HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2004-7-16 . .- Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line l..l i t Ul' ;,rKll~l>"l.r,LU Bu_ing/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00846 ISSUED: 07/16/2004 APPLIED: 07/12/2004 EXPIRES: 01/16/2005 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 3600 FRANKLIN BLVD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703343101000 Eugene TYPE OF WORK: Mechanical Only TYPE OF USE: Alteration Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace electric HV AC with gas uuits. Owner: MYRMO & SONS INC Address: PO BOX 3215 EUGENE OR 97403 Contractor Type Mechanical I CONTRACTORINFORMATlON I Contractor HARVEY & PRICE CO Phone 541-746-1621 # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: wa~er ype: Ra I)',\?e: .~~ y~th: (.~p':~1illled Building: - ~ -~, /",<, 1 ~...... . ~-.. -- " J<J>EWLot!I1ENT INFORMATION I 'v~ ,\'?:-'.! ~~ ,0 REQUIRED PARKING .'>..~ ~ o..~ _\o~ .~~~_ ~..... ~<<; ~v Overlay Dist: rt>'" VJ"" \0' ~qtal: ~<i,. #- ~ \::)~ ~ f> ~'\). # Street Trees Rqd: ~ ~<' ",*' ~a\ll'icapped: ~'\~ ~~~ ~<<; ~ ~ f<,~ Paved Drive Rqd: ~..'lJ O,,'lJ ,q0 Q)':lq;~$O~pact: ~ ,'is? ,'>.~~ _''.J<<; ~ 'X % of Lot Coverage: ,'I> '$'0 ~0"'O~ 0".;s o<'~ !:> '\'" ~..... ~- '\),' o<,;\...;s .:s' ff' ~<::I ~~~ ~~A4~~4 ',,:~ . I PUBLIC IMPROVE~t~'1~~.,,~~vo~,'':<>~~~~~<J~~. ,- I ~~ ~,.i'>.<,v ~0 .~ ~ ^<v~' ~~p cJ" ~ 53 ~mtll?~,C:l:'l; ~. ~~'o<' !:l~ <::I ...~.. tjp ~ ~o. c.~ b'l; ",,'1>4.. ~nmu!O!}tDrains: "! .~ ~qj ~,. v U'",_ ~o""O'?' 4,0 '$'0 ~'$'\{> ,<' "C>.l~' i>:-<'Q, ..\0 ~'lJ ~" c.~ ~0 v0 _,,f' , I Valuation DescriDtion I # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: Front yard Sethack: Side 1 Sethack: Side 2 Sethack: Rearyard Sethack: Solar Set hacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: Description Tvpe of Construction License 77 Expiration Date 10/3112004 BUILDING INFORMATION I B Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: VN n/a $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project "___ 1 _~" . \...11 r VI' ~rl:Ul'lbI'U..LU BtpdinglCombination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00846 ISSUED: 07/16/2004 APPLIED: 07/12/2004 EXPIRES: 01116/2005 VALUE:. Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I Fees Paid I Fee Description -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Furnace - more than 100,000 Gas Outlets 1-4 Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $10.00 $4.50 $3.15 $30.00 $4.00 $11.00 7/12/04 7/12/04 7/12/04 7/12/04 7/12/04 7/12/04 2200400000000000909 2200400000000000909 2200400000000000909 2200400000000000909 2200400000000000909 2200400000000000909 Total Amount Paid $62.65 I Plan Reviews I SUB Review 07/1212004 07/1612004 APP JF hvac only. To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Reouil,-ed Tnsnections I 11111.1. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Mechanical: When all mecbanical work is complete. Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. SUB Mechanical: Following City Rough Mechanical inspection approval and prior to any cover. By'signature, I state and agree, that 1 have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and 1 further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further.agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readahle from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all tim uring constljJJCtiofi\ . ~ .1. u r<};-:-<P--.;- t?C- / 'jC {/~ t-o_ ,_ I ~- o'-/- ~ Owner or Contractors Signature Date n~__.., _".., I-rar- UI U, 11;'~a narve~ ana rrlce ~ompan~ l::>"j J '....b-tj1c::::t p.l . cSJ . HARVEY & PRICE CO. Fax Transmittal Sheet CCB #77 Date: , ~:;~4 d:;'~';:'ro." r7;L/?_-.<:-n_ ~$ Firm: AUD: PhoDe: Fax: ?;;...;;; ?jf:'?h From:~,,/)oI&~ . Re: ~:_A ~_, , / #~ .-...~ k~~ 31060 f'~~<-L.l N / r Number to call to confirm receipt: 541-746-1621 Sender's fax number: 541-746-8729 or 541-741-7646 for Brian KuhDhenD Message: E"-// ~n~ 4?,&';;"'~_ ~<' - , - Col\<\ 'Z..OC,\-- 00 <5' ~ ---"<- . ~ ~U.Z Fo S--C.'S-\'L I p. o. ~ 1910 ~. o;e 97440 ~,(5411 746-1621 7... (541) 746-U29 "'66@"....'I1Y~.-. <e4 00077 1.I~r UI U~ 11;~~a narve~ ana ~rlce Lompan~ l::J11 J -/1b-tl-/c~ Form 4b #1'1 OM f) ~ <;;'1$ Project Name:. Page: ( I COMPLEX HVAC SYSTEMS 1. Simple or Complex System (Sections 1313.2 & 1313.si Note: This lorm Is required lor complex systems only. If your plans qualify as a slmple system as defined by the code, you can skip this form, 2. Simultaneous Beating and CoollDg (Section 1313.3.3.11 o No Cooling. The building plans and speciflC8tions can lor a heating-only system, d' Complies. Temperature and humidity controls are capable 01 operattng In sequence the supply r of cooling aOO heating energy to the zone as res1uired by the code. Controls for this purpose are ti detalled In the plans and specifications on: Mlf!:P., ~~r Exeep. ons 0 Exception. The building or part 01 the building Qualifies for an exception lrom the code. The Discussion of applicable code exception Is Section 1313.3.3.1, Exception:_ . Portions of the building that qualifying --P- qualify: tions on page 4-20, 3. Humidity Controls (Section 1313.3.3.2) . . ;;r No Moisture Added to Building. The building plans do not callier a means to add moisture to /" malntaln specific humidity levels. . o Complies. All new humidily control systems are equipped with a humidistat as required by code. Air Transport Energy See TabiD IH. page 4-24, (", maximum horss- power alJowed. 4 Air Transport Energy (Section 1313.3.4.2 & Table 13.LI ;;l Complies. The energy demand 01 all HVAC Ian systems meets code requirements. Complete r the form below. I.J Exception. The applicable code exception is Sec\lon 1313.3.4.2. Exception:_. Porllons at tho. ~ ~~ I ~ . System Constant Design Motor Allowed Where notad In 10 Oescrtptlon Volume Airflow (elm) HP HP plans/specs I t:'t4.1 qPf..fb()/7.. c,/ *",e. 3,'7 t:n~z 4(#-I6()/2- e.'