HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-1-29 " ,Jall,29, 21J07 7,44AM No,1531 p, 1 . if _ . r' Clp - s 19 .a K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684.9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX l'nginl'l'ring Fax To: Dana - Anslow & DeGeneault From: Michael Remboldt, p.E: Pages: 7 Fax: 687 -0646 Subject: 380 Mountaingate Dr.-lot #9 Date: 1/29/2007 Attached is the required paperwork for this lot Steve sent the compaction test resu~s eartier but you will need thiS for the foundation inspection. ( Thank you for the opportunity to be of service, Please call me If you have any questions. . Sincerely, /tUL Michael Remboldt, P,E. K & A Engineenng, Inc. " / ., . Jan,n 2007 744AM No, 1531 p, 2 ('\1'llllllllllj )l'/\ IL~l f)", Rllilr.'n~ "Ilei)' CITY OF S?R!'\JCiF[EL:)- OREGO!\ ~~5 'i" SI:LLI Srlll)~JI::kl (,f\ ')7.1,1'" l'Ii 72(\- \/5') Mountamgate Subd. Lot # r . :'., , :""di&~ .....~ "r~ -" J..' " , ..,;. - f~ ( , ~'~~r~~~i>-::>';<t~~~~ ' , _~~~'V~~~~ ~~ --'-<.0.', , -, -'. ~. .,,-...'.. - ,"- Mountaingate Subdivision... Phases I & II Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals SITE ADDRESS_7M MO!A.pVr~/)/<Nn..c O/t... CITY JOB # ClPM -z..o~ - e>/~77 Foundation reouirements - new structures on residential lots This form may be used as a verification to allow construction to continue on the job site until the stamped ' AFFIDAVIT For Site Investigation Questionnaire' is submitted to the City. This form must be completed by a licensed design professional (engineer or architect) or his/her authorized representative, and submitted to the building inspector prior to requesting City inspections or placing foundation concrete. It is important that all questions be answered completely for the foundation site to be approved for coru,truction. Owner and/or Contractor ---&Ai ('J.47...<./ Urrtl-fZN(..s-,t:fUL.T I A. Date(s) of the design professional's s.ite evaluation? O(<=~)$.p::j< :2006 - J OAlU4flt.-r ~7 I B. Has the design professional reviewed a copy of the geotechnical information that was prepared for the subdivision relating to this site? Yes~ No_ lfnot, plea.\e contact this office for a copy of the report. The design profe~sional mLlst be familie.r with rhe geoteclmical infonnation before completing thisfO[Tn. 0, C. In which Geotechnical Inyestigation area is this site located? (Level I sites are lots # 3-20, 43--49 & 49-71) Level I L (Levelll sltes are lots # 1-2, 21-42 & 50- 54) Level II Note: Level II reauires a ~ite-sDeclfic lreotechnical investigation & repolt Were site conditlOns identified that would change the category? YES _ NO-X (For critcri.{ delcrm;i'lIng c<:\tegoty, ~ce the accompanYing document titled Geotechnical Requirements for lndividu:d Bnilding Lots Mountaingate Suhdivision - Phases 1 & 2) I If "yes", explam (u~e the reverse side of [his sheet or an added sheet if neces<;ary) 10f5 r] Jan, 29, 2007'11 7: 45AMvICc> UIV lHlIlal'l;; "),\icLY CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD, ORFGO~ 2:25 5"1 Stre~L \);mngtield OR 97477 Pn 726,37"9 No,1531 p, 3 Mountaingate Subd. Lot tf: q -.... Was a geotechnical engIneer involved at th~ site to venfy that conditions are SUItable: Cor constluc.tion of the proposed bulldmg(s)? y~s -i. No_ Name of geotechlllcal engineeI k ~ /J I?/V (r-,-~,l..I-'<r; pvc.... J , D. What was the nature of the neavation and lor fill? _f b{:- /IV'/D /f/t..LS/I;)(:L"- ~ t'/?l~f2 r. ((~VtA$'rJ ~--.J~/LT -I s/r..:r /D ~~~7""t--ts;L~~"- ~ S'"/.,(~~n:..A./.J(~ PL-.4-C.J:EP ~~-'J ("/t~ ~ P./~ S'r.AP!;.(';...A!/.I-,';Y-- 7?) ?r~. ~)(.:::, Was eXIsting non-structural fill or expansi ve soil encountered on the lot? Ye\'::;L No_If "yes", what types, depths and locatIons, and how does it af~ect the bUIld1l1g foundation? MIA/I) IL A-M tr"kN'1"Jt ~p- P LA-=S"nc- 5, ~ c...v[:::"iLF ;( ~JII1 cr\H"-O P-/l...