,:t., (,Ittai Fim Amedcan Title ;, After recording return to: Mark Sebnng 2890 Federal Place. Eugene, Oregon 97404 Date Received: FEB 2 5 2008 Original Submittal ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENA1~CE AGREElVIENT RECITALS: Mark N Sebring and Lmda J. Sebrmg are the owners of a certam tract of real property located m the Southeast one-quarter of SectlOn 27 m TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the WIllamette Mendian. The legal descnptlOn of the real property IS as follows' See Attached ExhIbIt "A" The owners are partItlOnrng SaId real property mto 2 parcels as approved under CIty of Springfield Planmng FIle No. SUB2004-00011 ThIS easement is bemg created to provIde continued shared use of an eXIstmg dnveway servrng Parcell and Parcel 2 of Land PartItlOn Plat No. . recorded , 2008 Inst. No. . Lane County Oregon. DECLARA TION OF EASEMENT: 1. Easement Created. Mark N. Sebring and Lmda J Sebnng do hereby create a perpetual easement as descnbed in ExhibIt "A", attached, for the mutual and exclUSIve use of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of the aforementIoned partItIon plat, as recorded m the Lane County Oregon OffiCIal Records 2. PUI90se The easement IS created to provIde for mgress and egress over an existmg dnveway servmg Parcell and Parcel 2 of SaId Land PartItlOn Plat. The easement may also be used by the aforementlOned Parcel for the mstallatlOn of pnvate utilItIes, mcluding, but not lImIted to water servIce, electrIcal servIce telecommunicatlOn servIces, storm water dram age and sanItary sewer servIce. 3. Use of Burdened Pronertv. The owners or occupiers of the parcels affected by the easement shall have the nght to use theIr property, mcludmg the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupIers do not mterfere WIth the use of the easement as granted by thIS mstrument 4 Mamtenance and RepaIrS The cost of any maintenance or repaIr of the area withrn the easement shall be borne equally by the owners of Parcel I and Parcel 2 of SaId Lane PartItIOn Plat. However, any repairs necessItated by the neglIgence or the Illisuse of the easement area and nghts granted herem by one mdIvIdual party or that mdIvIdual party's agents or mVItees against the other mdIvIdual party shall be the sole responsIbIlIty of the damagmg party. Each parcel WIll be responsible for any real property taxes for that portlOn of the easement area located wIthm theIr mdivIdual parcel boundanes. Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 1 ~ " 5. Successors m Interest. The provIsIons of thIs mstrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Parcel 1 and Parcell of saId Land PartItIOn Plat, and are intended to be covenants and restnctIons runnmg wIth the land. All proviSIOns of thIs mstrument, mcludmg the benefits and burdens, are bmdmg and enure to the heIrs, successors, assIgns, transferees, and personal representatives of all partleS who own any of the aforementIOned parcels Dated thIS ~;(~ day of ~ d ,2008. 'ar~\!~g ~ --- "~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) Qr:;A..t/~ L~d~J. Se~Jkg - U On thIS 0<;( ~ . day of . 2008 there appeared before me, a Notary PublIc for the State of Oregon, Cou of Lane the hereon named Mark N Sebrmg and Lmda J. Sebnng, known to me, or proved to me on a satIsfactory basIs, to be the same persons who executed the foregomg instrument and acknowledged the same to be therr voluntary act and deed In WItness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. /~/)!' ~ /-dkdL Notary PublIc for Oregon . j / My commISSIOn exprres: 1//51/2011 OFFICIIIL SEAL m .. . ... .... , SUSAN G STOVALL NOTARY PUBliC. OREGON COIl.M1SSION NO 420738 MY COMMISS;O:1 EXPIRES SEPT 18, 2011 .-' Date Recei\/ed: fEB 2 5 2008 Ori::,,:n:;l 3'~\:':'m!tt.::J - ........ ___ Or _ --.~_........._ Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 2 ... 'r' ... Exhibit" A" Begmnmg at a pomt bemg of record South 382.8 feet (measured South 3007'28" West 3828 feet) and West 830.00 feet (measured North 87038'57" West 830 00 feet) from a stone monument on the east lme ofthe Robert E. Campbell D.L C. No 59 m TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West ofthe Wlllamette Mendian, said stone monument bemg of record North 21 68 chams from the easterly southeast corner of the said Robert E. Campbell D LC No 59; thence North 87038'57" West 100 00 feet; thence South 3028'00" West 133 80 feet to a pomt on the north margm of"M" Street, smd point being 29.20 feet from, when measured at right angles to the centerline of"M" Street; thence along the north margm of"M" Street South 87038'57" East 1 00.00 feet; thence leavmg smd north margm and runmng North 3028'00" East 133 80 feet to the pomt ofbegmmng, all m Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit "B" Begmnmg at the southwest corner of Parcel 1 of Land PartItIOn Plat No 2008- . as platted and recorded ,2008 Inst No 2008- Lane County Oregon OffiCial Records, smd pomt bemg on the north margin of "M" Street, 29.4 feet from when measured at nght angles to the centerlme of "M" Street; thence along the north margm of "M" Street South 87038'57" East 34.16 feet to the True Point of Beginning, thence leavmg smd north margm and runnmg North 3028'00" East 25 00 feet; thence South 87038'57" East 2500 feet; thence South 3028'00" West 25 00 feet to a pomt on the north margin of "M" Street, smd pomt bemg 29.4 feet from, when measured at nght angles to the centerlme of" M" Street, thence along the north margm of"M" Street North 87038'57" West 2500 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all m Lane County, Oregon Date Rt,;;t;eiv'[?d: ftlj 2 5 2008 Origln:sll Submit~t'" Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 