HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-4-7 .... .." ',..'-.' .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT ,-- SPRlNGFlWl- 225 North 5th Street ' . , Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiUing Division 728-3753 .rob Location.: 1033 Janus Street. 17-03-34-21 ~~ Sprinqfield. OR 97477 304 AsaBSOO~S Map ~ ~i~.wn: Green View. Copeland Plat' Replat #6 Tc= (,0' # am.!": Ga ry Devere 11 1033 Janus Street Sprinqfield. OR AddreS3: C:.ty: n [;l ~ n .V~.I Addi non ~: 726-5834 Z:.?: 97477 Ouari.b. flOl"k: Residential remodel and small addition Remodd ,'lobi Z. Ham. Dat. of Appli.<=tion :.:ont:raCtors 4-5-82 ~IHennino Construction CO. P~ , ,!:!ocmeal Save On E1 ectri c .'(.ohar.ic.:l Henninq Construction C"""truDtion Lsndor VaLue $9.000.00 Add:zoGSS 580 W 27th Ave. Euqene 325 Terra Lenda Dr.Euqene Co. 580 W 27th Ave, Eugene Lise.N .=?CCB-:'::Jt .'j. h8'(s54 , Bui 1 di ng Permit 4 % Plumbing Permit 4 % i Electrical Permit 4 % Mechanical Permit 4 % $48.00 1. 92 15.00 .60 15.00 .60 18.00 .72 $99.84 S4mod: Oats: CU7d~ L!-,-^ L E:Dil't!8 Phone 343-7275 Call when reaclv 689-3397 343-7275 1981 11-30-82 20-99C 1981 2-28-83 11-30-82 It is -eM nspcruribit.i.ty of tluJ plJl'mit haldC" to s.. that aLl. insplliilotions are r.Illd.c at ~hs prt:fpU' t'i.me, cr.at t:a.Ch :ddreS8 is r.a.:::a..;!~ frcm 'ho ........ and .ha. .ho p......' card is !.>catod at tho front of .ho pl'OPorty, .tBuit.ding Divicior. appruvtui. plan sha1.Z remain on tha Building Sit. at aLl tim6s. Ji:......:.uu'RE POR ....jIJ.:-t:......ION REOUEST: C4Zt ?i~.~t ".,.~ l...) stat. your Ci.ty dsaignatsd job 1'Um'.bel'. job address. typo of in3pecticn : nquestlld ar.d 1II.1:Qn you. ~n b. r<<rdy for irurpcrct"'.:cn, Contractors or Omars ItQ7I'O and pJunt. nwrrbcr. RBqu6Sts rBCe1.:.:ed cafere 'l: 00 (r.'I :.>it! bo nr:do 'M BallI. dq, ..._... nr:do aft"" 7:00 (&11 ,.,,;t! b. nr:do tho nat :Jerking dq. ~",,,":{"'.~ r"'~J:.'-'+;r' , 0: SITE INSPEC':10,V: To b" I1GI:U aftn' _~ Out prier ... .r. up of f""""'., ' UNDKRStAB PWN9IRC. ELECTRICAL .f NECHA.'lICAL: To be nc:U befOZOfl an1J :.JQZ'K is ,'Jcucred. o w Gl !llI o [ll] Q FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To b. nr:do aftu ~htJ. are _..._.....~ and fol'l1tS (17. erea't~. but pl"'ior to pouring acMZ'et.. UND~G.rroW!D Pf,UJ.C1I'NC. SEVeR. rl.1.T.!'R, D.ruINAGE: To b. ~ prior to fi,1.- 1.1'''4 tNncMS. w UllDSRFWOR PWI,$I1/G ~ ,'IECHANICAL: To b. ntU1iI pn.or CO l.nataLl.at1.on of f7.oor insuLation or docking. POST AND BEAN: To b. ..ui;: prier to instaLl.%'t1.cn of f'T.otn" insulation or docking, ROr.rcH PLcr.-11JI,"?,q. ,T~~!CA!. .. MECR- ANICAL: No ~rk. is to Ge cOl.-Bred w:tz,z, ~hes. inspflc:i.omJ have besn nmi.8 and approved. . FI!'.EPLACE: Prior to p1.