HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-9-27 \' Carlson Testing, Inc. Mam Office POBox 23814 Tlgard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave, NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone (503) 589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office POBox 7918 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (541) 330-9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client: BURT WALTER Project: BAYBERRY COMMONS - SPRINGFIELD Address: 2211 LAURA STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OR Jurisdiction: cn representatIve G KEENE OBOA 698 was on site this date Sep. 27, 2006 to perform Special Inspection for Pernut COM200S-0168S DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION I. Checked m With supenntendent or chent representatIve. Name BURT Company, BURT WALTERS CONSTRUCTION 2 Inspection was "IDC" GJ Contmuous D Penodlc 3. Work performed, GJ In the field 0 At precast shop 4 If shop mspectIOn do they have fabncatIOn and QC procedures? DYes D No GJ N/A PROPRIETARY ANCHORS I ReViewed prevIous mspectIon reports? 2 ReViewed evaluahon report? 3 Venfied manufacturer's anchor use conforms to acceptance cnteria m report summary Venfied followmg items meet manufacturer's published mstallahon mstruchons 4 Venfied mmunum embedment depth of the anchors. ' 5 Venfied mstallatlOn of the anchors 6 Venfied anchor diameter, 7 Venfied steel grade 8, Venfied hole diameter 9 Venfied type of dnll bit used 10, Venfied cleanlmess of hole and anchor, 11, Venfied adheSive apphcatIon EvaluatIOn report number NEED - SEE NCL LIST Name of product bemg mstalled RES 0 0 & HY -150 Batch Number SEE NOTES ExprratlOn Date _ Yes No N/A , X - X X l~ Ix I x I I X I I X I I X I cn Job #: S0604278, SPRINGFIELD PO Number: LocatIon ofpropnetary anchors mspected [to mc1ude gnd Imes, elevahons (floors) and drawmg details] (16) 7/8" ALL THREAD WITH !~EMBEDMENT HDI0 (2) 1 1/4" ALLTHREAD WITH 18" EMBEDMENT HD1S (4) 5/8" ALLTHREAD WITH 6" EMBEDMENT PHDS (4) PHD5 HOLDOWNS AT J:~-K,8/31, (2) HDlS HOLDOWNS NORTH SIDE MAIN ENTRY & (16) HDI0 FOLDOWNS NORTH & SOUTH DINING ROOM WALLS, (2) HDlS'S REMAIN AT SOUTH SIDE ENTRY THAT ARE CLEANED WITH NYLON BRUSH & FORCED AIR BLOWN. REPORT SUMMARY x W ork mspecte~ was GJ Completed 0 In progress I 2. Completed work mspected was not ill comphance With GJ Approved plans and speCificatIons 0 Shop drawmgs o RFI 0 DeSign change 0 Subnnttal 0 N/A Document #(s) PLANS Dated, 11/10/2005 3 Noncomphance item(s) were noted tlus date, details on followmg page(s) GJ Yes 0 No 0 N/A 4. Noncomphance ltem(s) were remspected tills date, details on fol1owmg page(s) 0 Yes 0 No GJ N/A o Conform 0 Remam m progress Report(s) fmdmgs were discussed and left With BURT of BURT WALTERS CONSTRUCTION Based on the Code, approval is reqUlred from the BUlldmg OffiCial before the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above can be covered Carlson Testmg has no authonty to direct work of contractors or subcontractors o See additIOnal report page(s) GJ Distribute attachments Page __ __ of Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: 80604278 Project: BAYBERRY COMMONS - SPRINGFIELD For: 09/27/2006 Notes: BATCH #0706062242L3 EXP 6/2007 RESOO, BATCH #280306110SL3 EXP 3/2007 RESOO, BATCH #602819L4 EXP 2/2007 HY-1S0 MAX, BATCH #00219L4 EXP 2/2007 HY-1S0 MAX & BATCH #003819L4 EXP 2/2007 HY-1S0 MAX In some cases'more than one box may be checked for a gIVen Item on the from page Our reports pertam to the matenal testedhnspected only, InformatIon contamed herem IS not to be reproduced, except m full, wIthout pnor authonzatIon from thIS office. If there are any further questIOns regardmg thIS matter, please do not hesItate to contact thIS office, Respectfully submItted, CARLSON TESTING, INC, - -- ~~~ Steven