HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-11-2 .. RESI~TIAL': APPUCATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street S!?l"~ngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD . .~cce'-:''P-; i:!. S-9t:J z../ .Job l.oc.::.tion.: L()~ l'S \W~ Q-J\ 0 0 }- JS 00 A8aeBoor~ :'~ap " Tc.;r Lot # ~ 1-.{ /0 !. 00 Subdi.;r;sicn.: ~"71er: '-1"Y\; 1{ 0 ~~Qil j") ~ .dO L\<&L.\- \\cl~ ~ - Add.."es3: Pr.one: -fdb. d-f) ~tA~ C)'C CJJL\~1 Ci.ty: 21.;:,: n n ri n 'leo.J Addi. ticn ~UJ~ Remod.el. "~Ob-:'!d .=?orr.a ~a:e of Application L,"on:rac:ors //- (:J - )( d- Ge1'Isral. Plumbing \ !l.ectrical I (t) uJ (lfl../i ) .~!8~har.ic.::.l Con.8t~~ctian ~~~er Desc1""~be fl'Ol'K: 0.C ~cLulCL VaZue Ad.dres3 Sicrr.ed: CL Date: /I-Z-f'? _ [,iac.# E=::-irtJs PlU)n~ re. is the rsspcmaibili:y of ths pel'1l'tit holder eo sss that aLZ incpectio?1S are :::000 at :he propel' til1lf:.1 tr.at ::.c:ch =dt1ress is re~:e lI"Om ehs street, and that the permit ca:t"d i.s ?.xated at the /1'C71t of the property. "3ui!.di~..g D'i:,ri.='io'!': c:p;:rOl.:ed pl.an sh=ll remain on the S;,d.ldiTf.? Si.t;; at all times. ?'?OCEDUF!! .r'on INSPECTION RE'QlJEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr..::zted ~'oc nw::ber~ J'ob at.iixI3S~ type of ir.3?ecticn raquestcd a~.d ~~en you ~Ll be ~eaay jor ir~pcct~on~ Contractors or aw~e~s r~e ar~ phone number. Requests rec6iv~d before 7:00 ~ :..'iU be made the same dey, requests mt::de afta' 7:00 ern will b:3 made the na:t :.Jerk.in.; day. P<<:,.'~>w./ J"',.1......~t:~,..~ O SIT! !,'JSPEC'::.JN: To be r.a.ae after ezcav~tion, ;u: prier t~ set up of forms. '_ -_ WJDERSL~a ?!.U.'.!BI.'lG. /h,Ec:'Rlr;TI V .~.'ECHA"lICrl.i.: To be rr.aae :Je.~oI't3 any 'Wo1"./<: is ::otJc1"ed. o F'COTI;JG ~ POtH/DA.TION: To co ,~ after :1"enches ~g e:ca-Jated arA forms ae erec:aa, but prior to pourir~ c~nc~et;. U,VDiniC:~Or;.~r!) P:.r.;f.r.JD'G. S='.JFR, W.1T.:.!.. DRAINAGE: :0 be r.n:::e pM-ar :-0 fi~- lir.g :;rer.ches. D. Do U.'/DERFLOOR ~"r.W.'9Z":/G -1 ,'.f:;C.9.A..VIC:..!.: To be maee pricr to in.:n.:ai.L.:zt-:.on of fioor insuLa:ion 01" decking. P'JST AND 3EAU: To be rr:ade prior :0 instaLl.at::'cn of" noor ir.sulatior. 01' deaki.n,. , .~O~tGH ?!,[P.!e!".IG.(i.!.E~.~TC~?: ;)XE:C,9- df!..i.f11::..: .~'o ~or.: ~"" :::"3c co.:er'ZG. ur.:il :r.cse :r~~e~=icr.s h=v~ ~eer. ~e ar~ =P?r~ue2. FI.~E:?U,CZ: mol" to pLc.cir.g tG.C":'nq matariaZ-s and asfore f'rar.rir.g inspec- tior.. o ~ o o PFt4.'~I.'1r;: .\fust: ~6 !'ecu.e3t:ed al~er approv..:l of rough pLUr..hing~ aLect~- 001. j :r:ecr.ani::::z.Z.. AZ.