=ir.g fa"'ng mat'lIriaZ,. and bcfOZ'e frarni.ng inspec- tier.. F'RAJ.1ING! Mu:1t b" rflq1UlDtsd af~ar -e't'~ ""..,...L of. raough pLwr.birrg. az,sct;ri.... caL d :r.echa7ti.ouzL. Al! l'Oofing bracing ~ ehimrtcys, at". must be =rroLatcci. flo wrk is to b" con.. efltiLad unti L thio insoect'icn kaa b.... nr:do and approved, lauzo City 008f.g1uz1:8d .ob lMrbor Is: rv71XX INSULATION/VAPOR 'W/lIrrR VlS'PeCrTON: ~ To b. ma. aftlit' aU. inaI.::ti.:m aM raqr.r;:..d ~ baz-t"'i.4n are in place bu. I:.fer. any La'h. gvpllU1lf beard or wal.Z. oova"'irrg ..,;. appLUd, and before any inmlLation is concflt1Z4d.. r:1 DR'lI/ALL IIISPECTTON: Te b. nr:do ~ aftlIZ' az,l. ~n is in p1.ac., bu. prior to any taping. O MASONRY: St.oL woetion. bond b41C'713, grovti,lIg Ol' vwtical.a in ~~_~.l-__~ with U.B.C. SQCtion 2.15. DXX WOODSTOVE: Aftor iMtalla.i.on :.. ~ ccmp/.8ud. D CURB d APF?OACH AP.f:!ON: Aftsr forms are drecr:8d but pr';,qr to pouring o'J01'L..~tII. O SIDE7WAL4, & DR.I'/E'JAY: For aLl. cmI- ergt" ptz'fXng :.ntmn streQt right- of-wc.y, to be mads aft.,. all. uca- vating ac:mp1.4tB d f~ work .f sub. baSil na::tmaL in pla:;B. D ,"!':NeE:: WhBn ccmpto.. -- ?rovid. go:;;; or :71OUabl. sections through p.U.e, o R?n?74 . DEJ.KJL.ZTIO.'1 OR .'fOrn 3UIL:~:IGS J :J Sam.:ary ..uco ~pei =t ~!1pc-t":i lir.. ::J SIIpti.:J tank F.mtp6d a:--L f:,Z,z..d :.Jith JM:18L ] FinaL -.Ilium aA,-ue i-t:::rs are ac::rpLlIted - ar.d lJMn :lemcZi.~.:.or:. i..1 oor.:'?LII':4il' or strua- tuzofl mov~ ar.d prcrri:us ,'J t.8am.:: up. 'Nob"';1.1I Hcmes J :::J Bloeking and Sat-~p :::J Plumbing eonnsct~ns .- 8:::.JU' ~ :.:atdr :::J Electrical Ccnnection - Bl.ack-~r.a, ..t-uO' and. plumbing .::onr.sc-eicns r.:-.:at =a <I??rot:sa before reqtlfIsting el.4.;:;ri.ca1. ir.spec':io:-: ~ AC=.860~' BuiZd::.~ ] F1.na:L - Aft~r .?~er.1l8, s~r'ti~, dscks, llta. a:t'B carrp:.at.d. o AU projecrt ccnditi.o1'Ul. sue.1: as ths ins"ta:L~o" of st:Net treea, c~l.;:i..m of :it# requ.il"fl,d la:ndscqril'.g, etc., must oe satisfiod before tJ-.a ac.rIWI::G FI:"AL ~ .;S rzqusst,zd. [ill FDIAL PWNlJING IiiJ FINAL I.w.:HANICAL IiiJ FINAL eLECTRICAL ,0 @ ?INAL aUILDINC: The Final Buil.ding Inspect'ion must ba requeotsd af-';(l1" :;'08 ~l;"ina:L numbi~ et.llctricaL~ and .'1echar.icaL lnapect:"'.:.ono hava bC87I mads arrd approVlld. "AU ,'.JANHOLES AND CrEAllOliTS MUST BE AC~SSIB{'E~ ADJUSTUENT TO BE N.4DE ..11' NO COS';' TO :I'!Y I F;;;e at 2 , _\ ""----'..o"=,.,...,.-~__._ jJob 1/1JJnb",,: 820274 , 1 Zona: R 1 I I Lot Sq. Ftg. , ;: :;f lot C:;verag~ ! II of Stcriss , ! Totd Hm.ght !Topography '.'II' Occu:oanCl/ Grour:J: Q1 9104.12 22% 1 15'6" ....LelL" 1 I , lITEM I Main I SQ.FTG 391. 