HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-3 .'r .. / 1 $" .,..-:--. :I,.~ ':"'_"'~""_ .. ''-' '-' ... :,t...... ,., ............'.""~ -----...- - ..p - -,-...._-~....:-....~~,~... . :-....,. ....~.. .."> . ~~-'.~~'.".~~:~::t:-~";' ;~~~;;. Job Location: .,3:77 3 :tUh~ 'f.?rO 6 /K - 02..- '()(f)- I ~ QiOO ASDBS80rs Map SlJbdivision: Ct.mer: (-<I'>./&"'d-l ^ QL JJ Address: ~q In \tt\.. Q .~ ,0 ! City:. .~ \ Lc() '. ~ :..._', Ga::;;:,,; n Additicn c!) n Remodel n Uobi Ie Romo "Dats of AppZicaticn7-2:r-&7 -l . Tc:r: Lot 6 Phone: '7;;1(.,- I/o 't Zip: g ..., 47 't Describe "'ork: ~O-~ .' Contractors Address Value / '!), ::2:;7::2.., " '\":-. "'1. . ,. ...~ . :. ;. I II \ ',\ C/6 I .. }',\ ~ q,\ <)' Siqr.ed: 1~ Date: S-3-'i,.7 I Lise. if ExPires Phone General ~ Plumbing Electrical {"I'"""L.A ~~ -^--' - Mechar.ic.:: 1. Construction Lender It ill the ro8sponll'ibiZity of ths permit holder to see that an inapect:ions are made at the proper timg~ tr.at each ;:;ddriJ8.8 is readabZ.,. '''''''' tho street, and that the pernrit card is Zccated at the front of tile praperty. ItBuitdi"!1{J Divi:ior: approved plan shall remain on tha Building Sits at a'Ll times. ,PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordezo) state your City designated job number~ job addzoCS8~ type of i7l3pee=icn raquestcd w.d when you LJiU be ready for inspact'o;on~ Ccntraetors or Gtmers name end phone 7UDTIbcr. Requests received befere 7:00 (:":'l IJiZ.Z be 11Wie th~ same dcy~ requests made after 7:00 a:n Lri.ZZ be'rrr:zde the ru;:rt '.JOrking day. P~'''''.'~~f..l T.......,..e:~~~":M:": . 0 SITE INSPECTION: To be TTrIde after . e=r:cavation.. but prior to set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . . ~rk is .::overed, . '" ~. . "'fV7VPooTING & FOUNDATION: To be """'" ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pouring eencret~. .01' W1D8RGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, . DRAINAGE: To be TTrIde prior to fi~- . h.r.g trenches. o U/IDF:RFWOR PLaI.$ING & MF:CHANICAL: To be mt:lI:i8 prior to inatal.l.ation of [Zool' insulation o!, decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pr-ior to installation of [Zoor i7IBl.6lation or decki.... . . LI ').. "F\'A" ROUCH PLUMBINGI t,-'ii.'CFH!(;AIJ\& UECR- :l&J ANICAL: No tJOrk-1..b ...... v.r eOL'ered i .until thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. O FIREPLACE: Priol' to placir.g facing matanals and before framing in spec- . ticn. I.... . d/F~~INC: ~t be requeated after !.;t'L ,:?pI'oval of rough plwr.bing.. electI'i- .cal & mechanical. AU roofing ~" bracing c5 chimneys.. et.::. rrr'olst be . ;' corrrp leted. !lo lJOl'k is to be eon- ,....cealed until this inspection has . 'If;,.' " ~ b6~n made and approved. YauP City' Desigr.ated Job Numbu Is: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made afteI' aU insuk:.ti:m ar.d . '. required vapor barrie~s are in place . . but before any lath, .gypsum board or wzz. covering is applied, and before . aT!y irwulation is .t:07Icealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTrON: Tc be made after aU drywU is in place.. but priol' to any taping. . 0, ~SONRY: Steel location.. bc>>ui beama.. grouting or verticals in accordance Lri.th U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE.: After i~talZation is ccmpZet<d. . o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are ere.::ted but prior to poonng con.::l'e te. D SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: For all con- crete paving ~ithin street nght- . pf-lJC.Y, to be made after azz. e:r:ca- . . I" I vating earipZete '& form wrk & cub- . base matenal in place. O ITNCE: When complo;te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through' P.U.F:. " D S /' 0 ~-I (() DEMOLITION OR ;',:OVEIJ BUILDI,"JGS ~ Sani:ary se:Jer capped a.t ~opl:r~:i lir.e :::J Septi~ tank P"-""Ped and fi ZZed loli th graoe Z ---, Pinal - When ab...'"'Ve items are cc:npleted ~ ar~ ~hen demolition is complete or stru~- iure moved and pr~8es cleaned up.. MobiLe Hcmes =:J Blocking and S.t-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- Sa.lel' and wter ---, Electneal Conneetion - Blocking.. set-up --.J and plumbing connections 11r...st ce approvec . befoI'c requesting elec:rical inspectio~ =:J Ac.::esso-r;,' Building -, Fin.::zl - After porc1:es.. skirting.. deeka.. --.J etc. are completro.. . o ." o FIliAL PWMBI/IG o FINAL MECHANICAL \q All project conditions.. suer. as the instalLation of street trees.. ca~lotion of the required Zandsccpir.g.. etc... must be satisfied 'before tr.e BUILDINC FINAL ean be requested. ~iNAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated after the Final. Pl.wrrbing \/Y- ELec~rical.. and Mechar.ical Inspectiona hava been made and approved. .. .. ". ... ~.. . ~~NAL F:LECTRICAL Hq '-;.,::;~. . ......., ..~> . [] r. -";-" 'ALL MANRCLF:S AND CLEANOInS MUST BF: ACC;;SSIBLF:. AD.JUSTlfEllT TO BF: MADF:"AT NO, COST " To cr.r I Page ! of 2 S7oS/~ SOLARWESS REQ.": .'Co' Lbe_ Occuoancu Crcu~: M-/ LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. IHouS8 Caraae INorth lEast ISouth IWest j. I IlbS'::> I ;5:83 1- ). 1/2'2.331. I I I I I I I I I I ~7.j"c> I I I I ?7-s?> I I. B81 -y 39. ;:3gl. I I I I j I I I I I I I 416/.7/ JOB NO. Zona: Lot Sq. Ft;. s ~f lot C.:1lJeroag< f of Stories Total Height Topogra;;hy lITEM I/olain I Ca:raCR I Carool'"t I Acccssol'"U I I S~. FTC x 19&</ TOTAL VALUE ISoD.Co IVCI.UC) 1.5::: Building Permi t State Su:rcharge Total Cha.""fJes ITEM 1110. i FEE F1.rtures Residential (1 bath) I I I Sani tar!.t sewer I I I I I IWeter I I Plumbing Pe"""; t State Swocr.arge Total C'hr=raes lITEM i Res. So. fto. iN",,/Extend Circuits , I Temporary Service IN>; I I I I I I FEE Ete~tl'"ical Permit State Surcharae Total Charces :ITZN , 1 Purn:zce ETU' S ! E::MuS t Hood IlIc. I I I I I i FEE ! Vent Fan I WOodstO:J8 Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit Statt:! Surcharae Tn"tn.l Chrnorum -- El/CROACHMENT -- SeC-.4ntll DeOO3tt Storage Ma.int~e Permit Total Charaes C'ra'bcut Sidewlk F'en:e Electrical LabeuP I ?,<; I(/). ,Yobils Home :.}l'AL AJ.!OlJM,' Viii;:'" ',.'~ -' I I I I I I I I I I. t I I I I I. I I I . :<0 I~ ~I-J I I I j Interiar . Comer Panhandle CuI-de-saa Valu.e 1~2'n_ I I I 1/5:272 I CHARGE [:iiAHGL CHARCE ~ -;;1. - ,>'.'..,~~ ... :. ... ......: -,",-,. ("..":h/ ...... L-COG~ -:""~.~ ~ r;;pe/cor..st: BedJooor.:s: I Access. Ensrnu Scr.lJ"C8S Heat Water .l/1U1tp.,. Range FireplaCe! Wood:; tor;e T',J(le l.,IA .- /:2 ' F2BS Building Value & Permit This permit is groantcd on the exproess condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordin.ar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning ~inanceJ regulating the ccnstruaticn and use of buildings, and m::y be Bucpended 01' revoked at a:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , . ~ IPlan Check Fee: IOate Paid: IRecdpt #: I Sig>:ed: 1$ 7.5."73 ?-.;1.'{-'07 (r;5d>? 70 10 Plumbing Pe r m i t No pereon shall construct, instalt, atter 01' change any nelJ C1' e--isting plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is the 'Legal. possessor of a valid plumber's . 'License~ except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ teased or operated by the appli- cant. . . .. .~, Electrical Permit . ,. Where State La1J requires tJ-.at the elect'rical work be done by an Ele::tncat Contracto!'~ the electrical portion of this permit shaH roOt be valid until the. Zabel has br:.en 6igned by the Elect:rical ~ontractor. .0 , , Mechanical Permit /2~~ ~--~ llCarEzann.ner C , g- 3-&? Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fo:: pennit~ and do hereby certify that all i:':fo::rmation hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d aU rJOrk pezofor:ned shalt bEl do~B in ac::ol"- dance :.Jith the Ordin::mces of the City of Sp1"ingficZd, and th~ La:..;s of tho State of Oreg.:m perta.ining to tho work cescribed herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be mde of any structure! tJithout pamission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly c071tra.::tors ar.d e:npt:Jyees who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project r2L ./ dV /J g"- 3-'iJ? ,', ;',\- ~""- ;;''"''--;:;,,,~,,;:'O\,~~'7' ~ ~~..:::~."",.l , : _\-,,.:,'