Dugger Manager GK/LS CC: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DIAMOND ENGINEERING TONY KOACH ARCHITECT Oct 02,2006 80604278. Carlson Testing, Inc. Incompleted Items List (NCL) PrOject Name Project Address Penmt No PO No BAYBERRY COMMONS - SPRINGFIELD 2211 LAURA STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OR COM200S-0168S Item # Insp. Date Item Description Compliance cn Sign-Off 1 JR 06/23/2006 MIX DESIGN 2144 NOT APPROVED 2 JR 07/19/2006 MIX DESIGN #4184 NOT APPROVED 3 GK 08/16/2006 INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC ANCHORS, (4) HOLES NEED TO BE RE-DRILLED TO PROPER EMBEDMENT DEPTH (2) EAST WING & (2) SOUTH WING. 4 GK 09/27/2006 NO ICC REPORTS ON SITE FOR RESOO & HY-1SO CC BURT WALTER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DIAMOND ENGINEERING TONY KOACH ARCHITECT PrOject Manager S DUGGER Date Corrected ./ Page Carlson Testing, Inc. Main Office P.O. Box 23814 Tigard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 FAX (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave. NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone (503) 589-1252 FAX (503) 589-1309 Bend Office P,O, Box 7918 Bend, OR 97708 Phone (541) 330-9155 FAX (541) 330-9163 October 3, 2006 S0604278 CTI Permit No COM2005-01685 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DATES COVERED: September 2yth, 2006 PROJECT: Bayberry Commons - Springfield ADDRESS: 2211 Laura Street - Springfield, OR INSPECTOR: G, Keene OBOA #698 09/27/06: As requested CTI representative was on site this date for expansion anchor installation for interior wall sill plates usrng Ramset Redhead Trubolt 5/8"X7" ICC ERS 1372 with approximately 4" to 5" embedment. General notes call for KB11 or equivalent, no detail on plans or RFI for work being performed. Need Engineer's wntten approval for type of expansion anchor and embedment depth, see NCL Item #5. Expansion anchors were Installed at Contractor's own discretion and anchors (nuts) not tightened. *** CHECK ONE BOX ONLY *** 1 This IS a preliminary inspection only. - OR- 2 The work Inspected conforms to acceptance critena listed above If "No," the portions of the work that are non-conforming Items are clearly stated above and will be ad ded to the NCL Remaining portions of the work, which are not preliminary In nature, are to be conSidered as conforming YES NO D D ~ Our reports pertain to the material testedlinspected only Information contained herein IS not to be reproduced, except In full, without prior authOrization from tbls office If there are any further questions regarding thiS matter, please do not hesitate to contact thiS office Respectfully submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC. ~1Jtr Salem Branch Manager GK/ls cc Burt Walter CIty of Spnngfleld Diamond Engineering Tony Koach Architect ... Oct 03, 2006 80604278. PrOject Name Project Address Perrmt No PO No Carlson Testing, Inc. Incompleted Items List (NCL) BAYBERRY COMMONS - SPRINGFIELD 2211 LAURA STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OR COM200S-0168S Item # Insp. Date 1 JR 06/23/2006 MIX DESIGN 2144 NOT APPROVED Item Description PrOject Manager Compliance cn Sign-Off Date Corrected 2 JR 07/19/2006 MIX DESIGN #4184 NOT APPROVED 3 GK 08/16/2006 INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC ANCHORS, (4) HOLES NEED TO BE RE-DRILLED TO PROPER EMBEDMENT DEPTH, (2) EAST WING & (2) SOUTH WING 4 GK 09/27/2006 NO ICC REPORTS ON SIT~ FOR RESOO & HY-1S0 5 GK 09/27/2006 NEED ENGINEER'S WRITTEN APPROVAL FOR ANCHOR TYPE & EMBEDMENT DEPTH, NO DETAILS AVAILABLE FOR ANCHORS INSTALLED FOR INTERIOR WALL SILL PLATES SEE DAILY FIELED REPORT. CC BURT WALTER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DIAMOND ENGINEERING TONY KOACH ARCHITECT S DUGGER Page . . . . Carlson Testing, Inc. Mam Office