HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-2-12 "RESIDENTlAl' . . APPLICII'l'I.'!?HffIT 225 North 5th Street . SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Diviaion 726-3753 .Job [,oe.1tion: : 5" S c.j / r u /.1 Aaaeaaora M"I' H lX, ~:J l}-I/ / g / su~iviDioll: %,AL SPRINGFIELD . Tr-" LoI H f) /1; DO 1(',' (J7i .<\,,/"}MI/IS i fl1l ~ fJuh. d - jJ- --'10 nata of IIppticaticll Contr.actors Gene.ral : Plumhi.ng I Hcchan.lcal IE~"ctri!"Jl''\J,'JD '1.,./,-7'. '1116vJ II~ ~o'(.<(': IJ,T,-r <t(.I-'1....);.~..~Od.-?,nor1 ISIIner",-."i.nl: 1,I"ctr.i,.i,,"f\),,'1i G.." 1..<1,\ S /'. J' .:".7/,../' /f...!..( _..L/. \, . i I ~ '- c--[ /6;;/-'""t... .C"':".~ <'~J.- ," ft in tllo reDpol1DibiLity of tho permit lIoulm to Dee ~JzlJt al~ innJ1e.:timl:J tWO r.;ad,; at .,JI,;/i't"'i-"" tUtu., that .1f:.c11 . rlrt!s3 is rca::a:<.: [pam ths Dtrcot, and that tire pOJ'/7Tit card in local.(ul at the /J'l.mt of tho'! pIYJJ1(!1~f.!/. A!Jui!di~~1 Divi::iu,: api)J'ovaJ plml tJJIJ:.ll l~em'li'l on tlw Duildill[1 ;;U..; at all /;imi1.'l. P.7OCEDUl?E pon /N{;PECT!(lN RS.Q1JEST:CALL 7 26-3769 (J"{~cordcr) atate !Jour CiL'y .lcni:"z..tcd .101: lIIo:;bc,', ,;0/) ilf!'-~"::1r., :"L'pe of i':::per:;ic'; raqucstcd ar.d "'.':1111 you /Ji.Ll ba J~nady for innpccti.on, COlltrn.ctoro OJ' t).IIlI?;'1I JL:m,~ ,:tl,{ r:"m:.: 1I:/1':ll,.:J'. !:':'1/.1I':::::r. "('CC1:':.,,J befcl''! 7 :O~ .-:-; :..'ill be made tilt;; aWl/e day, raquento mada aft;r.l' 7:00 an /Jill b.: ,oodf! t.'IC n.;.:r(; :;/i.'lI','dnj dmi. . . vt?l. 1"1 0;;; Your City DeGiy,uzted Job NlIInb,7,I' I:;: q.-l t?' IJ Clmer: .5"'."1/,, PliO/I ( .A- . Addreo3: City:'7~ Lu,LL~ilJl I A-. l8..N....'" n n n ,1ddi ticn Rmnodn l ,~toh:.ln !/{ltJl.:l ^ddn:'~s LiR~. II Bldr~ HnOJrd.. .I~.f~ .r/":(J!.":~'i.r{ rtl,m",,'/rm,'l O SITt: IN.'>N:C'."/ON: To be roodo after C%cau~tion, but prior to oot up of forma. D VNDF.H.'ir.AD l'U'MaINr.. F.LF.'CTllrr:.1L ,f; MEClIl!.'iICA~: To bB mada bofor'll ,.ZJlY lJOJ'k ia .::oucrod. o FOOTING ~ FOUND,iTION: To bo nuda aftar trenchea arB excauatBd and forma are erocted, but prior to pouring cCllcret~. wmSRr.RQI/ND NAIMtJINr:. SET/CW. W.1'ft:fl, DRAINAGE: 'fo bo roodo prioJ' to fiL- 'lir.a trenchec. O VND!'UPWOn rr,IJ1..'8.f.'JG ,f; MECHANICAl.: To bo mado pl'ior to in3tallat1.on of [Zoor inDu~tion or decking. O POST ANn ReAM: To be made prior to inotal.Latt.cn of floor inDulatior. or decki"!J. ~ fJI ~lr:ll Pr.lI,'mJ16.F.C1'RTCAf,J IJ UF.Cll- ~ AN!CAf;: NO:'~ cOL'ercd UJ:til tl1(~nl1 ifWpOC..LOr.O Ilave beer. modo. and approve:!. O FIRf:PI.AC8: Pl'ior to placir.