HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-3-21 .. RE.ENTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~r~\~ ~~tAili~0 )\\~ , \9,D~ lY1 {)' TUtH nwffi) Job r.ce~tion.. A8~eSGOl'':;: Nap S'.ohdi;:.ri.sicn: SPRINGFIELD ~_"'er' 0flf\ Ii} \ 0 n \\ \ \l i \"\t f\() '\\f\ m A~-ess: h V\-q~ ~~\'S\ \lli1: 0 _ ~~ I 14rt-ffi'\ 1 c.ty: ~ ~ '-.j Zi?: C\ f\4 fj f) n n n n 'J"'J Describe II'ork: ~, '&L )JJ~J~~~ , . B\OlO ' , Value \. ('JF5?-, .~ Ac!di ticTl RemodeZ .'fob~ 7.2 :tema Da.te of Application Conr.:l'ccr.:ors Addres3 ~j ( rx )2\'-{ r 1 " Rcae:':1'; ,;J. Sigr.ed,~(nA Date: ~-rl \ -?:'?1 Lise. .'1 Exoires Phone Generat PLumbing j Electrical. _ I ,'.Iechar.id C::';H~~ \ 'lPn. \L U \) 'rr.\ \) : \J. '\.(")("'1) 1 CO"st1""..lctian Lc:ntisl' I;. is :he responDibil.ity of the permit hoZdsr to see that aZ.~ incpections are :7:ade at :he propel' ::im~.. t."'.at ..::=ch .:dd.rsss is l'ea.:iab:'. Jrom tits street.. and that the permit card is 'l.xated at the front of the property. --!!ui!di:o-.g lr~:Ji=io~ app1'Ot:ed Fl.an sr.cLZ remain on tha E-.Ait.din? $itoz at all ~:.m.e8. ~ '?-,'/ :J Mf\ \ {1~~ 'Vi lo-loPP \ P."?OCSDu;r!~ POR INSPECTION REC.UEST:CALL 726-3769 {rccorrier} state your City desigr.::ted job nw;;ber., job address., tYpEl of ir.3?8c:icn raquest"cd a~~ wken you will be ~eady for inspection, Contractors or ~~ers r~e cr~ ph~ne number. Requests recei~ed hefore 7:00 ~ :.>ill oe l1'.a.de the same day., requests mc:de afta 7:00 a:rt tJiZZ b~ made -=he next :')ol'kin; day. S- SI3 Lo'S geaui~pd r~3np~tic~s O SIT! I.'lSPEC':~QN: To be nxzas ezcavati~n, but prier to se; forms. o al ter up of UND~aSLA3 ?LV!-l5I.VG, ELEC':'.'9IC,tL .~!ECHAaiC:":': To be l1'.ada before work is ~o",)cred. o ..t'COTI?IG ~ FOU,'IDAT:C,'1: To be r.ru:.e af;<2r :rencr.es are e.xca'.Jated and farms a....e erec:.uf., but: prior to pouri.ng ccna:-et-.;.. [] U:lDtRGRCU.'![J ?:'UM'~HG. S!'.RP. ;';.1T:::i'. DRAINAGE: :0 be nxz.:e prior :0 fa- lir.g :rer.c;..8~. o UNDE.~P!.OCR !'!iJ.~SI:lG ~ NECHA.VICAL: To oe ~~e prier =0 ~n3tal~t~on of ~00l' insuLation or decking. POST AND 3EAU: To be rr.c.dc pl"";or inat"al.l.:o:-:icn of [tear i",.st.:Za-:ion decking, o o POUCH ?!.rP.!!!!:!C. ?T.Z:::,:".f)!C).[,1 :.fF:CH- ~: ::0 :;01'1-: :;3 =a :;C cO,:erec: ur.~il ;hcs~ ~r~~ectiar.s ~-Vq beer. made ~~ ,=pp~,u~d. FI.=:_~?LAC2: Proior to p~ir..g fc.r::i.ng mct.ariaLs ar~ belore' fra:nir..g ins?ec- tior.. FRA"'~I.'IC: MU3t:;e recueGted c.fter app1'ov..:l of rOt.:gh -;lWciJing. .eLectl"";- cal ~ ;::ecr.ani.:al.. All. ':'001'-:'7''::; broa~;ng & ~hi.nncys, Bt~. ,~~sc be . corrwl.e:cd. .'