HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/21/2008 " .. Vi . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Original Submittal ., ,- ~e. this $~cti()n) i company: ~ddress: ~.LLC_ - phon,a: (54!) 689--0019 Fax: (541) 912-2009 ..--- phone: (541) 479.3865 Fax: (541) 479.3&70 -::~- Phorle: (541) 74~6965 ..~~-- Applicant Name: Ricb Olson 1960 River Road, Eup;ene. OR 97404 .Applicant's ReD.: Justin Gerlitz Address: ZCS Erw;im:erin,g, Ine 1654 Wtlliams. Hi~ay, Grants Pass, OR 97527 --- Comoany: Property Owner: Susie Phitl'Olt Company: Address: Polen Futures, LLC 2197 Olympic 97477 - lTAX LOT NO(S':.~()O.700.g(~,900 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17S.03W-2S.42 Property Address: 2005 Olympic Street ~ize of Property: 1.25 acres (total) proPOEled Name of Project: Sonic Driv~.ln/Abbv's Pi:aalOeli ..------'" ~:res ~ SGuare Feet 0 ...-.--- Desc;ription of "proposal: -- If you are filling in thIs form by h21nd, please <sttach your propOf~1 description t(. this apphQt1ol'. See attached descriDtion Existin~ Use: Ore~on's Own DoJlar'Store. Perk Ci~COff~ .New Impervious surface Coverase (lncludi.!!.S Bld~ Gro~i Floor ~!.lL- .203S(red) sf 0' Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the ai~tel::~ ." . .... _ .". . ~rr..ar:ml!-' Associated APplicatIOns,' ?;o f\I 'U:t r - ODD?. C7- Signs, ./ Pre-Sub Case No.: ff- L/OOtB -DDD JtO Dl!te: Reviewed bY: Ca.e No., lite 2DDrB - 0 00)- 3 , Date'S J 'J-. I 0 e, Reviewed bY: yY1 Y ft'1 Application Fee, $ t..-l, 0 tj .?) Technical F....' $,} Iff . q 5 . postage Fee: $ 16 s -. . TOTAL FEES, $ L{ G\ 0fQ .t; c; PRDJE~ll.M!!ERgJ'2.c6} ~ 0005"0. . __r 1 of 10 Re'li$€d 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1:>13/1:>13 39'V'd 98999t> L TV9 T 8T:tT 81313Z/8Z/Z13 .., .. . , Owner Signatures This application form is used fer both the required pre-submittal meetin~, and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required ,~t both stages in the application process. An application without the owner's original signature wiill not be accepted- Pre-Submittal The undersigned ack.nowledges that the InformatIon In this application 15 r-,rrect and <I,:curate for scheduling of the Pre. Submittal Meeting, Own'er: _ .''3~ "{}, (7~.,lfp~t Signature 5111 j 4'1- D, y l-v1d P o-tr Print Dater. z.lt_~/ Or . Submittal I represent thiS iilPphtatlon to be complete for submittal to the CItY, ConsIstent with the c;)mpleteness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting. I affirm the In,'clrmatlon Iclentt<led by the City as necessary for pn;ll:ess1ng the apph<;atlon 15 proVided herein or the Informal Kin will not be provided If not otherwise contained Within the submIttal, and the City may begll'l proces~ing the aPFllcatlol'l with th~ Information as submitted. ThiS statement serves as written notIce pursuant to the requirements of C~S 227.178 pertaining to a complete apphtGltton, Owner: ~.:,.,..~~..." ...-. .--.. ./ ~- ::J u..... ~T \ toJ, ~ E:. ~ L.. l,"i- Print - - Date~ 3Il~/o~ f , MAR 2 l ZOU8 1 \ \ \ t,< Date R.eceived: Original submittal 2 of 10 ReVISed l/J./08 Molly Markarian t>0/€0 39t/d 98SS9t>Llt>Sl 81:€1 8BB~/8~/~B 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number o RC2008-00023 DRC2008-00023 DRC2008-00023 RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn CTY SIte Plan ReVIew Postage Fee Type II - $155 + 5% Technology Fee Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check ABRE, LLC cRecemtl c: 1f Springfield Official Receipt Dt-Tdopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000180 Date: 03/21/2008 Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How Received mem 5352 In Person Payment Total: 1 :05:07PM Amount Due 4,099 00 155 00 204 95 $4,458.95 Amount Paid $4,458 95 $4,458.95 Date Received: MAR 2 t 2008 Original Submittal Page I of I 3/21/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00023 2005 Olympic" Street , ' - '" \'\ ," .~. ,{(j~., <~ '",.,. '. . ~ ',"_0, ._'., , _ " ' , !i;':~-~'; ;J~, I ~'__;f--:>/- - - ~' . <: ~.. ':~ ': ~.- > < :. :- --~ .'_-.: .>' _ ~: '. : . $.. - ,--- v"1j' . " . _' '" i,_ .$2'f;';'f~t-.... . OL-'iMP-lc:Br' -Ob~MEI.QS.L ~~Q( :~-~~5-r~ IL'I! ~I\ .., .:--~~ ' /~I',I~'\I ~- ,:~t" '1' './_ ~~i' %':~'/'}:I~':-'~'<' ':;F;"f~' <IT " -<", < :' ~ .~ i \::~~'.-</ :'~: -tJ ~':~"-~'~~~:~~ :~~~,:.-" ::1,:' -;. .~ /"1,_:: '- : -: :~. ,;.: ;:~ ~ /: '.:~Z: :,-"', ,:-. ,-. ;;"-'~~'':~ ;,;,,~~ ! U::.. ,- S (Gon:n: ~ID " .- N" ,':/: - ,li~Y, ,J, J:; ,~ 'Ir~:;KI~~~~;~~.r~'-l~ .+~;h I"IJJ':F~ ."J;m~'= . ~ '.. 1-:.-+ .:~-'S._~"".~.~:;~-'\-;: ;~~ --:-L - ;--:- :-: ,c; ::~..:C; :~~:w_~' -- ~.:+-:~:~:::. . ..+_ > -. -~--.~ -~- ~ ~,..< , ~'-- - - .