HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-7-29 7i.G~6~~ 9- .... .l?cce~:Jt /1 .. RE!DE'NT~AL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION!PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street SpzoingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 - SPRINGRWl- ~~ .r ob [,oC.2t'ian: ,') <6 ~ lL, />'l.U..a/ <:J-:7:.____ 17 03 ?JI/2. OICOO Tcz Let # ~ . 11/</ ,~, J ~ ..P/Z- "'00 7 (tA/v-LJ 0< v r;J.M.Vt .. .<:<1<,1- s;-tJ"'</ r~1 6-1..Lj~ Zip: 9 71/ (JI I) 'tk.:- ..j..... _~ _ (C ~.JI.- I?~ Q.,>> T~ ~"'-'-' ri C<.J ~ ..J .... '-' . ~.......-... _ ~ a...v-P 6J.,...'" fI~. t:i 7d,(.-b7S0 ASQQSaOr3 Map # Subdi.vision: Ctmsr: 71~ 5~ z.. -0,~ , '? AJ. ~.L-,A..l! V A.ddrrJsa: City: , Q..~, n~ f71 RfIIffOd81 n .'1obiZ4IHtmta ~o-~O-/U Ck:(7~~ Dat. of Applicati<m ::;on1:MCtors 7--: 2 ~ -8"2.-. Valu. ...# (c; g:5 ()O GIlmIiNl Plumbing EZsctM.cal .~ttl=har.i.c.::.l C"",,=ti<m Landar v ( '~ cI jCI}U f'L' Add.....G83 ",-,-,.su ''''~r J J "E S '1'/7' R" 1 I I w'l(<;c1S~ ~ y~ /s:.oo .&0 ., ;;tJ I/; J. i 0 Siqr.ed: Date: ;;}JfJ 7- 2..9 -J? z., Liso.1I Phon= f .~ <.j r -O?oC E::iil'C8 It is ~h. rsspO'PlOibility of ehs pfmff'it hoz.cw. to SQ. that aLL inspactions are r.:aU at :hB p7'0ptTt' time, tr.at each .::ddres8 is r6'a.::a.:,~G from the ..,...t. and that the p.....t card i. l.>aated at tha front of tha rrup...ty. .9ui.Zding IXlJi.::ior: apprO't.'ed plan shalt l"CZIIIrin on :ha BuiZding Sit. at all t1.ms1l. fRoa:DUFfE FOR fl/SPECTION Re.Ql/EST: CaZz., _ ez.CJ:JOl'dszo) stat. your City d4si.gnatsd iob nurr.b.r, iob add:rcS8, typil of in3pec-eicn l"SqU"st.;a ar.d IJ."'..,.. yeu. ~LL b. ready tOl" inspcct"'.:cn, Contl'aCtcrs "1" c:un.rs name and phcn8 rrumbcr. Requsst8 recn;,;ed :;efcre 7:00 a":'l :..'iZz. bI1-rrrzdg-thrr_....:~... ..-"I:-......,,~ r...J-"_ ;.",'; ...... ...~U-b_ ,._.:.._ ..~__ .~_... .:JOzoki.n::; ..1"1' _ D"'''1/i'''''J'Jl r,.""'...."ti~, . 0: SITE INSPE~IOIV: To b. trI2lU aftn' a:o:zv.:tt...""n. but pri.c':o tc ..t up of fo..... .0 II"LJ~l1.)l.oAB PU'H9mc. ELECTRICAL & NECHA.'1ICAl.: To be mad.iI befcr. any work is .;wC'Jrfld. o o F"XlTrNG ! FOUNDATICN: To be 17I2dII aftar tNnches are ____,;.Mi and forms ar. .l".ated. but p%"i.cr to pouri.ng ccncr.t.. UNDrnGROW.'D PI.UMSINC\ S~. ,""iT!'R, D.r?AINAGE: To be f1J'.l:U prior to [1.1.- 1.""4 trmtaMs. D UBDE;f?FWOR PLUgBING ~ MEC!lANICAl.~ To bfJ ItrJliJJ pM.or to inat:a1.lanon of {tool" insulation or dec1d.ng. POST AND BtAM' To 0. .~ prior to insta1.l..::tt.cn of floor insulation or deaki.... .0/2P'l!1 P!:rP.