HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-11-27 r~ ,,, ~f!J U~'llllrl,"I/~m.llIJi.l!l. Geotechnical & Construcbon SelVlces Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services J Weldin~/High-Strength BoltinS.-- Client. Mr Gary Young Western Construction Services, Inc 4612 NE Minnehaha Vancouver, WA 98661 Project: Sav-A-Lot Grocery Store 4223 Main Street Springfield, Oregon Date' Project No,: Report No,: Inspector: ID No.: Inspection of: Welding Fabricator or Erector: Contractor: Western Construction Services, Inc Shop: D Weather' BP No.: 11-27 -06 2067235 E14772 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field: iii Inside COM2006-01182 ,I Performed visual Inspection of #4 A706 reinforcing steel to column connections per detail on sheet S5 2 at grid lines B/2 and C/2 Prior to inSpection, reviewed structural drawings Completed welds were checked for Size, length, proflle,and location To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with structural drawings and applicable AWS 01 4 code Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed Reviewed By j;ij/i);~ Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c City of Springfield DAWJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed a~d pertains to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue CorvalliS, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 , , Job Number: S0604533 Register Number: 0002834 Project: SAVE ALOT FOOD STORE - SPRINGFIELD Date Molded: 11/28/2006 X _/\<,m [25 mm] ) S~~ ^~ \ Type I Reasonable well-fonned cones on both ends, less than I m [25 mm] of crackmg through caps Type 2 Well-Fonned cone on one end, vertical cracks runnmg through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Type 3 Columnar vertical crackmg through both ends, no well-fonned cones \ / 1\ ./ Type 4 DIagonal fracture wIth no crackmg through ends, tap with hammer to dlstmgUlsh from Type I Type 5 SIde fractures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Type 6 SImilar to Type 5 but end of cylmder IS pomted Astensked (*) average umt PSI test results dId not meet lIsted acceptance cnterIa Remarks: cc: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT ABHT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS - RANDALL TOMA WESTERN DESIGN GROUP - GARY YOUNG Reviewed By: Project Manager: B LEACH - Brian Leach Our report pertams to the matenal tested only The mformatIon contamed m thIS report IS provIded subject to all terms and condItIons of CTI's General CondItIons m effect at the tIme thIs report IS prepared No party other than those to whom CTI has dlstnbuted thIS report shall be entItled to use or rely upon the mformatIon con tamed m thIs document , ' Carlson Testing, Inc. Main Office PO Box 23814 Tlgard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave, NE Salem, Oregon 9730 I Phone (503)589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office POBox 791 8 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (541) 330-9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client: WESTERN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC Project: SAVE ALOT FOOD STORE - SPRINGFIELD Address: 4223 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: cn representative P L SANETRA was on SIte tills date Nav 22, 2006 to perform SpecIal InspectIOn for Penrut 2006-01182 DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION Checked m with supermtendent or client representative Name DEAN Company WESTERN 2 InspectIOn was "IBC" GJ Contllluous D Pen odic 3 Work performed GJ In the field D At precast shop 4 If shop lllspectIOn do they have fabncatIOn and QC procedures? 0 Yes D No GJ N/A PROPRIETARY ANCHORS 11 RevIewed prevIOUS illspectlOn reports? 2 Reviewed evaluation report? 3 Venfied manufacturer's anchor use conforms to acceptance cntena m report summary Venfied followmg Items meet manufacturer's published mstallatlOn mstructIons . 4 Venfied IllllllmUlU embedment depth of the anchors 5 Venfied illstallatIon of the anchors 6 Venfied anchor diameter 7 Venfied steel grade 8 Venfied hole diameter 9 Venfied type of dnll bIt used 10 Venfied cleanliness of hole and anchor 11 Venfied adhesive application Evaluation report number ESR-5193 Name ofproductbelllg lllstalled HILTI HY-150 Batch Number 164601L2 ExpuatlOn Date 05 - 2 007 Yes No N/A I Ix x Ix l~ I x I I x I I x I I x I I x I cn Job #: S0604533 SPRINFIELD PO Number: Location ofpropnetary anchors mspected [to mcIude gnd lmes, elevations (floors) and drawlllg details] (24) #5 HOOK BARS FOR VERTICAL~ ~ED (16) #4 BARS FOR HORIZONTALS INTO EXISTING FOOTINGS AT LINES 2 @ A-D, REPORT SUMMARY x 1. Work mspe~ted was [i] Completed 0 In progress 2 Completed work lllspected was m compliance With [i] Approved plans and speCifications 0 Shop drawlllgs o RFI 0 Design change 0 Subnnttal 0 N/ A Document #(s) REV 1 Dated 09-07-06 3 NoncomplIance Item(s) were noted thiS date, details on followlllg page(s) 0 Yes 0 No [iJ NIA 4 Noncompliance Item(s) were relllspected tills date, details on followmg page(s) 0 Yes 0 No [iJ N/A o Conform 0 Remamm progress Report(s) fmdmgs were discussed and left With DEAN of WESTERN Based on the Code, approval IS reqUIred from the BUlldmg OffiCIal before the SPECIAL INSPECTED Items noted above can be covered Carlson Testmg has no authonty to direct work of contractors or subcontractors D See additIOnal report page( s) D Distribute attachments 1 Page 1 of Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: S0604533 Project: SAVE ALQ'L-E.QQQ _STOR]' - SP.FlFGfJELJ2_ _ ____ For: Notes: In some cases more than one box may be checked for a gIVen Item on the front page. . . 1l/22!209_~ _ Our reports pertam to the matenal tested/mspected only InformatIon contamed herem IS not to be reproduced, except m full, wIthout pnor authonzatIon from thIS office If there are any further questIons regardmg thIS matter, please do not hesItate to contact thIS office Respectfully submItted, CARLSON TESTINQ,_ IN~ Ai) Steven Dugger ~ Manager PLS/LND CC: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT ABHT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS - RANDALL TOMA WESTERN DESIGN GROUP - GARY YOUNG , . ' Carlson Testing, Inc. Mam Office POBox 23814 Tlgard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave, NE Salem, Oregon 9730 I Phone (503) 589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office POBox 791 8 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (54l)330-9l55 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Reinforced Concrete Client: WESTERN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC Project: SAVE ALOT FOOD STORE - SPRINGFIELD Address: 4223 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: cn representatIve S FENTON was on sIte tills date Nav, 28, 2006 to perform SpecIal InspectIOn for, Pernnt 2006-01182 DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION 1 Checked m WIth supenntendent or clIent representatIve Name DEAN Company WESTERN 2 Type of work GJ Concrete D Remforcmg 3 Work mcluded GJ Samplmg D InspectIon 4 InspectIOn was 'IBC' GJ Contmuous 0 Pen odIc 5 Work performed GJ In the field D At precast shop cn Job #: SPRINFIELD S0604533 PO Number: CONCRETE MIX DeSIgn approved? GJ Yes D No D N/A 2 Momtored loads arnvmg at Job sIte for correct Mlx# 5 . 35 13 Slump 4 " - 6 " % AIr 3 Type of samples made? 6 x 12 CONCRETE CYLINDERS Number of sets 1 Samples per set 4 4 Inspected plaCIng and consolIdatIOn of approx 6 , 5 cubIC yards of concrete Yes No N/A LocatIOn of concrete placement [to mclude gnd lInes, elevatIOns (floors) and draWIng detaIls] x FOOTINGS @ 2. DETAIL 1 8 AND 4' SO FOOTING X REINFORCING ... 11 ReVIewed prevIOus mspectIon reports? I 2 Forms clear of debns? 3 Type, grade, SIZe, quantIty, spacmg and condItIOn conform? 4 Venfied forms WIll nommally result m hardened concrete of the requrred cross-sectIonal dImenSIOns 5 Venfied locatIOn of remforcmg steel, pIpes, condUIts and sleeves WIth respect to mm1lllum concrete cover 6 Venfied type and locatIon of splIces, length of contact laps, and mm dIameter of bends, 7 Venfied support & anchorage of remforcmg steel ill the forms, 8 Venfied structural embedments m the forms WIth regard to fabncatIOn, qualIty and type 9 Venfied structrual embedments m the forms WIth regard to weld mspectIOn, quantIty, and pernnts Issued 10 Venfied cast m place anchors DescnptIon of structure illspected [to mclude gnd lInes, elevatIons (floors) and draWIng detaIls] x x x x After samples are tested, results wIll follow on break report x REPORT SUMMARY Work mspected was GJ Completed D In progress 2 Completed work Inspected was ill complIance WIth o Approved plans and speCIficatIOns GJ Shop draWIngs o RFI D DeSIgn change D Subnnttal D N/ A x x ly Document #(s) S2 1 Dated' 09-07-06 3 NoncomplIance Item(s) were noted thIS date, detaIls on follOWIng page(s) 0 Yes 0 No GJ N/A 4 NoncomplIance Item(s) were remspected thIS date, detaIls on followmg page(s) DYes D No GJ N/A o Conform D RemaIn m progress Report(s) findmgs were dIscussed and left WIth DEAN of WESTERN Based on the Code, approval IS reqUIred from the BUlldmg OffiCIal before the SPECIAL INSPECTED Items noted above can be covered Carlson Testmg has no authonty to dIrect work of contractors or subcontractors o See addItIOnal report page(s) D DIstrIbute attachments Page ~__.