HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-1-9 ~) j~{.:~\. :: ""i\;)j~::i:> ~p~;~~i!E~e}'" ;:~.~25 . N.~t~h .5~h .~r.x:.e.~p . ,~ t'Sp1"L1?{Jfve Zd,}'Oregon 974 7? . k ,: .. . ,'..,'..~, ';. -,'~'. II; ;;,.i. '.,,: . l . ;..;.'Bu"/-Zd"/-ng.'-Vw"/-s"Wn: r:::' J\ \'\ . ':::~?26;:3'753: l'.(,1>~5~j::::5~ I ~Vl/ ",' ."~. r-:hc:::,~ \ Jljn 11 Job'Location:' :' '. l). U~ \-(~( 11" ~ AS~.~:oor8 ~P'H \~~(~\ \ T~ l<Jt # ()\~[X") &d>diViSiO~d()t ~~:1 J ~~\f u:'ldO{ " C4mer: ~1) '\ f{) ~ f\;IT f \ \ ro Dbe - ~. Address: V ). ~.1 ') Phone: 1):1 h-14 ( 0 City: -T'f\\~\\~iDi\. ~J Zip: ,qf)4~/J.- I aptJ'" n Addition n Remodel n Uobi le Romo . 'Date~ of Application \ 0 \L.:: D.eOr\..~^e r~r~~ " 0 Q. '1-. K..Q..D l...J...JU l\ . ,/ Value .FF, rm~ JQ:,s-P9t l.:r;ec:pt f.-rSr:3)- -, ., ,_~lrrv Date' '. ('- C( J..{( ) - ~ '..Li~c. 11- Bldrs Board Reg. Phnnp contra. cton[\" ___ _ Address I General" )NU:.J' \Q f.-> . I Plumbing\...\.>.;.~~ VI \,,\,'\0) I MilCh. a. n.ical\:TI ~ \ '1\.0 ~. }../'-\I,."lf'JI\ 1 E~""tr1.cal':~\:Al-cf.J;l\ . .1 S(ipi>rvi"":i.n~=nec~'!~~1an : It'~:;th.'r~8~ibitJ~~~Ji);tn. pe~t hoLder to sos that all inopeationsare made at the proper tUm€, that each ~ess is readabLe fr'omrtluJ st"eet. and~~hat~the pernrit cunod ';s mated at the fJ'011t of the propOJ'ty, ~BuiLding.DiviDion'app~u~.ptan shall remain on tha Building sit~ at atl times. . . . ,........ PROCEDURE 'FOR INSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcoorderoJ stato your City designated job /lur.:ber, job addrcs(l, type of in3pBcticn requested ar.d w1:sn you.IJi~z. bo ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Q:.mers ncme 'and phone'number. Requests raceived befm-e 7:00 c:I ~>ilZ." be made t1u: samEl day, rElquElsts made af.ter 7: 00 am Lrill ba made the next i,JOl'king "day:.. 1\' .' '~ :.~\:- .. ........ ,;.. . ,'.: Y;"'''Wy Deaignated Job NumbGr Io,'Rq /Q?)S ~i"''''A T'JA~'2ti.r.1J~' .. : SITe INSPECTION: To be fOClde after .f\J'I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: l DENOLI. TION OR ....;OVED BUILDINGS i 6Xcava~i:on, but prior to SElt up of ~ To be made after aU insutatum and. .' .. , . \:'.~fprms'l ". . :.' .,.; ~':'., .' required vapor baM"i6rs are in place. - =:J Sanitary Se'.Jer ~apped ~t property lir:.e O .'UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. . ELECTRICAL & ; '.'.. ,but befo"e any lath, gypswn board ~r .: - . 'r MECHANICAL: To be, made before any ';'. wlL .coueri~g i~ applied, and before' :::J Septia tank p:.<nped and filled with ;ra-:JsZ .' wrk i.s couorBd. . . ~y l.tWulatwn 1-8 conceated. . . . ....~... . ," ~ I:. . 1'Vl1..FOOTING & FOUNDATION: . To be "",de ~: aftw trenches a1'S ucauated and ,"., .forms a1'S tarseted, but, prior to .. ;1. .po,uring conar6te.. . . . ". . .: .I,r . I, '.'. . ,UNDS1!f1igUND PLUM8~..wER)~ . .lNAGf,;) To be. . pnor r;rrrn- . :...~r.enah8s. "':i;..' ,.:'.' ..' '. '. . ... . 1":/1'1' UNDERFWoR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: ~.I To ba mads p1'ior to inotaz.z.ation. of .....l:~ /Joor in~ulation or'decking. . " . . . . . , R71;.'m AND BEAM: To be 'made. pJ'io" to ~., instaHation of jtoor.insu"Lation 01' ),~.::~.