HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-2-14 (2) .. RESIO.TIAL" APPL.ICATIUN!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loc~tion: "5'7'2?" C~ ~>-s As.e..ore Map' E--r:J<~---/3 Ta;r Lot' o:75d70 C".-:wx.... ~~7'r/ ~(a;-/,/-S -i77/_ k~;/.;> ~ V"" ,-;;PF?' D. _ C?f, / DescPibe rl'Ol'k: &;:>/ 3~ m6E!' ~~~ ~c8 &r/?7?fvCT ;Y..r-,P#,/? T' ffiC~V'E /~~ h/-p ?T?~~ ,/6/' C2;~~ m~c-> ~"/0 """'r ?'J"L:-/ . .. 27'4"-"70 Value <O/~ ~ Data of Applicaticn Contractors ,Andress' -Lise. Ii Bldrs _~o4:rd ReI!.. General ?:z:ry;,(~, ~___/r/Y?-" ~() \Jili. lfl )'LCI, TJ1(t. : Plumbing - .' . (\ IHechanical~= 7<7~'7'-~~/~~ ~'. ~/o(14~ I E~ectri.cal - ,. I Suoeli'\r_c;n..::l1g Electr~cian Subdi1Jision: Cl.mer: Address: City: [Xl n n n "'....., Addi ticn Remade t .',fob{'le Roma PI-.one: 7Y.f-"::i?S2..";=5 Zip: "'7'-:;;> 5?l5' .. Rcae~pt !I /t.<o 3 ~ \JEts) .J c.::;- Sigr.ed: ~ / _"'- Dat.: :::?~-~ Exo:!xes }'l1nnp ,~4S~L\lo(LL{ RI')/nlc(() I It is tho r-6spons{,bility of ths permit holder to BeB that all. inopections are made at the proper tim&~. that each .::ddresB is 1"'eadabZe from ths strBst, and that the permit acuod is located at the fwmt of the prcperty. ~Bui!ding [)(,lJi::ic~ approved plan sha'Ll. remain on tha Building Site at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nutr.ber~ Job addrcss~ type of in3pec~icn raqucsted a'!".d W,':en you r.ntz: be ready for inspcction.~ Contractors or CUters none end phone number. Requests recBivBd befere 7:00 c:r:'I :..'iZl. bB 11tIde the same dt:y~ requests made afto- 7:00 am lJiU be rrru1e the nczt :JOrking day. Rp.![ui,,:!p,1 T'1'1T}p....b:r.'::l'" O SITE: INSPEC':'ION: To be "",d. after excavation~ but prior to se: up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHA."JICAL: To be made before any work is cOlJcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be rrr:ule after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to , pouring ccncreta. o VNDSRGROUND PLUMSING1 SEW8R. w'iTEFi. DRAINAGE: To be nr:u:1e prior to fi"l- .u,r.g trenches. o UNDERFLOOR PLU/.!BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inotaZlation of floor insulation or decking. ,POST AND BEAU: To be made pr-ior to install.aticn of floor insulation or decki"!; . D ROUGH pl.lP.!BlnC. ET,ECTRICAT. & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk. is to be covered ,until thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. . D FIRepLACE: PM.or to placir.g facing materials and before frcmting inspec- tior.. O FRAHING: Must be requeDted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ aleotri- cal & mechanwa"l. At!: roOfing bracing l!J chimncys~ eta. m'.lst be ;' completad. No IX>rk is to be con.- '... coaled until this inspeotion. has . b6:~n madc and approved. o Your City' DeDigr.ated Job Number ID: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulati::m cro.d . " raqu{,red vapor barriers are in p laoe . " but cefore any lath~ gypsWI1 botXl'd or wU covering is applied~ and before . a1!'y inDulation is concealed. O DRYWALl. INSPECTION: Te be made after aH dryLxzH is in place~ " but prior to any taping. ri71 MASONRY: Steel location, oona ~ beamD1 grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. r1:If WOODSTOrrE: After installation is ~ ccmpletcd. . O CURB & APPROACH APHON: After fol"mB are crected but prior to poul"ing con.:rete. "D. SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- pf-way~ to be made after all e%ca- vating complete & form work & cub- . base material. in pZac~.. O PENCE: When complete -- Provide. gates or movable sections thraugh P.U.E. ' " o .,.- 9~O/92 DEUOLITIO!J OR ;',:OVE!J BUILDnJCS ~ Sani"tary S8",",er aapped ~t p~OPCl'ty lir:e :=J Septic tank p".JJ?cd and filla~ with gra~el ::J Final - rnum above ite::ns are ccmpleted ar~ when demolition is complete or stl'U~- ture moved and pran1.3eS cleaned up. Mobile Hcmes :=J Blocking and Set-up :=J Plumbing connections -- s~er and ~"ter --, El.cctrical Connection - Btocking~ set-up --.J and plumbing connections m'.lst 1;e approved beforc requesting eZec"tncal inspec"tion :=J Accessol";/ Sui lding ::J Final - Afto::r p:Jrcr.eB~ skirti.ng~ decks~ etc. are completed. o All project condition8~ ouch as the 1",nstallaticn of street trees~ cO::1ploti..:m of tite required landsccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied befoY'e tr.e BUIWINC FI!lAL can be requestzd. o FIliAL PLU/aJIIIG ~ FIliAL UE~HAIIICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL 10 Q) FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final Plumbing Electrical~ and Mechar:ical InspectionD havo been made and approlJ.?d. *AT.L /.IANI/OLES AND CLEANOUTS !!VET BE ACCESSIBU:, ADJUST.'!EtlT TO BE U10E AT no caST TO CITY !'~f:e J of :1