--/ --'''-'>N (;f) I . .. ',_ '. , ~:,~j~~? Ir'<~~fr,:,r~~~~;J:~ I',: " >:J: .::: Date Received: MAR 2 1 2008 O!lsinal Submittal_ .. SITE Map 17-03-25-42 Tax Lot 500,600,700,800, 900 + North -" -..., .J~(O @ p~ .... ; ~-~ -/f -,'-- . i}'-'- -.- . OLYMPIC STREET / ----- I ! _ i_ <l= ~""">' - -I II ~ ..- % @ ~ /~l[ ~l;: i,~- ~~~~ ~'- ~~I~ ~~l~i"/-.c .. il,.-. 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"1lII6..~ F"CI~i&'~:=~,~ ..,",..." .S......fl Rn "~:~F5:~~~:=... 110S.qfl 'r..TOPOFP~ET='",.TOPOF "'TOTll<'OFCNt'J<>I' "8SV'SP<ZUJOEL'IIU'lDI"GI'OCm'Il'N'T "8llV'SP'ZVlDEl.'ilUllDlNG>tEIGHT 013:1.. ~ .ft..:rTOPOF'-""'&RPNW>ET IT..'I2''TOPOFIJI'PEIlF......,,.,.. CO'>IEJIEIlT>lloS~EHCL.06l.JIIE8 ~ICENCLOSURE~... 2 [~~~~i~s~~.... ~~~~~IFlXl'mlI'" .:;'''~ ~.~~:;~~" D.'\IE.NSl'ACEll~IC) 8ICVCI.E.A."'''GSl'ACESIlEOIPllCMOED IS Sl'ACESITDTALl 1SSI'ACES .~- MSFACES(TOTAll 31SJ'ACES U&PACES U"ACES '.Sl'ACES 'S>IOIl'TTElWI'l.l:H(;TERIol 8S_TTElIIolr.!l.l:H(;TEfIltoI \-A"DS~J~~;~~~~!o~~==~E... ~STLHGD"tvE_VSONOI........'CST"EETWlLL.8EU1IUlED"l>RTHE_DE\IELOFt,IENT ~ ExlST'''GT1I.ANS'T'O~ 8ETWEE~"C"""NU"";rocE(VIESTlAlCl"C"""N U~'l'EHC~!EAST! 'SEWERLATEAALLOCATlO"CONNECTTG~IGW<NUSlNGEXIST'NG TAPS'FPOIlSlEII..E. 'NST"L.1. 'foOO-G.O"LONGIlEASl;l'AAf'o~l~Ef'ftOPOIlEOSOHT.........BEWEFI EX'5Tl""~.TFW<S'OIIME"LOCAT'ON,TO!IE/AAINlTR.l.NSFOllMERTO BE LIT'CI.ZEDFOIlNEWllEVElOPMENT .E1.OCATEIlPOWE~SWTCH'NGc.o.a'~ETlU'8TlNGc.oB<""'T08E~ :'i:.-':,{ClTYUTlUTYE..SEJlENr(llEHNlExPS'7II\GS'cnv<n>:rrr l-l ~ ~ ,. I I , I~ ~ ; ~ i I o ..J ..J W a: III <( :J ~ c: (J) ~ III ~ Z J; > a: o o Z o (J) ~:g~!1 , ... g z!t . ~ -I~ . "I' ~: is .11 ~ . I ~~h ~ :1; ~'" ".~ ~,~ "'" z o b => lY I- en Z o G.oo12.(J1 0 ~: ~ ll. W27~ b Z 3' .w (5 lY SITE PlAN CO 1 "; LC~ ". " 03/17/08 ZBINDEN. CARTER · SOUDERS E N GIN E E A I N Gs Steve Hopkins, Planner II City of Spnngfleld 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Date Received: 1 Mt,R 2 t 2008 Orig.:'1~,: Sut.;n;Ual Reference SOniC Dnve-In/Abby's Pizza/Deli - 2005 Olympic Street Subject Site Plan Application Dear Steve, Attached are the Site Plan Application and associated plans and documents for the proposed Sonic Dnve-In/Abby's Pizza/Deli proposed to be located at 2005 Olympic Street A Pre-Submittal Meeting was held on March 14th, 2008 (PRE2008-0001~8) and the application/drawings have been revised to Include the Items that were determined to be Incomplete (See Sheets CO.1 and E1) For ease of reView, the revIsions have been ItalIcIzed on the sheets listed above The property owner (Polen Futures, LLC) has authonzed me to submit the Site Plan application and future applications for this project as descnbed In the attached document The project site consists of (5) tax lots, all of which will be completely redeveloped as part of this proposal The eXisting Dollar Store (old movie theater bUilding) and Coffee Stand will be removed from the site and a 1746 sf SOniC Dnve-In bUilding and a 4832 sf Abby's PIzza/Deli bUIlding wIll be constructed In ItS place The project will utilize the eXisting dnveway approaches on Olympic that are shared by the adjacent developments to the east/west and no new approaches/permits will be required EXisting easements/CC&R's currently eXist between the adjacent developments for the shared access and utIlItIes that eXist on the site The property lies Within the boundanes of the 2-5 year and 5-10 year time of travel zones and will meet the requirements of this zone No bUilding Within the development WIll use/store more than 20 gallons of non-DNAPL hazardous matenals at any given time and an Inventory list will be submitted to the Spnngfleld Utility Board for an exemption request A Tree Felling Permit, Land Alteration and Drainage Permit, and Oregon Department of EnVironmental Quality NPDES Permit will also be requIred for thIs development and applicatIons/permits will be submitted at a later date Please review the attached draWings and documentation proVided With this application and let me know If you have any questIons or comments that pertain to 1654 WIllzams Hwy, Grants Pass, OR 97527 · P 5414793865 · F 5414793870 1 Klamath Falls · Bend · Portland . Grants Pass ., ZC:~ ENGINEERING.s ',- \ the submittal Please use the (3) Storm Water Report caples submItted wIth the pre-submittal package for this final submittal We look forward to working with the City of Springfield to make this a successful project Sincerely, ~~ Justin Gerhtz, PE Date Re~e'ved: MAR 2. 2008 Original submittal - --, Encl 1654 Wlllzams Hwy, Grants Pass, OR 97527 · P 5414793865 · F 5414793870 Klamath Falls · Bend · Portland · Grants Pass 2 ., .. ., p Polen Futures/ LLC 2197 Olympic Street springfield, OR 97477 541-746-6965 f Date Received: MAR 2 . 