HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-49 12/04/2006 RESOLUTION NO 06-49 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, the City received an application to annex 2.1 acres into the City of Springfield on December 29,2005, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 33, Map 11, Tax Lot 101 as more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. WHEREAS, the City requests annexation ofthat portion of the Anderson lane right~of-way adjacent to the site and not yet annexed and a 5-foot strip ofland lying easterly of the existing City Limits and extending from the site southerly to the southerly right-of-way of Kellogg Road, said territory being included in the property more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and is adjacent to the City Limits; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 1 99.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property owners of the certain territory described in Exhibit A signed a consent to annex (Exhibit B); and, WHEREAS, two registered voters reside within the territory and have signed a consent to annex (Exhibit. B); and, WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code 6.030(2)(a) and ORS 222.111 and other applicable Oregon Revised Statutes to initiate annexation when the territory in the annexation proposal can be provided with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner as defined in Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Policy 8, page 11- B-4; and where there will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities; and WHEREAS, minimum level key urban facilities and services are defined in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan, page V-3 as wastewater service, stormwater service, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communications facilities and services, and public schools on a district- wide basis; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed can be immediately provided with a minimum level of key urban facilities and services with the exception of public sanitary sewer, storm water management facilities and street improvements, which are being provided for in an Annexation Agreement which has been negotiated with City staff and the Owner, as described in Attachment 2: Informational Attachment, Case Number LRP2005-000 1 0 and Attachment 4: Annexation Agreement; and WHEREAS, an annexation agreement has been proposed for execution by the City of Springfield and Vern Benson (Owner) which will memorialize the Owner's commitment, agreement and obligation to meet the City's requirements for provision of the minimum level of key urban services as required for an affirmative City recommendation for the annexation request; and WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to forward this resolution supporting the applicant's request to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission when an annexation agreement is entered into by the City of Springfield and Vern Benson; (Owner); and NOW THEREFORE BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territories to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territories being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 33, Map 11, Tax Lot 101, and that portion of the Anderson lane right-of-way adjacent to the site and not yet annexed and a 5-foot strip ofland lying easterly ofthe existing City Limits and extending from the site southerly to the southerly right-of-way of Kellogg Road, said territory being included in the property more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. Section 2: This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield and approval by the Mayor. Section 3: The City Council recommends that the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation upon execution of an annexation agreement as described in the Recitals. Section 4: The City Manager shall forward this resolution supporting the applicant's request to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ~th day of December 2006 by a vote of 2- for and ~ against. (1 absent - Lundberg) ATTEST: . ~.mn.- City Recorde'.. . APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield thi \1 ::":.r::VIEVVED & APPROVED jI S\TO FORM o c')<E..,\,-' ~ '-~A\~ DATE: \\1'2\ \06 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. 06~49 Dave Collier (541) 767-3087 p.2 EXHIBIT A-I Exhibit A Beginning at a point being SOD55'W 2634.72 feet and S89D05'E 102.32 feet from the Northwest comer of the R. E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridia~ said point being on the southerly line of Centennial Boulevard, thence along said southerly line S89005'E 258.89 feet; thence leaving said southerly line Slo04'W 280.00 feet to a point; thence N89005'W 330.48 feet to a point on the easterly line of Anderson Lane, said point being 30.00 feet from the centerline of Anderson Lane; thence continuing N89005'W 15.00 feet; thence parallel with said centerline SOo55'W 373.64 feet to a point on the northerly line of that property described in Warranty Deed recorded in Reception No. 2002-051824, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along said northerly line N54018'28"W 6.09 feet to a point being 10.00 feet from, when measured at a right angle to, said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline Noo55'E 555.60 feet to a point; thence N89005'W 40.00 feet to a point; thence Noo55'E 94.57 feet to a point; thence S89005'E 131. 