HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-2-11 .. RESIDEe-IAL',' APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 776 r/.",PU"'i Aeoesoore Map N /?-()7- 3'1-/ 2 I#~T~(I.. ~T m ~/~//'#4 1?le 7?7"'#~~~;!:> r$~c..fI"ce C-J.o/~T " ' , note of Application '2 -//-,8rG. Subdivision: DuneI': ~o~ -?7~ rJAv.::..... <)~;:-l.Z/. ...:::s.?i' . / ,. V 57: Address: Citlj: I irxl In In 'n Nro,' Addi ticn Remode], .'.fobi Ie Home G:on:;l"actoZ's General. <"z To::; Lot N ~2/~ .NatN'FG.~ . Phone: 72t;;-~?? zip: ""3:?'r? '? De8C:r>"~be f,'ork: Value R~. ac:. Address Plwnbing Electrical. Neehar.ie=! r~~~;qL""" u - . ''''''''''"~ ,_.lit It- ;,.~, ~ ~ I"~. Construction Lender eae:ot.. .1J~<:?.:s--o ~@J Signed: ~ Date: .,/ /..2-//-g~ Lise. Ii Exvil'lZS P}-.on~ It is the 1'6sponoibility of the permit holder to see that all incpections a:re made at the proper ~imf:, t!:at 2C.ch .::ddress is l'ea.::a?;:e from the Btreet,' and that the pcl"mit card is 1.ocated at the front of the property. "Bui!di'!'.g [)i..vi::io'!': appl'oved plan shell remain. on tiw Bu-:..Zding Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RE:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber~ job adC:r>ess~ type of ir:.3pec-;ic,; requested a~~ when you will be ready for inspcction~ Contractors 01' OWners name end phone number. Requests received befcre 7:00 ~ :,,'iZl be made the same day~ requests made after 7:00 am wiZl ba made the nat :.Jarkin; day. Your City Desigr.atcd Job NumbG:r Is: B~ ~2b :'?;?mn: 1"t:'t1 T'}RnN!f:.1:fJ!1R o o D SITE INSPECTION: To be nrlde after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l.;'ECHA.'lICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovared. FOOTING!! FOUNDATION: To be nr:zde after trenches Ql'e excavated and forms are erected~ but pl'ior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERG.rWUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER~ DRAINAGE: To be rrn:ie prior to fi l- 1.ir.g trenches. o [] UNDERFWOR PLUl-$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaZZatioll of floor insulation 01' deakins, ROUGH PLU!1BI!lG_ ELECTR!CAr. & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered- ur.ti l. these inspectior:s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZa.cir.g facing mc.teriaZs and before framing inspec-- tior.. FRA!~ING:, Must be .requested after approv.::z,i of rough plwr;bing~ alectri- ca,Z & mechanical. An roOfing bracing & chimncys~ et~. nr~st be completed. No work is to be con- , ceal.ed until. thic inspection has . b€en made and approve~. D o o =:::J O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insul.:;.ti::m w.d " required vapor barriers are in pZaqe ': but before any lath~ gypsum board 01' wU covering is applied~ and before any insulation is concealed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ drywaZl is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVE!} BUILDIi;'GS ~ Sani=ary se".Jer ~apped ~t ~opcrt:i ],ir:e =:J Septi~ tank, p:.4.,,?i:d and filled with gra:JeZ ----, Final. - fl'hen abcvc ite:ns are ccr:rolcted ---1 and when d~olitior. is complete or struJ- ture moved and pramises ~leaned up. Mobile Hemes O MASONRY: S:~el beam3~ gI'OU...t.ng accordance !.Ji th 2415. I V I WOODSTOVE: After installation is I' ccmpleted. location ~ bond 01' verticaZs in U.B.C. Section o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are fJrcated but prior to pouring aon:::I'etc. ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Pl.umbing connections sewer and water ~ Electrical Conr.ection - Blocking~ set-u? ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be approvec before I'equBsting electrical inspec=io~ ~ Accesso1"'d Building I Final - Aftar' porcr.es~ skirting~ decks~ ---l etc. are comple=ed. ~ 1ke-~ST~'?