HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-19 . . .. RESIDEIIAL." APPLICATIO ERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . 'ob Loc~tion: .F/ 7 J IOIZ-sylhi ~ l.sessOr= 11'1' K /3 6 2-0 Lf 7 I 1W>div.;.ion, /PAAMA ?<)~S , Receipt .4f . ..'~'" . ~. ..~. P",. -...". ,".. ~~~~ F- /~4~ ,-. ,j} . ...' 4!P "'.. ., -, , " -- ,', h' " ~ - , mer: ICev7 t. SI-mnd I 4ddJoess: fJl7f {Oil sv-fh~,.,. Phone: -?4"&-70d 3 " <:j;iLtI'YJ -h -el tJJ t?7~?8 - " -' ~ity: zip: " .. " flNMJ ~ Additien =", Rcmode~ ~ ,'fob-i.l.e l10ma Describe fl'ork: ~po~-I tv I ~1iJ/+'2ffJ2- skol ~ ~~, 'I .t-.IOi'l"L; It (7';' /1-1/ I9<hz..q ,,/,e 170 Value 1J- :, 'J- Date of Applicaticn ~ontr.:lctors :;eneral Plumbing r:iechanicai E~"ctri.!:al ?UOeli"~t;?~lg_,Elec tr~c inn Bldrs Board ){;'. LiRC. 11 r ss . " \ jl/1e,/3 9f/B7? I , Siqr:ed: Dato: .~M . ;jl/q/~n f '/ ExP', res Phonp It i. th. r.spons.bility of ths p......:t hold.r to ... that aH inspectio,," ar. mad. at th. prop.r time, t1:at ecch :Mr..s i. r.~:!ab!. ! Ji'om th. street, and that the pormit card is located at tntl front of the pl'Opel'ty. -4Bui!di~ tn.vi=ior: app1'O!;ed Flan shell remain ontha Building Site at all times. rnOCSDURE FDR JIISPECTJON RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccord.r) .tat. your City desiynat.d job nwr.ber, job addM.e, type of in,p.c:ic>I requested ar:d when you LJiU be ready for inspeotion, Contractors or QJners name and phone number. Requests receilled befcl"e '1:00 a":1 :..>ill be rmde the same day, requests mede after 'I:(}D em will ba made the nat :.JOl"king day. ! .B~"!-I1~"'.R.d TPJ;;'(lpr,:J.;(c'tJf' I SITe INSPEC':'ION: To be made after .--.J excavation, but pnor to set up of foms. ~ . UNDERS[.A8 PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL I ~ N!THA.VICAL: To be made before any tJOrk is ~ovcred. Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Number, 10: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRiER i.~;~.~'Z:;;u~:' To be made after all insulati~n a~~ '. required vapor barriers are in place ., ", but 1;e[o1'e any lath, gypsum board or wll covering is applied, and before any inoulation is concealed. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUND,iTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencret~. O DRYWALL INSpeCTION: To be made after all dI'YlJall is in place, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'lE: Aftero installation is ccmpleted. ~ ::J wm~RCRnUND P~UM[JINCl' SSWER. W.iTE.f?, ~RAIhACf.':;> To be trrlde priOlO to fil- ~enchee. UNDEHF"WOR PLU/.!BJ.VG & MECHANICAL: To be nruie prior to inataUat"ion' of 11ooro insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pnor to installation of floor insz.:lation or decHns . ROUGlI Pf.U,',IBJ!lG. F:f,ECTR!CAL .~ MEClI- ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be cOl,.'eroed . ,ur.til~thcse.inspection8 have be~ made and approve:!. FIREPLACE: Prioro to placir~ facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior.. PRAJ~1!lf:: Must be roequeDted after apP,'ov.:zl of rough plwr.bing, al.ectri- cal & mechanioal. At!. roofing bracing ~ chimneys, eto. nr~st be . compLeted. No lJ,:,,'k is to be con- ; oeeled until thio inspeotion has . bce:n made and approved. o o CURB & APPROAClI APRON~ Afte:- foroms are created but p,'ioro to pouring X7Wrete. o O SJD.':r/A~K ~ DRJl'El/I.Y.' For at! con- crete pavjng within stroeet roight- '-of-r:x::y, to be mc:u:~e after all exca- . vating ccmplete ~. form wrk & cub. base matenal in pla:!e.. , D ~ o PENCE: 'Wher. compl~te -- Proovide gates or movable sectionD through P.U.E, o 9/)/ .:?9 ~ DEMOLITION OR ;'.tOVED 8UILDIlICS :::J Sanitary Sl!'.Jel" oapped :zt propcrot;j lir.s , .'" ',' ,......'."..jll'U.t'I"':""',ofI,.'..':11 1.,1/ i~l, .\ =:J S.pti~ tank p'~ed and filled ~th ."",.1 I Final - rnlsn above items are ccmpleted ~ and when demolitior. is complete or stru~- ture moved and prmses ole.:zned up. Mobile Hemes =:J Blocking ,xnd SDt-~p =:J Plumbing, ~~nnection8 -- SClJer and wa~ero ---, Eleotrical con"ection - Blooking, set-up .