HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-27 .. RESIDilNTIAL" . COMBINATION~i:ATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division . 726-3753 i '" .. . , .~c~e~~t ~ - SPRI!'lGFIELD~' J49k~ . --~, RfJ~_L____ A'DaBoora Nap I ..17?3 JH~" t';("r -~ 7 . \'OO'dOUl.~-."-- "TczLot , '11/2 i::J " ~ Job Loc~tion: SllbdilJi.",n: " am.,.: R,'e I. R, ~ Ll. ;',1) /f);...r" "AtJdreiJo: . arI . f :1'1/0 9Cl City: D .- .'. Rm.t . . ~ '" ...c. "Add.tion" , 'R~.l.' n ,'1Dbit4 Ht'IfJI~' ....: Dat. of Appt....ticm "/ ~:2 ~'- -'1/ . (,'Ontractozoa C.",8ra:l Plumbing ffiJYL/./L., ,I n.oCMcal ' I !.f6char.io.::t j' SUDervfsfna'Eiectricfan c 1)1/ ').<0'19 . Phen.: ?jt, -/70'1 'Zip: 97'1? g \ w'k dM. .l.. ...... ..t:t.. : D8~~:;;ork:. " . :2 .. 8&1 -are 0 I"V'I.. . .~. , ., -. ". ":". ,':':." :", .~ t. ~.,?-, (. OJ I . S.:4r.ot!: tate: . '~alu~ .' " -3:1""tJo ao" '. . ""Add;;S3 Giso.' Eroil'08 Phone , . ~ ~ . It .. ~ho r..pemDibitity of tho pQmt hold.,.t<> ... that att inDp.otic"" are mads at ths prop'" tim.. t~.4t """h :ddzo... .. r.a:1ab!. - from tho .tr..t. and that "tho pGl'lllit card i. Locat.d at tho fr<mt of tho prop.rty." . ABu.i!di."tg D'llli::ion api'roued pIan shalt remain on tha Building sit;z at aU timGS.. . r"~~uJRe FOR INSpcr:rrOR R~OUE:ST:" Cattn6C31~9 Crccorder) ".tat. YOU1' City a...gnrltot! job ......h.r. job aMrc... tw. of i",,~ot.:c.. NqUo.ted ar.d w.'=-n lIOU IJiU b. r<<Zdv fol' insp4otion, ContJoaatol'. Ql' O:Jrurrs ncms.and phou nwnbCl'.. ..~.qtU8tl1 r.o.iued balUN 1:00 a:1 IJitt be nrul. tho _. tit:y, J'OqlUl.t. mads afta 7:00 an IJittb. nrul. tho =t":JOrking day. " .. . ... > .. ..... .!Ourc;.:tyD~eigMtod"ObWQ'I':. Q/C)t)6n Rl!ouir'fl T"lm,-~ti',,"8 .'. _. ~ ..,:,"' '.. I . 0: SITE INSPEC':'ION:..., Ta oe m:za. d/ur. ~ iNSULATION/VAPOR BARR~R INSPECTION: IDEMOL-fTIO!IOR .Wl'?.? 3iJIL::.'1GS uDcn1.2<<"n, but 'prior to s.t: up of' . To...b. mads aft'!,. .au. insul.a:tion a!1d , 'fol'fM. , " ,.\ ,-'. . \: rBqU";m vapor barttiertl are in place :J Sani~ saJer =C?pei::t ~pCl"t':i lir.. '0 UNDl:/1StAB PWHBIRG.' ELECTRICAL & . butt. b.for. .any . lath. ~flJIPd""-~b ' or HECHAlIICAl.: To be mad. b.fors any W (0 COV6M.ng 1.S app 1.e ,CUIU BJor.. -., Sept~ tank p'.mrp~d ar...: f{.l.Z~ :.1i.th ;ra;).~ ~ _J aIlll. inoulation is conc.ealsd. --1 w,rk ". aotJCJr.u. F\i1 F'OO'frNG 4 FOUNDA'l'ICN: ' 2'0 b. mule' . ~ attar Cl'fIMhDs are ezcavatsd and lo""s aN' erect.d, but prior to pouring CCJ1Cre~.. O UYD~ClIOU,~D PWN!lING, SEllE:R, W.1TE.~." D.~AIIIAGE: To b. mad. prior to fit- l.ir.g tr6nchss. ' T'::7f UHDE.f:!FUlOR......I.iU":olj\oJ,, " f.fECHANICAL:' ~ To b. nru/.~'tO inataUat\on of floor illBUlati~ or d..king. I'iJI' PO5'/' AND BtAlI: To b. nruk prior t<>: 0 CURB & APPI/OACI/ APRON: After forms ~ _ta~lat.:cn of floor ....ulation or " are .r.otot! but prior" t<> pouring d401ci.ng. ' " -'On...