HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 2000-10-30 . -'\" .,' . , ',' SITE INFORMATION: ' ',' : :, ,. ...::,~,,:/. ;',>;. · 'LOCATl9N.OFWORK;""i?' (19/' j;-;., l{'i;yfl/ii.j""'DR I .'. 'I : ., ,,' -.. ,i .. .J . l,-..., ...~" . . . . . -'.' ., _ . ". .', ... '. J ' . .AP~UCANT";'6 ill; :,~\.. ':PElic;u5/Jn;'--'..\ ~'~.::::~,:Y.,(i~~Jt ~":~~ ;'~:l:/_;..,~.;~~:.~.,). :~' :.~.;~, ~,::,;~:":'1~:>~;f' /~~~~.;tl7 ~'.:,~, ';f.: .. ADqRES~:" 1) (ic/i'" {:,;;R,'s'y' TH fi>.' '()'R"~',,,,", . ..' ..~J..:. ~:\" .:'::' ,~.."<: ,:'!....,:. ': , " ,';". ..~. _ , : .CITY,:'~:'5'Pt:(>." STATE: '/i!/?:}" ...., .' ''':';' ',::~': '.~,' '.',... .......;<1.;... . .. .. j' ~ '! '.~ " . ,:--(.:, '......'. ' '. , ;:. i;;::i'~~'~~_~\~:G~/ ~':;-~'~~""~'i~y.{'r~i~'t : ':: ]'-..:..' . I ". "::I~:~"-i~.,~;It .,~.-:t~,;'''\,<ff ~~~..~ , "l" .,.\...:.t.~~. . , '!:" ~.!~~~~;.I-I.y:ltk\ : '\'~ i Y!Zl ;". ..\ ,.l.\~:.~ -fI~ '." '." ,.;. "~.f/:l ~~: : ..".:.,"l. .1':" :;-,;1 1f' ,.... , ,\ '1''':. 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'. , .,.' . . ,t.,.'. , · !:irDRIVEWAY/CURB-CUT/SIDEWALK: ...............".....:......................:..:........;..:....;;::$ 60,00 ',.., 'AMMOUNT OF SIDEWALK'IN,EXCESS OF 90FT: . ' @$0.06 SF,' "$'; .:,:..,. ' : '" .'.: '" '.' " . ,. . , , , ~ . . .. .' '.~ -'I' . O"SIDEWALK REP~IR,; .....:;........,..,:....,;.......:.........."..,..............,..,..,;,:.......,..$ ,lO,OO, "" ......,:'.~".., .1.. ".:::.""">. :...,. ";" . .,' """" '.~,.~~;:.:l,""'~""'~_~:':-"_~..\'.:,'~:. ...0' ADD'TIOI\IALDRIVE,WAY:',:,' .................,;,;"....,..:....:....,........;..:........,...;..$.30.00 .... , ;:' .': , . ':~ .\, \".'.~'" ~'..<. ;::l.,.:{~,.), ~ '. .... ", I' ':,: ". ':" ,.' ':'. .\::'l~:~.;';.,..~\;).r. . o PROOF OF INSURAroCE' $500,000 MINIMU'M IF WORK IS DONE BY' PROPERTYOWNER. c' f,.' >.,';.<::..;:..;:<,i..~.-'..; :.: i.,j"~,:."(.:,;;,,,,,"'.:"'~r';.\ ':-,' (".' ...,' "~":~'~~'~';'''.IJ'_';~{:",'(I,...'\,:~~':~:~:,.... :\"'f:~ "',:.' f;,;.'i> (, ,:l,':~'f '.' . .',;. .,:' .' . TOTAL DUE wn:H PERMIT!.' $;"''-;','(;.0 d'O .,f. .!-". 'tor:. " . . .;~. r' .)< ~,l- /.;- '..' ... ., ,~.i\ \, .~. .".. '.. " -I, ;'.,'J;: ,':.- ,". ~': ',);';:v ,:..;; '1 '.' ,.,~.' "i;.. . '"' ,." ,:~; ~<~;~: .~~~ , , ,t.. . ,,1.'. . ,ll> '0, ,),::;;;ei ;~;.' ,',:."',.f, ~;.: " ,J(;' . COI\ITRACTOR INFORMATION: ".; ':.' ..:., :'S. :'il.~.'-.. ~'.,:'. '\' "<~~'.'(\' ,........,. ',.;, '-,,,<<,: ~_:,....:,. ';::, . '. ,..f'..: .;....;~:4'..~ C~~TRACTOR: j(Cr/VF:(',OJ../tRF71: SF.RV;OE.. ," ,,".:,~..," ,':,\::r ADDR'ESS:' , lfB j',p /Mj:,/ Mi '../\ 10::," '::,:," ";'; ':', 'PHONE;' T1/"-:"-12q~i.f~' . ...,' 'I ., I. . . " .' __ _.. _, ,.. '., . , .........,,',.,'''\,: .;~:.,u , CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION NO: c?,p, 'If '/31;'" ~? "'EXPIRATION DATE:" ., a' ' ," ~RO~ECTSUPERVIS6R;'-N -4 TJ'/'A 1./ l> /J FR..FiE. ' " ': : :,,;;': ~ ::fH~~E:' . '. - I I . . , ' . , '. , ...,.,.. - "". ....... ....... ..""""c'''''....~ -,INSPECTIONS:. ;,"1. '.~\--: .".; " '. '.'( :' ':.. .,., ", .' ',' ,:. 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REOUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:00 A:M~WllCBE MADE THE4>'';,,;:;?~,..: ..'. ;':'#(.~'" :':'SAME DAV;REOUESTSAFTER 7:00 A:M:WILL BE MADE 'l'HENEXT WORKING DAV~.INSPECTIONS ARE,'I'O BE CALLED It:I.I'4..: AFTER EXCAVATIONS ARE MADE.AND FORM WORK IS IN PLACE BUT PRIOR,TO<POURlNG.CONCRETE:i~',J;:,' ".:', ' ' ,;',;/ ,:'~,;, " ',' \ ':'/,.;,:"." i~ ': ' '< ,;- ,:;" . ....:' ',,' ...' "','.,' """.i, ,:,""", ".i'".,"'..,~':\"1l\r0';!,Il,.,\',,\..~*';' "~/:'-,~',:\ ....\.,'I~..I,.~':~~1~:f~~: ;:,~<:':':~~~':".'