HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-3-11 .. RESlDtNTIAL" ~ COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIELD- , 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ Building Division ~ - 726-3753 ~ .lob Loc:ztion: S Q (", .;::::ffJJ/1~~ ~ _Jrk.....__.. lq-Ol'~3: ii{)-:U~' -;:Lot # gu__. As....esool"'~ Map ,'1 Subdivision: Q.mel': ~ (J)/,,~ :;;f~ U Address: 5/.2 '" City: .4JM I I fX1 n n n Pr.one: Zip: .11",,) w~~ ~Jd? 3~//- %.). Addi ticn Remodel Hobile 90ma Date oj' Application .:.;o1t1;rac~ors General Plumbing t EZeetl'ica l :.fechar.:ic::.l Construction Lender P/l7J ;L.O:J- 'Value 13st9 (jcJ Ri:ce~~t .~ S6/6J Adti.-e83 /\;1. p, 9%. IS, ()Q ~ /5"', rP 0 Si.gr.ed: Date: AI2~:"".L -::5-//-if~ Li3C.fI Phone I E:=;;ires It is "the resp07/.oibil.ity of the permit holder to see that al.Z. inapectio7l8 ar"e r..a.de at the proper ~im~" tr.at ~c.ch .=ddress' is rea.::ab~a from the street, and that the permi t card is Z-xated at thB front of the propert"';:/. -Eui!.d:i.ng Divicio'!". approt.'ed Fl.an shaLl remain on tha Bu:.Lding Sit; at all times. PI?OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: CaU u-ccorderJ state your City designated. J'ob nwr.ber, J'ob address, type of iTt.':lpecticn rQqu~sted ar.d w....en you :Jiz,z, be ready for inspcctiO?1, Contractcl"S ~r Owne:os ncme .::nd phone number, Requ8sts received :;siore 7:00 a":'l :.."iU be mads tM same dc:y, rSquBsts mcde aft;;::r 7:00 ern will be nr:zde the nc:::t :JOrking day. ?:;:)Od..O~ P~auil"t:>:i.. T"!""~..ctit7'1, : 0; SITE INSPEC':ION: To DB madil after e:cavativn, but prier tc ss~ up of forms. _ '0 .UNDERSLAB PLUM9IiVG. ELECTRICAL & . . MECHA.'lICAL: To be made befors any work is .:overed. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATICN: To be rra:Ice ,after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencl"st.. UND~G"TOUHD PLUMEING. SE:WeR. W,1TER. DRAIf/AGE: To be ma.::te priOl" to fiZ.- "Lir.g trenchss. o o UNDE,~FLOOR nUXBI.'lG ~ ,'.!EC!lANICAL: To be made prior to in3talLation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.a.d.c priol" to instalZat<.en of floor insulation or dsckirtg . ROUGH ?!'u.'~BI!lG. ~r.EC':'_r?!CA!. " MECH- ANICAL: No :Jark. is to DC cOL'Bred ur.til thesB inspections have beer. made and approve.:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g fG.cing materials and before framing inspec- tier.. o o D D PRA..'1I!1G: Mu:;: be recue::;ted. after approvaL of rough pl-wrhing, alec'tl"";- cat & ;r.echani.=aL. At! 1'00fir.g bra~ng ~ chimni:Ys, at.;:. nr...:st be coma leted. !Io work is to be con- cec:led until thin instlsctiC71 ha.a besn made and apPzooL'ed. yOUX' City Destgr.ated Job Numbe:r Ia: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIEF? I.'IS?SCTION: To be made after aLL insu14ti.:m CC".d required vapor barri.srs are in place but cefer's any lath, gyp8Ul1f beard or w'Ll covering is appUed, and bsfore any inauZation is concealed.. DEUOZ-ITIO!1 OR ,'.fOt';] 3UIr.;::.'iCS =:l San.i~~ S6Ue-:> a~pec.. =t p:'op~-:>'t;-:i lir.B :=J Sept~ tank p".L'Trp€d tX"..i ff.l'-Jd :.lith ;ra;;sl I Final. J/hen c:Xve it~":'!s ars cc.o:rplated ~ ar~ when d~c;itior. ia co,~Za~a or struc- tu....e r.lCved ar.d pri:.m:us :;Zean8~ up. Mobi Le Hcmes ~ Btocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbing connections s~ar ~ Water ---, Electrical Ccnnection - 8lockir~, set-up ~ and plumbing aonr.ecti~ns ~"':3t :6 approved befol'c request;ing eZe~;ri.:a.z. -:.r.spec-:io:'! ~ AcceS!;oZ"'d Bui:d-:.~ I finaL - Aft;;r .?