HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-11-1 Pemlits are Jon-trans erab and expire if work is no~started within 180 days of issuance .1fhf work is suspended 'for 180 days: I. J,>, / 2 CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION 0 Y ~~ ~ . Elect 'c~l'cb~~aGto~ . Relocation: ~f)VIi\: / . Address ,~~f~f> !;e, ..~~.fiJ~~. 200 amps OrIe~~" ,,;:. "'"'",. ~;~!r""" 1"",;,iI ~ .,~~ A:;~'" ~,,~".~ 201 amps to 400, 1,t?,;, ".,-$ 7),00:~",ilii~11 >It .:4 ~.~" ..;\ ~ . ~(' ~;;}it'r~ rn",".;;J':':~' .~\ ., ~ ~~'t.-~""'.,,...,.,.'"'....~~~:\;~.::c:,;.q: CIty -< ~ ':\ ,~f;,i ;'Ph e "'i.';;;,.:'" \" ". . I:.~~:~~~ ~~ 401 amps to'9.Qq,a!11ps:JFI~\ ;:y;~<G1:.:t..-d'~$1.25.00::.;'~"~ !;' H~"" ~~,-:.J /-f;.V;$:' :::;:<, ..: ',,~.i"-"~~""601 amps t(~)0'06 anlp';&,:'!;, .~~JIr.->.)"~$i6i'60;a;;,,,:#.I . t"< -'. IJ{.....t ~':,i/''fl~ ""'. ~, ;:c~'4,'.;'''r.;~~ . 1 -l];'~l-~''',1''~,Q~n1O:-,'''~~~t'i.'''''~.:.r',' ~ Suporyisor Licens u' er " ; >~""'" , ,: - .; ,,.. 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