HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-8-14 :': F'225,FIITHS;rREPTr';~-\ i','1t ,'I .,'"' EL_1CAL PERMIT APPUCATION ;,>.! ::SPRINGFIE,I.;D,OREG9)'i97~77I, .'Jr'~;l !'.c~: :"'., ...... 'n,E:. . "~, ! INSPECTION REQu;ESl-726,~\691 il S 'I i ;City'Joh ~umhe..():;,2 - O00\83~ 01 " ,\, OFFICE: 726,3759, :', I, ; , , '. I I ' "!' " . \C;')!! .1-' ::l ; [ 1 [:, \: \,) i ! : " : C_, :3.' COMPLl~:TE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW \~:>' 1~'4b8~^:!~~~{jALM1WN, l.; :-{J~~N1:':RcldentiL-SiUgle or . -~-,.- ':.,::- 11-0'3:. - ~ -If L- l bOD Mulli,Famil)' per dwelling unit. LEGAL DF;SCRIP\JO~ ^ ^ ..r;... t lI~lilVce Included: (Pr. ~ -P...J 'tt' ~ IIJ I {.l-'wr-- .'jO l,; ~ <ubmltted "as I~:n~ use Items Cost {see... '......~,,~ s I ~~~~,"e specifiC , JOB DESCRIPTIO~ zo~ing, a (If 1000 o~.fI, or less $106,00 ~, ,:r.\l9l-,,-\~ t~' hh -tv(">fJrf'~ .t..cl{dR I 01- ' Each ad 'lional500 "Wtv,r<- VIJ ~~ ,~. / ,1.\ -\ sq, ft or portion ~, ~ Perrmts arc nl? ansferab~tk!l , )..Vv tl:c....ul if work is not started within IRO "'\lIS SignalUre - , Each Mauufd Home or ' . . ~J~m I of issuance or if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling 180 days, Service or Feeder ~ ~' ' , ' '.\" :: "," ,'" , I- :, . ,:-, 1 ' , ;. " Sum ,'. ',' ; $ 19,00 ~ ,l: ' $ 50,00 ~ / ,"\ . 2, CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B. Sen'ices or Feeders / rl _ _ L _ . Installation, Alterations or \' Electrical':Contr~lcto~'.r,.., \O!( ~ -u.eu:rYI c.... Reloc'~i~n:, ,aw,raqU!reS y()~ t.Q , " , ; i ' /", Ic.Ni\J'\!.V(~\i,~':1 ttieOregol'lUtlhW :,,' \ " Address (::t 1'05' 0: \3u,J ck.... ,~'..f"' r~\O; rU\C2001lmps~~r I~~s rules are set fo~ $ 63:00'- , " 4 4~ 0, '.at'IOr?Q.13ai1iji's 10'1iooeanjpsO^f\952-001- . $ 75,00 -' r. ,i t2 _-:7'I":)~z?..,,"" _,.."!:\i-,,"'~IUul 1"\, k ~ CIt)' ev,~..t/f--(...J Phone .r;:, /;;.["i",c'AR'9~tq;1~am~~t~,o~O'a~!l',foHlJ~HUle~$lhOO_ ," ,\1) ';It / " s:\l\@'vu60,!ian!pstofIooo'}ampSI"\a'nnonL-$IG3,OO_ o I 0 /..., &It ;....'T~i;~:C ""f\ril'i 10 H J ,-.t...\-o.o1:ile.9 t". _ . SupefVIsor LIcense Numbe ",j.. C I .,c..o;.J;' ",,,,>>vi. ,9fJ'!:;~9~l)'amps/\'0Its, N6tilicatlQJL... $37),00_ I V. oaJI1l9 R~~RUegl<;)!!1yll ~}\\ty, _ $ 50,00_ Expiration Date ' ~ . '. . ntllTlb$~Pl't\al i$ '+-a1)(~~)' ,"' '" Co - ,\.,:,' ", ' ." ~,\,;~~" ~ \"::/.so:,!cmifora.i'YScr"ices:or:,Fcedel,'~" /"):,>'f-;,J';."-' . Constr Contr. NUIllber -:- :"<~::)"]nstallatioIl, Alteration'or R~lodltio.n "",}':":.! .'. I '" . .-.~ ~_____~.:...._,," ~;>~';. ' .,-: - ' , ~ ':;,;{:~'" -----Explfallon Dale '-_, ' 200 amps or less ',' " $50,00 _ , --,.<<"-~""-"c, 201 amps to 400 amps "'$69,00 : ,,' Signat;,re of Supervising Electrician '---Over 40 1 to 600 amps $100,00 " Over 600'ampsor 1000 \'011S see . ,/JL ~~ "B" ~b7~'. -"---~f 1\-\EWOP.~ ' , . /.')' .) I D.t-.i\l1\I\~liGlrClP~\-\~LL E'j.PIRE~1 IS \1101 'OwncrsNamctfo..j.,t, J-u;: d'<it--. .t-s>-C \\-\I~\i~I\~b itW'f.1FI~?' 'l~R A,A?lc. _ , ;,/1 ~ORIlf.\). ~'Of>.\II\)Q\II Addrcss'fVVb" r r:~)d/.l-./ 1>/l/tY. ~U\ ~~6\~Iifi) 01'\ ISO\) -L.. $43,00 _ , CO ~, Gf>.'{ PER\ . Cil\' € ~ Phone 74/ - "7 ~.1.-<6 ~~a~I~~dditional Circuit or mth Service <:;J - or Feeder Permit II $ 3,00 OWNER INSTALLATION ~, ,~ - Theinstallalion is being madeon E. Miscellaneous (SeJ'\'icclfecder nol included) property 1 0\\'0 which is not intended ,Each installation for snle~ lease or rent. Pump 'otdrrigation Sign/Outline Lighting' Limited EnergylRes , Linlited Energy/Comm Owilcrs Signature: $50,00 $50,00 $25,00 $45,00 nO:~3IHStf:J : 39N\JH:J O~'LB $,G:a:J3~ IH\J G006 H 9n\J:31tfU ~6GOTOO~10:#SNtf~1 I\linimum Electric Permit Inspection Fce is S45.()() + SI.lrchargcs 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 70/0 State Surcharge gOAl Administratiye Fce '710,00 S . TZ, (" .0'6 ~'1. 4D TOTAL