/0 ;.;ork is to be con- ~ cec:Zl1d ur.::iL this i.r:8vec~cn has . been made c.nd. apPl'~n:ed. o o Your City. Desigr.ated Job Number 111: D INSVLATION/VIlPO.f? EARRIER IHSPE:C'!'ICU: To be {mde after a L 7. insu Latwn a:"'..d roquired vapor ba::rriers are in place but eelore any lath, gyp8W1l beard 01" wZZ covering is r=ppZied. ar.d oefore any insuLation is concealed. DE.'-fDLITIOH OR ;~:QV;; 3UILDIilCS :J Sani -:.arfl se-Jer ::apped =t v:.o?i::r~' Zi~e ~ Septi:: tank ~~~ed ~~ f-:.LLe~ w~th ;r=Je~ :J PinaL - ~~en abcve ite~s ~e cc~Ze~~c a.r:d wh6:1 ier.:eEtior. is com;;le;e 01' st:'"..:~- ttc'e r::01Jed ar..:: ?r~3eS ::Le.::r.e:i up. .vobi le Hc:::e:: =:J BLocid,7'~1 and Set-up =:J PlW7'.bi~' connec:ions s~er c:r..d. /Jeter ---, EZectric~l. Ccnnection . Blocking, 88t-U? --.J and pLwr,'bing connections n-..;.st be C?pr:n;.ui be;orc request~ng al.ec~ricaL ins?ec;io~ -, - .... ~ Accesso.~ ~u~~=:r~ :J Final - t.ft~r ;~l'cr.es, skirring., dec/~J etc. are c~pl~;~d. D 0, . Fl,'fA!. PLU,'(8I:lG All projec= conditions., auc~ as the ins=alla~icn of s;reet :r~es. :c~ta:~~n at tnc required Zaruisccpir.g., ctc.., .':'TUst be sa:isficd. b':,,-'ore tr.8 BUILDI....!; ?I::AL :.::n be r:u;:~:zs:Jd. D. FINAL ;~fE~P.A:1ICAL O. FI:IAL E!.EC':'RIC:':' [J o PINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZding Ins?ection ."mJ.St O'i3 reqt.eatec .::./':e1' tr:e :,,"~.,..:::.l. nuonbin.a' ~lectricaZ., and Hech~ic.::Z Inspecciona haVQ been made ar~ c.pprcved.. J ~ny D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be r.-.ade after all &~I.JaZl is in place., but prior to any taping. "AL~ MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS ,'lUST 32 AC::ESSIB!E. .4CJlJST:'.'::::T:0 3E :..'.....CE !!T ;'.'0 ::5': T:J ':I':: I :)"'.01 of 2 o .'>IASO.'JRY: Steel oeam3, grou-:.ing CU1cordance t.r;th 241&. ilOODS'!'O"IE: Aftar instaZZation is ..':rplet~d. locatior., bond or verticals in V.B.C. Section o CURB & A."'P.r?CACH .4?r:rJN: Aft€:" forms are erect"ed but Pl""';Ol' to pouring -:umcr6 te. SI[)~ALi( ~ DRT7Er~'A'!: For all. con- crete pavi7'4 /Jithin street right- of-ux:.y., to be made after a.ll. e::cc- vating ~cmpZet8 & foP::'! :.;ark & :;ub- base :r.c:.teZO";al in pla.ce. D I'ENCE: Wher. compz.~te -- Provide ga.tes or movable aecticns thrcu.gr. P.U.E. D I JOB NO. I i:;:;-r.a: jLot Sq, Ftg. I: ~f ::t ~.jVerago; . i! of ::'~or-:..es !:,otaz Haight I I'l'cpogre:phy I 1!~~',J I"..,," SQ. FTC ~~':C'.? I ! Car::~l": i. !.-tcceS301"'J I I I I S,D,C~ I TOT.';'[.. VALUS ( l)c.~u.<.:) 1.5 = Euil-ding Perrr:"~t State SW'ch:zrge To:al cr.a..-ge3 I r:,,'{ I:VD'i I FL-tu.res ResU:ientia1. f1 bath) I Sc::n.i. t.:r.!'"j Sewer I "'c:=a.... I PZ:m:bir.g Perd. t Stats SUZ'cr.a:rqe TotaL Ch.c.rrl:es 11I'Dl .'iO. I I Has. Sa. fta. jNc:tJ/Ertend Circu:i ts I Tempcrc:ry Service Ele::trica t Per.