-rete. . . ... 1'\/1' lj{J!!<;IY1U"'.II1G)~ A NECR- 0" SIDEWALK & DRIVEl/A!, For att cem- "" ~ ANICAcr .-;.... +.'", , IoU ...v bo coud1"ed '. 'crots paving within - strsot right- w:tiZ, thoBe :nspec:ums havs be671 ,.... of...wc.y, to bo mads aftllt'. alt., ezca... I1Ie2tU aM.'tlppJ"t!11..!.. ' . ..' vating omrpl.sts , form. wrk. & sub..., O FIREPLACE: . Prior to pt.coir.g"[aoing bas. matal"ial in t'la=e. mat.ria~..OJ!d b~for." franri.ng U1speo. tior.. "" ."". . ~FRA}!INC: !lu3t b. ...qu..tot! af~.r approNt of rough ptwr.bing. ol..tri- eat & "m.ahani.:at. All roofing bracing. & chimn&ya, 'st.::. muet bs, .0 " compL.tDd. No wrk is to bs con-' , o.ated -'untit this i"'pQotiem has " " "b.... mads and. approvot!. .~ FINAL PWIIBINC' 121. FINAL IfECHANICAL rzr FINAL" eLECTRICAL .0 . g I "~DRTIIALL InSPE:CTTON: To be mads aftar all drywLZ. is in place, but prior to any taping. ] FinaL -.mum abov. itcra azo. c::mpLetttd . ar.d when demolition i6 cCJm?ut, or strua - Curs mov~ and prms6S- =1..ean.,d up. ' O HASONRY, St.ol l.o<:ation. boiuI '. 'bflalTUJ, grouting or IJ,wti.aa1.a ~ accordanc. with U.B.C. S.otion 2415. " O fIOODSTOVI::" Aft.r inDtallat"ion ".. " . ccmpt.t<<t." ... , '. 1 I Nobile Hemes ::J BLocking and S.t-"P ::J Plumbing conn~ctiana .- 8&U8~ ~,~~.r , --, Etootrict::l C"'Motion - Bl.<Jck;r.g. .et-up -.J and plumbing ccmr:soticns c::.:.st ~. ap?NV~ I . . ~~forc requesting ele.J:ri=az, ir.spea"tion :=J AceesGor':i BuiZdi.n: ] F~l. ... Afti;r ;13rol:.s, s/drnnu, dscks, eta. ars carrpZ.t&d. ." " O .ITf!g:" It'h... O<Jmpu,ts n :Pr<1vid.' gates or movable sIJctions through "p.u.e. . " o "'. -,' -.- , ALl proJlJotConditions, such as ,ths ,instaLlation of street tJoess. Ccr.rpZolti.m' of ;it# '!'6quir6d.l.4nt!-~capi,..g,. Qto.~ "must bs satisfidd bolors tJ-.s BUILDI.";C FI:"AL .:an ;. rzqus8~.Jd. FINAL' BUILDINC: Th. FinaL Building' Inspection must bo requeDtsd afeer ;iUJ Final ?t.umbi.ng El"a~ri.caz.,. tl11lf MechanicaL Inspecticno haVG been ~. and appl'OlJ8d. , ' ., ." '! "'AU I/ANNOLES AND CLEANOurS IlUST" BE ACCESSIBGE," AWUSTliTfNT TO" BE MADE 'AT NO COST TO CIT! I P;;. ! of Z IJcb Nwnbcl': Refcl'er.ce Numhers: Type/Cor.st: \/~ I Lot Faces - .. I SRtbackp .1" P.L. House"" Garage Access. NOl'th lEast ISouth IWsst ..- Fees _u r &-COG H: Zona: q,ooCoO OCcupancy GnA ~ 0..., WT TYP" .. Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot CJlJS1'age H of Stories TOc.;.Z" Height I Topography IT811 St;.FTG Main Gtzroa(ttf Car'OOl't I ACCeS801'U I ".1 TOTA& VAWI: I fua'uQ) "S.D.C. l.