POBox 23814 Tlgard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave, NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone (503) 589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office POBox 7918 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (541) 330-9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Structural Steel Client: BURT WALTER Project: BAYBERRY COMMONS - SPRINGFIELD CTI Job #: S0604278, Address: 2211 LAURA STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OR Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD cn representatIve M. DAGGETT OBOA 524 was on SIte tlus date Sep. 28, 2006 to perform SpecIal InspectIOn for Penrut COM2005-01685 DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION 1 Checked m WIth supenntendent, clIent or shop rep Name BURT Company' GIBSON 2 InspectIon was "IDC" D ContInuous I1U PenodIc 3. Work performed D In the field I1U At fab shop GIBSON STEEL 4 If shop mspectIOn do they have a fabncatIon and QC procedures? I1U Yes D No D N/A INSPECTION - 1 ReViewed prevIOus mspectlOn reports? 2 Venfied steel matenals are m complIance by revlewmg random samples of the mIll test reports, steel ID markmgs or other documentatIon 3 Venfied weld filler matenals conform 4 Checked steel members to see they were fabncated and erected m accordance WIth the workmanship and tolerances reqUIred, 5 Checked welded studs and structural connectIOns were mstalled as reqUIred 6 Venfied high strength bolts and fasteners conform 7 Venfied the qualIty of welds produced by welders, weldmg operators, and tackers conform 8 Venfied steel frame Jomt detaIls for bracmg, stlffemng, member locatIOns, and applIcatIOn of Jomt details at each connectIOn are m complIance by random samplIng Yes NoN/A x x x x x Ix x x WELDER INFORMATION Welders Name, JOSH CRAMBLIT CertIficatIon # E12090 FEI Yes No N/A Venfied the contractor's Weldmg Procedure SpeclfiacatlOns are m conformance with A WS reqUIrements 2 Venfied the essential vanables outlIned m the Weldmg Procedure SpecificatIOns were employed dunng executIOn of the work 3 Venfied the weldabllIty of remforcmg steel other than ASTM A 706 x x D See additIonal report page(s) D Distribute attachments PO Number: LocatIon of steel mspectIon [to mclude gnd Imes, elevatIons (floors) and draWIng detaIls]: VISUALLY INSPECTED (4) 10" TUBE STEEL COLUMNS. DETAILS 15/S3 1, 6/S3.3, 3/16" FILLET WELDS REPORT SUMMARY 1. Wark mspected was: I1U Completed D In progress 2. Completed work mspected was m complIance WIth I1U Approved plans and speCIficatIons D Shop drawmgs D RFI D DeSIgn change D Subrmttal D NI A Document #(s) STRUCTURALS Dated' 04 -12 - 06 3, NoncomplIance Item(s) were noted tlus date, detaIls on followmg page(s). DYes D No I1U N/A 4 NoncomplIance Item(s) were remspected tlus date, details on follOWIng page(s). DYes D No I1U N/A o Conform D Remam m progress Report( s) findmgs were dIscussed and left WIth BURT of GIBSON x Based on the Code, approval IS reqUIred from the Building OffiCIal before the SPECIAL INSPECTED Hems noted above can be covered Carlson Testing has no authonty to direct work of contractors or subcontractors Page . 1.of _. 1, , . Daily Report of Structural Steel CTI Job #: S0604278, Project: BAYBERRY COMMONS - SPRINGFIELD For: 09/28/2006 Notes: In some cases more than one box may be checked for a glVen Item on the frOl}t page Our reports pertam to the matenal tested/mspected only. InformatIon contamed herem IS not to be reproduced, except m full, wIthout pnor authonzatIOn from thIS office. If there are any further questIOns regardmg thIS matter, please do not hesItate to contact thIS office. Respectfully subnutted, CARLSON TESTING, INe. Ae!) Steven Dugger ~ Manager MD/LND CC: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DIAMOND ENGINEERING TONY KOACH ARCHITECT