HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-12-4 OWNER:rKfYr,y 8.. NCln Ija(tl SON ADDRESS" h'lqr7 r{)rc,y-l-h JQ) CITY: S9rl n1.v1~' STATE: oR DESCRIBEWORI" I n-s-l--o... I I \-\PM 'Pllmr Sys-tem REMODEL V ADDITION ) . I I _. RESIDENtJ,li:L PERMIT(APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT' NEW CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERA' ' . SPRINCr-IELP BLOCI{: DEMOLISH OTHEIl '* - JOB NlIM[)EIl r8/'i9S 225 Filth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 TAX LOT: 1>5"4 () 0 SUBDIVISION' PHONE: _T:J!}-IIoIoJ ZIP: qlLl-l g ADDIlESS CON ST. CONTRACTOR # PHONE PLUMBING' MECHANICAL:ComJO({ FlovL,JQ5J CttV .s.J-:, S-1-.f"J) ELECTRICA' . EXPIIlES DDt-fbD b-d1!lg ?2b-OIDO - OFFICE USE - ATTENTION:Oregon law requires YOI,J to .fol~ow r.ules arl~Bt~*''\VI''e OreQon Utilitv LAND USE: -.- -v t eFt:- L/\ N. : """,,,a Ion en er. ose rules are set forth In OAR 952-Q12019V'l Q ffiRJil6h Ol',n :J::i2.JG ; _ 0090:"You may 8P.t~BRltgles of the rules bv "QlImg the center. {Note: the telephone number for tMC:%tp1):fl:!ltIHIYWotffleal:vo, eent~~tkA'Rq:B~Xa~:41:__u_. QUAD AR~:r -, - .- l'lU IllIt:: # OF BLDGS: ' H Of' U~ITS: I HI::> t"t:HMI r ::>HALL t^t"IRE IF THE WOHK OCCY GROURj:,"- ---... - --',~, PERMICONSTJl, TYPE: i\u nvnlLC:U u"uc:n 1 nl;;l t I::> I~U I ' WATER HE'~\iT;Ef1:" "^." D,:ClIQ'.:',_ # OF STORIES:"-"~-~ ~~,~ . ~ uJOONEOHE'AT SOURCE: _____ \.IVlYl........1 ,......L..IJ .....\ I ..... rHo...'"" l 1..11 \ RANGE: ___ To request an Inspectlon, you must call 726.3769. ThIs Is n 2<1 hour recording. All Inspections rcqUCSlcd before 7:00 a.m. will ,be mado the same working dilY. Inspections requested aftor 7:00 ~un. will be mncJc the (ollowlng worl< dLlY. D Temporary Electric D Site In5pection - To bc made after excavation, but prior to setting forllls. D Undcrslnb Plumbing I Elcc Idenll Mechanical - Prior to cover. D Footing - Afler trenches arc excavated. D Masonry - Steol loentlon, bond beams, grouting. D Foundation - After forms me erected but prior to concreto . placement. o Underground Plumbing - Pdor 10 filling Irench, o Undcrfloor Plumbing I Mcchnnicnl - Prior to Insula lion or dccldn[j. D Post nnd Beam - Prior to floor lnsulntlon or dccl<lng. o Floor Insulntion - Prior to decking. o Snnitmy Sewer - Prior to tilling trench. D Storm Sewer - trench. Prior 10 filling :~ '\. \: . o Waler Line - Prior 10 lilling trench. O Rough Plul11bill'O - Prior to cover. . ~ . REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mechnnlc~1 - Prior to covcr. D nough ElcClricn/ - Prior 10 CQver. o EleclriC<l1 Service - Must be approvcej to obt.1in permanent electrlcal power. o Flreplncc - Prior to (tlclng materIals and {filming Insp. o Framlno - Prior to cove.;. . I o Wall/C"ci1inO Insulntioli .:...: PrIor to cove~ . ~~ '.. , . o OrywlIlI - PrIor to taping. o Wood Stove - A(ter In5talln:lon. o Inserl - After (lreplocc approval and Install;:ltlon of unl!. D Cllrbcllt & Approach - Ahcr [arms arc crr:Clcd bul prior \0 plilccrncl1t of concrete!. o Sidcwnlk & Orivew:IV - Afler excavnlioll is Com[?lcte. forlllS and sub.b.1SC rntl!crlal in place. \ , o Fence - WIlen completed. , o ~;troot Trees - When nil required Hees nrc planted. D Fin;:11 Pllll1lbing - When all plumbing worl< Is complet.c. o r-in.lI EICC1~C"1 - \to/hen all electrical worl< is complete. ~F) I ( '.lwl Mec lilrHcnl - When all / nr{:clwnical worl< .If> complele. o Fln;:1I Ouilc.lil\{J - When all required In5pectlons have been