<'''7/6,y ~~.c..7/C::=;.y- . FINAL PLUJ.!BIllG All project conditions~ suc,t: as the instCl;Zlation of S:l'cet trees, co:;rpletion of the required 7..andscc.pir.g~ etc. ~ TlTUst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can 'be raquestad. =:J Kl ~ =:J ~ FINAL ME(;HANICAL o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested afteI' the Final PZumbi"3 Electrical~ and Mechar:ical InspectionB have been made and approv2d. FINAL ELECTRICAL o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- crete paving within street right- of-/.JX;Y~ to be made after aU exca- vating complete & fo~ work & cub- , base 1OO:teria! ,in 'p'la.::!e. '" O PENCE: When co:npl~te -- Provide' gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E, o ......... . " , "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOurS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST!rElIT TO BE !,!,/IDE AT !.'O CaST TO c.nY ., Page of 2 I I JOB NO. ~ooxl-, I Zone: ILot Sq. Ft;. SOLAR.CESS Occupancl,f Group: WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac Z of lot Cavel'ag~ # of Stories . Total Height I I Topography I lITEM luain lGc::racp- Carnort AccessoI'fI S.D.C. I SQ.FTG I 1 x Value TOTAL VALUE (VC.t.U.C) 1.5 :r Bui Lding Permit State Surcharge Total Cha.......ges I lITEM 1110. I FEE I Fixtures I I, Residential. (1 bath) I I I Sani tal'Y SelJer> I I I Water I I I I PZwnb-';ng Perd. t I State SUI'cr.m>ge I Tota7- Chc.l'oes I I ITEM 1110'1 FEE I I Res. Sa. fta. I !New/Extend Circuits I I I I I I I jTempol'ary Service 1 I EZe~tl'ical Permit State Sur:::h.arae Total Charces lITEM , [Furmce PTU' S I ! Exhaust Hood 1 Vent Pan , ; woodsto;Je I NQ.' I I I I IIr>Fflr 1 / I I I FEE Permit Issuance Me::hanical Permit State SuI'chc.}'t(]c Tntnl ChaT'Olm . Storage ! SeC'dritll DeP03it -- ENCROACHMENT -- Maintenance Permit Curbcut SidewaZk F'cn:::e CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE /5'. -P I I I,if". &>>0 I .bDI Lf". ~6 , ' I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ll. I t!'I "3tf'J, l!.'~ I Total. Charoes Electroical Label Mobile Home 7*tE-/H$7~.c.~A-:m!!$'" ifr'spEiq'j..... ., TOTAL AJ.tOUNT DUE:.4 REQ,- . L -CO'c'~ T.4ve/Cor.st .' Bedrooms: I I Ener'Gu Sources I I Heat I I Water> Hp.atpl" I I Hange I I Firep lace I I Woodctove II Tuve I Lot Faces - Setbacks I P. L. House CcwQf1e lllorth lEast ISou th IWest I Access. Fees I I I I I I- I I ' I I I I, I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I, I I ' ',' Building Value & Permit This permi t in granted on the express condi tion that the s~iid. construction shall, in all respects, confonm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinance, regulc.ting the construction and use of buildings, and m::::y be suspended or. revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any'p'l'ovisions of said ordir.ances. --..... " " " /PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No perzon shall construct, install, aZter or change any neW cr e=isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except th~t a person may do plw::bing work to property which is oumed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where Suite LCElJ requires th~t the electrical work be done by.an Ele[:trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the. label has been signed by the ElectItical Contractor. Mechanical Permit i d~.-/.r~A- :> 7 !;icJrn,ner - /' ~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'1INED the compLeted appLication for permit, and do hereby certify that all in.for'mation hereon is true and correct, and I p..lrther certify that any ar.d aU work performed shalL be do~e i~ accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfic~d, and th~ L~~8 of tho State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZL be made of any structure without permissio~ of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that on.ly contractors ar.d empLoyees who are in ~pLiance with ORS 7Dl.05E wiLL be used on this project z-//.~ va.e ~-)I-,f'-, Date