~ z " " Building P.,..,;. t State Surcharge TotaZ Charges I /T811 I Fi.rtures I R.sidentiaZ !l bathl I Sani taroy SefJ6l' I Water I NO'1 FI:I: 3 It) Ix> <$0' I I . PZ:.nbi.ng P.",,;.t "State Surci1-.myJll ". . Total Charaes I IT811 I NO. I FEI: I Rea. Sa. f't". l I NQ,J/Ezttmd Circui ts " I I Tmnpol'ar'Y StmJicB I I Eleetrieal Permit State SW'o/woae " . "TotaZ Charcee I/TEN I F!dn:ic~ ETU' 5 'I Ezhaust ,Hood I Ven"t Fan IWoodstOV6 NO. I FSE / /II/q, psrmit r3s~a Mechanical Permi t State Sure~e Total Chty::Jl..qn ,. -- ENCROACHMENT -- " I Sscr.4ritll Deoosit I Storage I Uain tenancs I Pc~i t I ~ChargC8 I eurbcut I SidewaZk IPe~s I EIsctM.cal Wel I Nobi Zll Home I .113DWp.~pee I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' I I I I ,. 44S'O I. 2.23.1 146.'13 ,. .5 5,00'. .'2-,75' .......'....,. 67,7~1.'. CHARGE . " I I I I I I , .~.. Intericr Corner PanhandZs Cul-de-sac x Value I I I ~r::-xy.") . I /II/A CHARGE 30tW 1Z.SD-o "') I I I I I CIIARCE /500 /0"'" I ~S ;J.t'o .2.S I I I I I I I I I I /2-1. 5"'0 I' 2 sS.Z'JI. Bedrooms: Enerqp Sources Heat Water 'lpn+:'ar Rangs Fi1"eDlace Wooda rove Tu"e Building Value &. Permit This pernrit in granted on th6 express 'conditio~ that the said conatruction' shalt... in all respcetol conform to the Ordinance adopt6d by the City of Springfisldl including the Zoning Cl'd:.nancel regulating the oonstruction and uoe of buildingsl and may be suspended 01" 1"evoksd at c:ny tims upon l1io- " lation of any provisions of said Ordinance,s. , \t.. .',' " \ \" , " \. ." " /0,,1 IPlan Check Fee: 2fb.<?3 iDate Paid: 1/ 2.-p! /?I IRecdpt Hi' jq /2-7 I Signed: .//~ Permit ,-." . Plumbing I No person ohall construotl inatalll al.tsr or changs any run., 01' uieting pl.wnbing ,?r drainage system in'whols, or in partl unlsss such pel'son is tu I legal 0 possessor of a valid plwnber's tioensel 'e:rcept that a person may do I . .~~i.n9 LlOrk to property wm.ch is ownsd. Zeo.sed or operated by the appZi.- I .. Electrical Permi t Where State LahJ requires that the elsctrical work be done by an Electrieal. Contraotorl the eleotrical portion of this permit shall not bIJ valid until the lobeZ hae been ei.gned by the EZeotri.caZ Contractor. " . '3t:?:~ArC . N/ bMj?())() -;" ' Mechanical Permit . ~<<>>;?~ PUvi ~t.11Br ~ " '2--/-91 ua.. I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZsted appZication for pemt. and do " I Mreby oertify that all infoztmation hereon is tru6 and oorrectl and I further certify that any and all. lJOrk perfomled shall. be don6 in acool'-; I dance ruith the Ordinances <!f the City of Springfic1.d1 and ths La:.Js of tha . I" State of Oregon pertaining to the WOl'k dssoribod hereinl and that NO OCCU- PANCY ruill. bs Tmde of any structur03 without parmission of the Building Oi- I vision. I further CS1"ti!y that cr.1ly contractol'S and e:nployees who al'e:r. in compl-!ance with ORS ?~1.055 will-be used on this p1"oJeot I I "'@:.";;(. " f /Si.gned . .J' LJ tf2/. ./-21- 9/' Oate