HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-1-9 Jan. 9. 2007 10:03AM dhs faci I ities p]anning-safetY'~3 \' .' ~AST' CASCADI:: H~r Ll\.JlNU rrvo. 1"-'. . ...~... -.- _.:JO Aug. INo. 2213 Blfp. 21 P2__ - .' c....5~ (7?0 / / Ie JEFFERSON COUNTY Co:mmun~y Development DepertmClnt 85 !U~. -D" ~k . Madtall. ()rOQCIP 97741 .I~: (,";41) 41S0446S. IW)C' (.'141) 47'-4270 '8/1 0/.05 .East Cascado Assisted Living LIllTy Easter P.O. Box G Madras, OR 97741 . . .. ' .' ..: ,'I This letter is in response to I. decision ronde{ed by the "Clnef ElectricallDJpector" autho.ri!ed by ORS 479.853 (2) and OAR. 918-305..0470 Jofforson County. after cODsidersblc review and 1I1ldor the adl'iet of the State of Oregon, Chief Eleetrital Inspector, John rowell, authorizes the use of a site-l:.I"""':.ft~ alternate anethod, the design of which was recolDmended to Jefferson County by the ChiefElectrigallDspectoft allowinB East Cascade Assisted Li\'ing to chanSe the 1IMJ of an existing stnleturc without requirlnl the upgrade to the elOQtric:al wiring as req~ifed by OAR 918-305-0000 and OAR. 918-30.1.0120-1 (a) and l(A). ,.. The ohangO of use. from the 1997 UBe Clas5ifi~tion of SA 2.1 to the new 2005 Oregon Structural ,'It,,..- Spacialty Code classification of SR 2 was rcq11ested for the purpofC of allowing spe\':ial residential uaes for more than 5 residlNlts and not mote 1ban 16 residents who may rc,quh'e assisted soW' ' proservation (classified as impraoti~). The State of OregoD Building Codes Division ~ determined the need to upgrade the electrical wiring as requested by the Building Official Was unnecea;sary and would create unwarranted financial burden to the pl'opercy owner. Tbe State proposal rteop~e. the efforts of the buildins owner to provide greater fire and life safety for the l'8lIidenu by upgrading the fire alerm and fare sprinkler systems to meet CUll'ent co4.e requirements. The recomlDo..datioJJi p.-ovlded by the State of Orecoa tbrOUlb the Chief Jtledrical Inspedor does requiro a minor alteration of the existing olectricalsystew. Ar~ F....t Circllit Interrupten (MCI'a) B1"e te'lulred to be installed to p....vide protective coverage [or the .Ieep'.' areal of "Building A". This Installation will require a permit and an Inspectlon oftbe upgrade to the e1ecrricBl system. The upgrade shall be completed and tho pennit finaled prior to issuance of a "final 'occupancy certificate" for the strUcture. Joff'erson County Building Officfal under direction ofORS 455.060 (4) and ~tion 104.11 of the 1l0regon Structw'al Specialty Code" 18 required to accept tbe ruling plO"'ided by the Chief Electrical Inspector representing the Buildine Codes Division. :"~d/t~W~ "" Harold DePue ,.... Jefferson County Building Official J an. 9. 2007 1 0 : 03 AM d h s fa c i ] i tie s p I ann i n g - s a f e t y No.2213 p, 1 FAX COVER SHEET ~ DATE: ~AJ. q tzLJ(J"1 - ..~ To: /2tf;;~ OFFICE 61t?J,. . ~m/rvq pi 1iY:] SENDER: MIKE MCDERMOTI' OFFICE FACILITIES PLANNING/SAFETY .1 ADDRESS: DHS~ HEALTH SERVICES 3420 CHERRY AVE, NE #110 ADDRESS: I I KEIZER ! CITY: CITY: ,STATE - OR IZIP:, 197303 STATE: lOR IZIP: I PHONE ' 503-373-7201 PHONE #: :FAX No: 503-373-0313 FAX#: ~J)1tQ ~/..1IA iToTAL ~ (INCLUDING TillS SHEET) ~ / \II 'P :P AGES: (,/" RE: ~1I1/!E1l1/ ~ f2?r ./ I . _ j I .~ n . J ,/GIfGI{~dA/ c.~P(?J //WlVJ f(.414I1 ttilRff,(J /.//~rt//~ ~'11J~ Confidentiality Notice: The int6rmation contained in this facsimile may be confidential and legally privileged. It is intended only for use of the individual named. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that the disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking of any action in regards to the contents of this fax - except its direct delivery to the intended recipient - is strictly prohibited. If you have received this fax in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy this cover sheet along with its contents, and delete from your system, if applicable. eA!,r . ~ . p -SSP ~LjJvJ tfLlifktIJ - /5pL f//Ht. tI.rp, . f (/ ..----....... MIA . - ~ f /If I '1 I) l~ DHS 2009 (REV 1l/2003) " Jan. 4. 2007 3:12PM dhs faci I it ies planning-safety No,2186 P. 2 -Oregon Theodore R Kulongosl<1, Governor Department of Human Services Health Services Facilities Planning and Safety 3420 Cherry Avenue NEt Suite 110 Keizer, OR 97303 (503) 373-7201 Fax (503) 373-0313 )rg.