approved and buildIng Is completed. DOI.her MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o OJockillg .1nd Sel.Up - When all bl()cl<ln~l is camp/etc. o Pllll1\binU Connections - When homo 11:.1:; been connected to willer iI/H.I SCWC!r. o Elcctdclll Connection - When l)lor.1dnU. SOI.Up. and plllmbing In:;pcctlon:; 1I.,vc been npprovCd i1nd the homo ir. connected to tile :;crvlcc panel. o Filln! - After all required Inspeclio-ns are npproved and porches, sldrting, decl<s. and ventIng have been installed. LOI faces Lol TYP_ Interior' Lot so' Itg. .-'--"- Lot coverage Corner Topography Panhandle Total height Cul.cJc'~.:lC BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SQ, FT, X $ISQ, FT. Main G (lragc Carport TOlal Value Ouilding Permi( Fcc Slate Surcharge TOlal Fcc (A) r . ,\ , ,THE PliOPOSED WOfil< iN THE, HISTORICAL DISTRIC1', O~ ON THE HISTORICAL RL'GIS,T\.R? .11 yes, this application musl.bc signed ond approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. SCtlJilCI<:; ~ HSE _GAR ACe N ---- _$_ ~_. ,':!!._.- -- ---- ..5...._ _ VALUE " (B) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) N' SanItary S~wcr FT ----.-- WOler FT, Storm Sewer FT. MobIle Home Plumbing parmlt Slate Surchar{Je Total CIHHgC (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT FUrnLlCQ Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' Wood Slovellnserll Fl'eploce 'Unil Dryer Vent 1M /J~ --; Mechanical Parmi t Issuance Slale Surcharoc Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile HOnlo Stale Issuance Statu Surchalgc Sidewalk " Curbcut II Demolition ?talc Surcharge Total Mlscellaneo.u~ Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eleclric"l) lA, B, C, D, ''and E Combined) FEE I!'~' b / d, {)r> --.,-.r / lr- 'Z ~ z.;. APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT TIlls permit is gmntcd on lhe express condillon th,')l the said construction sllall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopled by Ihe Cily 01 Springlield, including the Oeve(opmenl Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and milY be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation or any provisions of said ordin<lnces. Plan Ctlecl< Fcc' Dale Paid: Receipt Nlllllber:_ Received By: Plans ncvic"wed"-.Oy-.-----.-- Dale Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being Improvcd. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ~ ( By signature, I state <Jnd agree, tllat I h~ye carefully examIned U1C completed applicntion nnd do hercby certl(y that nil lnformo.llon llcrcon iG true :1I1cl correct, and I further ccrtHy that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wlth tile Ordinanct::"; of the City of Springfield, ellld lIie Laws of llle St;:Jte of Oregon perlaining 10 the worl< described herein, IJnu thai NO OCCUPANCY will be rnaeJe o( IJny struclure wlthoUI permission of tile BuildIng Safoty Division. I further cerli fy tl'wt only contractors and employees who arc in cornplianco'with ORS 701.055 wIll be used on thIs projecl. I furthcr agree 10 cnsurc thaI all rCQuired inspections are reQuo~tcd at the ro er . ne,-IIl?! each address Is readable (rom tllO stre ,tlln the permit card Is locatcd at lhe.fronl of tllC prapo ty, al llle .:lpprovcd sot of plans will remaIn on tile silc at a li es durin CO;SI'))ct'ltn. Slgnatur.... Wh~ 00 ([ DOle / ,1-L{-,qrJ VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBUl tJ'3 ~~ '>/ DATE PAin n/'f/7Y AMOUNT RECEIVf:D 4;;:1 RECEIVED BY J