-l_ of 1 , , . Daily Report of Reinforced Concrete CTI Job #: S0604533, Project: SAVE ALOT FOOD STORE - SPRINGFIELD \ For: ~__ll.l1~/2006 _ __ Notes: In some cases more than one box may be checked for a gIVen Item on the front page Our reports pertam to the materIal tested/mspected only InformatIOn contamed herem IS not to be reproduced, except m full, wIthout prIor authorIzatIOn from thIS office, If there are any further questIons regardmg thIS matter, please do not hesItate to contact thIS office Respectfully submItted, CARLSON TESTING, INC ~~~ ". "'" --~ Project Manager SFF/LND CC: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT ABHT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS - RANDALL TOMA WESTERN DESIGN GROUP - GARY YOUNG . ' . Carlson Testing, Inc. Mam Office PO Box 23814 Tlgard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave, NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone (503) 589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office POBox 7918 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (541) 330-9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Reinforced Concrete Chent: WESTERN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC Project: SAVE ALOT FOOD STORE - SPRINGFIELD CTI Job #: Address: 4223 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: SPRINFIELD cn representatIve P , L , SANETRA was on sIte thIS date Nav, 29. 2006 to perform SpecIal InspectIOn for Penrrut 2006-01182 DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION I Checked m wIth supenntendent or chent representatIve Name DEAN Company WESTERN 2 Type of work D Concrete [i] Remforcmg 3 Work mcluded D Samphng GJ InspectIOn 4 InspectIOn was 'IBC' D ContInuous [K] Pen odIc 5 Work performed GJ In the field D At precast shop REINFORCING S0604533 PO Number: CONCRETE MIX DeSIgn approved? D Yes D No [i] N/ A 2 Momtored loads amvmg at Job sIte for correct Mlx# Slump % Au 3 Type of samples made? N/A Number of sets Samples per set 4 Inspected plaCIng and consohdatIon of approx cubIc yards of concrete Yes No N/ A LocatIon of concrete placement [to Include gnd hnes, elevatIons (floors) and draWIng detaIls] II ReVIewed prevIOus mspectlOn reports? 12 Forms clear of debns? 3 Type, grade, SIZe, quantIty,' spacIng and condItlOn conform? 4 Venfied forms wIll nonunally result In hardened concrete of the requued cross-sectIOnal d1IllenslOns x x x x 5 Venfied locatIon of reInforCIng steel, pIpes, condUIts and sleeves WIth respect to mmunum concrete cover 6 Venfied type and locatIon ofsphces, length of contact laps, and nun dIameter of bends 7 Venfied support & anchorage of reInforCIng steel III the forms 8 Venfied structural embedments m the forms WIth regard to fabncatIon, quahty and type 9 Venfied structrual embedments m the forms WIth regard to weld IllSpectlOn, quantIty, and penrruts Issued 10 Venfied cast III place anchors DescnptlOn of structure Inspected [to Include gnd hnes, elevatIons (floors) and drawmg detaIls] SLAB ON GRADE INFILLS AND FOOTINGS AT 2 @ A-C x x x After samples are tested, results will follow on break report x REPORT SUMMARY Work mspected was GJ Completed D In progress 2 Completed work Inspected was m comphance WIth [i] Approved plans and specIficatIOns D Shop draWIngs D RFI D DeSIgn change D Subll1lttal 0 N/ A x Ix Document #(s) PLANS Dated 3 Noncomphance Item(s) were noted thIS date, detaIls on followmg page(s) DYes D No [i] N/A 4 Noncomphance Item(s) were reInspected thIS date, detaIls on followmg page(s) DYes D No GJ N/A D Conform D Remam III progress Report(s) findIngs were dIscussed and left WIth DEAN of WESTERN Based on the Code, approval IS requued from the BUlldmg OffiCIal before the SPECIAL INSPECTED Items noted above can be covered Carlson TestIng has no authonty to dIrect work of contractors or subcontractors D See addItIOnal report page(s) 0 DIstrIbute attachments Page __~ of L . , . .. Daily Report of Reinforced Concrete CTI Job #: S0604533 Project: SAVE ALOT FOOD STORE - SPRINGFIELD For: lln2UQQ~ Notes: In some cases more than one box may be checked for a gIven Item on the front page Our reports pertam to the matenal tested/mspected only informatIOn contamed herem IS not to be reproduced, except m full, wIthout prIor authOrIzatIon from thIS office If there are any further questIons regardmg thIS matter, please do not hesItate to contact thIS office Respectfully submItted, CARLSON TESTING, INC._ ~~~ Steven Dugger Project Manager PLS/LND CC: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT ABHT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS - RANDALL TOMA WESTERN DESIGN GROUP - GARY YOUNG