3 After recording return to~ Mark Sebring 2890 Federal Place Eugene, Oregon 97404 Date Received: FEB 2 5 2008 Original SUbmittaL DECLARATION OF A DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTION REOUIREMENT Parcel 2 of Land PartitIOn Plat No. 2008- as platted and recorded m the Lane County Oregon PartitIOn Plat FlIes IS a parcel of land with the following restnctIOn regardmg existmg on-sIte vegetation. In the event it becomes necessary to remove the sequoia tree now located on Parcel 2 the owner of Parcel 2 shall be reqUIred to comply wIth SDC 32.050 and provide street trees at the time the sequoia tree IS removed. ThIs restnctIon IS establIshed m response to a condition of approval associated wIth the City of Spnngfield's review of a land partition application for Mark Sebring (Journal No. 2004-00011), and IS necessary to ensure complIance with Section 32 050 ofthe Spnngfield Development Code Any amendment to, or removal of, this Declaration of a Development Restriction Requirement shall be subject to approval of the CIty of Springfield Planmng Director or his/her designee In the case of any conflIct between this requirement and any zoning ordinance or code of any governmental body, the more restnctIve shall prevail The provisions herein shall be bindmg upon and mure to the benefit of the successors, heIrs and assigns of the owners and all parcel purchasers, users and owners IN W~~~OF, the parties hereto have set their hand and seal this O?~ of - -- - - d ,2008. day BY ~~~)J, ~ ~\ Mark N. Sebnng ,----::;. ~~~ Linda J. Se!#fng 0 STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) COUNTY OF LANE On this ~ day of , 2008 there appeared before me, a Notary PublIc for the State of Oregon, Coun of Lane the hereon named Mark N. Sebring and Lmda J. Sebring, known to me or proved to me on a satisfactory basis to be the same persons who executed the declaratIOn hereon and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. In WItness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. ~['!:. A--4~~_ Cj /;rr- k II J j OFFICIAL SEAL SUSAN G STOVAll NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO 420738 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT 18,2011 .,.....-l Notary Public for Oregon My CommiSSIOn Expires. After recording return to~ Mark Sebnng 2890 Federal Place Eugene, Oregon 97404 DECLARATION OF A DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTION REOUIREMENT Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No 2006- as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon PartItIOn Plat FIles is a parcel of land wIth the following restnctIOn regardlllg eXIsting on-site vegetatIOn: In the event it becomes necessary to remove the sequOIa tree now located on Parcel 2 the oWner of Parcel 2 shall be reqUIred to comply wIth SDC 32 050 and provIde street trees at the tIme the sequoia tree IS removed ThIS restriction IS established in response to a condItion of approval associated with the City of Springfield's review of a land partitIOn applIcatIOn for Mark Sebring (Journal No, 2004-00011), and is necessary to ensure compliance with Section 32050 of the Spnngfield Development Code Any amendment to, or removal of, thIS Declaration of a Development Restriction Requirement shall be subject to approval of the CIty of Springfield Planning DIrector or his/her deSIgnee. In the case of any conflict between thIS reqUIrement and any zomng ordlllance or code of any governmental body, the more restrictIve shall prevail The provisions herein shall be bllldlllg upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heIrs and aSSIgns of the owners and all parcel purchasers, users and owners. "\ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set theIr hand and seal this c:2t:{ U day of ~.(b:& .t . 2006. . BY: ~ ~ ~~ <J\. ~ \ _ . MarkN.Sebnng ~ _ Lmda- ~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) COUNTY OF LANE On thIS ...2~.u day of ~ . 2006 there appeared before me, a Notary PublIc for the State ofOreg4, Co~nty of Lane the hereon named Mark N Sebnng and Llllda J Sebring, known to me or proved to me on a satIsfactory basis to be the same persons who executed the declaration hereon and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. In WItness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. ~4-4~ OJ/I?'b? OFFISIAL SEAL SUSAN G STOVALL , NOTARY PUBLIC. O~EGON COMMISSION NO 371717 tIf COMMISSION EXPiRES SEPT. 18,2007 ~ Notary Public for Oregon My CommIssion Expires: Date Receiv at.: FEB 2 5 2008 OL"~~L\n".,:~ ~:.: '~J~'-' ..~J-,l_"'~.::: '9 _ __",,"'_.. _~....__ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone C~ ",,~f Springfield Official Receipt De:t~topment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: Date: 02/25/2008 1200800000000000175 Job/Journal Number SUB2008-000 13 SUB2008-000 13 DescnptlOn CTY PartItIOn Plat + 5% Technology Fee Item Total: Payments: Check Number AuthonzatlOn Type of Payment Paid By ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received Check SEBRING CONSTRUCTION mem 3158 In Person Check SEBRING CONSTRUCTION mem 3159 In Person Payment Total: Job/Journal Number DescnptlOn SUB2008-000 13 CTY Partition Plat SUB2008-000 13 + 5% Technology Fee Item Total: Payments: Check Number AuthonzatlOn Type of Payment Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received Check SEBRING CONSTRUCTION mem 3158 In Person Check SEBRING CONSTRUCTION mem 3159 In Person Payment Total: 2:41:45PM Amount Due 2,599 00 12995 $2,728.95 Amount Paid $2,599 00 $12995 $2,728.95 Amount Due 2,59900 12995 $2,728.95 Amount Paid $2,599 00 $12995 $2,728.95 Date Received: FEB 2 5 2008 Original Submittal cRecemtl Page 1 of 1 2/25/2008