HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-11-11 ,. Oftl 11:l.'IIWI,tll~'~~.IIIUUI Page 1 of 1 Geotechnical & Construcbon SelVlces Daily Field Report Client. Mr Richard Hunsacker Project: Mohawk Corner Date: 11-11-06 M & M Land Company SE Mohawk & Marcola Rd Project No.' 2067197 101 East Broadway Spnngfleld, Oregon Report No . E14667 SUite 101 Inspector. A Fenstermacher Eugene, Oregon 97401 ID No,: 5258882-49 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Weather: Overcast Continuous Inspection: 0 Contractor, McKenzie Commercial BP No: CO M 2006-00865 Periodic Inspection: 0" Performed final inspection on the reinforcing steel for slab on grade In north half of bUilding and entire penmeter footing with pad footings A preliminary Inspection was performed on 11-06-06 (ref FEI report no E14616) Venfled placement of hold-down anchors Observed the placement of the first four (4) trucks of Eugene Sand and Gravel's 2500 pSI concrete (MIx 2143) Into penmeter footing Concrete was placed by pump and was mechanically consolidated Cast one (1) set of four (4) 6" x 12" concrete test cylinders Chad (McKenzie Commercial) was notified of on-site test results slump 4", concrete temperature 71 F, air temperature 52F To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected was In accordance with plans dated 03-03-06 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed Reviewed By A . ;(;~ --- Michael L Mef)r Technical Manager c McKenzie Commercial Concentnc Architecture MGH Associates City of Spnngfleld MLMJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the speCIfiC process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 7fIJ NoN Cornell Avenue CorvalliS, Oegon 97330 phone (541 ) 757-4698 fax(541) 757-2991 29540 B Allport Road Eugene, Oegon 97402 phone (541 ) 684-3849 fax (541 ) 684-3851 J nrPtJ ':'1 ~ n~'II!l~."I/~'~~.HIWIII/ll. Geotechnical & ConstruclJon SeI'VlC8S Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Boltin~ Client: Mr Richard Hunsacker M & M Land Company 101 East Broadway SUite 101 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Project: Mohawk Corner SE Mohawk and Marcola Rd Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No,: Report No : Inspector. ID No.: " Inspection of: Fabricator or Erector: Contractor: r Welding Myers Fabrication McKenzie Commercial Shop: 0 Weather: BP No.' 11-16-06 2067197 E14723 D Webber 93050801 AWS CWI Field: D Inside CO M 2006-00865 Performed visual inspection on (4) fabricated structural steel columns C6-1, C6-2, C6-3 and C6-4 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With shop drawings and applicable AWS 01 1 code Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed Reviewed By JlL(# Structural Steel Supervisor c McKenzie Commercial Concentric Architecture MGH Associates City of Springfield DAWJw " This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten a.ut~onzatlon 750 NW Cornell Avenue CONallls, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Comorate Place SUite 2 Bend Oreaon 97701 ohone (541) 3824844 fax (541) 3824846 npP~ ~7rt~ 1I~'IIHeUII/~'~~"IIJ.'W ' Geotechnical & Cui I;:'~ ucbon SeMces Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Weldinq/High.Strength Bolting Client Mr Richard Hunsacker M & M Land Com pany 101 East Broadway SUite 101 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Project: Mohawk Corner SE Mohawk and Marcola Rd Springfield, Oregon Date Project No.' Report No : Inspector' ID No,. Inspection of, Welding Fabricator or Erector: Myers Fabrication Contractor: McKenZie Commercial .Shop. 0' Weather. BP No.: '1 11-1 5-06 2067197 E 14 722 o Webber 93050801 AWS CWI Field. 0 InSide COM2006-00865 Performed visual inspection on the follOWing fabricated structural steel columns C1-1, C1-2, C2-1, C2-2, C2-4, C2-5, C2-6, C2-7, C2-8, C2-9, C3-1, C3-2, C3-3, C3-4, C4-1 and C4-2 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location ') To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With shop draWings and applicable AWS 01 1 code Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed '-J ReViewed By , -t'I/!t1lt Structural Steel Supervisor c McKenZie Commercial Concentric Architecture MGH ASSOCiates City of Springfield OAWJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Cornell Avenue 'Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road. Euge~e, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 , 63050 Como rate Place SUite 2 'Bend, Oreqon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541 ) 382-4846 ~... *:~rrt i ...1 ~~ li~'lllIrUI~~,~nHlli_ I ./ ( Page 1 of 1 Geotechnical & Construcbon SeMces Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Boltin~ Chent. Mr Richard Hunsacker ProJect: M & M Land Company 101 East Broadway SUite 101 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Mohawk Corner SE Mohawk and Marcola Rd Springfield, Oregon Date Project No. Report No ' Inspector. 10 No Inspection of: Fabncatlon Welding Fabricator or Erector: Myers Fabrlc?tlon Contractor: McKenzie Commercial Shop: D Weather' BP No,: 11-21-06 2067197 E14756 M Postler 5232606-85 ICC Field. 