~., TIf \~ ~ ,.V/1 "i-rr b',..J P41? What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type or engineele..d fill used to stabIlIze the soil)? PI ~a' c. .r Lk7-\ IG.rr-h rf'/At'1). f . . Is the site as prepared adequate ~ inadequate 0 to maintain const;ll1t moisture content in the sub grade? Note: Verification o/moisture stabilizatiol1l11 the sub grade IS a requirement for site prfparatlOn, and must be affirmed before const! uctiOI1 can cOJ/tinue. If inadequate, what measures are to be taken to provide constant moisture content in the sub grade? Is the site. as prepared, adequatefJ!1.. madequateD to support the proposed structure? An affirmative anSlA,ler L\ requisite to proceedl11g wIth cOn'ilruction If inadequatej what additional work is needed to provide adequate foundntion support? E. pid the design professional witness placement and compaction of the engineered nUj or is there a special inspection report forthcoming from a qualified agency? I wItnessed Placement 0 Speclcll Insp/compactlOl1 report 0 20f5 . (0 Jan 29 2007111 7 '45AMlr.C'>L>lv !:hL1!Lll!1g::'.!.kl\ CITY Of SPRINOI.lliLD. ORj:.,c;O~ 225 5'" )"e~t, <:;prIngfie!cl, OR 9n-:7 P~l -26-J7:,9 No 1531 p, 4 Mountalngate Subd. Lot # 1 , F. The design profe~sional intends to use the following method for installation of perforated perimeter footing drains: The desIgn on the attached drawing provided by the design professional. , . . 0 The method shown on the onginal constructIOn drawings,...."",..,.,. ~ The typical' Foundation Dram' drawing duached to permJt . .............. 0 Perforated perimeter drams ar~ not required..... . ,... . .,. . 0 Comments. JJ()~ J )fJ rpJ--<l_~ ~e - .- A,-IJ /J / 'T7 0 AnfJ..-I_ I/'FA.. / M ~TL,;tF"fL - 0 III ~M h A: 5:-,r:- 4~ o..,...T~ Note' Ciry inspectors Ivi1l inspect installed drail1\ prior TO cover upon request, . Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspection G. Low-point crawl space draim are required to prevent the build-up of excess moisture Inside the foundation!o. during (and after) comtruction. This drain may be installed after foundMion placement onlv with the express permission of the desi!Zll professional. a. The deSIgn professlOnal has determmed the followmg: The crmvl space drain IS requzred, l-vhen the foundatIOn IS InstaL/ed., 0 The low-point drain W17 be imtalled after foundation placement without a !>lgn{fiCanl mOIsture bUIld-up prohlem Wlthm the foundation. ...... . ~ (The low-pomt dram may be installed 'It the Prl~ / ;J G- ,tage ~ oj c{)n.~trucllOn) p6st 6< beam jrwnmg. roujing elc b Has the deSIgn profe ')slOnal observed and approved the installatIon of the reqUired lmv point drain? ,... ... ... .., ... ... ... ,.." Yes, No if ')ieS", ';ilhere is the 1011' point drain/oeated under the bUIlding and where does It terminate at this time? (Must be an approved location, i e. street gutter, storm sewer, slimp pump and discharge line to the street, etc) The design professioEal must determine whether the approved permit drawings hc.ve adequate foundation steel. Is any additional foundation <;;teel requil'ed that is not shown 00 the foundatIon drawings for the building? Yes _ _ No"i-, If "yes ", descnbe additional steel required (or provIde drawing) 30f5 i' . Ja n 29 200711 7: 45AM"c,", UIV. ]JUlllilllg '-'(It';"l;.' CITY OF SPRI~GFTELD OREGON :225 5111 "t,C:~L ~~mngfieJd, OR 9'";-17'"' f'h,726-3759 No 1531 p, 5 Mountaingate Subd. Lot # !j , The individua1 doing the Qbservatiom and providing direction for the excavation and szte preparation "pork on the property must sign the following STatement, The undersigned design professional (or authorized employee) atteMs that he/she observed required moisture stability procedures on this site, and that such procedures were accomplished before allY changes occurred in t!t~ moisture content of the suh- grade under and around the buildmg (where expansil!e soils were encountered). The 11l1der5iglled further attests that the sub-grade, ([5 prepared, is adequate to support the building proposed jor this site. \ Additional comments: (Note): A copy of this report shall be kept On site with the approved plans at all times. ThIS r~port shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and stamped ~y the design profe~slonal undel whose auspices tllls report was completed, affirming the information herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be submitted to this office pnor to requesting framing inspection for the building. S. t -........:- ~ ~ Jgna ure .