~ rooj~r..g bracing ~ chi.nn~us, Jt~. ~~sc be . comvle:ad. ~o '~rk is to b~ aan- .. csa.lfld ur.:iL this ir.stlec::icn r.as . bscn mad2 end approt.'ed. Your City. Desigr.atcd Job Numb€!' Io: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSF=CTICN: To be made after aU in.suL::t~n a:-~ reauired vavor barriers are in place but cefore any lath, gypsum bcdre Or 1..l'2z.L covering is C:Pl?Lied~ ar.d before any inaul.at::ion is concealed. ~d.d-:'.;).Q I DEUOLITION OR ;~:OVE::; 3!}ILDli.:CS ~ Sani=az..d 8e'..J6r ~ap?ed ::t ~::lpcrt"'i Lir.e ~ Septi~ tank P:.i..7ed and ff-z.t.2.d t.Jith gT~..;eZ ---, PinaL - [!hen a:bcve :.t:e::-:s are cc:~:olet€a ---1 ar~ ~hen i~~L:.tior. is c~i2:e or St:7~~- tu.,...e moved ar.c pr;:::ri3es ::le.::ned u.p. I Mobiie Hc.~es o DFiY'tlALL J.7/SP=CTION: Tc be "...ade after an C:ryIXIU is in place, but prior to any taping. ,~SONRY: Steel location, bond be~s, grouting or verticals in a.::cordance ...r;th a.B.C, Section 241&. ::J Blockir~ ar~ Sa=-~p ::J Plumbing connections s~eI' ar~ wa:er ~ Elcct~:aal Ccnr.ect:.on - Blogking, set-u? --.J and p~wnbin.g conr.ections r.r....st te approt.'ed before reque8t~ng e!ec=~:'caL inspec=io~ :J .4C':88:;0.. ':i 3uild.f-r.g :J Final - t.ft~r :~rc~es, &kirting~ dec~~~ etc. are ccmple;~d. o D. FIlIAL P!ll'{8I:lG D. FIt/AL ,'.fECl!A.'lICAL ALL projec; concitions~ ouch as er~ in8;alla~ion of street =rees, ~~~la;~on of ;h€ required 1.andscc:pir.g, etc., .'rIUst be satisfied before tr~ aUILVI,'.'C FI.':AL =cn be r2qu.ss:2d. o o o '.iOODSTOVE:: Aftar installation -:'8 ccmpZ.et~d. PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building !n.spection .?<USt 013 requested .::.f":er the Pir.::zl PLu:::biT'-3 Electl'ica!~ end .'.feciul:':icc~ Inspection.D have been ,~ade ar.d approve::. ,~i'I:IAL CJ 2!.Ec:'RIC/.L o CURB & APPF?OACH APRON: Alte~ forms coe erected but pl'"':'or to pcuring ~n::rete . SIDEWALK & DRIr.'eWAY: For all. ccn- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to bc made after aU exca- vatina carwlete & f'op;:z '.JOrk & ::ub- base ~teM:alin place. "AU NAt/h'C['ES AND ClEANO!JTS HUST BE .4C::ESSI3r.E~ .4DJr:S7,'!~.~'T TO 3E ,'.:'1DS I!T NO -:-:S7 TQ CI?Y I ?a-;8 of 2 o o ."'ENCS: ~er. co:':rpl.;t~ -- ?rovide gates 01" .7fovable aect:.cns through P.U.E. o I JOB NO.g~~ SOLA.CESS , i Zcr.a: CCC"J,:::a.7!.C:J Gt'O'J.;:): I Lot Sq. Ft;. ~ ~f lot CJUeraq~ # of StOl"";es Total Height 1 I Tcpogra;>hy 1""'1 SQ.:TG I "'O~" !~~C,;J I ! Car:-cr: I. I .-Icce8s"r~ I I I Is.D.c. TOTAL :'ALf.;E r uc:.u~) 1.5 = Euil.ding ?er:rr-;t Sto,te SurcnJrge To:al ~r.a..-ge3 I IT~,V I". , .. t--:ures IResidential (1 bath) I Scnit.:z.r'j SetJ81' I ;{c::-:a." I I NO. I I Pl:;mtr;ng Perr::i t State Surer~e Tatal C'l'lCraes II~Df 1,'iO. I..es. So. fta.,.,?()nn / IN3.WIEXtend Circuits I Temocrc:ru Service Electrical !'e~t S~te Surcr.arae Total Charces I 17'E.'1 I ,,~ . ".... ?