2008 February 28/ 2008 C .."'\, "~"!'\ 't. , _ .- ,.,vJ.Jmi ~al To whom it may concern, This letter is in reference to the property located at 2005 Olympic Strep.t., Springfield, proposed name of project: Sonic Drive-In/Abby's Pizza & Deli. As owners of this property, we are authorizing Justin Gerlitz, PE with ZCS EnginE'ering, Inc. to submit the following applications on our behalf: . Final Site Plan Application . Tree Felling Permit . Drinking Water Protection Overlay Application . DEQ NPDES Permit If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of us at the above number or email ? Y2.@p.b.!!Q.g,tt@ () r' C'.R,oJ.)_9 9 it;;! ri t(m~ ,~Q... 11.1 : ~Slncerely, Polen Futures, LLC Members \,){ (wVd'J ~sie Philpott WOAAlWh1{ v ;:;'d: ;ol~ (\ '\ ?~JL Mary ~~i1S0n t>13/G13 39\;1d 98999PL1P91 81:E1 81313G/8G/G13 ~ , < .., " " r Date Received: 1 I IV f;) 'i f, "1:""'"10 r~ '1 t 'I 1 J.,'AI...... J AJ:l'TEI<. RECORDING RETURN TO: UNrILAC~EIS'REQtmSTED" -- MAIL ALL TAX STAHtMENfS TO: P. Scott McCleery Gartland, Nelson, et aI, 44 Club Road, Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Polen Futures, lLC 2197 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 BARGAIN & SALE DEED Polen Futures Company, LLC, Grantor, grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Polen Futures, LLC, Grantee, the following described real property: Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, BALMAC SUBDMSION, as platted and recorded in Book 67, Page 19, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Account Nos. 1104726, 1104734, 1104742, 1104759 and 1104767 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEY nl'lG TillS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHPAlbK 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). TillS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TillS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA nONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEY nNG TillS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING t'.l:!.h1l1LE TO THE PROPbKTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACfICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). The true consideration for this conveyance is to correct vesting. POLEN FUTURES COMPANY, LLC By: L ~c,t.. a /J1 All J'~ IA- Narn.e:~ Susan ~ott Title: Member BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 1GQ'.OO1~~ 1-----IT'"l-.-.... $31.00 119410'32 10711l06208801200:c3 09/0512007 09 :59: 33 A/'l RPR-DEED Cnt=l Sln=l! CASHIER 04 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 ~ Division of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane Counlv Deeds and RecQ~ds / ... ;; \ , I' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) Personally appeared the above-named 5uSCWl O. PD.rot/;, _fVl~ .lJ.e1v of Polen Futures Company, LLC and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be l:liB-voluntary act and deed this 5*- day of September, 2007. kuv _ OFFlClALSEAL . _ ANNE M SHelDON \ J NOTARY PUBUC- OREGON " . . COMMISSION NO. 382846 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 14, 2008 ~ 'Lk).Stvl~ NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON ~ Date Received: MAR 2 t. 20US , i , i ',- Original submittal BARGAIN AND SALE DEED " r Dtjte ~~eel"ed: 1 ,~, .y . <,' Mh~ 2 . 2008 , ,'I Or'lg.'~I"...b r-" .ylf....~r.. ...', It j~~.1 ~~~,tlf'sli. ~d.~,.......~ !ImWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'i - =-= CASCADE TITLE CO. PRELIMINARY TITLE,REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: MELISSA BUTTERFIELD 811 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE, OR 97401 February 28, 2008 Report No: 0253857 Your No: EU07-0627 Seller' POLEN FUTURES, LLC Buyer: TO COME PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Owner's Standard Policy ALTA Res. Ext POI1CY (SIMUL) $T/C $T/C PREMIUMS: Owner's Standard Premlum' ALTA Res. Ext. Premlum. (SIMUL) ALTA Endorsement: Government Service Fee Temporary Billlng; $T/C $T/C $100,00 $25 00 $225 00 We are prepared to lssue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title lnsurance pollcy(ies) of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, in the usual form lnsurlng the tltle to the land descrlbed as follows. Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, BALMAC SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 67, Page 19, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Vestee; POLEN FUTURES, LLC DATED AS OF: FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 8 00 A.M. Schedule B of the policY(les) to be lssued wlll contain the following general and special exceptions unless removed prlor to lssuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage policy Exceptlons) ; 1 _ Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxlng authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the PubllC Records; proceedings by a publlC agency which may result ln taxes or assessments, or notlces of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the PubllC Records. 2 . Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the PubllC Records but WhlCh could be ascertained by an inspectlon of the Land or by maklng inqulry of persons in possesslon thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservatlons or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof i water rights, claims or title to water. No liabIlity is assumed hereunder until policy has been Issued and full polley premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 .. ,...- Date Reeelved: MAR 2 I 2008 '~ 11 Order No. Page 2 0253857 Orl~1I1(11 Submittal 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, vlolation, varlatlon, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be dlsclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any llen, or rJ.ght to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensatlon heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the PubllC Records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6. Taxes, Account No. 1104726, Assessor's Map No 17 03 25 4 2, #500, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, a balance due of $419 17. (Tax was $1,257.50) Taxes, Account No. 1104734, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 25 4 2, #600, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, a balance due of $419.17 (Tax was $1,257.50) Taxes, Account No. 1104742, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 25 4 2, #700, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, a balance due of $1,430 15 plus lnterest. (Tax was $2,131 03) Taxes, Account No. 1104759, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 25 4 2, #800, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, a balance due of $2,310 69 plus interest. (Tax was $3,466,03) Taxes, Account No. 1104767, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 25 4 2, #900, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, a balance due of $2,788.40 plus lnterest (Tax was $4,182.59 7 Llens, if any, for any assessments by Homeowners Assoclatlon, 8. Easement, includlng the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded March 5, 1953, Receptlon No 98157, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, 9 Public utllity easement over the Northerly 5.0 feet and Southerly 10.0 feet, as shown on the recorded Plat. 10. Easement, includlng the terms and provlsions thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, by instrument recorded May 16,1974, Reel No. 690, ReceptlonNo 7420351, Lane County Official Records. 11. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, includlng the terms and provlsions thereof (but omitting any covenant condition or restrlctlon based on race, color, rellgion, sex, handicap, famillal status or natlonal orlgln unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United States Code or (b) relates to handlcap but does not discriminate against handlcapped persons) ln Declaratlon recorded August 16, 1974, Reel No 703, Receptlon No 7435618, Lane County Official Records 12. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, includlng the terms and provisions thereof (but omltting covenants or restrictlons, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, famllial status, marital status, disabllity, handicap, natlonal origln, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restrictlon is permltted by appllcable law) ln Deed recorded December 16, 1999, Receptlon No. 1999101729, Lane County Official Records. 13. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provislons thereof, executed by Polen Futures, LLC, Grantor, to First Amerlcan Tltle Insurance Company, Trustee, for the benefit of Umpqua Bank, Beneficiary, dated July 20, 2004, recorded July 26, 2004, Reception No 2004-058435, Lane County Offlcial Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount of $905,000.00 " " \ ,f Order No. 0253857 Page 3 14. Ass~gnment of rents due or to become due and accruing from sa~d property, 1ncluding the terms and prov1sions thereof, from Polen Futures, LLC, to Umpqua Bank, dated July 20, 2004, recorded July 26, 2004, Recept10n No. 2004-058436, Lane County Off1c1al Records. 