/ I , C/oc&- 3,7 building thet qualify: 5. Motor Efficiency (Section 1313.3.5 & Table 13-M) o Not Regulated. There are no NEMA Dest9n A & B squlll'lll cage. ..frame induCllon. pennanenUy wired polyphase motolS of ono horsepower or more which seIVe buin-up HVAC systems (regu. ri latall motors). );, Complies. The efficiency of ell regulated motors meets code requirements. Exceptions 0 Exception. The applicable code exception is Section 1313,3.4.2. Exception:_ . Portions at the buUdlng that qualify: DiswssIon or quaBIyIng - tionsMpDg.4-22. J Variable Speed Drives (Section 1313.3.5.1) Not Regulated. The building plans and speclfica~ons do not call lor tan and pump motors 25 horsepower and greater that serve varlable.flow air or Uquld systems. o Complies. All fan and pump motors 2S hp and greater which serve variable-flow air or liquid systems are controlled by a venable-speed drive. (10.00) Forms & Wor1<sheels p.i::: - 4-3 nar Uf U~ 11;~Oa narve~ ana ~rlce ~ompan~ l041 J .,..t:i-tf./c~ p.;;! . . Page: Z. Fonn 4a (cont.) SYSTEMS - GENERAL Project Name: 7. OU-hour Controls - HVAC Systems (Section 1313.1.3.31 Jii COmpiles. An new HVAC systems ere capable of automatic setback or shutdown during periods of non-use or alternate use of the space served by the system. o exception. Equipment has fun load heating demands of 2 WI (6,826 Bfulhr) or less and is control1ed by a reedlly eccessIble manual off-hour control. 8. OU-hour Controls - Supply BDd Exbaust c,J":_--'s 11313.1.3.3) " COmpiles. Plans require that outdoor eir supply end exhaust systems have a means of auto- matic (either .,...:_.:~_j orgravity damper) lI01ume shutoff or reduction during periods of non-use or a1temate use of the space served by the system. o Exception. The bUilding qualifies for an excepllon fo the requlremenl for automallc: shutoff or reduction. The appficable code exception Is Section 1313.1.3.3. Exc:eplion _' ~ Heat PaDip Controls ISection 1313.1.3.4) ya No Heat Pump. The plans/specs do not c:aillor a new heat pump. o COmplies. AD new heat pumps equipped with suppl_.,,~,,;"1)' heaters are controlled as required In Section 1313.1.3.4. ~ ',,01 quaIllinp ...,.". liansonpago4-lB . 10. Equipment Performance (Section 1313.1.41 o No New HVAC Equipment. The building plans do not call lor new electrical HVAC equipment, combustion heating equipment or heat-operated cooling equipment. J4 Compiles. AD new HVAc equipment haS eflIclencles not less then those (BQulre<lllY the code. The following equipment efficiency worlalheels are attaohed: fb<J...e f .d....A... . 11. Duct Insulation (Section 1313.2.281 1313.3.21 o No Duels. The building plans and specIfi.."JL..~ do nol c:ail1or new HVAC duds or plenums. o Simple System: Compiles. The plans and ~~~..;;:...;.;;... ~ c:aillor a Simple System. and all exlerlor supplylretum a1r-handilng ducts end plenums and en outside elr duelS are Insulated as required by SectIon 1313.2.2. ." Complex System: Complies. The building planslspecs c:aU lor a Complex System, and ell air- T hanclling duelS and plenums lIIlllnsuleted as required by Sec. 1313.3.2. 1 ~. Piping Inm1at101l (Section 13141 ~ No New Piping. The buUding plans end specifica\Ions do not cell lor new piping serving a ,heating or cOoling system or part 01 a ctraJlallng service water heating system.. o Compiles. AD new piping servtng a healing or coollng system or part of a ctn:ulating service water healing system compIlas wiIh the reqt~.... ...:"oltheCode, Sect10n 1314.1. o Ex...