HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-6-2 . The. following project as suhmitferl hM the following zomng, and does nol require ~pecjflc lane use approval. Zoning 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 Date u\ fIL- (., -d-- 0-, '1 ,.<M) 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additienal 500 sq. ft .or pertien thereef Each Manuf'd Heme. .or Medular 'D~elling l:JodfJ3JNvice era~v.\tQOgl)" $ 40.00 1. OQN\t8\t Sll:Jn I V It 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY ~S/i,fWl.Jj{;j~J?fr~~\!]g?PN3l^Jl^JOO )/I:JOM 3R.f. t@.~;l,p.1. ~.9ti'}l"lfHl~PW7It Electrical Con trac ter kJ, for pm,~ ~/f!!S1LI-f;-I'~ . .or f(fil'tJ~"01ttHS1.Jl^J!:I3dSIH.L Address t3. o. (j eN' .1 'IY 33 200 amps .or less :30" ON $ 50.00 ~ 201 amps te 400 amps $ 60.00 City WJ-",., Phene hkJ-;~/V 401 am[ls to 600 amps $100.00 601 amps to 1000 amps $130.00 Supervisor License Number '3 Lf''17 S Over 1000 amps/volts $300.00 'J Reconnect Only $ 40.00 Expiration Date /0 -1- 0/ ATTENTION:Oregon law teqUlrtls you 10 7-0 \:3 8 l' C. Tilllip.or;u'o/5 Sl!iIrl'::i,~e'SJ 'O"tJ <Fel(difr!Stility Cons t r Ccn t r. Number ~ ;;"':;'j c:. ~l)~~rotka',t(i;onr,'3rAllt~ t;,iJon e03:SRllitoli'a t i .on in OAR 952-001-001 0 through OAR 952-001- ,t,f:lflOi'i/llf~'riffi'J ~~{h copiA~ of the rSle{j.<b)OO ~O fallt'/\I ~hc eet'tR.,.Q. ('/'Me: thA tAIApt!bni5 . 00 O'hnfn&~ l;Omle63PdrtHlP;il;')'I\I'l.'ifi&it~9,. 00 Over 6'Cdeamps. feO^1.0 0 :VQJ",s see "B" abcve ..J mSl!~ :-0 v. -(!.:J...,..-rJ. 9i'4l/>9rlzed Slgnalurp 726-3769 1. LOCATIllli. OF INSTALLATION 91 )oJ I'\~ 00 / r:tfj}JfOWYb 1-00 JOB DESCRIPTION .~ f?u ---0 d.. A-te ~~ Permits are ncn-transferable and expire if verk is nct started vi thin 180 days of issuance .or if vork is suspended fer 180 days. ,- " Expiratien Date /1l-1LY~ Signature .of Supervising Electrician .,q~~,-A ,Ai~. I . - Ovners Name FD cl eU+k ~ODf~ Address 39,\7\ ,1Jq<;f& Ro Ci ty)- p,'-1 Phene-1-L/b -d)-<}_(" OYNER INSTALLATION The installatien is being made .on preperty I evn vhich is nct intended fer sale, lease .or rent. . Ovners Signature: ~~~~~---~7~il-?17f-------------,"--- RECEIPT : I ( ,'.. OJL/ 2ft C( RECEIVED BY: y-. 'j/VI '/-1 _ 3. iLECTRICAL PERKIT APPLICATION City Job Number qq ()7 )~C/ . . t COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Ccst Sum $ 85.00 $ 15.00 " D. Branch Circui ts Nev, Alteraticn .or Extensien Per Panel ,. ~o 1.60 $ 35.00 One Circuit Each Additienal Circuit .or vith Service .or Feeder Permi t -J- $ 2.00 E. Miscellanecus (Service/feeder -Each installatien Pump or irrigaticn Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Cemm nct included) 5. $ $ $ $ 37,00 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL .. -:://-7 ?/