-.J and plumb'i.ng connections rrr~st !:e approvad before l'B11uesting electncal. inspectio:'l =:J Ao.?essol'!t' euild!ng . ] Fina I - After porch.., etc. are m:1Inpletcd. skirting, ~ecks, o All project conditions, Due.": 08 tIle ".,I'lstallation of stl'6et zrooes, "co~loti.on of tne required landsccpir:g, etc., nn,st be satisfied bcforoe the BUILDINe FINAL can be ro3qU6Dt.zd. o FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG o FIlIAL NEGI/ANJCAT, o FJNA~ ELECT.qJCI.~ o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final BuiLding Inspection must ba roequeatcd after the Pinal Plw~bin3 Eleotrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiono hc:tI1o been made and approo1J~d. " '.,.T. /.IANIIOf.F.S ANn C~F.ANOUTG 1/fI.':T /IF. ACC;'SGJB~F., ADjuST!I.~Nr"TO BE /.I.111F. AT /10 C~ST .TO CTrY I PO,," of 2 I SOLAR ~ESS Occuparccy G~ WT TYPE Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-sac I JOB NO, I Zone: Lot Sq. F~. ~ o[ !at Cooerag. .f of Stones Total HeiU1!.t.. Topography lITEM REQ,- L-COG"" '......-., Type/Cor:Bt: ~ En2l'f7ll Sources Heat :l/re Bedrooms: [,at Faces - P,L, Marth I;:~h IWest Faes Setbacks /louse Caral18 Watl!l' !'i"at,.,. Ra'lgc Fi rev laca "ood~to"e I Acee.S. 1 ~IJ \'. " SQ, FTG' I-1ain ~t; :i.4t; 4!ftO Caroort I AcceSBOl'lJ I 1 TOTAL VAWE Is.o,c.' llJal.UCI 1.5 '" SuiUlna Permit State Surcharge Tota 1. Cha.--gea )11.9 tIt?~ NO. FEE lITEM I Fi.rpW'BS Residential II bath! sanitary Sewer Wate'" Plumbing Pem t State Surcr.arge I Total Charaes lITEM I Res. So. fta. I NaLJ/Eztend Circuits 11...."t"..... ..... H Service Ele~trical Pe~it State Surcharo6 , Total Charr;es I NO, I lITEM FW-nace !!TU' S I E::haus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto:Je Permit IaBuanca Mechanical Permit State Surcharvrs Total CharaeD I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SCC'".J.M. tu D2'O03it I Storage 1/4rIintenan.-:e I Permit Total Charges 1 Cv.rbcu; ISid_lk I F~n::c I Electrical &lbel I Nobi le lIome . I I 1"'1''''.'' ."...."..... "'''1:''.11 , NO'1 I I I X Va lue ?13 &t 4e11t1 1 1 6>2~2e 1, Ji/A- l' 748- :3 73 1fb.Z31, , 1 I 1 1 CHARGE 1 I. fEE CHARGE I / / / I. FEE CHARGE I I ,,~ 2} Building Value & Permit This p6rmit in (franted on the eJ:Preos condition that the sa'id construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ondinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, inclriding the Zenina ardinance, ,.eguLatil1g the ccnstl"Ucticn and uoe of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vie- Lation of any provisions of said Ordi~ncss. I Plan Check loate Paid: IReedpt H: I Signed: , , ~:r;e3 Fee:. i - Plu";bing Permit No percon ahall conatruct, install, alter or change any rAW cr e:isting p~ing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such perGon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's Lic6nss; 6%cept that a perBon may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operat6d by the appli- cant. - Electrical Permi t Wher6 State La1J requires that the olectM.cal work be done by an Ele::trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the labe l has bt:en signed by the Elec trica l Con tractor. Mechanical Permit -- #r~//)N PLan ~t.ner . - /2~/~-"cJ oo'e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.w completed application for permit, and do hereby csrtify that all i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I furth6r C6rtify that any ar.d all &.fOrk perfor:'ltsd shall be do:16 in acaol'- . danoe :.n.th th. ordinarIC6s of the City of Sprina[ictd, and the La"". of tho . State of Oreg"n pertaining to the work. described herein, and :hat NO OCCU. PANCY .,;.l! be "",de o[ any structure IoIithout permis.ion o[ the !luiZdinp Di, vision. I further certify that o~ly contra~tors ar.d e:npl"ye€s w':o are ill compliance with ORS ?Ol.05t will be used on this project SiY)J.-rd lJ,ltC I'