HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-5-28 Job Add,... 6:;<,lot Fc:.y:c.,i~f1j0-- 5&e~ l'9oI0..,,;p"on~~0J~~~ ' dffG ~ :.:..)7 _ 1~{Jj!S3..JD iL852 IvoIU. of Wo'" C1 Own., !-Y{})I) H(J, r./e.'S ;;;9; SO(). 0_ Add.... ;{ f) M5 ;'./tlvfp, In 0 :St. Phon. '74;, - 909..::S' r,!...d' :GI-=. U "-!DE:VClcwtb INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 Co",truc:tion lend.r Addre.. DESIGN TEAM (nomei Primory Structural Electrical Mechanical !-OI. . '- . Sq. FIg. Main Sq. FIg. Aceu'_ Sq. fIg. Other _Ne..... _Add_Alter _Rep. _. _Fence _Cemo_Chang.! U 5. _Olner INFORMAJlON LINE 726-.375J CITY Of SPRINGfiELD ~OMal~lnOtt APPLlCATION/PERMlf \ 1<fC;~ J.fI <><J .......' @ I V'1 ' Z I I ENERGY ~OURSES:. /). Heat g 1~/CIc.'r ~ Yr') Water Healer p ~(.fi/ti. Ran'll! eJ,,.-t _,r Building Permit Info: De,cribe Work (i.o.. Build Si"gle Fomil"(. Re,idt!l1ce With Alfoched Gorcu:'Iel _ ,()1171 hi" IJ JI;';o" VJI/ r..hl&... f1 OJ1'\.L :5Pj-i~r> (21')'1.':'>'2) Phone . (addressl (lies. no.) (phone no.) (e.-:pir.,) G..nera\ CONlR.A.CTORS (namel (address) We,. no.) (upire,) Awk.'t>Hs 7i::gj.J.ev _<;all'S - 1j-4-0 Fi/O.it!ldlkPJI~d - EL.ct1./A.L ./ ~7-???3 Plumbing {I..etricol 'Z Mechanical PtUMBING NO. I Eoc;.. lingle fillture R.local.d building (new fill.. additional) S.F. ll:,"iden~. (1 both) Ouolu, (1 bothl each Additional balh , I Woler ,er.,ice !.'-:;;;TU;::,,"1. Sew!', iC'O F.::.ET St::lrm Sewer (phon" no.) " ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL f::e: I CHARGE' NO. I FEE CHARGE NO, I FEE I C'HARGE l I Residence of I furnace/burner 10 .g: ft. "TU's I New circuits. alterations I Appliance vent '-' or extensions separato I I Stationary evop. SERVICES cooler I I Vent fan with Temporary Construction single duc:t j Vent system aport from Amps. heating or A.C. I I I I SI,} ~Pl. Y ~~f"::'> /iY2. /O,~ I Mechanicol exhoust /A..,r-."_f. :---,;J.!.-:. hood ond d~ct I/)~i/{).O~II / MDl3rL-f. f--f<)/./:; ;j,~l),o.~ I G-ONNEC:n.y,! Wood stove/heater I I I FEEDERS I Heat Pumc I I I I Air handler to Amps. 10.000 CFM I I I I I Air handler au' 10,000 CFM I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I ISSUANCE 'bJi.,PE'RMIT -e. -Fjr),~~ I TOTAL CHARGES -$ XI),6:- I TOTAL CHARGES -e- j r' I TOTAL CHARGES I WHERE STATE LAW REQUIRES Ihol Ihe Electrical work be done by the E!ertricol Controctor. the electrical portio" 0' Ihis permit shall not b. valid unlil t.l lab.1 ho, b_n ,igned by an fle,"ical Contrador and attached 10 Ihe oledricol panel. I HAVE CAREFUllY EXAMINED ,he completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that 011 information horeon is true ond correct, and I further certify thot any and all work performed ,hall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the lows of the State af Oregon pertaining to Ihe worlt d!'scribed herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be mode af any structure without the permiuion of the Building Di't'isian. I furth." ~rtify that my registration with the Builder's Board i, in f\lll force and effect 0$ required by ORS 701.055. that if ex.empt the basi, for exemption is noted heron, and that only ,vbC'Ontractors and employees who or. in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be u.sod on this project. Basi, for Build..", Boord e.emptian: NAME (pleas. print) ~6/'.J r h/1, v-,., .).L,. III "": SIGNATURe- -fjaA//-d/'I.A. FOR OFfiCE USE ONLY ....,,,ie ~~-'~ / / DATE / Zone-J::1~~'i. Type/Cons!.kH (~N"" Fire Zone L_l ~~droom. Ttt2--f"~ flood Plain~f'\~ c;tories_^Nt;: Units ('lccy load Occy Group Sq. Ftg. M~in c.,. ftg. Access R'::>' _Sq. ftg. Olher i4S&, ijt Volu. x Value x Value , TOTAL VALUATlON;;I4 7_-5Cl~,"~ BUilDING PERMIT 4-0:00 h Pion Ck. Comm/lnd -@- I Systems Oe't'elopment 447., 50 n Cho~ges ~ P~H~LE- 65~ol Blda Per Felt , Chorc:oe (I.,5~1 - Sl.