HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-5-27 Ed, 8 1<u+h eIY){JfT ?)qSf) J"(,t'Sf{f'.r Rd 0 5p(U1qfLekL__~ _ STAT~: OR In sf-oj I H(lOA rUmo ~y/;+em RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOS~D WORK ASSESSORS MAP: /9; ~ 1-- ~~ / '-I , LOT: OWNER' ADDRESS' CITY: D~SCRIBE WORI<' N~W . :;pnINCFJf:::'L!=' ~ OLOCI(: REMOD~L ,.- ADDITION DE:.MOLISI-l . JOB NUMOER 19072- i 22!5 Filth Street Sprlngllcld, Orcgon 97.177 ____ TAX LOT: SUODIVISION' /D 2...6 (, PHONE: _7 L/-to -;)dqfo 7.lp:_~g OTH~I1_____. PHONE CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: ADDRESS CON ST. CONTRACTOR' -~- EXPI11ES PLUMBING' MECHANICAL:CnmfD.r+.r;I.DW~1 DDN ~'J SWt-6 D OOLJ1:ILJ(~7-qq '72h-aw ELECTRICA" ATTEN IIUI\I:Ur"yul1ldvv o"'iu;le~ l.a'~.: follow rules adop.ted by the Oregon Utl:~~- OFFIC~ uS'NoTICE: QUAD AFI~I;f;""tinn r.enter. Those rules apf.\~\l,t OffiE: _._ TfllS-PeRMI-T SHAl1IE!Xm1tl81t=lfiNi=W()~1( , IpAR 952-001-0010 through OAH \152'- . 0 F B LD~(j'9u I u~ 111uy-elltain sQpies of themrl~s: ~UIHORI7FD UNDEB:Ttlrll&WWl'!1I IS NOl OCCY G Roueailino the center. (Note:.t~e tel,!l~~'}-&. TY PE: COMMENCED OR ISf\~~ FOR numberforthe Oregon Lltllity No'ri, ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, . OF STORIES: -€effie",;~ 1 <>nn-332-234<f!EAT SOURCE: _____ _ SECONOArIY I-I~AT: ___..... WATER ~IEATEn: RANGE: ___ SOUARl' FOOTAG~: un._ To rcquc~t Oln Inspectlon, you mU5( call 726.376D. ThIs Is i1 24 tlour recordIng. ^Jlln5pcclion~ reque:;tcc.J bcfore 7:00 .1.m. will be mode Iho same wor!<lng dny. In~pectJon:> 'raqua::>tad after 7:00 a,m: will be made the following worl< dilY. o Temporary Electric D Site Inspection - To be mnde oller cxcDvatlon. bUI prior to selling form::;. o Undcrslnb Plumbinol Eleclricnll Mechnnlcnl - Prior to cover. o Footing - Atter tranchc::; arc excavated. o Masonry - Slcol loca.tlon, bond beams, oroulln9. o Foundation - Aller forms arc erected but prior 10 concrele , placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to Ulllng trench. o Undertloor Plumblng/Mechnnicnl - Prior to Insulation or decl<ing. o Post and Ocam - Prior to floor Insulation or decl<lng. o Floor Insulntion - Prior to decldng. o Sllnitnry Sewer - Prjor to filling trenetl. ' o Storm Sewer -;- Prior .~o, fillinn trenCll, o Watcr Llnc lrcnch. Prior 10 filling o Rough Plumbing :-,.Prior to' cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mcchnnic~11 - Prior to cover. ' ('n~Dh Electric"1 - Pdor to ~ver. o Electrictll Service - Must be <lpprOvcel 10 Obl<lin permanent clectrlcal power. o Fireplace - Prior to fnclng materIals and framing Insp. o FramIng ~- Prior to cover. o Wall/C"cItiJifl ll1sul~llion - Prior 10 cover. o Dryv.inll - PrI,or to 1.1pil~g. o Wood Slove - Afler In:;(~llil:ion. o In:>crl - Altcr fireplace npprovlll , ~nd Instal!<:lllon or unl!. o Cllrbclll S Appro,lcll - After forms arc crc:clcd b~1l prior 10 plOlccmcn: Qf conCrCll!. o Sidewalk'::' Drivew:I\' - After exc,Jvilliorl i:; complelc, forms aneJ sub.basc ma!crlal in place. o Fence - Wl1cn compleled. o ~llroot Tree:; - When all required trees arc planted. o Fin.1I Plumbing - When all ~umbino worl< is complcte. D Fi ill Electtic.ll - Vvhcn all cctriCLlI worl< is complete. zg;2 ( - FIll" Mechilllic<ll - When all D cll~nlca' wOrl< l~ complete. o Final Qui/ding - When all require,d Im;pcctlons hilve bcen approvcd and building is compleled. o Ot,hcr MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o I?locl'dllg nnd Set.Up - When nil blocl<lnU Is complcle. o PllllllbillU COllllcclions - When l1ornl': 1111:'; becn connected 10 w.ller ;HH.! ~ewcr. o Elcctlicill Connection _ WIlCn blor.ldIlU. sel.uP. and plllrnbing In~;pcclion:.; h:wc l)ccn n:pproved ilf1(J IlIc hOllle is connected to the :.;ervjcc panel. I I Finnl - Arlr.