~ Name A ( C(~ L A ~ I'!:)(/(..../J r Title j?J") (.jj.LC{Y" V'L {:-' Company K_ t Iff ~1V6-/ /V'lF'Fr!-Ip..Jr:r, ~c ~ Phone (;. 'Rc/- ~! ~ '7 '7 - ' Licensee IL1r r/~ ~1'?.rWr License # /q 4--7 4- . ' , expires Ii '5, lei? . I The geoteclmical report for the Mountaingatc Subdivision Phases I & II makes recommendations for placement of buildmg construction on each site. The report also recommends that SIte preparatic:1 dunng wet weather conditIOns be avoided unless specIal measures are taken to mItIgate soft soil conditions and moisture collecting in or around the foundation areas during and after the construction process, Positive site drainage must be provided. 40f5 ~, .Jan, 29 2007 7'46AM No 1531 p, 6 , CI'llIflIUnIlY ScrVI':\.'~ 1))\' lJuildllO:c ~.\Il;l)' CITY OF SPR1NGflELD. URSGO;\ ~:::'5 5'11 Sll,>d, ~prlf1:;!'i'~IJ OR l)7~77 Ph 72<-,o17,,1} Mountamgate Subd. Lot # q r ......). I I .:, . _ \ , ,. It.. ' ~_~~'O:~::':""'::."'O <'",':,\i::,~ ;Y1,1 Ilfl'~'''I'" I .\1, Jff /!2ffJ ~ " ,0,1" ,I, ("""" _ il'"l ,I,' '/,1 '1 I.' SlteAddre~s U. 'A...M/[);jjIr/Cr-I'J.-7~ , lL _ ~:'~,.';.i _"~;~":', ',.>,' 'I AFFIDAVIT For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in Mountaingate Subdivision Phases 1 &2 The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavation, stlucturaJ fill and moisture stabilization methods for the building SHe at the address shown above were observed by me or an authorized employee of my tlnn and that the following if:, true: 1 The geotechmcal infonnation for the subdivision, ~pecific to this ~ite, was utili:led as part of the detenmnation for foundation preparation and drainage requirement<;. 2, The foundation sub-grade is capable of sUPPOlting a lIlmimum of 1500 psf, and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site. 3. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately m3.lntained dunng the ~ite preparation process and the site IS adequately graded and drained for discharge to an approved location in order to maintaln stable moisture content throughout the construction process and thereafter. 4. The accompanying report tItled "SHe Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" contaIlllng field observations and instructions made on (da~e) for thiS bUIlding ~Ite was (,0mpleted either by me or by an authorized representative under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the infoID1ation contained in that report is complete and accurate. Date-7/ -2-1-ft-? ~(c(d7+t-?-- /( t?1 ~ o-'L.t?r- , ~G~ (NY::; ~:~\ ..----.... ~4 . , ~_ ~ - ").-~ \\,~~ ~~ _IS~ ~j J ~t~ Name of Llcemed ProfesslOnal (print) Signature~- ~ . , .' .~ ja.1l 29. 2007 7:46AM Density of Soli and SOIl-Aggregates In-Place ASTM D2922 and D3017 Project: 56 06 Site Address: 380 Mountaingate Dr. Permit No. LP2006.00208 Date: 1/9/2007 Density TestType 1: OT-4,6 Operator: S5 Material Type: 3/4" {:) from Springfield Quarry I Maximum Dry Denstiy, pet 128.0 Standardization and Reference Check .1 Density (Standard Deviations) (8 D.) 1 48 '.1 Moisture, (S.D:) MOist Dry Density, Density, Water Compaction, Test No pel pcf Content, % % Remarks 1 143.7 137.5 45 107.4 % 6" 2 1362 1306 4.3 102.0% 4" 3 1290 123,6 44 96,6% 4" 4 1385 131 3 55 102.6% 4" 5 1387 1320 5,1 1031% 4" I Average 102 3% std Dev,: 3.87% No 1531 p, 7 1.34 1 Direct TransmiSSion (DT) (specify depth, In.) or Air Gap Backscatter (AGB) (speclfly(T)ouchable or (U)ntouchable mode Test performed uSing Seaman Nuclear Corp model C-300, SN 21113 Client: Anslow and DeGeneault Project: 56 06 K & A Engineering, Inc January 9, 2007