HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-4-3 ..- I-d \ J , /~ . , AprIl 3, 2007 HiLl & DALE ENGIN EERI NG. LLC 1850 OAI< STREET, SU1TE C EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-066 7 ~ a FAX, (541) 868-0888 fh.-- 1: (. . 1'7 I~ (1 G r -'If? Ram .lacl, of Ol.:gon PO Bo:\ 11764 Eugenc, OICgOIl 9744H Re' 1973 1'\01 th 18th Su eel. Spllngficld .lob # 138-07 As YOLllequc"ted, u spccialll1spection or the.pier placement and revIew of the drive log for the RamJack picl II1stallallon at the abO\c location was petformed by this office. The drive log is attached to this report. ~ . The piels \'vcrc placed pcr plan, and m accordance ';~J_'f~~a.~~' allation requirements and driven ~ through the unsuitable soils to adequate beann ayYfoot avelage de th, at a minimum of2775 psi to I Icfusal, whIch IS satlsfactol) to support the stryc, e str re was lifted to practical recovery. The pier inclmatlons ale all within 50 ofvcltlcal, pier hubs were in full contact of the bracket, the bracket was JI1 full contdct with the concrete foundatIon surface, and bolts tightened per Ramjack installation requIrements Product numbcls alC as follows: - Brackets - 402 r -10" dla hcltcal- 4374 (7-1'oot lead) - c;>..tcnSlOm. - 4385 The IJ1stallal ion was pel formed per plan and Ramlack in~tallation reqlllrements per the ICC report PFC- 5996 by Raml<.tck of Oregon, an approved RamJack. Installer In addition, a C section was installed along the no[1h (ounddtlon line at the crack that occurred dunng the !lft. The 4 foot section IS to be Installed WIth 2 wcdge andlOrs ( 1//'0 minimum) each side of the crack that emanates fTom the foundation vent and was bcmg II1st.llled by direction of the cng.1I1cer Chank you 101 thiS opporlunlt:y to be of service. If:you have questions regarding thiS repOlt, contact me at 868-0667, Sincerely, Pamela S. I hlbtrom, P E _ G,E. 1', ~i BBBO-BSB-IpS .' dSE:EO LO EO ~d~ pJ:\'l10"f~ # . TO: 868088B MRR-22-2007 14:05 FRDM:KEN MARQUARDT ~.)93 RAM JACK OF OREGON 1973 North 18th Street, Springfield,OR Spiller Pier DeDth 1 7' 2.6' 37' 49' PSI 2100 Spun out @ 300 3000 3000 3000 Products used #4374 Single 7' 10" helical #4385 5' extension #4021 Commercial Bracket Sk drive head used 2.d 8880-89B-ltrS P~'>I:Jl.J r.c: '- dSE=EO l.0 EO .Jdl::l