~= Jan, 4,2007 Tony Koach, Architect 2301 N.W. Thurman, Suite K Portland Oregon, 97210 Re: Chateau Gardens RCF Alzheimer's Endorsed"" - PM 06-08 Plans Review Status ) I Tony: \ We have reviewed your Dec.] 2006 Plan Review comments.\ the building to the required SI\ Certificate of Occupancy from \ classification, we understand fl electrical system is not in condi certificate does not recognize t1\\ the building is only 5 persons. 1 Once they are resolved we can il facility for lice ing. \ Please call if you e any questivns:---- uUd I!ct!&p \ If Nov.15, \,ification of \ , \/ \. ilng \ \e \cy for issues. \ _________--~..,yect the ;t~ :) Cc, Jan Karle~ Seniors & People with Disability Dennis Garboden, Ridgeline Management Dave Puent, City of Springfield Building Dept. HSS 1400 (11/03) ~ Jan. 4. 2007 3:12PM dhs facilities planning-safety No.2186 P. 1 FAX COVER SHEET CITY: STATE: PHONE #: DATE: L JAIII. 4/~?f ,sENDER: MlKEMcDERMOTT To: /2A.L1/E. f!uW~~FltE FACIUTlESPLANNING/SAFE~ OrnCE 61t"-J 7 ~~fir~~DREl!S: . DHS, HEALTH SEIlVICES /fl/ -T' 1 roo 3420CHERRYAVE,NE#110 ADDRESS: I faTY: KEIZER I STATE OR I ZIP: I PHONE 503-373-7201 IFAX No: 503-373-0313 'TOTAL (INCLUDING THIS SHEET) iP AGES: 197303 OR IZIP: I FAX #: ~q J) 1to--,6J1lf RE: ti!!JlO ~~5 ~F . "': ~ ~ ; ~ f G.P' &Mlf IF ~"tn~ ..a t:jSl:,/J Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this facsimile may be confidential and legally privileged. It is intended only for use of the individual named. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that the disclosure~ copying, distribution~ or taking of any action in regards to the contents of this fax - except its direct delivery to the intended recipient - is strictly prohibited. If you have received this fax in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy this cover sheet along with its contents, and delete from your system, if applicable. . . [J~tllf.(#l. 12d8Fr ~ I . - ,P{J;.J$/5 r~W 4J)1'~1 O;~~5 ~ ~~r?7 f~~t/~6 ti/AJV~ )/1'./ ~ . yuLJ;\~ ,#~ \/1 f it L--/ DHS 2009 (REV 1lI2003) Plans Review Upgrade of sprinkler system to NFPA 13 standards Job #COM2005- 01786 Designer Colby Statchwlck (503-577-3561) Contractor Lyle Larson, Larson Fire Protection (503-655-5456) Sprinkler system classed as Ordinary Hazard I due to AM&M approved by Dave ~uent. ~Ity of Sprlllgfield BUlI<!lng Official K Provide auxIliary drains K I Provide dry valve trip test connection at most remote pOint of the system ~';;;:$ltF~5 ~oye~";Ir:u;pec~C?nf!~l!larks' < ~' Plans Review Upgrade of sprinkler system to NFPA 13 standards Job #COM2005-01786 Designer Colby Statchwlck (503-577-3561) Contractor Lyle Larson. Larson Fire Protection (503-655-5456) Sprinkler system classed as Ordinary Hazard I due to AM&M approved by Dave Puent, City of Springfield BUilding Official Provide auxIliary drains Provide dry valve trip test connection at most remote pOint of the system /l-re- ~ /1/ . [r?e(jr~~ c4 L <t t7(J, , Overall Inspection Remarks' Spnnkler Pressure Test and Open Cover Inspectlon- Dry Pipe System Pressure Test 1 st Witness Burt Walter-2 30 pm-21 0 pSI 2nd Witness DFM Gordon-4 30 pm-21 0 pSI PASSED Open Cover Inspection Piping In place per plans Specialty spnnklers In place Hangers In place Auxiliary drains In place Wet system escucheon plates added, spnnkler head added In medication room K K K K K K K K Provide FOC at extenor vault Provide FOC slgnage at FOC Remove extenor (existing) flow alarms at east and west end of bUilding Provide 6 spare spnnkler heads In nser room Label nser Label control valves Provide approved spnnkler plans on site Provide spnnkler installation certification I ':g#~~lA 12/06/2006 12/12/2006 10/24/2006 12/06/2006 I 12/06/2006 12/06/2006 12/06/2006 12/06/2006 F-5 Qverillf Il1spection Reml:lrks Acceptance Test for Dry Spnnkler System Dry system air pressure static 47 pSI At tnp 10 pSI 26 seconds Water Static 90 pSI Residual 55 pSI 1 Provide FOC at extenor vault 2 Provide FOC slgnage at FOC 3 Remove extenor (existing) flow alarms at east and west end of bUilding 4 Provide 6 spare spnnkler heads In nser room 5 Label nser 6 Label control valves System approval contingent on completion of Items 1- 8 Call OFM Gilbert Gordon for re-Inspectlon 726-2293 , .