88 292.5 15.50 $6,075.00 10.00 2,925.00 Cc::oac. Caroort IAccBssoru TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. ,val-U.S) 1.S z Building P.,.",;;t Stats Surcharge Total Charg.. Plwnbing P""";; t state Su.rc}o.arge TotaZ C'haraes lITEM I Res. Sa. NO. fto, I Temporary StZrVics I ElBct7'i.caZ Pe:rmit Stat. SuJ'oharq. Total. C'hart::BII I ITSM I Pu:nr::.CIJ ETU'S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstovs I I NO. I 1 '11 I Parmi t I3BUa11Ca MschanicaZ Pemrit Stats Surcharae Tn"tl'1.1. r:ha:rrUUJ I' -- ENCROACH/1ENT -- S8C".lritlJ De"OOsit Storaqs UaintR7'lO.TWs 1 p",.,.;.t I TotaZ Cha'lVJ(Js I Curbcut I sids>Jalk I Pen::s I Electrica t Label I Mom Is Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' LOT TYPE l Interior Com.,. Panhandle Cut-ds-sac X Vatue FEE FEE I liq I nnn nn I ITEM 1110'1 FEE I I Firlur.. Re 1 oca te 3 5.00 I R.aidsntial (1 bath) I i ISa7litary S<N8I' ,I I I l"dBI' I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 l I i I 1 1 I I I I $48.00 , ,,~ $49.92 CRARGE $15.00 $15.00 ,I;n $15.Fin CHARGE $19.00 $15.00 FiO $15,00 ClIARCH $ 3.00 5,nn ~O.OO I q;lAnn I .n 1 $18.72 j . $99.84 Page 2 'fit . --........_~..~.,_.. Refsrer.ce !lumbers: L-COC #: ~..roe/Cor.8t: V-N Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - No'rth I I En.l'OlI So"",.s T-"'P...B I I Setbacks II Heat t lectnc I P.L. . House I Corage . Access. II Watero .t!p.ntp.'1' I:.lectr](: I 1N0rth 44' I J I Rangs I:.lecEnc. lEast I II J Firep lace ISouth i : ~Y[ wooa:itove .-1 IWest I Aldl! I -- Fees -.. I Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the ezpres8 CUJndition that the said construction' shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning CrdintI11Cs, regutating the ccnstl"UCtion and UDS of buildings, and may be susptmdBd or revoked at c:ny t"':.ms upon vio- lation of any provi8i0n8 of said Ordinances. l , . I I I' I I Plan Cheok Fee: q; 14, 4n IDate Pcr'..d: 4-5-82 IReceipt #: 858835 I Signed: Lisa Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install., atter or change any nN OJ' szisting plumbing or dPainags system in 'whats or in part, unl.ees such person is ths ZegaZ possessor of a valid ptumber's license, ezcept that a person rrrr:J do plumbing IJOrk to 1"'operty "hioh is owned. leased or Gpemted by the appli- . "cant. I I . I I I I I I I , . Elect.dc,al Permi t Where State LazJ J'squizoes t}o.at ths sZsctricat work be don. by an E1.lIcrncaL c......;,a__...~l'J_~~pt1l!ti.otL.af-~his_permit shaLZ not be valid until the label has been signed by the Elecmcal ControCior.-- "- ,,- '-, Mechanical Permit J/r~ Plan E.xann.~ 4- 5-82 va". I I. I I I I I I I I . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths corrrptstsd application for permit, and do hsreby certify that aU information hereon is true and correct, and I f'.aothez- cutify that any ar.d all work perfo~ed shaLZ be done in ac~or- dance with tha Ordinances of ths City of Springfield., and trn: La:,)s of tha State of Orsg~n pertaining to the worok described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wi t1. be nr::de of any structu.ra withrr.lt pamssion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that ~Iy contractors and errp~yees whq are in co::tpliance with ORS 701.055 will bs ussd on this project ~--~~1 Signsd , , S d4c-/~~ai4( 9'-.7-/~~? Date