HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-1-5 ~ C;i:t1/ ~ 5ff2t'/V6,Ft~j) PETI:RSON DETAILING, INC. 1 5 7 6 5 S \X/ G L A Z E C T TIGARD, OR 97223 503-524-7327 FAX 503-579-1052 {6 ~ <j5-cr 3 Nt, ~ FACSIMILE TRANSMITT AL SHEET 1'0 l'RO~l Kevm Peterson Dave Downey CO:':I''\NY Srell~ Structures D,\TC 1/5/2007 I AX NLMBEII '10 fAL 10-0 OF' P!\GJ:.S 1 ~CLL D1:-1G COVER. t 'HaNS NUl\ffil1:t SI:NDEIl'~ RCFCRENCF NUMBl:.lt RI: YOUR REr-eRENer. NU),fBf..R 3346 Gateway o UR(;E~l 0 rOR REVIEW o PLE.ASE CaMMEr-: r 0 PLEASE RePLY o PL~^SE RhCYCLE NOTh,/COM),iENIS Dave, l)er ow: discussion, the JOISts in detrol2/J1 have 4" of bearing not the 5" sho\\>TI 111 the detaiL The Steel Joist Institute requires 2 1!z" beanng for K-SeJ:1es JOists K-Series JOlst h2ve a standard ,9~anngseat lengch of 4", These partlcu1ar )OlStS have a 1" top chord exrenSlOn to 11lcrease the ,~~al:u;l.g seat length to 5" (per the det:ul) The hst 1" of the seat 15 not considered beanng 10 the ,. deSIgll of the JOISt If these JOISts are beat:lng 4" on the block wall (minus the 1" top chord extension), they jOlSt have 3" of beanng, wInch IS still more than the S]l requirement of 2 %" of bea.nng. As long as the Engineer ofRccord does not aeed the adclJ.nonal beating on the block wall, the )oJSts have suffiClem bearing. [~XJvj.) A\e:..\~'o. ~ X r' ~~\\'r 'bl iJ V t)4\ f Washington Association of BUilding Officials P O. Box 7310. Olympia, WA 98507 888-664-9515 . www,wabo.org Certified We~der Card ROBERT F. BROOKS 1904 Z STREET VANCOUVER WA 98661 - Welder 10 Number W04499 I!tI.B ,OCT UOOl Renew on or before expiration date (v!2 The welder named on thIs card is certIfied for the following: St~~~JMr.al:!~,~e:~(~ "FG~W, ,:~I~te,..AR;p,~~ltiG~S" ~p, 'E7,1T... 11/8' ~" i ,,' , ,,., "&I. . k": ". ' , ' I. ' '- ~ , -, ' f, " '~,~0v'~f~::vv.h:l~~, ,1.,g:, , " ': ,,;-" " , ,,' _. , StrV~upal'i'$:t~~'I': SM~~W; Plate~)\(I;:Positio,nSj;;Up" F-4 & lower., 1/Su & civer,'w/baeking , , " , WABO weldercertifled process qualIfications are outlined in WABO Standard 27-13, ANSI/AWS D1,1, D1.3, D1 4 , THIS CARD IS THE PROPERTY OF WABO . L/1TY or sr (? I AJ0 ~1 elf) --- x QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD FILE # 703-68128-0001 TESTED USING 1 ~ o:a.......arr soot MATERIAL SPECIFICATION A446 - A36 PROCESS SM A W POSITION 1 G TYPE OF WELD Groove LIMITATIONS 18 08, two sheets to support steel ELECTRODE GROUP & CLASS E6022 CODE/SPECIAL NA RENEWAL DATE NA