~::.. ~ New piping queJilIes for the loIIowlng ~._~~~"": SectIon 1314, Exception _ . Exceptions Exceptions Dioc< '""'" 01 ~- _on_4-'8 9. Service Water BeatiDg (Section 1315) 14 No New Water Heetlng. The building pIens and specifications do not call lor new waler heaters, hot water storage tanks, service hot water distribution systems, swimming pools or spas. o Complies. AD new water healers, hot water storage tanks, serVice hot water dislrlbu1ion sys- tems, swimming pools or spas comply with the requlremenls 01 the Code. o exception. The eppIlcabIe code exception Is Seclion , Exception _ . Portions 01 the building that qualify' 4-2 Forms & WOlkBhests ('OIDO) nc:H- U I u-r .1.1; -ro:JcI Worksheet 4a narve~ ana rrlce ~ompan~ . project Name: l;;l"tJJ f"tC-CfC::J . p... Page: .5, Equipment Cooling Proposed Proposed Seasonal or Part 0i3cu..... of Equip, Model Designation Capacity Steady Stata Load EffICiency Ref. equipmonI ratings /0 (BtuIh) Efficiency (EER) Une end equipment (SEER or /PL V) de_S on pago 4-,g I ##.16 ~/2- / 2-0 p~o //,()~ ? z,.. qjH-/6 dl2-- / ~o PI?O /I,t>() ? Required Documentll- tion Code Required Efficiencies __01 eqvIpnionl oII/CIencles ....18fotm._ from Ih8cod.. r_13-G Q..O 1:' r-. O..H FORMS OCT 2000 4-4 Indicate source of Information -----ARI Unitary Directory, Section AC, page: ARI Applied Products Directory, Section ULE, page: Product data (Attach data furnIshed by the equipment suppliar. I.a.. "cut sheetsj I II or e i iea a se ed Dmvided Equipment Type Single Packaga without a heating section or witfj electric resistance heat Sp/H Systam withOut a heatlnl1 section or wItfj electric resistance haat Slngla Package with 0 heating section other than alectric resistance heat Sp'/H SYStem with a fleeting section other than electric resistanca heat . Condensing Unit Only Cooling Capacity (Btulh) Equal to or B greater than ut less than o 65,000 135,000 240,000 760.000 o 65,000 135.000 240,000 760,000 o 65,000 135,000 240,000 760,000 o 65,000 135.000 240,000 760,000 135,000 65,000 135,000 240,000 760,000 55,000 135,000 240,000 760,000 65,000 135.000 240,000 760,000 65,000 135,000 240,000 760,000 Forms & Worlcsheets Minimum Rallng Seasonal or Part Load 9.7 SEER 10.51PLV 9.9IPLV 9.7IPLV 9AIPLV 10.0 SEER 10,61PLV 9.9IPLV 9.7/PLV 9AIPLV Steady State na 10.3 EER 9.7 EER 9.5 EER 9.2 EER na 10.3 EER 9,7EER 9.5 EER 9.2 EER na 10.1 EER 9.5 EER 9.3 EER 9.0 EER ne 10.1 EER 1l.5EER 9.3 EER 9.0 EER 10.1 EER Ref. Uno (1) (2) 9.7 SEER lOA IPLV 9.7IPLV 9.5/PLV 9.2IPLV 10.0 SEER 10A/PLV 9.7IPLV 9.5IPLV 9.2/PLV 11.2/PLV (3) (4) (5) ,I (10100) nar- Uf U"T J.J.;;"TOa nc:l"-'Vlt!'~ ClInOl r-rlce l..Omfl'an~ l:)...lJ ARI* capacity lings UNIT MOMIIlAL STMIlARD COOUNG aHJ roNS CFU ~t . EJRlO4 3 12C1O 38.000 - . '.50 46.000 D/ElFOO6 S 1750 61.000 Il/EIAlO7 . 