(/ facing matal'iaLo and before [ramina innpac- tiol:. o o FRA'~!Nr.: Nuct bo roquented aft-or approval of l'Ouah pLwr.biJl!b electri- cal. & mechanical. AU J'Oo[ina braci"!] t cllimncyo, 0(;'::. must be completed. tlo wrk ia to 1>0 con- cocted untit thio inspeotion han . b6cn made ana approved. ....0/1'( rhone: 4~ 'l1'ir-l(lfD'";./II9' Zip: DOIJCl~'ibe rl'ol'I-:.: Value D .lNS11l,A'rroNlvttl'flll [IIlRUU:1i I,'J[if'.'X:'rr,,l,v: To be made after all illIJul~tl:.:m w:Ji rocqu:.red vapol' carrier.., are bl I"m:l~ but boforo atly 1A1tll, a!lpm.un bcolJ'f! 01' r.nll covarin!1 ia tll'pliod, atLt bcfQt"(J any inaulatioll ia concc<1lod. ........ "". ,. I / A V U (. __..._.:.____._. _l.-ft._ ---- -.-.--- . .' .':,:~,,:t'!d: iVLLt.. d-- 0- -q 0 D fJ1?1'WAU, INSf'ECTmN: Tc be madf! aftel' all. dJ'YI.JrJLL bJ in place, but prior to any tapin!J. Dnl.,'" l':~~n.~ r"'~.; l.1uln (' o MAUONRY: Steel location, bowl beam3, aroutill!1 01' lJarticalll 1:" accordance IJitll V.B.C. Sect1:t)1l 241f:. flO()f)STOVf:: Aflor illntalllltl:OJl ia ccm[Jlilted. nn;, Ii, f'f' rO!.' i~/( :..':JV.I.:.~ j;i;nDJ:/~;;.~ ~ :;,wi !.tU':I :1o,':.I('J' '::uri'e(: ::1. "~Ol''::;l't~. It..':.~ ~ ::f~jJ/.i~ 1.,;111: r:"7,~d an.-f f~Llo1d with JJ'I.J::d [ !,'i."....l. - '11'/lcn eXI1(; i.te.,..' arc ccmpletcd -.-J m:J wh,m Jr.r:roi;~:..i...H: .i:J complt!tc. OJ' s~:'l..!. 1.li:',: mouf1.! ,111.;: ;JJ';:~L3';:J :l.'::lIe.:;. up. - /oJoI.,:Z... !lclr:,m =:J JJZOc:k1'.llil mul SJt-:.Jp =:J Plumbi":J COlUh?ctionc S.::;rJCJ' a,u! IJa ~er I Rlcct.r':er.l Ccm:ctJtio1l - GlackiniJ, 8Ct-I~;: ~ mid "lwlIbifla "'~l..w:octi(}na nr..;at te appl':J~oi.: I be/m'c l'Cquent::na f1!ec:'J.ical ir.Dpec::io~: =:J Ac.::r....'1OJ'U nu ~ l.-:.iu(! 11",:n.1l - /.ft,':I' ;:':H'd:C8, ~ I~/.;:. m'(! ecmple:;.:d. tlkirtin.!], dcd:ll, o o CURn ~ Af'P/WACII AP!XJN: Aftm' forrna are cro.::ted but pJ'ivr La pOUl'itl!! .::o~rete. ~,)IDl','f'II.1,K ~ VRIl-'f.".U: fOl' all con- crete pavina /Jithiu 'ntt'cat I.ialt!;- of-!.X:y, to be made aftep alt. CX(!t1- vatin.(! complotn & fom '.x>rk .~ Gub- . baec nutef'ial 1.,1 pLaae. J D All pl'O.jfwt conditimlflJ tlW':!; mJ tilt! :"'lllt"ilfll.'~.:1I of H!.'......!t t."';..'~l. ','~i :,';.i,1II uf" tile r~quiJ'cd landacr.pir.((, et(!., mur.t be flfltinfl:':.J b.;/..')I": t.1:r! Rl.'rt.r,n:r. j.'I::,I[; '::1:11 !,,: r..:qucat.-;d. D FIlM" PWI.mlllG o PINM. UEf.,"//A,VIC/II, i0<NAL ELECmTCAL D D ["KNeE: lI'har. coml'Z;;.to -- PI'OlIlr./? gatea or movaJJLc aectiOlw ~ll1'oual; P.U.E. D o PIN,1I, mllf.DINr.: 'rh,! rin.J!. nuilJbl!1 !'II:;-.....,':"" "nml. ".t ""'1/1.;::Ir..:.-1 :.'"....;1. ...i;.~ .~.t":ll rlumbi'I:; ElecLJ.ical, and Meelmr.ie,:l III:lpt!ctim/ll I""w.,: IJe.;', "/I1de alld ":rr"(!l','.!. o AAU. I-IAN1/CT.r.S AN/J C""~t1NfJfff:; UlfST FF: t1r.(~F:t;:;mu:, Af),fl't:7'.'!F:,'/~ TO m: ....'.1:""1-: .!: !.'(I ....',':-; ';'0 n7'f I r.1::\' ! or :; l..-\...VI..., JOB NO. SOLAR AGGE:;:; IlEV.- 'f;'T)a/Cor:o t: {J,](!roo1n:J: Lot Sq. FtJ. :t ~f lot C~l)(JM(}~ .II oj" !:toriOiJ 'fo~t11 1!Ci!j}If. TopoYMpllY Oc:cllnanc" ,,'roup: - WT TYPS . Inte;..icro Cornero Pan/rand la Cul-dc-Dac :~, ,~:,.': l':',L:ftt .5i;.f"TG .\kdn r..