HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-11-17 .. RESID..JTIAL" APPLICATl UN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlEl.D i ~~ Job Location: ~C:;11( ~~~ /COO;). oi.{cJ/() IJS'i?oo AsoeSDorz Nap /I SUbdiuision: CUneI'": UMnA/1 S(1f ;/ , ~rLJ/ P~~Phone: TWI - 71J7J Y Zip: Add:roess: City: ~~, n Additicn n Remo.iel n !!o~ila Rome ,,'onrrac:ol"S IH7-f{1 /);unn,) Date of Applicaticn Genera! PLwnbing Electrical Me=har.ic.::! COJ1.BtJ'Ueti071: Ltnde7' T= Lot 6 ))'tiWutI tws-brtA (J~00~ --' va!ue;f SSG, "z, Reee;pt" 16 S-~ "7 J In cU--O(C I ~~) } II J AcicireS3 ~/'h Siar:ed: Date: CC-- 1(-/7-f1 Lise. ~ E~1..r:n; Phon~ It u the 1"espururi.bility of the permit holder to e88 that all inopactions are made at the prope:r time, that each ::d.dress is rea.:aD~.. from the street, and that the permi. t card is Located at the fl"tmt of the property. ~Bui?di!1{J [){,ui::ior. tIpPTOt:ed p2.an sht:l'L remain on t~ Bu~Zdinp Sit:; at an times. p:mC::VU1?E FOR INS?E=-rIOll REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state YOU!' City desi!1'ft:lted job nur.:ber, job ac.crcss, type of in:;pec~icn rcques'tcd a~.a w::en you wiLl De ready jor i.r..spccdon, Con 'tractors or Ctmeros ne,me end phone nu.'!%bcr. Heque:;::; received cetere 7:00 c:;; :..'iZZ be made the 8ame dt:;y, requests mc;;de afta' 7:00 a7I 1Jil.Z. b;: made the nC%t :..>orkin; Ca:i. .'qpm":~,...j'~ T'1"~"'l..".t:ir."!~ O SI'I'E I!,'SFEC':'I01!: To be m::1de after . ercav~'tion, but prior to set up of forms. O Ut.'DERSLAB PLVl.!!3INC. ELE:::TRIC,1L t ii }.!ECH.:"::IC:':': To oe made oefore any work. is .::ovcred. ::J POOTIfiG & FOUNDATION: To be TTtJ.ce after trenches are excavated ar~ form$ are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. ~ UNDE:RCROU.','D PLU,'.f!JII,'C. S::;'li:R, f./~TER. DHAJt:;.C::: To De made prior to fi'i- .i.ir.g trencn.ec. ~ U!!DE.t?r:'LOOF? Pr.u'"'SI,'.'C t, MECYAl:ICAL: To be made prior to in3:aZLation of j100r in~uLction or deckine. POST All!) BEAf.!: To. be made prior to instalL~:icn of floor ins~Za~ior. or deckir..; . ROUCH PLr.r.~BI.'.'{J. F'T..EC':'.r?TC,~:" !. lfF:C.~'- ANICAL: Vo work is to Ge covered ,ur.til these inspec:ior.s r~ve beer. made ar..i approve'::. FI~EPL~CE: Prior to pZacir~ facing materia~s and before fr~ing inspe~- tior.. I FRjl...~n.'r;: Mu.:;t be reque:Jtcd af:er ~ approu~l oj rough pZ~bingJ eLectri- cal & mechanicaL. AU roofir.q bracing t chimneys, et~. nr~st be ;'completed. 110 work is to ba con- .. ....cecLed until. this inspection hae ~ bee,n made and approved. ~ :J :J Your, City Decigr.ated ,!ob Numba Ia: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I!lSPECTIOll: To be made after aU insuL.::ti.:m tr'.d rcqu-:.red vapor barriers are in pLace but cefore any Lath, gypsum boa:rd or wll covering is appLied, and before ~y iMu~twn is c~c~Z~. 5r9t?~580 I DE.':QLITIO;',1 OR .~:OVE; BUILDI::r;S ~ Sarti tary SC'.Jer capped at rn:.op~t'~ tir:e ~ Septic tank rr....'""?.;d ar.d ri.1.1.a~ lJith B"l'a~e; r Final - rl'hen cib:ve ite:::s are cC1:TPletcd ~ a~d wher. de~oZitior. is c~Zete or stru:- ~ure moved ar~ pr~3es cleaned up. NobiLe Hcrr.ec o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all. ti:rywaLZ is in place, but prior to any tapir~. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona oeam3, aroutina or verticals in accol'~ce with U.B.C. Section 241~. ~ WOOD~TO~'E.: Aftcr installation is ccmpLct€d. '?>') O CW?B I: APPROACH APRO^,: Afte:" forms are erected but prior to pouring con:::rcte. o SIDEWALK I: DRIt'Er.'