~king. .' '. '. :;~"._ . . fV'I, ROIIGH PLUMBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & I.fECH- ~1..ANICAL: No lJOl'k is to be covered . . '.,:.ur.til those inspections have been. . . '\i made and approved. :"" . '. O. .:: FIREPLACE:. Pzoior to p laoi".(/ faeing I matsria~s and before f1'f1JTfing inspec- . ':.~ tion. , ' ,., . F::7I; PRAMING: Must bQ rsquested after ~ ~ approval. of l'OUgh pl.wr.bing, aleatri- ',~,.cal. & mechanical., AU ~ roofing <t~'-bracing'~ chimneys, Qtc. must be .,J~;Compl8tod. No wrk. is to be con- ,H..:';'cealad untiZ thio. inspection has ,: :.~:.~6~n.made and approve~.. . ~.~ ~:>. .': . ...~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To bs made after aU drylJaU is in place, but prior to any taping. D'. MASONRY: Steel location, boiuJ beamD, grouting or verticals in accoManc6 Lrith U.B. C. Section 2415. . K7I WOODSTOVE: After installation is ~ ccmplBted, ~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms arB or6otBd bu t prior to pouring conarBte. f':7I SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- ~crete paving within streot right- . pf-way, to bo madB after all exca- vating ccmplete & form work & sub- . . base material in pZaae. D !'ENCE: When cOo'npt~te -- ProvU:1e gates or movable sections through . . P.U.E. : ... . 05iRtJ~S-- . .' .~;~. '.'- _.f'.- Exoires , , .' :J FinaL - r.Then above items are ccrrrpleted . '.an.d when demolition is compLete or struc- ture moved and premisen aloaned up. I MobiLe lIemes . =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections -- 6~8r and water ~ Electrical Connection.- Blocking, set-up ~ and pLumbin.g connections rrr.lst /;e approved . before requesting etec;rical inspBction ~ Accessory Building :J Fina.L - Aft;)r p"rches, skirting, decks" etc. are compLeted. o .,; Alt project conditions, ouch as the inntatZation of streot trees, co~Zotion of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be aatiafied before the BUILDING FINAL can bB requostad. , ,. PINAL BUILDING: The Finat BuiLding Innpactiol1 /1tUnt be roqueated after tho Final Plumbing Eleotrical, arui HBchar.ical Inspectionn hava been made and approved; ~ ~ gr o n.. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL f9. FINAL ELECTRICAL :j:" .' "'. I Pat.e ! of 2 ,. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOll'!'S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD.Tl/STlIENT TO BE '.MDE AT NO COST TO CITY , , I JOB NO. Izone: ~~ Lot Sq. Ftg. S Dr lot Caverag~ !I of StoM.es Total Height Topography t'age z L-COG~ , SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Oc,-,uounCll GI'ot. 