--;"u~~'\"ilbE . ~- PIon CIt. Res _ 3--'),O..Q 01 I c..oP'I O.~4;) 5~.T.'jP ,~ 30'%1 Bldc:o Per Fee PLUMBING PERMIT 1/\ :;>0 31 ')we> ,q Charges and .' c......,- Fence '.--".- Surchargu () -'ill "" 1 Tolol Comb. Permit 4f58;:(.ftS ,- Demo '--' ElECTRICAL PERMIT ;::).)..J.3,>- 17,'3:0 I~ L-a.bt. } I ~ Charges Q"d Sidewalk 17S",,',r Sl,lrchorges )"<) i ...Q- r. .......;...- Ale PO't'ino MECHANICAL PERMIT ....;-:+ /)!..FEf3T I 1(, 20 ,<- Charges and ----~--- Curb Cut - 5~,(g~ Surcharges I TOTAL I COMBINA nON APPlICA nON/PE.(CAPl lit PERMIT VALIDATION \ .'\ \ 'I, Applicanl. ta furnish A. Jab Address. B. Legal De,criptian 1. examale.tax lat 100, Lane Caunty Map Referenc~ 17 O:l 43 ' 2. examaie.la. 1. Black 3, 2nd Additian ta Sprin\ (_ CITY ,0 F S P R I N G FIE L 0 C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender City Hall D.. Energy Sources 1. examale-heat/electrical ceiling/or forced air c Springfield, Oregon 2. exam ole-water heater; electrical/or solor ( Department of Public Works E, Squore footage ar valua.ion, e'c. 0 F F I C I A L R E C E I P T 1. examole-12S0 'q. foot hau,e, SOO 'q, foat gar. No B 2. examole-if new praject, check n;;;...if addition, (C, , n<7 . add, e'c. Dote X\\\l. \. CJ (') 196 \ F. Building permit information: f-~ " r\v' \ 1~ 1. exomole.~onslructsinglefomilyhousewithan ( Rec'd-From \VX\.5\\'0S\O ! '1"\..)...) . -' . ( garage _(\", r) \ ^l\\'""'\ ~ 2, exam ale-remodel existing garagb inta faniily r dd ~lI 0'(<. 1\ \S)~ \ j\ 3. example-convert single family residence into A ress" .i~ _) (",," restaurant (change of use) i,. G. Value of work o. defined in Section 303 (0) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction delays, Building D. '4 Stoff must be able to contact appropriate persons design informcotion or job site corrections. etc. ( ( S 6 612" \ II. Abbreyiated Plumb;ng, Mechonical & Electrical Sched, A. Except where blcnk spaces occur in the description of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the apF need fill.in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the app: item(s) to be installed B. full Plumbing, Mechonicol, and Electrical Schedule, are available at the Building Division . 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedl hove been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on 1 aled ,chedules you should consult the full ,ched, C. BUilDING DIVISION STAff WILL FILL OUT ALL fEES CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES (, Received.J:or: ~0\tQ ~-t\ ~~\\\D ~rl (' \ l I ! Wfftl ~ \CJpJ 4D' (\ '}) 60 , .~ -?{\~OO (/ 80.10 440) 50 .(\~ ~( ,( , '-rj, Fees and Charges ','~ / Plan check fees are due anCf payab'ie at the time of the I'.~I' and no plans will be processed until these fees are paic-l:-:. n_ other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. .... , ~. ~r '... t1M"1 ._\~h, u\. l. "'Ji"ta", r cY'V: >' (" ~{O J Amount Received', Sy:.,~ 'S ~~ l\(JJ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ( tHllTO"'TUR".Ull..",,..TIII,' IUOI..I, QII .UO' ..,,,., \". ( ( Q' C III. Applicant to ,ign and dale Whenever possible. the initial application will be used worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stafl prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the appliea the time ,he actual permit is issued for his signatur€.. IV. c J ,.: ".. ',. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Cler" " PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: , 'Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, name -r,;I'.o\ ~t1EIP-'?J\',\ (J CD SignOlured.v-rf\) .).h..Luj~ .Jate..s-~A-lqA\ /