~Y: For all con- crete paving within srreet right- of-LX:.y, to bc made after all exca- vating compLete & fo~ work & zub- base material in place. :=J Blocking and Sat-~p :=J Plumbir~ connections sewer ar~ wa~er ~ Elcctric~L Connection - Slocking, set-up ~ and pl~,ing conr.ectiona r.r~st ae ap?rO~E~ before ~~quest:ng elec:ricaL ir.s?ec:io~ ~ Ac.:=es:;:o1'l; Builc:ng --, Firt.:lL - Jlftcr p:;,rcr.es, ~ etc. are ccmplet~d. . . aki.'rt'i.r.g, decks, o PEnCE: Mlhen compZ~te -- Provide gates or movable aections through P.U,E, o All project conditions, such as the installation of s:rect trees. co~leti~n of the requi.red l.andscapir'.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDI/.'C FINAL can be r2queBt~d. .=J FIIJAL PLU/.$I1.'C :=J FIliAL I{E~HA,'IICAL :=J FINAL E~[:TRICI.L :J o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requc3ted cfter the Fi~l PLumbin; Electrical, and Mechar.ical In.spection:J have been fT".ade ana approu.d. o .';':'L UA!:H::!.rS AND CLEA....Ol!7'S nUST BE ACCE:S$IELE, ADJL'S7!!2.'l'!' TO EE }.~1Dr 1.7' },'O C;:'ST TO CI":r I Page 1 of: I JOB NO. R'Qf)~\jO I z""~, Lot Sq. Ft;. S of lot C""<I"ag< .f of Stories Tota! Hright T.Jr'''~''''l'''hy I !':'E.~! S~.F"!'C \Main ie=a=- Cart"crt Acccssort( TOT,1 r. VALUE Is.D.c. ItlC,"U':; 1.5 z Building Pc.rrrrit State Surcnarpe Tota Z C"n:l....gea lITE!'.! I Fi--r:ures I Residentiat f1 bath} I Sar.i t:.:%rJ Set.Jel' I Wctit.... i PI:mrbing Perr.:i t Etate Su:rcr.L1:/"ge TctaZ cr.c:racs I ?'i"." 1::.....1 I ! I I I I I I I Res. Sc. f'tt:. I N~/F--r.end Cir::u:i ts I i TI..-..~.... _::! Seroice Ele::trical Permit St.::.te Sur::narae Total C1uzroces r~':'"'.' I [Purn.:2ce ~U'S ! f.;:ha:.4s t Hoo~ ; Vent Fan i iI:>odsta:Jc Pel"mit" Issuanc:: Me::iuJr.tc::1 Peroni: State Surcr.:::r:7r T{,.~~! C'h.Ti"'nf"." E.'lCROACH1-.'!:..:',"i' Se~~ritu D~~o~it Storaae ,~.2i"tenar...:'r. Pcrei t Tote! C'f1a7"t7C~ !:"u.r!:lcu-: Sideua!k .C'r.n.::r. Eleet,.ica I Label !"'obi Ze Hame :"OTAt AJ!Ol.......T D!JE:" SOLARC:~. ESS OCCUDa11C'J .-....~ LCT T'lPE Intericzo Comer Panhandle CkI-de-sac x Value I,','j, I FE CF.Ar:;Z ..;;,..,.-._'~ ;;:. I r:::: C.:!:....:;,~~ ! REQ.- L-COG~ T~peICor~t: ~ II Access. I I II II II II Be::roor:s: Lot Faces - fner:7':J Scr.J.rcp.s fiea:. Wat,,!" H('!J~f''!'' ka"9c FireDLacr. Wooa:;tot:e JU:"'f" P,L, INorth lEast Is,,"th IWeBt Sctback~ House Caraae Fees Building Value & Permit This ~rrrrit io gmntcd on the express condition that the said. constMlction shall, in all respect~, conform to the Ordinance 3do~teJ by the City of Springfield. inc!uding the Zonina Crdinance, re~lc:ting the ccnstJ"".J..:'ttcn and uce of buildings, and m:Iy be 6tu;pended or revoked at c:r.y time upon vic-' Latton of any pravisions of said Ordir~nces. j ! . IPlan Check Fe~: 'Date Paid: I Readpt H: jSi~ed: Plumbing Permit No perzon chall construct, instal!, atter or change any r~~ cr e--isting pl~~ing or drainage systen in ~hole or in par:, unless such person is the lepal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a pe~so" may do pl~bing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. '. i ,J ! "j , I :! Electrical Permi t Where State LalrJ reauires tr.at the electrical lJOr,Oc be done DU an EZ,ectrical Contrac:c~, the eLec~ricaL For:ion of this pe~it shall r~t'ce valid until the Zabel nas been si!1"ed by tne Electrical ~ontract'or. I I I. Mechanical Permit I 15.00 )1 '7<=J 1- '~ /5,7c;l. I I I I j I I I (S.7S1 I'l-an i:.XC:l1l1,ner UQ.tC I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'!INED the compLeted application for DeJ"l':'li:, end do hereby certify that an i~fOrr:'.ation hereon is trtlc ar.d correa:, and 1 further certify that any ar~ aLL uork parfo~cd sr~ll be do~e in acco~- dance with th2 Ordin3nces of the City of Sprin~ficld, and th= ~B of tho State of Orepjn pcrt~ininp to the UGrK described hcre~n. c~-d :r~t NO CCC~- PI.NCY will be made of an~ structur2 uitho~t p~rmi83ion of the 5uilain~ Di- vision. 1 further ccrtif~ t~t o~Zy contractors ar~ enpl~yees uho are in ~pZiance uith CRS 701.05~ will be used on this project ~~ ~ , {(-(7-61 Signzd /kite