2"'0 74.000 MIRlO8 7.5 3000 80.000 M;JFl109 6.5 3000 102.000 llIEJFO.2 10 3200 120,000 00" 125 4300 139,000 "'4 125 4300 139.000 LEGENO 8cIs Somd LIN8b(1 bel = 10 dedbeb} EER Enerw E/fIdenCy ReIio IPUI - "0 ...... Part.l..OIIlId Value SEER SeesonaI Enerw E1fidency Rallo "'_' ...' ';..il. ..ng&r.. '~l ....:... 1nsGtuto. tAclPIles orIy to inti; _ capodIy 0I6S,OOO IlIlA1 '" leSs. "ThoIPl.lllsnol~to;.,.. . ........... NOlel: I. _In ,.., ....., _ ARI_ 2'0/2010 (004<).2.....) '" 360 (01......).... 270 (004-014 unIIs~ lOTAL IlW 3.21 4.25 S.SS ..70 8.18 B.44 10.91 14.04 14.04 2. SOUND RA11NQ ~\ 11.20 7.6 11.05 7.6 11.00 8.0 11.00 aD 11.00 8.2 ".6 10.80 8..2 10.9 11.00 8,4 11.4 8.5 ae SI.O 9.5 1.6 9A Ratings are net......, ..1lB<ting Ihe _ of c:l1allaIIng Ian ...... Rallngs ant baaod on: ~~.~~lndoorenterfng.elJlempeta!ureand95F PLY Standard: sO F db" ff1 F wb /Moor lINerinO-air tarnperaSurn and DO F db_en!orinll-Bir""""""" . . SEERt EER 13.0 ,3,0 13.0 . SIuC 004.012 Only HEAllNG CAPA",. u:.3 AND EfFIciENCIES 208/230-1-60 - SINGlE STAGE GI\S HEAT OUTPUT CAMClTY . UNIT 4IIKI BI04 RI04 -- EGOS RlOS IlOO6 EOO6 RlO6 IIIl'<Il' """""'" 1"~ _SIne 72.OfKJ 1\5,000 72.OfKJ 116.000 150.000 72.IlClO 115.000 .50.000 1&1 SIa\1O 61)040' 92.000 ".040 93,'50 '20.000 59,040 83.150 '20,000 -- 'I1!MPERA1VRE R1SEI"Fl t5-45 ~ ,..... ~ - 15-45 ~ ~ ~ 208/23tH-60 - SINGlE S1l\GE GAS HEAT - LOW NO. OUTPUT CAfIlCm' UNIT 48lIJ - - l.nos - -- LOO6 - ..... INPUT CAFIlCITY '''~ _Sloae 60.000 Blum 60,000 80:000 .20..000 60.000 90.000 '20..000 .&1_ .s.ciioi 72.000 48.ClOO ~ooo 9B.OOO Q,iiiiO 12JlOO lIIl.OOO 2nd __ 1EIIPERAlURE RlSEI"Fl ....... - ....... 30<00 40-70 2l).5O 3HO 40-70 . UNIT ...... - NOll4 . LIIll!l - NII05 ..... IlOO6 ..... INPUT CAAlClTY 208/230/460-3-60 - SINGlE S'mGE GAS HEAT - LOW NOx ....- OIITPIIT CAPACITY 1"_ 60.000 90.000 00.0lIO 90.000 '20,000 60.0lIO 90.000 120.f'?9 1..!'!!l!" ....000 7?JlOIl .a'iJOO 72.OOCl 98(100 ....000 72.000 ~ -- TEIIPEIIA1URE RISE("FJ ....., - a\.!;o 3Q.6O .0-70 2l).5O :'IH;Q ~~ l"'b-tlli::'::J p.:> ~ IPLV e S- 014 Only EFf'CIENCY AFUEll"1 _Slatell"' 82'l' 82 IlO'll. eo .... 82 81% 81 _ so ..... 82 81% 81 80... eo EFf1CIENCY AFUEll"1 -. Slate ""I ._ eo eo-.. eo 80% IKl 80% eo 80% eo eo-.. 80 eo... 80 eo-.. eo EmCIEHCY ARlEI"" ""'" "'1'"' '"'" IlO'll. 110% 8<'% eo-.. ~ __C,.I 'eo IKl eo eo eo 80 80 80 117 UP OfficeJet . . Fax Log Report Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Jul-12-04 01:46 PM ll!Im!ificatiog R!mll! ll!&!l! Ixm DlW; Iiml; ,Duratioll Dismostic 97443654 OK 05 Sent Jo1-12 01:43P 00:03:23 002586030022 I,J.O " . .... CiTY OF' SLJNGFIELD; OREdbN':~ :';,': : ,';' '" : , ~ . I _.', " - . . ft C'J'l ~ IC 100" c....? hl._ 1"\1>< Z. I ":!>O l\ I ( - 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 b"Z..\<O> City Job NumberCO~ '2.OD4- ~'DO~ Date 0 l - \ L -06,- o I & 2 Family Dwelling or Accessory 0 New Construction o Multi-Family ~ AdditionlAlteration/Replacement ~ CommerciallIndustrial 0 Tenant Improvement Job Address S ~<!>O PKlItN !CU~N BLvd., Lot Block Subdivision Project Name M.~If""'o ~ SON! Description ofWorkllocatior: on premises/special conditions RejJlftCE:. (,:{) VN iTS ~ r::.<lV i"N(j. {J Fi=/oce A.<eC';" B P~opertyOumer Name M'iI)~O 't ,rON~ Mailing Address iJ. (J - f3 /!) 