}8I!1r;.. _:;~E~rC.t!;..4 MECH- ANICAl.: NO:Jerk i8 to oe COI:erea ur.n ~ these inspecti01".8 hav. been nr:de and approve.:!. . FIEEPLACE: Prior to p1.a.cir.g fa.cing IIICterial.s and before [rarrri.ng inspeo- tior.. o o o D z;oPJJ!.TNC: Mu:Jt btl rsqus3tfld af~fIr approval of l'CUgh plUll'.bing. 81"".,.,;- cal & :r:schani..=a.l.. AL! roOfing aracing ~ ch.imnJ:ys. et.:. m:L8t be camD Lstod. !lo wrk is to be ccn- cscisd Wlti z. thi.8 insNCnCPl has b.... mode and approvad. r_ City D.ri.gM.... .lob Numb... Io: D INSUl.A.TIO"/VAPl'R BARRrrR T."1SP!:CTION: To b. ~ afttzr aLl. iMu~t,:.,n a:1d - requi.r8d l1apor b~ are in pLactl bit befere any t.ath. gypswrr board or u:zz.t aovmng is appUsd# and before any iMULation: i.s acncllaLsd. D DRNAL!. IllSPECT~OR: To be l1rZIis attU' al.l drywU is in place# but prior to _ taping. O MASONRY: St..L l.oaation, bcmd . b<<Z1Jl3# grouting or vertiooLs in a.acordancs with U.B.C. SectWn 241$. Dl ;l()ODSTO'I'I:: Aft... inBtallati<m i. ~ ccmpl.eud. D CURB & APPPOAC11 AP."!'R: Afte:o .forms are ersctsd but pr"..or to pOUM.ng ~'"Nte. O SIDEWALK ~ DRIn"WAY: ."or aLZ C07t- erste paving within streot ri.ght- of-ux;:y# to be mads after all e=ca- IJating acmp14te & f~ r.mok & cub- bas. l7CteriaL in pla:e. D _7NCF:: """" eompr..t. -- l'rolri.c!s ga:;;; or mCIJabl. sections through P.D.E. o S 2/ n J ~ . DEUOr.ITIO!1 OR .\fOt7' 3'JIZ:::ICS J ~ SC%Il'i-:ary SfAJC' =;pei. =t ~C!"1:"i Ur.. ~ Sept1..:: tank ~..Jl'Ir9~ crr.:i fi1.Zad :.o{.:11. ;rr:r:JsL :J FinaL.. .mum 1:i;.....'lU/ i;~ a:r. ecr.rpz.Q'ted ar.a :JhBn ~!it"":"'r. 1.0 c~z..:a or struC- ture li"IOUfId and pr~:J.s ~~am::: up. lMobiZ,,a Hertles =:J az.ooking and S~t-:A.p =:J Plumbing Cann8ct~ns .- Bc:.Jer ~ :Jatar -, CkctricaL Ccnn.ction - S~ck-;r.:;, set-up -..l and pl.umbing ~anr.Bctians ~...,t ;s c;:prol:ea before r8qU6sting 6Z..~:ri.cal. -:.r.8pec':io:1 =:J Ac~sssot"'.i Sui Zdi~ :J FinaL .. Af~~r.?~r~r..8J e'Ce. are ccmp:..at~a. I s1Creing, dscks. o Al~ project condi:ianll. sue,1: as tha ins-:aL~on "f S-:N8t 'trus. c~!.;:i.:n1: 0; :tta requi,..d 1.tmdsc~,..g. etc. # muS'C bs satisfiod befortl tl-.s BUIUJI.":C FI:"Al. .::zn =e r3quest3d. o FIlIAL PWMBINC o FINAL ,1fEf:HANICAL o ?IlVAl. ELECTRICAL o o 5'INAL SUIl.DINC: 11:e Final Building Inspection must ba requeatBd af"';sr ~r.B FinaL ?!ur.:bing EZllctriaaL# and .'fschar.icaL Irzspsct:io7'UJ kava bSI11l mads and approIJsd. *AU ,'.JANHCLES AND CLEAtlOUTS uUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUS7?fEflT 7:0 BE M/IDE '/.1" flO COS7 TO ';I'!'''! I =.'