'R~ WT TYPE I Lot Faces - I I P.r.. INorth ~t ISouth IWest I ---L c,'h. I I lITEM IMain I Cc:raae I Caroort IAccessoru SQ.F'TG 14fY\ 4-~~ S.D.C. TOTAr. VALUE (uaLu~)-:- 1.5 :r Building Permit State Sw'charge Total Cha:>ges x ITEM NO. Futures AbAL &111' Residential (1 bath) Sani ta:ry Sewep Water STZ1Mt ~ Plumbing Perr.:i t State Sw'cr.nrge Total Chal't1CS Il'1'EM I Res. So. ftaL!Z Dt:>eJ I New/Extend Circuits Temporary Service 5Q{Y/,~~ EZe~tricaZ PeTmit State supcharqe Total Charqes lITEM I Furnace ETU' S QtI#.L I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Wwdstove I Permit I~;auanC2 Mechanica.Z Permi t State Surcharoc Toea l Charaeo __ ENCROACHMENT n I Secuntl; De'OOsit I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I I CUrbcut 1 Sid_ lk Total ChaMC8 1(7 f-. 3. 7S" /1/ -f z.-.f~ Fence Electrical Label I Mobile Home .'lV1~L AMOUNT DUE:' n.'E CHARGE I 3'1$""'::3 7 ..re-=: Electrica I Perm it - - Where State Law requires that the clectncal work be done by an EZec:tl"ical _ .. ~contr>actol" the electrical poptio>> of this pemit shaLL not be valid ~ntil IS"r; I ~ ~ the label has ~cen signed by the Electrical Contractor. J7p ::::37 ~ "5t!!="~7C Ec..c:<--/t'>'t' --;;'.::. ?~'''/7- /"L~J ;:;#J'~~8~~~ L3J-~~.')S"'1 . 7~_ Ec.cC-T/?/C#C- 4>>"~/~ ~ ~ .. oJ .Is:'~ ' . I I I I I I I FEE JG t>-O 37$"0 2CJ~. /1)1)" ?>O PO 'NO. ' / NO. FEE , QV (p- z J I 3 .'!.E. 1$D;2 *'" BedI'ooma: . Enel'Gl/ SOUl'CeB Ii iieat~~ Access. 11 I Water Ht?att?!' Range I I I Firevlace : I-- Waod3toue 9 In.terior' V" Cornel' Type/Cor:st: NoRTH Setbacks House' Cal'aqe' fa. ' I J'iIle5 .~ I \ 1'l/VB ~r: ,lfLGt:.:r ~-r ?~':t; ;0' Panhandle ~l-de-sac .20' Fees Value Building Value & Permit' This pernrit io granted on the expreas condition that the aa"id construation s1lall, in all respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted,'by the City of Springfield. incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, reguLating the construction and use of buildings, and m~y be suapended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances. '1 I '~<!ll9of-O 1.3 ZOr- , ~7~ 19~ 11&'~} IPlan Check Fee!J6?:.. .('b IDate Paid: I A, S~ ryj IRecdpt U: I M4l1/ ~ Signed: ?-l \ 1\0. ) v . Plumbing Permit 1 I 1 I CHARGE I~~ 37 E? 20 f!.E 15~ "2-0 ~ 1 I01~ I .s 3_ I 1/2~1, No person ahall construct, install, alter or change any new or existing plumbing 01' drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing IJOrk to property which is OlJrled, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. CIIARGR Mechanical Permit c" d~ &,17.;!- /5~ ~7~ I.>>" 2-& 1r- , Plan~6/f~TU /2 -.2&-g.9 va.e /3~ .31-~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for .penmt, and do hereby ce1'tify that aU information hereon is tr>ue and C01-1'cct, and I further certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfo1*:1led shall be dorte in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfie~, and the Ur~B of th6 ~ State of Oregon psrtaining to the work described "herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be, rode of any structure trithout permission of the Building [)i- vision. I further certify that OMly contractors and enployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ,1....;.. , .,.' . ~/l~- $,w/ A~~~ .'hgn:d :J " -...., /- 9-7[) Date ~9~/:5'$ I .