HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-12-20 . >,_A\,.ug-03_99 01: 21P .-1 (p J.- 138';"" 05- /..2.-7-'17 .. The following project es submitted has the following zoning, and does not require specific land use approval. 225 FIFTH STREET Li"')tL- ELEcrRICAL PEIUH'l' A1'I!UCATION Sl'lWlGFIELIl, OREGON 97477 Zoning r;- INS1'ECTIOlf REQUEST: 72i6a!a7f,Q \ t..-?,-O -'"1. 4 r."V Job Number ,9 \ b<1. '1 OFPlCE: 726-3759 ./.,) Authorizad Signatu'ra ~ e.,,,,t....f! FEE SCHEDULE BELlJlI 1. LOCATION OF INSTALl.ATION 10 f?93 rol? Y S rlll/9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION HE-I JOB DESCRIPTION ' -;:" "r /7' ). L G e-A/ 13 ~A laiC.. Permi ts are non~transfer...ble and e"pi~e if vork is not start~d within 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days, 2. COl-n"RACTOR INSTl.JJ.AUON ONLY Eleotrical Cor.tractcr E C COMPANY Address PO BOX 10286 Cl ty P.ORTLAND Phone (503) 224-3511 Supervi~or License Number 40-405 Expiration Dale /0-1-01 C. Te~porary Services or Feeders Installation, Al:eration or Relocalion Constr Contr. Number 26-45C Expiration Date Si 1n_n1_nn Ovners Name J'tJ1I-.-:.." Address (p, <b '1. ? ~ City ~: Phone 7~- 7no Ovm:R INSTALl.ATION The' installation 1s being aade on property I olln wh1ch is not intended foC" sale, loase or reu t . Ovners Signature: -------- --------- - ,.---- ------ -- --- --~._- DATE: Id- -1$"-9 i IlECEtf7 il: <l "..j'5 "' ItECErVlm nI:_~w B. Services or Pcede~s Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amp" 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 areps----- ever lCOO amps/volts ----- Re~onnect Daly, == 200 amps' '0, less, _ 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps ----- Over GOO a~ps or 1000-vorts o. Branch Circui ts' S 50.00 $ 6C.Oe $100.00 $130,00 $)00,00 S 4e,OO S 40.00 S 55,00 $ 80.00 see "BIf e 1i'O'Ve ...L New, Alteration or Extension Por Panel S' 35.00 One Circuit Each Addi ti onal Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit . E. Kisce!laneous (SerVice/feeder -Each installation Pump or ir~i&at1or. _____ Sign/Cutline Lighting_ ~imitcd Energy/Res ~imited Energy/Comm ~. !;UBTor,,!. Or AIIOVE '1'105 to to 5urcha'"rre 31. Admi:lj~trativr.o Fcc TOTAl, $ 2.00 nO t included) S 40.00 _ $ 40.00 _ $ 20.00 $ 36.00 _ - --- ,:J~. ' - -~11I- --~'.o;- --:3 fr. S-O