15. Financing statement recorded July 26, 2004, Receptlon No. 2004-058437, Lane County Officlal Records, lists Polen Futures, LLC, as Debtor, and Umpqua Bank, as Creditor, wlth security lnformation obtainable from creditor. 16. A copy of the Art1cles of Organization and/or Operating Agreement of Polen Futures Company, LLC, should be furnlshed to Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertalning members authorized to execute on behalf of the Llmlted Liab1l1ty Company. 17. A copy of the Articles of organization and/or Operating Agreement of Polen Futures, LLC, should be furnished to Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertainlng members authorized to execute on behalf of the Lim1ted Liabillty Company 18 Statutory liens for labor and/or materials which may gain priority over the lien of the Mortgage/Trust Deed which may be insured. 19. An accurate survey of these premises showing boundary lines, and location of lmprovements and easements, should be furnished for our file prior to our writlng an ALTA Mortgagee I s Policy. Exception may be taken to such matters as may be shown thereby. NOTE As of the date hereof, there are no matters aga1nst POLEN FUTURES, LLC, which would appear as exceptions 1n the policy to lssue, except as shown herein NOTE: Accordlng to the public record, the following deed(s) affecting the property herein described have been recorded wlthin 24 months of the effect~ve date of this report: Bargain and Sale Deed recorded September 5, 2007, Recept10n No 2007-062088, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: The policy to be issued may contain an arb1tration clause When the ,Amount of Insurance 1S less than the amount, if any, set forth 1n the' arbltration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. Th1S report is prelim1nary to the issuance of a policy of title lnsurance and shall become null and void unless a POllCY is 1ssued and the full prem1um paid. Cascade Title Co. BY~ - cc: TIM CAMPBELL E-MAIL.CAMPBELLCO@AOL.COM .. " j ';t ;':> MAR 2 . 20Q8 , ! l kd: Title Offlcer: DOUG PIERCE , Date ReJee!ved: cc : ARNOLD GALLAGHER ATTN: BECKY SCHWARZKOPF 800 WILLAMETTE STREET, SUITE 800 EUGENE, OR 97401 Origln~! Submittal ~ 1.-' // f\\...... / ~? /" 'u / 0 / , ( ,,;\ ;> . 1P ~\0> ./ t;- .",1- ..{; ~ 0~' ~ ~ .... - . ~ ...., I ... , . 'I; / / ~/ t\ .~ fl .<::>~ ".I ,.,"- <b' ~ "j 1-5ee S.37533 rl ; () .-, , ,- . ,--{_ -;7 -C) ~). c'":::> '- 1-1 ;) t\~/~P ts ~'-(1 '.t.~~SI:~T LOGt4-;-;\li: r 1 "I~.:PTY fl::: '"', -f"11p"r~,' : S~ ~'~ '!:=': \ "'( I l ':-\, '. i ' t(\1\ '$J ~~ ~~ 1501 2.49 AC. peL 1 , 1 o , ;;:; L U' - ,.., ... " " '" \ - ~'\'<;'I y-;:'-C;\,-;;-,;-- -- - -- -- ~ -:x _~._ ~ ---:- =- ~ ~- ~ ~ ~-"'1 , - --81... Y MP+€- .. :_-J!' rf-1HE e Cs SUB, I " . I \ '.._~ H_ "'.~..LL." '( '0'- ./.5' fr f - .3..-+J' __.I. . 8 "'w~ 9 W "10 '" " I ;;- w .., ~~-,';'''' ~ 1~' '" ,of;; . '''OJ' .. \ 400 500 600 I 700 800 900 1000 1100 ,'~/ 1/. ,sS,J. / B; A I~ L ~)\jJ~. A L C- L, ,c,\~.'i' ~~ I~ b;; b~ b~ ~~ Y I ~ r-... 11 ~ U ~ r-) ~ ~ ~ 01~ D 1 ~ I ~ /rr'/7hU \ , /'(7/#7 '....... ~. ". w . , ^" ,. .". .... ". .21;:: {,/~ '""'" w "'" , . . '., ,.." '" '" "'" "",. '._ .~ rr U'"" f<, U' '.. \~' ... ~f?'f7;r.. Nd U' .... ~ . ,,~~ /AM" .PO/A" 4~rQJ ~'XI\$" 7//"rr C, /~s ~~\; 'fJ~ ~<QJ1 Date Received: ~ f MAR 2 t 2008 / / ,-, -I: .. . (0. -:11 (r-::::(\\ , , \ , I ' ! I I't Ii : \"'~i ! ! I 1/ ' , . I I J '':::~=::J ;..l .,p -?"\\ (('~' If ., \ 1 I \ I I . ~ i I; i I , t t \ ~ J '::.::-.:/..! '(~!/ ~"'~ "-' Act- 5.' .,..r - 4,?B. ..:t c:J "." _n / v' ! 0< ~ I ~ t;; (":::~ ~:-'-'-~S ~ ",',' o )< ::> ~ !(J oN oC:> co - ~ If) _ :""(\J ?S co co z z ..,. 1 ! SEE MAP 17 03 25 43 Original Sub;t~itt.-:il ... "" Site Li2htin1! Information Date Reee;ved; MAR 1 , 2008 Original Subl11iita\- - ~ '~51 Is'L' SIDE-ARM MOUNT AERODOMETM FORWARD THROW (TYPE IV) Ignitor (Where ReqUired) Thefmal ChImney Allows Iree alr flow between opllc housing and side ann houSing ~RecessedHendle /' ~Slde-Arm Cover/GearTray ~ Seamless, die casl aluminum 6~' I (164 mm) 12 O' I (305 mm) '--Capaedor '--Ballast ~ \ '--SIde-Ann Housing ~ ~ Seamless, dre-cost aJummum ~ ~Patenled Hinge Assembly ----, ~5fen~r~fu~rnumdoor frame secures lens, sealed wilh Silicone gaskel Lampholder Optic Housing seamless. dre-cost aluminum Reflector ~~;~de~~~~~~,~~::t Lamp Lena High Impact. dear tempered glass 197' (501 mm) '26 6' (733 mm) SP'~(j' # WATTAGE 'CATALOG fI " .' PULSE START METAL HALIDE D'~~~~:(#-> 150W PSMH- AW4(c)6151a)(b) D:1!fitj;ft' 250W PSMH AW4(cI625-(allbl D~~q:,j: Ijl 320W PSMH AW4(cI632-(allbl D~sr~I!'i/~ Ijl 350W PSMH AW4(cI635-(allbl D:~Fjf Ijl 400W PSMH _ AVV4(c)640-(alJ~L__ METAL HALIDE 175W _M!i _ ___ ~~llil~'[-_(3lib)--=--__~ 250W MH AVV4(cI425-(allbl 400W MH AW4(c)440-(a)(b) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM Dt,St!t:.c)I~ 150W HPS AVV4(c)515-(a)(b) D;sJi'ikJ: 250W HPS AW4(c)525-(a)(b) Dt~W:(,o~~ - - 400W-HPS- ----- AVV4(c)540-(a)(b) Specify (a) Voltage (b) Options & (c) Mountmg/Rotatable OptiCS Ijl Reduced envelope lamp, ED28 for 320 - 400W PSMH & 400W MH Dlf~i"gC>Ji~, D,"sp.!iC!f: - Df~p~t,jI; Ijl Parking lot and roadway full cutoff lummalre for HID lamp, totally enclosed HOUSing IS seamless, die-cast aluminum Electrical components are heat-slnked and contained 111 mounting arm assembly (direct mount configuratIOn) Lens assembly consists of tool-less qUick release frame constructed of rigid aluminum and hlgh- Impact, clear-tempered glass lens Hlgh- temperature Silicone gasket seals lens from water and Insects , " FINISH ExclUSive DeltaGuard~ finish features an E-coat epoxy primer With medium bronze ultra-durable powder topcoat, proViding excellent resistance to corroSion, ultraviolet degradation and abraSion The finish IS covered by our seven- year limited warranty o M T 1 2 27 3 4 5 6 120/277V - --- -~ 120/208/240/277V (Standard) 120/277/347V (Canada Only) 120V 277V 277V Reactor (PSMH Only) 208V 240V 480V 347V (Canada Only) For volldue ,vdllabllity outSide fhe US and Canada, see BUII.tln TO-9 or contacf your Ruud Lighting authorrzed InternatIOnal Olstrrbutor . (b) OPTIONS. (factory-installed) .' -CalF Fusmg -(alP Bullon Photocell -5P External Photocell (for 480V) --- -------- SpeCify (a) SlOg Ie Voltage - See Voltage Suftlx Key . ' ELECTRICAL,' . Fixture Includes clear, mogUl-base lamp 320 - 400W PSMH and 400W MH utilize the ED28 reduced envelope lamp Pulse-rated porcelain enclosed 4kv rated screW-Sheil-type lamp holder With spring-loaded center contact Lamp Ignitor Included where reqUired All ballast assemblies are high-power factor and use the follOWing CirCUit type Reactor (277V PSMH) 150 - 400W PSMH CWA - Constant Wattage Autotransformer 150 - 400W PSMH, 175 - 400W MH, 150 - 400W HPS @ Ruud Lighting Ine Pnnted In USA 9201 Washington Avenue Racme, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 Fw ruudlighllng ~om_1 r. Date R' t t , MAR 2 t 2008 o l R . Type 111 & Frontline 1\ 0 !I .# !liJTypelV '~ t ",,,'~, L. .J LABELS ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, VISible dUring relamplllg UL Listed In US and Canada for wet locatIOns PATENTS US 4,689.729, D531 ,882, Canada 108888, Other Patents Pending ACCESSORIES: (field-installed) AVRp.3 Round Pole Adaptor (fits 3" - 6' dla pole) External Full-Cutoff Shield External Backlight Shield SBl.AW20C SBl.AVV20E FAX (262) 884-3309 RUUD LIGHTING 01/23/08 " 4. AVV40.20 SERIES SIDE-ARM MOUNT AERODOMETM FORWARD THROW (TYPE IV) L1ghllng SCiences Inc Cerlllled Test Report No. lSI 23057 Candlepower dlstnbulion curve 01 400W PSMH AeroDome light RUUD LIGHTING Isolootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade (Footcandles - 00929 = lux) 120' 1 00' 80' 60' 40' 20. 0' 20. 40' 60' 80' 1 W 120 14v [ ;, . I. ,427 120 -1--- --1-- f- 1--1-- i--' - 366 100 _ i _ _ _ _ __J_j __1_ _~_.__ 305 80 _ _-'_ 1~. _ 1_ _, __ 244 r~_ 1'1 ::: ----l--:-~-f~--tt-~:.j.:s-~--j-- l -1--:- ;:: 20 ,_ _I _ ') _ _, 1 , t.; _ ,_ _ 6 1 , i 5' J 1 o --!- j ~~-:4?! -i---;-- Om 20. -'-i- ,~~'--'--i- 61 40 --I -+-+- i - --,- -j -- ---; --- 122 60' .', I ,!, 183 366305 2441a3122 61 Om 61 122183244305366 Isolootcandle plot of 400W PSMH AeroDome light at 25' (7 6 m) mounllng height (Plan view) r Date Re~e!ved: f ..1~ r MAR 2' 2008 Original Submittal PHONE (262) 886-1900 9201 Washmgton Avenue Racme, Wlsconsm 53406-3772 USA I www ruudllg~!Ing ~0.':1 @ Ruud lighting Ine Pnnted In USA FAX (262) 884-3309 01/23/08 ... I .. STANDARD STRli WIDE SW STRIP '\ A I Page 1 of 2 4-1/8" WIDE x 1-7/8" DEEP x 24",36",48",72",96" LENGTHS, 1 OR 2 LAMP, T8 OR T12 Features · Fixtures sUitable for individual. row, surface, or suspension mDuntmg · EffiCiency 97 3% (TS) · Quarter turn latch secures channel cover for easy wlreway access . Heavy duty channel Df cDde gauge die fDrmed steel · Fully enclosed wiring · U L Listed snap-Dn end caps · CDmblnatlDn end cap fDr cDntlnUDUS row mDuntlng . Green grounding screw Installed In channel · Lampholders may be indiVidually replaced or reWired · UL listed fDr direct mDuntlng on IDW denSity ceilings and damp IDcatlons DIMENSIONS 24'I610mm1 or 36 1814mml 6'I1S2mml I r ~IB'11 17mml ~:: j "'- SHook KO IB) 4 110Zmml "f'~ ~$ f' 2' OR 3' CHANNEl 4B'I1219mml S"I15Z!nmL-. I ~IR'll17mml o ~191 ~~: j I Y" P \.. 