HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2003-9-26 ~~/Lb/L~~~ ~~:~~ ~41/457153 PSI PAGE 01 c ~ d~ lfj~!1 Information ~S!l, .To Build On ~~1l!lIIIII 0 (l""".., "j,Jl!II>>s '" ~ FacsOmlle TransmfittaD Sheet sw-. 2J:, / 20()./Z, Time: TotaB number of pages, UncladBng cover sheet: Date: 2 To: HR. Ro/3....b4etj}jAR-T Fax Number: 720.3071::; From: SlefJbame Wolford <]jfke Adminim'tJtor Fax Number: 541-746-7163 Telephone Number: 541-746-96+9 Subject: LIVELY PAf?KSWIH CEtvJ~ ~otes:" ,,,' " "II, ,,,1,,.,,1._,, '" I .1,,_... ... ,10 The documenlS accompanying this facsimile transmission may contain confidential dll!lnt InfclYT1atlon or attorney work produd which Is legally pnvdeged. The I ,,{..... ....lion Is ln1encled only for the use oftha reclprent named above. If you haw re<:elVeclltIls fax In elTOr. please notify us, and you are nereby nollfletl WIth any disclosure. copyIng, dlstrtbullon or the laking of this 1.00".....;;t~d Information Is Strlet(v nrcnlbllBd. e9/Z5/zee3 e9:32 5417467163 PSI PAGE 82 l-'s.llnformntion ~rWfJ. ~ToBuild On Engine.". · ConlJUlIIng . 7i!stlng DAfL Y FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 22, 2003 Report Number: 722-30313-1 Client: Wlllamalane Park & Recreation Project Name: Lively Park Swim Center Mr. Greg Hyde 200 South Mill Street Project Location: 6100 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, Oregon P.O. No.: Permit No.: COM 2003 00831 Type of Inspection: Wedge Anchor Weather: Clear Field Observations and Comments Performed continuous inspection during the lnstalla(lon of 5/8" wedge anchor bolts in the following locations: Pit Cover I, beam wall connections per detail 8/603_ PrIor to Installation the predrilled holes were cleaned using compressed air. Verified minimum embeddment depth of 4 inches. The anchors were installed in accordance wilh job-site plans, manufacturer's directions and directive from engineer for torque value of 75 ftllbs. At north end of FRP I (10" x 5" x 318") connection to separation wall, two additional bolts were added by contractor due to proximity of rebar to lower drilled holes. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance wIth the bUilding department approved deSign drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Contractor was asked to notlt{ our office when additronal services are needed Inspector: David Smith, ICBO #0877340-84 If you haVe any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully Submitted, , 0!ital S8N;;rrlaS, Inc. '-J.;do'd ~~_~ T for) Department Manager c Robertson Sherwood Architects John Hyland Construction City of Sprir,gfIeld-Attn. Mr Bob Bamhart MR Richards TI'//$ RePORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE IN~OF?/lAA TION OF THE: CI./eNT ON!. Y TNE REPRODI,ICTlON OF THIS n~()RT. BY ANY MET/</OD. AND ITS TftANSMlTTAJ.. TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS exCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT THE; WRITTEN F'ERMISSION OF PROFESSIONA~ S/iRViCE rN/)US'MIES IS PR.OH1SITfD P~aalonal ServIce IndU.!llnee, lno . 1040A SMiley Sr . Springfield, OR 974n. Phona 5411746.9649. Fax 541/746-7163 l ~!~ -I lriformation ~.,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: September 15, 2003 Mr Greg Hyde Willamalane Park & Rec. 200 South Mill Street , . Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-30302-1 Client: Project Name: 32nd Street Community Park Project Location: Springfield, Oregon ...~ P "l P.O. No.: Type of Inspection: 23658 Proofroll Permit No.: Weather: Clear Field Observations and Comments Met on-site with Wlllamalane Park and Recreation, Satre & ASSOCiates, Balzhlser and Hubbard, and John Hyland Construction representatives to observe a proofroll at finished subgrade elevation for the proposed soccer field and East sidewalk The proofroll was conducted using a tully-loaded dump truck weighing 53,000 pounds Only minor deflections (pumping) were observed under the wheel loads and no wheel tracking (rutting) occurred, Indicating a firm, stable, compacted subgrade at both locations with the exception of the following area. near the center of the soccer field. At thiS location, measuring 15 feet EasUWest by 73 feet North/South, deflections were observed under the wheel loads indicating an unstable subgrade Recommended overexcavatlng thiS area SIX Inches and replace the excavated matenal with crushed aggregate. Also recommended removing several old logs exposed along the South end of the East sidewalk subgrade To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was In accordance wIth the bUIlding epartment approved deSign draWings, geotechnical report, speCifications and applicable workmanship provIsions of the ,Uniform BUlldln~ Code. Inspector: Ray Aliperti If you have any questions regarding thiS report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649 Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ". R~i!v\l,~ Department Manager ~.... ~ ., c City of Springfield Satre & ASSOCiates John Hyland Construction Balzhlser & Hubbard -, '2;'% 2526.2~~ ~'l'? ~ej)\ ~ V"" ~ ~ f\t Ii" t\~ "', ~, o v (\~ \ ~' <' ~ ~%\'~>'(': or- ; ~ <f''\.''''"..:,.~ (f,j ^' ') ....' V ifdSI <"'\~ \..\ ~ ,~'\' ,'~S'~- ~ \, '~ -'; ~ '~" (.\ ~ bi <;} 'v f:'t. (:! uo\. ~ THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TlON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED ProfeSSional Service Industries, Inc. 1040A Shelley St . Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163