~'-":" 1 .,~'. ,~ . -- :\.... " . ,:, : :-..: -,:'..,,' . YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CALL'~~~I:~"'l.:::~,t~?\,.t'i\:V,,':'~, --j' . i:~ ,::.' ~: :,;i,\~./;i.4. . '. '::,~' /:"':~'.~i;'::;':T~(~' L~ONNEEUCTAILLITL.IENSU'CMOBOERRJ?IN1' ASOT" OIN3G342C203U4N~~I~~~':':,.c: ':<;;'::;':~~0;';;' i: . . " ' " (~ " . ~ " \.. . . . \li.t-}, . \~,<' l'l . 1 .~ ,'. . t .' f........LI...~'~.:<" ';(".;~"'-J:::,:r;l, 't "".', .....~ ,..t.... ~~.~'t,~''-i:...tl'\'''J''\'''""~:O;", . ,,""'.~l.:' .~..<. 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" ....~q ,'"<:~t:..\!:' "~~~~..'=/?,:rI1.~: ;".'~ ~:'7. :"., _' .",' "~. '. . .'. . ..~~~ \~~, '. The City.m~y inspect~he work site described in this ~ermifat,anY time duriQQ 8'one Ye~'r'perir,d foll6wing'the racelPf by the CI~ of ;,otl'C' , 'of.completlon of thB eocrlbed wj)rk.ind IpBcllv.. Bt r City's JlPle peSC{Q8810Q, sny ad Ilfons r.'toratlon, work rell" reClto retu n.the st ffi 8 stenaardsccepta lle to the Clly:'The.PermlttBe wi be notified In wntlng of any Wor requ red'anp Will have thirty days (30) rom.the' l ate 9.' thep!ltice 10 coroP'et~lhe work, Work nlol,compl~t,ed,althe,end'Of ,he t~lr)y.days,\yII! ~e Po~rr~rmed by .., ": ,..:' ;;>:~ '.:: ...: I ,;cllV'naJnIOOIIIWIII~ed'IOlh~permll"";,~;',';",:,, ',,:~~~.t~""ri.:'" ':, ': ..' ,..{,':-';:'. ,; ." ,~r'~,~,~,"~~, r', II, re,' 8,,1~, ."~, r;'(,"81 81) )~~~If.;'i{ ,"~'itii~It","~1~qiieSI'aq it thQ 'prop~rtlmil; that.,"~i", a~di'~~8Iiiea~able' fr~m' i;,~ :~'1'~~ ~' "street;: ,!!~.~"ryo/~'pro.Y~d '.Olof, plans WI". r~malnonl~eSI!e ~l a I times elurlng oonslru~ll,~~,:"':''':-:-''~'',', ",' " " ";,. ;'; , sI9:~t~r~;~:;'!~;{.}03,\j,,; ~~".: ::"}\(~~~\\>/::Z~;tJ tJtJ ' " . . ,:.. ,i.::" " ,..~" ~ t . /. .., " .".' ,: '. . ._". (.,/ . '.:' . ." ~ , I . ~..-I . Page 1 of2 I Job# 00-01633-01 I ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 00-01633-01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 5091 Forsythia Dr Spr Assessors Map#: 18020422 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 01900 Subdivision: Owner: Bill Ferguson 5091 Forsy1hia Drive Phone Number: 541-747-9738 City/State/Zip: Springfield, OR 97477 New Value: $0 Address: Scope Of Work: Curbcut Second Driveway, 12 ft throat Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. CC-Second Required Inspections I Public Works I -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? D ,Area (Sq. ;- ..:) I Main: Accessory: # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: Fee Paid On Receipt# Public Works 11/06/2000 3706 Value/Quantity Additional Driveway Total Public Works Grand Total 1 Fee Amount $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 . .'" I Job# 00-01633-01 I Page 2 of 2 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and corect, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard Specifications and Drawings, and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. The City may inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one year period following the receipt by the City of Springfield notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City's sole descression, any additional restoration work required to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City. The permittee will be notified in writing of any work required and will have thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to complete the work. Work not completed at the end of the thirty days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to the permittee. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the project address is readable from the street, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. d3 11 (j} Y f1M~' ,AHY1 Signature t7 . . //-6 - 2000 Date