HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-7-10 --=-'..v .. RESIDaJTlAL" APP~ICA711t/PERMIT 225 North. 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,Job [iOC:<1tioll: 7-2~,d1::~V-5 , .\nu-o'34 \ Q. 1'GX wt II Of80n ~#LL ~~ pi?'/%? AODenoor"~ Map H Subdivioion: lA.mer: r<::,/~73JE7rr- %..ddX , Address: /7:s-=r .#o/'''''~A2' City: /V~/Y~ 0r-<?- r:-l n n n Nf'l,) .1dditicn Remodel. .'.fobi l.e lIoma ?~/<::::'~ 8'9 Date of Applicaticn Contractors . General , Plumbing \1 n r0 \ "" (\~ ",-\'{L.... i Nechanical -- - I Ele<:Uical Sl1pervisi~_ Elec t r jc inn Phone: ,"g-"7:?::<~ Zip: q /9'Y8 D01icrib(! h'Ol'k: ;l);;y//y~e Value Address Use. /I BIdrs Boord Reg; Phnnp 5 4!4~' ) h';;crc:.pL ,'1' 'eI \ 43'6l2 1&1~ I...~~ \ Sigr;ed: d tf'XiJ . Ol F)-If'L y6( I IV v ) Date: Exni.res " It io tho renponDibility of the permit holdnt. to aee that al.l inr.ped;iorm are madti at t}le proper tim€., t,t;at each .:ddl"esa is readab~e from the. utreat, and that the permit card in located at the [JVJrlt of tlw pl'operty. ~BuiZdina Diviaior: approt:ed plan 3hc.U pemaf,ll on th.~ Bu~Ldbl~ sit.<:: at all t;imes. prWCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reco7'dm~) state your City d.enianated job nu..ber., job aCc''j'ess., type of il::;pec~iell requested ar:d whnn you /JiZl. be ready for inspection., Contractors 01' ();JIICrS 11l';11/C end phone nu/nber. Reques~s recei!:ed befcl's 7:00.:-;; :-.,'iZl be mada the same day, requests mcde afte.r 7:00 am wi1.l be made the n~xt :.>orkin.; day. Your City Daaig1":ated Job Numb6l' Ia: 8~t::::~ Rr>f7lliY'lC'ri TP1f-Q"l!b:r.P1.Q D o SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation., but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PL/J^IDING. ELECTRICAL & MECIIANICAD: To be made before any work in ~ovared. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To b. nude after trenches are excavated and forms are erected., but prior to pouring ccncret~. f"\'7l mmSRCROUND PLUMBING,. SEWER. W.1TE!~ r-" 1...-11,,~u.j.!:':!Vl:o. 1 To be made prior to fiL- It-r.g trenches. o UNDERFLOOR Pr,UN13ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inataZLation of floor inuutation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to . install.ation of floor ins~Latior. or / decki1T{J. D ROUGH Pr,W1BI!lG. Er.ECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be co~ered until these inspections hav~ beer. made and approved. ,FIREPLACE: Prior to placir..{J facing material.a and bsfore framing inspec- tion. D o FRNnNG: Must be requested after approvaL of rough plumbing., electri- caL & mechanical.. AU roofing braci11{J d c}linmcyn, etc. nr'.J.st hi? compLeted. No luork is 'to be con- , cealed until this inspoction haG . been made and approved. D _ _ n INSUUITIONIVAPOR B/iRRIf.'R iNSPECTION: To be mad.e after alZ in3ulatiQn a~~ required vapor carrier."; we in place but ho.fore any lath., (Jupnwn board 01" waU ~overillg is applied, ..wl beforo any inaulatiOl1 i:; concealed. , DEUOl-ITION OR :.:OV"iD iiilnDI,Tc8 =:J Sanitary SC...J6l' :::apped at p~op;;rtIi lir:e ~ Sapti::: tank p~7.?cd a~ f~lled with gra~el :J Final - ({hen axue ite:.7s arc ccmpleted ar.d when d~~olition is canplete or stru~- ture moved a'~ pr~mi3es :::leaned up. Mobile Hemes :=J Blocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbing connections r.::r.JI31' and Water --, Electrical Conr.action - Blocking, set-up ---1 and plumbing cow:CCtiO~18 m:.:st te apprQved before l'equestillg eZec~ril.Jal illspectio~ :=J Ac:::escory Bui Ldin(J :J Fin.al - Aftcr P:Jl'Cr.OD., skirting. decks. etc. are comi'let~d. D FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG ALL P~'o.ject condition3, sue/; (13 the hlStallatiol1 of stl'eet trees, co.~plet,i.;m of tne requirrzd Landscapir.