63/S'I16Zmml 2' Ola K 0 ./ 7/B' a,a / ""-- SHook wlth7/B Ola KO KO (41 KO IB) 4' CHANNEL ~ 1 ~ 4-1/B 110jmml J 7Z 11BZ9mml or 96 IZ43Bmml I 4 110Zmml Z4 1610mm " 1.152mmL-J 13'lh6 17Bm1 I I 4.S/B'1117mmll 1 l i 5,= Ii I 1 I I r ~ j 116~fml ( Q) co ~~ 0 r y r Q) Q) : nO 1 1 I 'y , P "- B /B'{ 62 I 2'Ola KO'/ 1/8'Ola/ ""- 3 1 mm With 7/B" Ola K 0 K 0 IBI SHook 6' AND 8' CHANNEL K 0 IBI o 1 LAMP 00 2 LAMP 57/B 1149mml 1 7/B' I I 7/B 12Zmml 14Bmml I U \1 I $, If 7/B' 0" KO (41 J SIDE VIEW Job Information Type: Job Name: Cat. No.: Lamp(s): Volts/Ballast: r Date Received: ~ ~ MAR 2 I 2008 1, ()ngl(l~1 Submittal i 33/4' (T121 195mml 3.112 ITBI IB9mml l i 3 3/4' (T12} 195mm) 3 112 ITBI IB9mml ! 5.7/B {149mml I I H 0 ~ 1/2'O,a KO I~I Lightolier a Genlyte Thomas Company WWoN Iightolier com Techmcallnformal1on (978) 657-7600 · Fax (978) 658-0595 631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 · (508) 679-8131 · Fax (508) 674-4710 We reserve the nght to change details of deSign, matenals and finish @ 2002 Genlyte Thomas Group LLC (Llghtoller DIVISion) A0902 SECTION 3NFolio H1oo-42 - I - 1'\ \I' - .L -I 1'\ \.I - I - - III - ~ I ... 1!If- . . "0 Q) > 'CD (.) CD Q: (I) ......' ro o .... STANDARD STRlr WIDE SW STRIP Page 2 of 2 4-1/8" WIDE x 1-7/8" DEEP x 24", 36", 48", 72", 96" LENGTHS, 1 OR 2 LAMP, T8 OR T12 PHOTOMETRY REPORT NO G17009 CATALOG NO SW4S232HPF120S0 LAMP TYPE F32 I T8 LUMENS PER LAMP 2900 TOTAL EFFICIENCY 97 3% CIE TYPE SEMI-DIRECT SPACING CRITERIA 1 58 SHIELDING ANGLE 180 LER = FS - 80 5 Watts - 60 3 BF - 0 88 Comparative yearly Ilghtrng energy cost per 1000 lumens = $2 98 coolficlonls .1 Ulli,zatton - zono' cavlIV mothod leflectlve floor cavIIV reflectance 0 201 :30 AF 20 50 30 AC 80 80 30 AW 70 50 30 50 30 10 50 30 10 1 99 93 88 81 77 74 74 71 68 2 88 79 72 89 63 58 63 58 54 3 80 68 60 59 53 47 54 49 44 4 72 80 51 52 45 39 47 42 37 5 66 53 44 46 39 33 42 36 31 6 61 47 38 41 34 Z9 38 32 27 7 56 43 34 37 30 25 34 28 24 8 52 39 30 34 27 22 31 25 21 UO 9 49 35 27 31 24 20 29 23 19 10 45 32 24 29 22 18 27 21 17 ORDERING INFORMATION OQ C) c:::> c.'-I ..,. ~ 0::: < :E SW, I S ANDARD STRIP WIDE 4 18 Wide Channel l I NUM8ER OF lAMPS IN WIDTH 18y Othersl 1= 1 lamp 2=2 lamp I VOLTAGE 120 or 277 I OPTIONS Add approprrate sufllX to catalog no Ie IGLAI I BALlAST TYPE LPf=Low Power Factor For T12 Only HPf=Hlgh Power Factor I lAMP CONflGURATIDN S=Standard T=3' or 4' lamps In Tandam (For 8 or8 unllsl ~ 'E .c :J en a; c 's, 'C Q BALlAS I TYPE 1 1 & 1-2lamp Mag T12 LE Standard Electro Magnetic {24 I lAMP WATTS 1M8, 2' Length 20= T12 2 Length 25= T8 3' Length 30= T12, 3 Length 32=T8 4'Length 3o\;T12, 4' length 11 & 1-2 lamp Elac T8 1 4 Lamp Elec T8 .Instant Start Standard P <20mO <10THO SO' HI. 04' H4' FI)(llJRE LENGTH 2=24' 3=36' 4=48' 6=72 8=B6 Olher dimming opllons Consult laclO1)l OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES FUSING Internal fast-blow fUSing SUFFIX GLR Internal slow-blow fUSing SUFFIX GMF FLUORESCENT EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM, Factory-Installed emer- gency power battery pack With charger and Inverter SUFFIX EM STEM AND CANOPY SETS Suspends fixture 6", 12',18" or 24" from surface (Four per fixture IS recom- mended) Catalog Number ASC6 CSP (6"), ASC12 CSP /12"), ASC18 CSP (18'), ASC24 CSP (24") CANOPY SPACER Suspends fixture 1-1/2' from sur- face Order Catalog Number AC1 CSP GROUNDED CONVENIENCE OUTlET 120 volt only SUFFIX CO 4' WIRE GUARD (WHITE) Specify two for 96" fiX- tures Catalog Number AWG3W CSP CHAIN HANGING KIT Includes two 5' heavy duty link chams With sturdy "V" hooks for fixture suspen- sIOn Catalog Number AH5 CSP lWlST TEE For exposed T-bar mounting, 1-7/8" deep channel Catalog Number NAH3 CSP HEAVY DUTY COUPLER Catalog Number NHDC-W CSP SLIDING HANGER Catalog Number NAHW CSP A I I ^ ~ ~ </ 9 ./ lWlSTTEE NAH3 CSP SLIDING HANGER NAHW CSP CANOPY SPACER ACt CSP HEAVY DUTY COUPLING NHDC-W CSP STEM AND CANOPY SET ASC6 CSP (6") CHAIN HANGING KIT AH5 CSP SPECIFICATIONS MATERIALS Chassis parts are die-formed heavy gauge cold rolled steel. 