HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-3-5 VJ/~O/~VV~ VO;J( rAA ~~~J~~~~GG t\ - -:; -= ..... KEATING ENGINEERING L L C 188 west 9 ST. - 9LbG P SPQI~. O~_ '17471 vOICE (541) 7Z~999!5 FAX -(541) 726-9996 e...oilk.;:ll! 1n~1II.9I.CClm tiaroara J. ae Konaen-pos Match 5, 2004 Bob Barnhart City of Springfield Development Smices 22S Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Citypcnnit COM 2003.00196 149 West Ceotennial , A visit was made to the above site at the request ofrhe O"'.ner (Ms. Barbara de Ronden- Pas) fO assess the as-built conditions for a retrofitted c~ro foundation wall under an existing 996 sq ft resideDtial stnlcture, which is. currently in the process of substantial repairs and restorations. The fOWldation work was questioned by the City of Springfield building inspector, as outlined below, 81\d an engineering evaluation" as deemed appropriate. Details ",'hich are relevant to this evaluation are iterated below: ~ 1_ The e..xisting residential structure is a simplified cottage style, stylistically similar to the late Bungalow period. Construction methods and siding ate consistent with pre-war housing, and it is reasonable to date it between 1920 and 1940. It appears to be well constructed and. except for obvious deferred m~i~'ertllnc.e.,..suitable for restoration and continued use as housing. 2, The piesent owner purchased the snucture v.ith the stated intention ofrestorins it to presentable condition and making it available as a rental unit 3. The former foundation was composed of isolated piers and wood posts, 4. The Str\lcmre was raised and a new footing was installed. based on a permit issued on 4-03-03 ' 5. The footings were inspected and, approved prior to concret~ placement, on 5- 20-03. . 6. A foundation inspection was sched\1Ted for the following day, with no additional approvals. 7. A 24" high eMU foundation perimeter wall was completed without funher inspections. and the structure was lowered to the foWl dation. The lifting equipment was removed from the site. 8. A required bond beam on the top of me CMU wall was not installed, but foundation bolting and sills are evident on inspection. 9. The quality ofworlananship is consistent with professionally installed '. masonry, exhibiting tooled joints. straight cOUJ'Sing. plumb walls. and square comers. The owner r.:.y"'. ~ that ber f4nds do Dot pennit removal and replacement oftbe new foundation, or raising the house again to perform substantial repain. Therefol-e. it is prudent to consider what effect the present conditions may have on the 10nge'~tY and safety of the structure, and to set fonh conditions for an "Alternate Materials and Methods ofConstrucrion" application, perOSSC Section 105. To this end> the following work items are undertaken, and the l'esults reported: 1. Verify mat the vc:rtical steel dowels were instalkd at 48" o.c, as indicated in the pennit plan set This ensures that forces normal to the wall are ca.rried through IltJ003 .. V~I~V/~VV~ UQ.~O CnA ~~~~~~~~oo Daroara J. ae KOnUen-Yos ~004 ~ .- reinforced nlasomy, and shearing forces ate not carried entirely by l1l011ar bonds (this is ,'erified by random selection of grollt cells and l'otohammering into them to intercept the reinforcing. and in/en.jewmg inspectors and workmen) 2. Calculate the allowable moment capacity of the as-constructed grade beams (footings) and compare them to expected values that may be generated by the sbear waUs_ (Ihese calculafions are sealed and appentkd 10 this l'eport). 3. Identify the potentially reduced value of the foundation (item 2), and record this engineering evaluation in the property records, for the purpose of ensuring that a more substantial structUl'e is Dot constructed upon this foundation without fm1her evaluation.. This is to say, while the fouodation is adequate for the present purposes. if a future owner ~tn1cts a second stoty on this building, or fe-designs the lateral force resisting system to induce high concentrated loads on the present system. itS adequacy may be in questioD, and further evaluations may be neetssa!)'. (This requirement must be set flmh by the building jurisdiction, the City of Springfield) Based on the above, the foundation is adequate for the intended purpose. If you have any questions. please feel free to eall. (Sealed) & Stephen G. Keating PE SE .J " .. . V~/~U/_UV~_ U?~Q C^a ~~~~~~~~~o naroara J. ae KOnaen-YOS ~oos ..3 KEATING ENGINEERING LLC I _ -= '-88 WEST B STREET SUITE'po f ~ -. SPRINGFIELD . OREGON . 97477 - ' -==: PHONE ~1-726.9995 FAX. 541-726-9996 J ,--- - . amail: keatl,n~en~@mso.com II PROJeCT BARBARA DE RONDEN-PAS ~ESS. 149 WEST cENTENNIAL - SI'RINGFIELO ~ FOUNDATION EVAl.UA1'ION I/~ D~IIiNEA Steve KellttoQ DATE 4~03 PROJECT NO 04-17 RE\IlSEO ~- -- - . t - . Xt " i " .. . ., (~) f(A OF ~ '1" ~'"'\ ~~ ~\bU~' -1&'" --,..iJ - ~ $-1 Vl~ . ~fO~l...Ib -.,__ I->of' }: r- 1a..l'1~SO "X 1'0 t;(; :It + (} t~' It c.., .&fr - l 'f .,,>c w------- l )< '" g" c.MI) M~"'~ ~ _ ~~. ~4""M~ O'-\L.(... Co t-1 t.-~3 - 0 0 l~ (, . w , I l ~*:J , , -, II - \ 't1 } 31(" l' l.V1".. (,S:!f !CM\) -t leDP,u- m z.t1, V Lf . r M~eu'1" Utf~ ~ . I r- z. c.J ~~~~ c..1l.i (.ttX.o'~XtO'OrI){~J (l-.~{.GOt(~)) '-. t1v.- S t9-.-= ' ~l , .~~ ~ tot, V~/L~/~VV~ VO.~O ~AA ~~i~~~~iOO ~arDara J. ae KOnaen-~os \, . . ", ,. -'--" ~ IICEATING ENG'NE~RING LtC =- --= I' 8e wEST e STREET . surre 'p- , SPRINGrlElO - OReGON _- il74i1 - _ == PHONE 54'- ?26-ms j;;,AX 541-728-9296 -c: emaJl: keatingenll@mSn,com , \ar f"r-,;lOC'l' I ~Mg.6.RA DE ~ONDE'l-OAS AOOIilESS 1149 WEsT_CE:NTENNIAL - SPRING~IELD s~ ';:OUNOAT10N EVALUATION DESIGNEF- Steve KeabnQ ~006 Z/'L DA.n: J PF:OJl\::T NO , ReVI$EO 4MARD3 04-17 ~ ~~ (\.)\~ ~u~') ~ 1 ~<<;. -: \~.S if/- > ,. 1t2"~ Havtf f'-'" tl ~\.I.J('~ t C It ~'lbf u,(. · l' ~ 'fo-o) ::. (I' I S1> y~ "" 1f.t~ ~ ~~ u,..t)~ l~L~) ~ '\0 Yc.f \ ~1Q. ~ c ,~ ~--_. ~_., @ @ 1 ff'S' , ,,(,'5 ll1, S t~ l "" ....'" ',~ o ~ ) r -hi - ~ '1Djo -0 (}) :1 1.(;'-' ; lZ- \ L'~ l, L- ,~ (1) ~<; \ v 6l\O ~ '/ I~<\O ~ M.()~ \..JQ~ 'l3O ~~~~oJ ~ ~ (.o~ &f;'f) ~~t ~~ ~ He1~ c.q~.JO\ ~~.. 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