-e of 2 _i Job Number: 75 2. I 0 '13 . Lot Sq. F1:g. s ~f lot C~erag& !f. of Storiss Total HBight ?opography Occ:u:oaru::w Group: LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac Zone: I ITF:IJ I i /.1m I=e I CaMJort I AecesBortI S~.FTG I I Is.v.c. TOTAL VALUE 1.5 x {val.u(:} Building Pel'nrit State Surcharge Total CIuz:ogea lITEM I Fi:rture. I.qeaidential (1 /xrthl I Sanitary SfM(J,1' I ;later I I NO. I I I I I I I FIT Pl:mrbing Pel'nri t StcT;ts Surcr.a.rge Total Charaes I ITEN j ReB~ So. fta. I NDJ/Ezttmd Circui ts I'Temporary Service , NO'1 I I i FEE I I, I Ele~tM.cal Permit StatB Surcharae Total C1ra:rCBB I'~!!N ~ce!!'1'U'S E=haust Hood Vent Fan I 'WoodJJtove I i/O. I I '1 '-f -10 I FEE Permi. t I:;suanca Mechanical Permi t State Sta'charae rota 1. CharasC' -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec:'..lM.tl! DarJOsit Stora~e !:uaintenan.::a !Pcrmt I' Tetal C}:aroas Curbcut Sidswalk I' Fen::e I 'Elect1'ica l f.ab(ll I Mobile Heme I I I TOTAL AMOUNT VUE:- x Value CHARGE Page 2 Refel'er.ce Nwnhers: . L-COG #: Tyoe/Cor..st: Bedrooms: I Enercp Sources Heat I WatRJ' .t{pnt:p.yt I Rcurge I I Fireo lace I I wo0J3tove II T'<J"e I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. House Caraqe Access. INorth lEast ISouth IWest ..- Faes I I I I I I I, ,- I I I. - Building Value & Permit This psrmit io granted on th9 upress condition that the said construation' shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the ZOning Crdinanc9, regulating ths acnstruation and u:;s of buildings, and may be suspended or reookiuJ. at cmy t"':.me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I P7An Cheak Fee: Dat€: Paid: I Reodpt #: I Sig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, instal!, aLter 01' changs any nft, CI' e:risting plumbing 01' d.rainage systsm in ':JhoZs Ol" in part, unLess such person is ths 'Legal. possessor of a val.id pZwnber's l.icenBe, ezcept that a person may do pl.umbing wol'k to r-" "'r-"'.:":J which is mmed, lsased 01' operated by the appl.i- 'cant. Elect~1 Permi t Where State LaLJ requires that th6 eLectrical work be done by an Elscmcal. Contractor, t1ureCgu:". ~...c:' t"... ....:..... ~hi~ r' _....o,:~.-shaU-nct-b9-vaUd-un.til- -- tits label Ira. boen .igned by tits E~ecmaal Contractor. Mechanical Permit PLan EzcJm.nsr lIa_e I SA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aomp l.6ted app lication for permi t, and do hereby certify that aU inforrrrz.tion hereon is true and COl'Tect, and I f'.aotr.er certify that any ar.d all. lJOrk performed shalZ b9 done in aceGr- dance OJith tho Ordinanae. of tho City of Springfield. and the La:J. of tho State of Oregon pzrt.::ining to the work c9scribed herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY 1.Uill. be rrrI.de of any stJtuatura withcr.lt permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only aontractors ar.d e:rpl::;yeBs who a:t'B in compliance ~;th ORS 701.055 wil.l. be used on this project ,~ ~~ 11:2.1)1$2 Sign8d Vat.