-r all rcquired Inspections arc approved and porches, Sl{irling, decl{s, and venting hnvc been Installed. .,-" " Lot faco:; LOI Typel _ Into I r' LOl sq. flg, Lot coverage Corner Topography Total height P:lnhandle Cul.cJe.~~c BUilDING PERMIT Seli)acl(:) , .Eb...1 HSE I GAR .!'!..--- s ACC I I .5 THE: PROPOSE:O WORI~ iN THE. -IISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE: HISTORICAL RE:GISTER? " yes, this appllcalion musl be signed and approved by the Hlslorlcal Coordinator prior to permit Issuance. .Y:!._________ APPROVED' _L__.._'_._ ITEM SO, FT. X $/SO. FT. VALUE: Mnin Gorage Cmport Total V.1luc Oul/dinO Permit Fcc State Surcharue Total Fcc (AI " SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (E3) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Resldenlial E3oth(o) N' , Sanitary S~wcr W.:lter FT. '1\- ':" ----,-- '-, FT, Storm Sewer FT, Mobile Home Plumblno Permit Slale SurclHHue Tolal Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Venl Filll N' Wood Stove/lnserl/ FI replilcc 'Unit Dryf'"A. b !kA ~ ~~ Mecllonicnl Permit ISSU<lnce, Slate Surcharoe Total Pcrmll (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile HOnlo Stale Issuance Slale Surchargc SldcWilll< II Curbcut It Demollllon Slale Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: (excluding eleclric"l) (^, 0, C, 0, and E Combined) FEE: ", " " " ~-- /0 '" .!iijJ_t 2(..~_ BUILDING VAlUE"PLAN ,CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tlli:; pcrmit is granted on the express condition Iho.t the said construction 311\111, in all rczpccts, conform to the Ordinnncc adopted by the CII)' 01 Sprlnglleld, including Ihe Development Code, reoulaling the construction nnd use at building~, and m.:1Y be suspended or revol<ed ot .my lime upon viol~lion of <lilY provi5ion:; or z~id ordlnnnce5. Plan Checl( Fcc: _, Date P.lid: Receipt Number' Received By: -, -..'--'.' .-..,-----.-- Plans Reviewed Oy Datc Systems Ot.'velopment Charge is due on all undeveloped properties wilhJn the City limits which are belng Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS t:'!EZ7/[1 J a7U(~" , J!Y~ 1^, i f \ ( By :;lgnature,1 Gtola and agree, that ,I haye carefully examined the completed nppllcntion and do heroby carlHy thaI nil Inrormatlon 11ereon i:; true <1n(1 correct, and I further certlfy lhal any and all work performed ~ho.lI be done in .1ccordo.nce with tile Ordinanc<.;:; or Ow City o( Springfleld, nnd 111e Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining \0 the worl( described heroin, and lIlal NO OCCUPAI\JCY will be /'l1.:lcle of nny struclure WiUlout permission or the Building Safety Divisiol}. I further certify Hlot only contractors ;Jnd employees who ,He in compliance 'with QRS 701.055 will be used on thIs project. Slgnotum Date VAll DATION: , RECE:IPT NUMBE:,l / C) J'i 2:z-.y DATE: PAID 5 27/fj _ AMOUNT RECEiVr-'D 112~ W / FlECE:IVED BY /Y ()~