HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/26/2008 CIty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) ~L~ Prospective Applicant Name: Centennial Shopping CenJer. L.L.C.__ Sompany: C/O Southstar P,M., Inc. Address: 7831 S.E. Stark St. Suite 103, Portland, OR 97215 - - : Phone: (503)2_51-4888 _ Fax: (503)251-4848 , Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Otto Poticha Icompany: Otto Poticha A.I.A. ~d~!e!is: 1820 Kona St., Eug~n~, OR 97403 Phone: (541 )686-9466 Fax: 1741 "~b - '\ -;1 J ,P!,opert'[ Owner: CentenniQLab90oino Center. L.L.C, Company: c/o Southstar P.M., Inc. Address: 7831 S.E. Stark St. SUite 103, Portland, OR 97215 I - ASSES~OR'S MAP NO: \7.03.27'13 !TAX LOT NO(S): t;tJD1 " 7~()S , Propert'l_Addres~: VItCANT- ut UJf'fl.f..)/" C'eAd- /~tt- - ,- . Phone: (503)251-4888 : Fax: (503)251-4848 Size of Property: _ Acres 0 Squ_Cl!~_Feet rL__ __, Description of If YOu are fllll~g 10 this ferr-- by ha"d, please attach yo.;r proposal description to this application Proposal: Existing, Use: , Prospective Applicant: # of Lots/Parcels: iAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf I Densitv: dujacre - --- - - -~ - -- --; << L.- /17 .r;t;; ~~~~//J/t11 :natu --;tru (Ak~ . ... Case No.: ~ '2?Y---f6.-(q)OZo Date: 3,/26/0Cb U h/OD Application Fee: $ UD(f) Technical Fee: $0 I OC TOTAL FEES: $ 50 to - Reviewed by: ~ Postage Fee: $0 PR,J2ooB ~ooo?-S PROJECT NUMBER:Date Received: MAR 2 6 2008 RevIsed 1/1/08 r.lolly f<-1ar.<:anan Original Submittal 1 of 3 LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location: ZON2008-00020 Development Issues Mtg - Centennial Shopping Center - Mark Metzger _SP _ConfRm616 Thu 5/15/20081'30 PM Thu 5/15/2008 2'30 PM Start: End: Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees: Resources: LAFLEUR Karen; METZGER Mark, MCKENNEY Gary, Engineering Group (DIMs) _SP _ConfRm616 A Development Issues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 1'30 -2:30 p m, In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS application is Mark Metzger. The applicant submitted plans to discuss phased redevelopment of the Centennial Shopping Center Phase 1 - construction of a two-story 25,000 sq ft mixed use retail/office development In the NE comer of shopping center parking lot Please confirm your attendance at the meeting Thanks.. Karen Date Received: MAR 2 6 2008 Original SUbmittal 1 r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00020 Centennial Shopping Center Prescott & Centennial " I\;"-t 1_ I I ( L. ./1" I I ,^' IA ~~ .u. 1-/UllJ. ~r.w;\ I -~ - ....-, -,- ~ l~JL.'-'lL.';:'JL . ~ . zr~ -'~JI ULllL~ .. ~;, J- . ~.!LL~ I \J~~ . J ~'. >\......'~........~.._u ' ~~\~, ~ .. ~;Y" ._ J/QJ~ -i ~ -. .. ~~~-~ I1II . ~ ,.:> LJd =i<11 ~ g SITE Map 17-03-27-43 Tax Lot 5805, 5807 North + I Date Received: MAR 2 6 2008 Original Submittal "- Date Received: POTICHA ARCHITECTS MAR 2 6 2008 Wednesday, March 26,2008 ~ City of Springfield Planning Department Onginal submittal, Find the applICation and Fees for a Development Issues Meeting for the noted property The property IS the Centennial Shopping Center At Centennial and Prescott This development IS thought of as the first phase of a Incremental redevelopment of the entire center The plan IS to start In this N E corner with a dense and mixed use development of approximately 25,000 sq ft two story development and over time, redesign and redevelop the entire center Our Intent IS to begin this transformation by moving this new development to the setbacks line at the North and East, regrade the site to have the lowest floor of the development at sidewalk level for pedestrian connection and some access Over time we Intend to remove and relocate the parking so it IS not the "front yard" of the future Center It starts with this fist phase The questions to discuss are: 1 Parking I am told by the Owners that the corner portion of this site IS not a separate tax lot And IS part of the entire shopping center The -reason this IS Important to the diScussion, IS that the Center has excess parking for the current zOning requirements We Intend to develop the corner portion without additional parking and use the current parking excess parking for the new development I f being a separate tax lot becomes a problem the owners will make sure It IS one development 2 Tree removal The site has some large