-:ri t St=te Sur::ha:roa TQtal C'M.!'ces I n::,'{ I ,'c, I ..:':.a'r..::zce ETU'S E:::hau.st Hood I Vent Fan I ' I i/:)oas-:o:;e Permit 13S'Ua1tCa l1e::;..anic::l 'Permi t State Surcha'!1c '!'o=r.l C"".!Zr!J/UJ E:IC:~,CACHg:::!,!, i O' , l~e~~~~tu D2~OS~t I Stol"(loe I NainteTtC:r.:!e I Permi t I i C<"U"';C"..lt I Side'.,)Ql.~ I Y.""e I E!..aatr;caZ , ! ""obila H~e _'!.2~a} C'narJcs [.c1;el IfOTAL ANOU.'IT DUe;:" P::ga 2 SOLAR AC(cE)SS REQ.- Cct:'J.::cnc:J C1'O'J.~: LeT 'rIPE: Interior Corner Panhandle C-", l-ae-saa x Value CHARGE .:':"t' C.:'i.J.RGE J I I I I I, I , I I - I /(),~I f~.oU L1?O' IS. Lou I, CHARCE ,""). W . , L-COC;;' 3edr-,or.:s: T.=ir>e/Cor.st": I Lot Faces - I I 2narau SOUI"~es T<.Jr;'e I Setbacks I I .i'eat I P.::-. aOU.se I Cc:race J Access. i I ilater _:Jt:!a~;'!"!' If/or<;n: I I i Range lEast I I I Fi'!'eD~ace Is",,"" I I I I Wooa:Jto"Je i"'est I I I i Fees I I I I I I I I I, I I I I, Building Value & Permit This permit ia gmntsd on the e:::press ~onditi.:m that the sa"id. const!"'.tccion shall, in aZl respects, confor.m to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spr"~r.gf:eZd, inc!:..ding ;ae Zonir.g C'rdinar.ae, '!'eg-.tlc.til:g the ccr.st:>".tct.;cr. arA ~se of buildings, end m=y ce ~uG?ended or"revoked at cr.~ time ~;or. vio- lation of 'ZT'.Y" ;rI'ovi3ions of-said Ordir.ances. P!.an Check Fee: Catc Pa-id: Recc;ipt #: IS,;g,:ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon aha!.!. aonstrnat, instaZZ" a~ter or change any r.ew CI" e:::isr;ing plumbing Or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part" unless such person is the legal posse3S0r of a valid plumber's license, e:cept trAt a pe~son may do plumbing ~ork to proper~~ which is owned, leased or opercted by the appli- cant. /' , Electrical Perm it Where State Lc:w requires trAt the eleatr>"~caZ work be done by an Flectriaal Controactor, the eLectrical portior. of this permit shall not bs valid until th8 label has been signed by the Electrical ~on.trac'tor. Mechanical Permit Pi.an ';:::cm1.ner ,.'ate I I I j I J I j , \/~~M4~~ ,0/." ", -12v~ (~ /[;0 Iv] "gnza ~<a I HAVE CAREFU~LY !XAI,fIilED t.:',2 con-:pL.ated C??lication for permit, =nd de hereby aertif'y that aU inf'o;:or:;ation hereon. :'8 true ar.d acr'!'cct, ar.d I r..l.r'~her aer'tij"y that any ar.d all work perlomzed ahaz.z be done in aaaor. dance :.lith the Ordin::mces of the City of Springfield" and th~ La'..;a of th(J State of Orea,::m o,zrt.::in.in.a to the work de8c:r-:.bcd herein, c:r.d tha= NO OCCU- PJ..'1CY Wizz b~ rmd.e of any" structure without ?armisaion of the Building !r~- vision. I further ~ertijy tr~t o~ly aontra~tors ar.d ~Z~yees Wr~ erg in ca~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this projzct ,~o?/h? Data .