0 Inside COM2006-00865 Performed visual Inspection on the following fabncated structural steel components columns C6-1 and C6-2 and beam 02 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location ) To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with shop drawings and applicable AWS 01 1 code Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed Reviewed By LJI/;;ft "Dare A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c McKenzie Commercial Concentnc Architecture MGH Associates City of Spnngfleld OAWJw RECEIVED NOV 2 8 mnR This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 nrp) ~>>"rt / 9r11.41I.\~~~~.illJl.la. Geotedlnlcal & Construcbon SerVIces Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Weldinq/High-Strength Boltin9.- Client' Mr Richard Hunsacker M & M Land Company 101 East Broadway SUite 101 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Project. Mohawk Corner SE Mohawk and Marcola Rd Spnngfleld, Oregon Date: Project No.: Report No,: Inspector. ID No.: Inspection of: Fabncatlon Welding Fabricator or Erector Myers Fabncatlon Contractor, McKenZie Commercial Shop 0 Weather BP No.: 11-28-06 2067197 E 14777 M Postler 5232606-85 ICC Field: 0 Inside COM2006-00865 Performed visual Inspection on the following fabncated structural steel components columns C2-1 and C6-2 and beam 11/S5 2 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with shop drawings and applicable AWS 01 1 code Fabncator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed Reviewed By ~//$IJ 'Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c McKenZie Commercial Concentnc Architecture MGH Associates City of Spnngfleld DAWJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the specific process and/or material evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's written authOrization 750 NW Cornell Avenue Corvallis. Oregon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 0:10'10 f:nmnrRtp PIRr.p SI utp? RAnrl Orpnnn Q7701 nhonp (S41) :1R2-4R44 frlx (fi41) :1R2-4R4fl v , ' #~""I ~,rt .1~'IIHrt."IM~=..!lIH IIiliI Geotechnical & Construcbon SelVlces Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Mr Richard Hljnsack'er M & M Land Company 101 E Broadway - STE 101 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PROJECT Mohawk Corner SE Mohawk & Marcola Rd Spnngfleld. Oregon P30504 COM 2006-00865 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 11-29-06 2067197 4852 B P NO DATE CAST 11-01-06 CAST BY A Fenstermacher DATE RECEIVED 11-02-06 STRENGTH REQUIRED 2500 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 6" x 12" STRENGTH PLACED 2500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 2143 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES AIR CONTENT LOAD NO 1 TICKET NO 310955 SLUMP 41/4" CONCRETE TEMP 640 F YARDAGE 75 OF 75 TIME 1240 PM AIR TEMP 510 F WEATHER Overcast SPECIM~N STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Alllntenor pad footings TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE (DAYS) (IN 2) (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) 11-08-06 7 1 2827 290 1 41100 1450 11-29-06 28 I, 2827 287 1 77900 2760 11-29-06 28 ,I 2827 289 , I 83200 2940 Hold 1 I AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) 2850 TIM E OF TEST 8 50 AM 1 0 1 0 AM 10 15 AM TYPE OF FRACTURE** D D D .. A - Cone B - Cone/Spilt C - Cone Shear 0 - Shear E - Columnar REMARKS. Chad (McKenzie) was advised of on-site test results ReViewed By >' (11. XI ~ Michael L. ~ey{j - Technical Manager c McKenzie CommerCial Concentnc Archlture MGH ASSOCiates Eugene Sand & Gravel MLMJm This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Informalton contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten authOrization 7fJJ tNV Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Allport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541 ) 684-3851 , It.. "P, ~~tt II~ll11llf.fll~i~Ultm~ Geoteclncal & ConstruclJon SeIVlC8S Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) . CLIENT Mr Richard Hunsacker M & M Land Company 101 E Broadway- STE 101 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PROJECT Mohawk Corner SE Mohawk & Marcola Rd Spnngfleld, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 12-09-06 2067197 4865 BP NO DATE CAST 11-11-06 CAST BY A Fenstermacher DA TE RECEIVED 11-13-06 STRENGTH REQUIRED 2500 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 6" x 12" STRENGTH PLACED 2500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 2143 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES Hot Water, 10 oz NC534 AIR CONTENT LOAD NO. 2 TICKET NO 311345 SLUMP 4" CONCRETE TEMP 710 F YARDAGE 11 0 OF TIME 9 10 AM AIR TEMP 520 F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Slab on grade In north half of building and continuous pen meter footing with pad footings LOAD 2 SAMPLED In footing near northeast corner AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COM PRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN 2) (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTURE** 11-20-06 9 2809 287 79600 2830 3 55 PM B 12-09-06 28 2827 288 96700 3420 11 30 AM C 12-09-06 28 2827 286 94300 3340 3380 11 35 AM D Hold .. A - Cone B - Cone/Spilt C - Cone Shear D - Shear E - Columnar REMARKS Chad (McKenzie Commercial) was advised of on-site test results Reviewed By /h. '1 ,(JV;~ Michael L Meyl) Technical Manager ; C McKenzie Commercial Concentnc Archlture MGH Associates Eugene Sand & Gravel j City of Spnngfleld MLMJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's written authorization 7ffJ NoN Cornell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541 ) 684-3849 fax (541 ) 684-3851 ~ --~ '~~ ' / .. ... j , ,'. -, 1J.': \', . / / ..