conifer trees on the corner It IS our Intent to remove some but retain the majority of the eXisting mature trees Conifers do not make great street trees Would this become a problem for the City and how many and how large can be removed? It will be Important to for the construction, the sidewalk, slghtllnes at the corner and vIsibility to the Center for some removal 3 Reconstruction of the parking at the Northern portion of the current parking lot The current paving has deteriorated and will need adjusting re-gradlng, marking and resurfaCIng Since this parking area was developed many years before the current drainage and storm water provIsions What design standard will apply? 4 Access Currently the access to the site IS a de-acceleration lane and In only access To eXit and to understand how to eXit this site IS very difficult and Impacts the neighbors especially those on the steep portion of Prescott It IS very confusing and clearly hampers the character and use of the site When the property was developed, Centennial must have been thought to be a limited access street One half block to the East, It IS reSidential with many pOints of access We are requesting to move the pOint of right "In access" and request a pOint of right "out access" Is this pOSSible and what information Will have to be gathered and/or the process for this approval? 5 What other matters and Issues Will be a tripping pOint for the first development of this project? I hope these questions are adequate to begin the diScussion and prepare all for the Meeting Please let me know the schedule sin e It will Involve parties from out of town ~ Icha, A I A N CAR B OTTO P POTICHA, A.I.A Emad. ,oo@ooticha.net :: Studio 1820 Kona Street :: Tel 541. 686 9466 .: Eugene. Oregon 97403 :: Fax 541. 686 . 9371 .. Date Received: CENTENNIAL PLAZA SOUTH STAR P.M.INC. S,W. 1/4, S.E, 1/4, SEe. 27, T.17S" R.3W., W.M. SPRINGFIELD, lANE COUNTY. OREGON ~ MAR 2 6 2008 J -+- '1 rl.I.I.I.L....--, o 50 Proposed NTS 6.12.07 Storm water swale Proposed In/Out landscape new access Lowered new parking New Signage and Landscaping New retaining wall Proposed new 2 story building existing trees to remain ing driveway Date Received: POTICHA ARCHITECTS MAR 2 6 2008 Original Submittal -.- --- -..----------.--------.------ ~,;~.'";C~_... '-\ --1' \ ~-~~-<~~J "~\ ,. \ \ - - \ - .. I \-:- \ \ , -\ \---j .Lo ___..._ --l '\ , r CF/":ce, cr:- :'-ETrl- 2&;01:11 . , l I I roposed Addition to the Centennial Plaza -.: _~. "__;_:,~:: lringficld, Oregon . ...i . POTlGHA '\RCflITECTS ! 20 Kon3 St. ttlgwe.CR N CD J:!.eper Floor Plan 1 "=~O' June 1 2 -2007 Oef1l=...l'ml.......v ~V, ----- -.. . ~~~ -~ ?..\' '~ , .f ' .~r: .. ""' ' ~c , -:....\ C;::C/C€: ~ ~'.-,' , '~"06""" I '... """-- -....; 't.^I"\7e ~~e o/'K IN:E? ...... :? "'<' 'Co ~ :';;:,['-';"'_ ':r~PI -.-. ..) ...- ---- Pl'--rClllj 1.-II\E --- - ~-.. ..... .. --.... - - :>~n T> :z"elN't! "1'1' . ,.. ..:.. IV S l= ~ ~ lL ,~"",e II;./lfll~,..., ' 1~r\Ce: I ~ ...: "-== -=... ;}:Jf'IQ-; IR. I R'-":"',,- , \ """ ,c_ 2Jlro /,, 1'.a~ · . ..... 1 '-.. .. .- . ...JI " ;::'-i<FG \::;!'-IV= Date Received: MAR 2 6 2008 Original Submittal ,--.J c-e./fr'i'f'rl..,'/ ~'I17, --'-----___,_._.._-.-:.~....:~~:)~!I~-- . _._____ ..,_ ~,,~-v. -- ---=:'--=--'__h'_~__-:___ .'- --\-.,.-;-;- --.:--:-r'~f-n --;--;-,-; I I I \ ; i ';::^:'~~,;_:.,' -\./"""/-~~ oIi <,~--' / u_ - .. '---,-........~~.r ',J~~__ --Y-V"".r-- ........... -c-' -" ~/ -..---~-- 1"' ~~_ _.. _ 1,1, '7'c;.j\,!,A,c..'</ . t.-/NE "1 ..k-'-~ W . /. '( , ~~~- , . -] ~; ~..--- - ~/\/\f:ir>___ I~ r---.,- ? ~~'-_...,-- ,~ - .. " €I \ ~, ::/ PI...." i' lr~6" -.., < \ '.;.~- - ;A ,; \ ,.:., - ='-~l. / __h' ',t ~ ~-r r _ ~ 't- '- ~z J ~?h. ~ ~- ~~.... 4),1"; ;"": e"';f..::.- 1~~V ~t7??-='1 '5 r,ACr;-. - -"h \ \ \ \ \ i ~ ::1r;!~ ~ ,/ f'/'\j"'''' .;~.<':', "-'- -___J '\ . -.....I.~-.:. "'-..,./ '..It.. I.. r- ,'<e7- j: 6 '/'if'.W __J i v J .' . r , ' t i -: - ~ ... __ ..-l , , r ...-- ""'"w \ \ p:t\, ," _, ' ;X~ .\ - 0." '1+-.- Proposed Addition to the Cent nial Plaz " ! I Springfield, Oregon Mc:t:t.AH!~V :+ '1T',,",,'0_ ~ '-Iec11N11C/\L.-_ \ POTlGHA ARCHITECTS 1820 Kona St. [ugme.OR N CD "Srq;.~ ;:;.r.1 v'.~ Ground Floor Plan 1"=20' June 12 2u;'1 Date Received: MAR 2 6 2008 Original Submittal POTICHA ARC III f[ CTS Date Received: Vicinity Map (nts) N CD MAR 2 6 2008 Original SubmittaL