77 feet to the point of beginning. Dave Collier (541) 767-3087 EXHIBIT A-2 p.3 \ . R.3W. 17 W.M. ':l 1 "<' f1IiI-r. ..~.1"4.n;; /:1" ..?51~S.1.." _T "'r'Yl'"c:. .J"~~~'JC:'I I . P..!:::: ,.fIp <,,::o..r,." 1? ~. C~7'~"pV.l:~')' ~ I' . --' ., ~; I ,.'. ..: ') 11; . . ~. . ....~ 3-/u,ld t_~ N:' ," _! .;) ~r /VJl"CilJ>r"";:;;:JT:.> (;J{'Y' ..~ G0"'_<:~/'" ~ 1 .::u,c AI... .sp 1'l~1>'" <:'<.'...y>l>e// ! , b~ c.. L/.1;;." ~j NAD 7 03 28 4 C,EiV r'(,:~,.../ N./ AI '7"'0' k-:.--~: -=.:.::~~-=:.="';7\.. '! \'t ~\~ 6 -?" ~ ---- ';\"'-1- .^-o p,::,,;"\ ;;. 465 ':-;'1. ~ . $' , $~..."~.,,;r;b,::J"" 89 ~.;:' ,5../:J....;;;;:;;:;i.-. 3~,7"C' ...,.--:.r.-....- _--..21. I-y u""'</ ~~O."')fl\ .. '....1..' . . . . i 101 'I i. j'."i _,~ Jr I~ 1'9 ' 8/9 f'c..; .$.;><'/1. or N ,! (""",rl1: /..,.,~ R C"'''''f'b"l/ -+" >.~.: .D.!C N_ S,? . , ,I." ! .. 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'II .:~ L-_ -;-;-__.!~7~~/:4~~'E --:-. .. 03 '< ..... 83/9' CAN: 4O-J 701 SGG S02 947 TLiBLE u ~,u::::'c:-. N '.5':-:'~::' : N ';!.'':;':t-:" PI ~'$':')'~'<' :- H I,.{'::::t:' rl ~5'1~':::' E.-.S' rI .:5':~'~:' :: N ....'-.:;:]'C.:. U .:'5':) ::- : t~ .... <: .~::. '(~. s: .!'=':''''::. S ..:[""::~',::' S cJ"'I)J'O::' S :::2'r.\".-X' Z !is':-':C SC:;;-ri ;; a<=..-:t<::.~. If (,'3':::-'::::. ',) '=..:"i--":;.':._" EXHIBIT. B-1 v". I.::..... ./.' '. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth ;Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Annexation Application Location of the Property /057 #A/Pc .e..;;oA/ L/I/ "'5/ //!!//V c;.",c- / 6- LZ> Assessor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property included in the request, (please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and attach any additional map arid tax lot numbers on a separate sheet of paper.) Map# /7-03-33-// Lot # /,0/ Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Area of Request Square Feet or 2.)D Acres Existing U see s) of the Property IZ. r; S J .:r:>t~ /\177 A L Proposed Use(s) of the Property IGE. ~ I D EA/-rJ A L. Applicant Name Address ;.>AvE. CD t,L/EIC:- 75_~D(., gL.uG mOU,/l/r/1/N ..5t:-NDOL IC..J:>. Co rIA GE: b!t.DVC. of- 'l74-z:.4 Phone: , 7~ 7 -0790 Owner Name(s) v E.R. /1/ is c.N ...5CJ N Address 94-0 HW I 9? A/. EUGENE of!. 'I 74-DZ , Phone: c:, 88 - 8.877 The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant Signature' ~ / piZ'. Date /;2 - Z s; - ~ S If the applicant is ot~ owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf . Owner Signatt!rc ~ . Date J ~ - "Z S - ,:. > . \lew-V\ l~el(\s(-::.Y"' For Office Use Only: ---'-.. Journal No. L~ P 2&bs- - CJ51Y1o Received By - \ 6---{l-. . Map No. 1'7~03<33-11 Tax Lot lO I Date Accepted as Complete /l~." .-1 rt', <(" _ ,<:;}<=hi I - U\ M -2 c::? '\ ~Vl5 ~ 'V ev, Au Dave.. ColI ier 11/20/06 ~ON 10:53 FAX 5417263689 . (541] 767 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -3087 EXHIBIT =B-2 ~\ FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATiON TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSlON w., tl.. un_igIl'" conm..." the oWDO" of" lea>t ."".balf of!h' I..d "''" of!h' property described in !h' a\UCbment Dlouk,d "E><bibit A' AN!) . . We desUe ro be. """""d ro!h' City of springf..ld. A _ is _0<1 ",orked "Exhibit B: showing!h' affected territory and its reJationsb.ip to the present city limit boundaries. The ann""",,n conm""" a minot he""""" ch..ge un""r!he Boundary Conuu~sioa Act an6 should tber,fore be considered by the So""""" COtJ1miicion and. aft'" ctudy. a P;"alOrder sbould be entered by the Boundary Commission; ..~ By'- ~~ Date 11- J C)-d b .gy pate By pate Date By MAP# /7-1'3 - 33-/1 LOT# / If' ( M.AP# L01# With the above signature, 1 am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on beh~ of my finD; agency or trUst. 4 . RC'<ised 3181200~ bj . ' . . EXHIBIT B-3 PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Owners I Electors (Note: This petition may be signed by qualified persons, even though they do not know their tax lot numbers.) . NAME ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS . Twp R See % 1/16 Lot # (Example) John Doe 135 6th Avenue East, Eugene - i1 03 33 i I IDI , ~ "t-o II tAl '/ lj 9 /V. 1:........ I, .. I. .. U " '-- ....P"') - CI.LGE:/l/tS oJ<. . ""\ . ~\-~ . ~rA /0 51 F/NJ;:.>;;It.>~N ~N \ ,,~~\ \ ~l) :c....t.rI 1-\ 5 f'IZINCFlcLJ;> otC .. " .. /. " .... ~ Jll If!... f:T~-~ .' .... q . . . , With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm agency or trust. Revised 3/8/2005 bj 8