~)'nr.e Ca"I"'CI't tleCc880rll I Is.D.c. TOTAL VAWE I L.lal.!.lIJJ 1.5% Bui lding Pcromi t State SuI'ch.11'f'l! To to. I CIIi1:'{Jo3 .. X Value \. l. I , n:,.: CIIAUr:r.: 1['1'/-:1>1' . NU. I FixtUrca I HODl.dcntial (1 bath) I :;a.ni tar'y . SClJeJ' I Wn'," I PI;.qnbina !lcn::it State Surocr.arge Tota! Charr!.C!s I :'1'10:,., NO. I R,,". Sa. ftn. /1/76 / I N;;uiextend 'Ci~uita I T~orary Sct'Vicc 1'2$Z'#~w"ct!;-- /' r.le~trical Pe~it Stat/! Surdli1rf1c Total Clli1T'cetl I IT!',., I "'urn.1'oe ,r:n'U' S E::hauo t JJood . Ne.' Vent Fcm I !Woodsta,. : I ; I Parmit Ioouance ~to:hanic3 l. Pormi t State SllPCN:r'('C Total Chortleo I -- i:lJCHOAClIMEN'l' -- I SeC"",fMtll DaV03it I Storage I H1intenan,'!c I Pcrmi t Total CllatvrCS I C'u1>b(..out I Sidewtk I,f:ltm::o I HlectT'ical I Mobile Home I I I TflT'lr.. A/IOUtlT OUr.:' [.abet n;,.: (,'lIl1/U,'f.' "37~SZ/ ,'Sto.' -:;:-;> ~ .")e:> ?S::..., I '3, 75""1 .?6"./5t. CIIARCS . I I I I ~7s-1 I TJOt Faces - .1 .1 P.l.. INer.tlt 1~:flIJt ISallth II/cnt WI Acceso. I F.nernll ,'jo:4rC(!:J !leat Water' !J.-mt:,.r f{a1lue P.ircnZlwf' 'rooti;; toi:e TII~C Setbac:kn 110us6 Cara(Jc .';", -- Fees Building Value & Permit This pennit in arontcd on the erpT'6tJD condition that tllS said co~::Jtruction shall, in all. reopcotD, conlorm to tllo Ordinanoe adopted by th. City of Springfield. inoluding the Zoning Crd~nancc, ro!]ulating the ccnotru.::ticn and UDe of buildings, and m.:zy be Ducpended or rcooked at c,:y tUnc upon vie- lation of any proouiDioli.s of auid Ordinanceo. I Plan Check Date Paid: IRecdp. H: . I Signed: Pee: Plumbing Permit No perco'l ohall construct. inotalZ, aUar or clJG.nge any ne/J Ct' e:dating plwnbina OJ'" drainaae syotc:n,in iJoole aT' in parot, unlcD8 such pOl'oon iu tho leoal poDoeS80r of a valid plumbero's licctlnc, except tllat a percon may do plW:1bina ItJOrk to propaz.ty which iD owned, leaDed 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Permi t Where State LaLJ requires that the electrical lJOrk be done by all Ele~troical Contractor, the electrical portion of thi3 pet~it ohall. root be valid until the 'labe l has been cigned by the Elec trica l ~OI1 trae tor. Mechanical Permit I. I I I I I l. ~/~~~ 2?"'?-5<::S va," I IJ.1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tIre completed application for'permit, and do hereby oer,tify that all info:omation heroeon is tl'Ue and cororooct, and I furthero certify that any arn all lJOrk porfol'mod shall. be do:1fJ in accor- dance witll tha Ordinances of the City of Sprinafield, aOO th: Ltr..JS of tho State of Oreg:m p::rtaining to tile /JOrk described hero:.n, and that NO occu- PANCY will be tmdc of any fltructurJ uithoi4t p3l'f11io:Jion of tile Buildina Vi~ vision. I furthor certify that o:1ly contJ'aatoro and c:npz.,yocs ",1:0 are in oa::pl:.anca lJ:.th ORS 701.055 will be used on this project Sion,"~d !Alte