-'rc.r.es, --.J et.:. are camp:'<I t.a.. sk--:.rt;;n;, dsoks, DRYWALL INSPECTION: Te be mads after all drywaZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeL l.o.:ation, bond , beaJT/3, grouting 01' verticala in accordance with U. B. C. Section 241$. ~ WOODSTOVE.: Aftel' ins taLlation is . ,R. rxrr.pletcd. o o CURB & APPF?OACH APP:'oN: Afte:- forms ta's 81'6cted but prior to pouring .:on..."Tete. SIDEWALK & DRrlE'.JAY: For all. con- crete paving within street right- of-/X.y, to be ma::ls after aU e%ca- vatina carrolete .4 for.:'l worK. & ~ub. ba~e .:ncteM:aL in pla:;e. . o All project con.di~ionsJ such as the instalZation of street trees. c.;.":7pZ.;:ion of :iw required Zandscc:pir.g, etc., 17fUat be sq.tisfiad before the 3UIUJI::: i'r:.'AL .:,:In ::e rsques::3d. o FINAf. PUJf.!BIllG o FINAL ,'.fE~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTHICAL o o ..?INAL BUILDINC: The FinaL BuiLdi.n.g Inspection must bo requeatad a::'"';ar "':;;e Pinal ?Zur.:bin; ~lf3ctri::aL, and .'!eohar.ical Inspectic1W havo been made and .:J.pproved. o o ..:oeNCE: ;/her. conrpli;te -- Provide gates or .71ovable sections through P.fj,E. *ALL NM1HCLES AND CLEA!10UTS llUST BE ACCESSIBr.E, ADJUST!!ENT TO !JE M.tIVE ./1T NO COS';' TO ;[':'1 F,;~e of 1 o l Job !hunber: : Zone: ;Lot Sq, Ft;, ~ vf lot C.:)veragc: i ,. f Ot 'e !;to..oM.s ; Total Height :l'opogr~hy ;ITE:.J I iNain i I Ga1>aae Caroort AcceS80ru I I IS,D.C, /vaL.ue) 1.5 x Building Permi~ State Surcharge Tota l Cha......gea I ITEM I Fixtwoes I Residential (1 bath) I Sani ta:ry Sewer I Water I Plumbing Perm t State Surchazoge Totat Charaes i 1TEU Res. So. fto. N~/Extend Circui ts TemporaPy Service OeCUDancw G~ WT TYPE SQ,FTG TOTAL VALUE 11/0, I I J I I I NO. I I I I ElectI>ical permit State Surchtrrqe Total Charaes lITEM I Purn:::.ce ETU'S I Exhaust. Hood I Vent Fan I WoodstoiJe permit 13sucmcz I '1/1 I I Me:!hanical Permi t State SlCl'charac '1'n"ta I ChaT'f"J~n x FEE FEE I I I I I I I I NO. FEE ENCROACHJ.!ENT -- I Secr.lritu D.:rooait I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total Char>aas I Curbaut I Sidewlk I Pen::e I Electroica l Labe l I Mobi le H:;me I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Interior Corner Panhandle CuI-de-sac Value Cl1ARCE I I I I s: 1101 I /tJ,t)("}1 IS-; tOO I ,hal ;S-(oOI. I I I I I I I J~{b3 Referer.ce Nwncer..s: L-COC H: Type/Cor.st: . TUDe P,L. North East South IWe_t Setbacks House Caraqe Access. Bedrooms: I Enerau Sources I Heat ro/ater YRatp.l' Range Firep lace Wood:; toce Lot Faces - I I i i II Faes Building Value & Permit This perrrr:t is granted on the express condition that the said constrouction. shall, in all roespccts, confom to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, reguLating the constrUction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any pr~vi8ior.s of said OI'dir.ances. I Plan Cheek Fee: Date Paid: Rec~ipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person chalL construct, instaL!, atter or change any neu or existing plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a ~alid plumber's License, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operctted by the applt.- . cant. / Electrical Permit Where State Lt::Du requires that the electrical work be done by an Eleetl'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Elecmcal Contractor. . Mechanical Permit J/l. 3-// P'~ uar.:e I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAN1NED the completed application for permit, and da hereby certify that a'Ll info:-mation. hereon is troue and corl'cct.. and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfie1.d, and tho Law_ of the * State of Oregvn p~rtaining to the work descl'ibcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrrzde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further cel'tify that onZy contl'actol's ardl employees who are in c~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this proje~t . '~/'-<:7 L~. .J<-[;igr -' _~/02