{], etc., rmmt be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be l'equested. o o o o FIlIAL MECIIANICAL o PIN:1L BUIr.DINC: The Final Buildi,lf/ lIu>pcctioll must be requeated after tho Final Plwnbing ,ELcc:tl'ical, and Mecha,:icr:l Inr,pactiona have been made and appl'ovad. FINAL E:U:CTRICAL , D DRrrvALL INSPECTION: Tc be made aft(w all. drywall i:; l:n placeJ but [11'1:01' to Gny tapillg. MA.';ONR}': Steel location, bo1u1 beam3.. gl'OutinO or vCJ'f;icalr: in accordance with U. B. C. Secti.on 2415. WOODSTOVE: After in3tallation is c..'Gmp"lctr,d. " " ~A[,L f.fANIICr.ES AN/) CLF.ANOUTS NUST BE ACCES:;mU;, AD.1USTlfEflT TO BEM,WE AT 1.'0 (,~ST TO CI'!T J Par~17 1 of 2 o o D CURB & APPROACU APRON: Aftm' forl.'m are arnated but prior' t.o pou)'ing .:!on"~'ate. D SIDHtvA!,K ,I; DRn'Ef,l!'.i': For all con- crete pavin.a within street right- of-wcy., to be made aftel' all exca- vatin~ complete & fo~ work ,I; ~ub. ba:;e mriterial. in place: D ["ENCE: ~'hen co:npl.,tc -- Provide gatmi or movable r,ecticn:; Ull'OU(}J: P.U.E. D r:ffCXd11, SOLAR ACCESS OccupanCI{ Graue WT TYPE I JOB NO. Izone: ILot Sq. Ft;]. i ~f lot Caverag~ fI of Stories Total Height Topography ITEM IMa.in I Gerace I Car'DOl"t SQ. FTC IIcce8S0~lf 7'OTI1L VALUE IS.D.c. (VC[,./.J.CJ 1.5 x Building Pernri t State Sw'ch:rrge Tota l [,'ha.:>ge3 In.terior' Corner Panhmulle CuZ-de-sac x Value lITEM I FixtW'es I Residential (] bath) I Sanit..'1l'/( SeLlel' NO. I t',.E Water> ~~/?7 t:k_~". _.__.~<F Plumbing Perr::i t State Surcr.ar>ge Total Char(T(~S I1'/:,'M I Res. So. fta. I N;::w/Extend Circlli ts Temporary SCl~ice NO. t'EE CHAUGE I I 1 1 ~~J '2,6/- .:l /-""""1 :<'/-"'- I ' CHAIIGE I 1 1 I I 1 1 I, Elc::tl'tcal Permit Sta. te Sur:::harqe Total C}U11'qe.<J ITEM I Purrt.'Wp. '?7'IJ'S I ~haus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto"Je I I NO. I Permi t Issuance Me:::hanic::l Pe1'rfn t State 8W'ohal'QC Total. Charaen J:.'NCROACHMENT ISe~~ritl{ DeP03tt I Storage j Maintenance l Permi t Total Chal"Qcs I Cu:rbc..'u; I Sidewalk I Pen:;:c I Elec trica l I Mobile Hame I I l'rOTAL Label ,1'"'!DU.'VT [JIIF::; n~,:e CHARCE --::?/ ~ ruyt.< L-COG~ REQ.- I Lot Faces - I I p.r.. jNm'th IEa$t Iso"th ~ryel) t , Access. 1 II II 1 .] 1 1 ~"!jpe/Cor:st: Bedrooms: EnerlJ.u So:~raes !feat Water .'Irm t(?r Range Fireolace Wood:;tove TUDe Setbacks 1!ouIJe I em'age Fees 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Building Value & Permit T1lilJ pcn/rit i:J granted on the e:rpl'eDB condition that the said constJ~ction shall, in all respects, confonn to tile Dr-dinar.ce adopted b.y the City of SJll'ina.ficld. inc!u.ding ;he Zoning Crd-f,nance, regulating the c:onstJ>udion and t/:~e or buildings, and m:.zy bc suspended 01' revoked. at cr.y time upon vic- lat'ion oj' any provi:;ior.!J of Haid Or,dinances. I Plan Check Ivatc Paid: Rec:<:ipt II: ISig~ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No perwn v}uIll corwtl'lwt, b'wtalL, alter 01' change any new 01' existing plwnbirl(J 01' dJ.ainage sYlJte:1I in ;,}holo or in part, U1,:leDs BUell pel'son it; the legal pa:J:Jcs!lor oj' a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to pr'opepty which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appLi- cant. Electrical Permit l.fhel'e State LaIJ requil'es tr.at the electricaL work be done by an ELeatrical Contractor', the electricaL poption of ;his permit shaH not be valid wltiL the Label has been signed by the E'Lectrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~-~ p*xwrnne1' /" F 77't::S' S-:J_ Uat.e I H.-1 VE: CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application [01' permi t, arId do hereby 'certify that aU ir:fo:'mation hCr'eon is true and correct, and I further' cer.tify that any ar.d all work pcr[or':TIed shall be do:-ze in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of springfield, and the L<r.JS of t1w State of Opeg::m pel'taining to the wol,k described her'ein, and that NO OCC!J~ PANCY will be rmde of any str'uctw'e without par>mission of the Buildina Di- vi~ion. I further certify that o:-zly contractors ar~ e~ployee8 w}:o are in ca~pLiancc with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project Q~ ~ '" 00.;A s: fkl~!~/rr gif'j'r(:d