-..a>r.ace ETU' 5 E=haust Hood I Vent .=':11 I ' I iloodsto:;e I Permit 13suaTlCa Mecr.anic::zl Perm.t StatQ Surchc::rac 'T'''-:r.! CJ.aro"rP!:I 2.'lCRCAC.:'.'.:;:!,:, Ie"... D . j....eC'"J.rt...u 8:'C3t.t: I Stor~ae I ,'1aint~e I Permit Total. C'rtal'.zE18 CurbC'.J.t SideJaZk I :en::e 12!,acr;rical , i ..rfobi Le H.:Jms I:.c1;el. 1 TOTA~ )..\!OU.'/T DUE:" I I I I I I 1;).0 I I I X - 'j I .~/' /. /7 .() /l}la-, I^"'~ ;,t.gn.2G. LOT '!'Y?:: Ir:r;eI'ior Corner Panhandle C'.J.l-de-saa x Value FEE Ci!AP.G~ :;';:'1;' C:,:j;._qGZ ...o~,?O I rJc;. 06 I /001 o2.h 0Cl , I I I I I I I CHARCE $cJfo.QO p~!)(] 2 . L-COG~ I i i 'I i II I REQ.- :!ioe/Cor..st: ~edr,or.:s : I Lot Faces - I I P. :"'j Hou.ae I"oreh lEast South l~e8t I Ener(TIJ Sources .i'eat I I II II II f"J'~e Setba::ks I Carc:qe I Access. I I I (late!' =:;p.I'1<;;~Y' Ranqe Fi reo iace Wood:; to:;e FJes I I I I I I I , I I I I, Building Value & Permit This p6~t io groanted on the e..-press condition that the s~:iid. 00n8t:"..Ic::-:.on shaZl, in all respects, confc~ ;0 the Ordinance ~do~ted by the :~:: of Spri7'.cf~eZ,d, i.nc!:.d.i.ng <;;r:€ ::'oni7'.o Crdi.n.ar.ce, !'eO".J.k:tir.a the CCr.3~:-:j:::::.;r: and u;~ of ouildi7'~s, cr~ m=y bev Juapended or revoked ~t cr.y ti.~e ~;~r. vio- lation of any pr~vt.3ior.s of said Ordi.r~cas. I Plan Check tate Paid: iRec,~pt #: IS~.d: Fee: Plumbing Permit I I I I I I, I No pereon chell construct, ins:al'!, arter 01" change any new Cl" e::':.st..ng plumbing 01" drainage syste~ in ~hole 01" in part~ unless such person is the legal posse3sor of a vatid plumber's license~ e=cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plw:-:bing :';01'-< to propert'd which is at..'T'.ed~ leased or operat:(ld by the c.;pli- cant. ./ Electrical Permi t Where State U:tJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ela~tr"~cal Contractor~ the electrical portior. of thia perr:rit shall roOt ba valid wtta the label has been si@t.ed by the Electrical ~ontracto2"'. , Mechanical Permit ?kzn Z=cn~~el' L,'a:c1 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA'ofINED t.~ aomplc1ted appZication far permit, ~ do hereby certify that aZl info~at~on hereon is true ard ccrl'cct, ar~ I fu.rtJ:ezo cer:~jy that any crd all. t.Jork perfor:r:ed 3hal!. oe d0:18 in ac~or- dance :.vith the Ordin:mces of the City of SprirlgfieLd~ and th& tc'..:a of th3 State of OrecQn D~r~inina to the wol"k described herein, cr~ the; NO OCCU- PJ.!.'lCY will. oa m::2e of c:n.;/ atr'.J.ct::.a'a without ?ermissio!': of the 3uiZdir:g rr~- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o:1ly contractors ar~ ~l~Y6es w~~ ~~B in c~pliance with CRS 701.05& will be used en :hia prQjzct ~ ,1.- ~ -?:4.