1<- "3;J. I 5 City t::.U 6-SI/,; State Ol(!. Zip '7 7 ~ 3 Phone 7 ft7- 'T~'5 Fax ~.., 0 U'V Owner Representative '-'< (C ,,, v.lt /I{ 0 Phone 7 '1-7 - 'I S"' !: Fax . !J'C....r"~:>"",. "';'"l. '_ -.)." ..c....''':.~''''_.T~.j<;?~.''~ft.."1'< ..,.,:,::r.;r>l.A....'~~":'--.;',;.,,'""'-.~ ~ O \~p!,I'f~li~::iift)N:-.~t-~&~~':;f~~!A1~~~~;1::;;;~,~._.~;:~f~.rf~~if~~~~'0:.;J~ "... ..,. .....' ."'. ...,,-,....,-'Y:/-'-'i>"'" "?,:.',...."..r.' Name /m1!Vo/ ~ fo/~'CC '-<). Mailing Address tP_c)~ 130,1( ,1. Co City E:v H-.9I/' ~ State O/t. Zip '77 'i'fO Phone 7l'lD -{(j,~1 Fax 7~' - e-7~'1 , . " " o .' A~ehite~t/D~signej./Engin~e~ Name Address . "',J". State Zip City Contact Person Phone Fax o fr9.~I,i~.;.<<a,~.n:(,9}H.: . .... '.' Contractor's Name .' ., "-'.,.,,;,,( ...:: '. J General Plumbing Mechanical Electrical o " :C'!.~me;;cialllnclUstriClI Projects Has site review application been submitted? DYes 0 No 0 N/A If so, Name of Planner Journal Number SA,"'" voAAI E 1i/f1f.1I~ q/. ~-kt(cr ~/)If(\J'( 0.5 o o Demolition Other Bldg No. Suite No, Tax Maprrax Lot 1'( 0 ~ ~4-3 \ 0 lOeo 1 & 2 Family Dwelling SQFt x $/SQ Ft Value New Dwelling Area Garage/Carport Area Other Structure Area Total Value f:ki<~'t.,.i":'::,~~';".>>~..,?":.''''''''"~,-;;''",,,,,,'',,':~ " .-' . "<l'~' , ,siJi/tnih'ct'i:i~lliridiJiHal/llfulti:F.izfuiiiJ';;~1.' :,::i: I, '. ,:,;"., SQ Ft X $ISQ Ft = Value Existing Building Area New Building Area Total Value Existing New Occupancy Group(s) Cons!. Tvpe(s) Number of Stories , "',.". Expiration Date Phone # CCB# 77 w-:n-oy. 7 'for.. -(&,;,/./ o RcsiclentiClI Projects Heat Source: Primary Water Healer Range Do you require any of the following for this project? . Over-width or Second Driveway 0 Yes 0 No Temporary Powcr 0 Yes 0 No Notice: All contractors & subcontractors are required to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board of the State of Oregon under provisions of ORS 70 I and may be reauired to be licensed in the iurisdiction where work is bein::!. oerformed. I:For Offiee Use Only . J I PLAN CHECK FEE I I RCPT# I DATE !01-(vOll.-1 BY 1.Jl'A\'" Secondary Energy Path APPLICATION BUILDING PERMIT /- Shared Drivc(T:)'8uildilll; Fonn...,lIluilding reml;l Application IO.02.dOC' I . 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ;1 541-726-3759 Phone . a~._.,.._.,..,.,._,!..,.. ~. .-: 1iiI.Y of Springfield Official Receipt .elopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200400000000000909 Date: 07/12/2004 9:17:50AM Job/Journal Number COM2004-00846 COM2004-00846 COM2004-00846 COM2004-00846 COM2004-00846 COM2004-00846 Description + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Furnace - more than 100,000 Gas Outlets 1-4 Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical -Mechanical Issuance Fee- Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Item Total: l:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 3.15 4.50 30,00 4.00 11.00 10.00 $62.65 Amount Paid Check HARVEY & PRlCE jmp 81217 In Person Payment Total: $62,65 $62.65 7112/2004 Page I of I