4-1/8" channel Width BALLAST COVER Code gauge steel secured With quarter turn latch FINISH ChaSSIS extenor-phosphate undercoating, baked white polyester enamel ElECTRICAL Thermally protected class "P" ballast C B M approved, non PC8 If K 0 IS Within 3" of ballast. use wIre SUitable for at least 900 LABELS I 8 E W IUL and ULc Listed Job Information Type: Lightoher a Genlyte Thomas Company wwwlightoliercom Technical Information (978) 657-7600 . Fax (978) 658-0595 631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 · (5OB) 679-8131 · Fax (508) 674-471 0 We reserve the right to change details of deSign, matenals and finish @ 2002 Genlyte Thomas Group LLC (lightoller DIVISIOn) A0902 SECTION 3NFolio H100-42 - I - f'\ \II - .L -I f'\ u - I - - III - ~ ~ 'I " 1. e' COOPER LL ATING LUMARK~ DESCRIPTION The Lumark Wal-Pak provides a durable and effiCient extenor light source for any application requiring maximum performance and minimum maintenance The rugged, die-cast alummum housmg, stainless steel hardware and sealed and gasketed optiCS compartment combine to make the Wal-Pak virtually Impenetrable to contaminants U L listed and labeled for wet locations CSA certified The Wal-Pak walllummalre IS Ideal for loadmg docks, underpasses, tunnels, stairways, building entrances, vehicle ramps and schools SPECIFICATION FEATURES A ... Mounting Hardware Captive corrosion resistant, smgle pOint mounting screw B ... Housing Die-cast aluminum housmg IS finished In dark bronze polyester powder coat c .., Optical System Impact resistant borosilicate pnsmatlc glass or polycarbonate refractor with aluminum reflector that proVides maximum photometnc performance and beam effiCiency 111... Gasketing H\gh-temperature silicone g~ketlng seals out external contammants , Date Rece\\,ed: MI~R 2 l 2008 O~,,-""'~i Subl1'i1tta\- il::.Jd.- - 1-0 \ A B c- I e ;:::.--- n I~ D E I ~ .. · '~~@. - ~ - :::1, "- ~ / /--= ."~ / F G DIMENSIONS t::]1 \ 95/B' [244mm} / \ ,~ 16' [406mm] 50-Z00W HPS & MH, Z50W MH 10 1/z' [267mm] Z50W HPS, 400W HPS & MH 121/16'\306mm] ~ COOPl:R Lighting wwwcooperhghtlngcom E ... Socket Mogul-base porcelam socket, except 150W Metal Halide and below has medium-base F ... Ballast Normal or High power factor ballast with class H msulatlon Mmlmum starting temperature IS -400C (-400F) for HPS and _300 C (-200F) for MH, MP and ML G .., Door Assembly Door assembly IS hmged at bottom for easy mstallatlon and relampmg ,,/ ) Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice, Consult your representative for addItIOnal optIons and finIshes ~J,€~; f<?J~~~ype~ "~;; -~.:~:~, ' ;~::.:t:~:~W#",aJ!'~::;,;. ~:..:~!J WL WAL-PAK 50 - 400W High Pressure Sodium Pulse Start Metal Halide Metal Halide WALL MOUNT LUMINAIRE TECHNICAL DATA 1P65 Rated 250C MaXimum Ambient Tempf"rdturc External SlIpply Wiring 90.C Mmlmllm Internal SlIpply Wiring 150'C MInimum ENERGY DATA Reactor Ballast Input Watts 50W HPS NPF/HPF (5B Walts I 70W HPS NPF/HPF IB2 Walt') 100W HPS NPF/HPF 1118 Wdll') 150W HPS NPF/HPF 1175 Wans! High Reactance Ballast Input Watts 50W MH HPF (69 WaTtsl lOW MH HPF (94 Walts! 100W MH HPF (129 Watts) 150W HPS HPF (190 Wans) 150W MH HPF (210 Watts) CWI Ballast Input Watts 250W HPS HPF (300 Walls) CWA Ballast Input Watts 175W MH HPF 1210 Wall') 200W HPS HPF 1250 Watt'! 200W MP HPF (232 Watts) 250W MH HPF (295 Watts) 320W MP HPF (165 Walts! 350W MP HPF 1395 Watts! 400W MH HPF (455 Watts) 400W HPS HPF (465 WallS! 400W MP HPF (44B Watts! SHIPPING DATA ApprOXImate Net WeIght 32-421bs (15-19 kq;) o(5Te." ~ r f-,'-t I , (\~.;;;f\t.<> ADH040990 05/0312007236 13 PM '" , , ~ i " .. PHOTOMETRICS ,6 Is --- -- -- ---- / /'_____,,'" 14 --- 13 =~l~~::~\. ~=' ~~ I I IT/I I: 14 /> :,,~ 13 ==~~~:;:~== -~~~~I~-- o '2 S S 3 MHWL-2S0-MT.LL 2S0-Watt MH 19.500~Lumen Clear Lamp HPWL-2S0-MT.LL 2S0-Watt HI'S 30,000-Lumen Clear Lamp MOUNTING DETAIL r----- 4314 [121mm] !__~ :~2:~:~mm~1_ _ I ( /''\ \..../ 1 ,-f6 1/2"I~6~_":~_ A{("PSbto Outlet Box (3/4" NPT threaded hubl I 2 3/16" ISSmm] I Three 3/8"(10mml .-/1 O.a Mtg Holes I 4" '102mm] to bottom of housing 1 ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number MHWL-250-MT-LL I II --.J II II II II Lamp Type HP' High Pressure Sodium' MH' Metal Halide MP- Pulse Start MH (CWA)2 Series WL'Wal-Pakl Borosilicate Glass Lens I HPF PL- Wal.Pak I 3 Polycarbonate Lens I HPF WE Wal-Pak I Borosilicate Glass Lens I NPF Lamp Wattage 5 50' 50W 70 70W 100' 100W 150' 150W 175- 175W 200- 200W' 250- 250W 320' 320W' 350 350W' 400 400W Voltage 7 120V' 120V 208V' 208V 240V' 240V 277V - 277V 347V' 347V 480V 480V MT- Multi-Tap, 8 wired 277V rr- Triple-Tap, 9 wired 34 7V sr- 5-Tap'O 2 4 S WL WAL-PAK Footcandle Table Splert mounting height and rFad acroo;;<; for footC'andle valuf's of edch Isofootrcllldle Ime DI!:ot8m e III 1In1t!:.. of mounting height Mounting Footeandle Valuas lor Height Isolooteendle Lines ABC D E 10' 8 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 0 SO 1S' 354 1 77 089 0 44 0 17 W 200 100 050 OW om ~ 1U OM OU OW OU Options 11 F1' Single Fuse (120, 277 or 347V only) F2' Double Fuse (208, 240 or 480V only) Q' Quartz Restrike (Hot Strike Only) EM' Quartz Rastrlke with '.Oelay Relay" (Quartz lamp stnkes at both hot and cold sterts) EMlSC' Emargency Separate CirCUit LL' Lamp Included" TR Tamper ReSistant Screws PE-Intemal Photocontrol (Specify VOltage) PC- Button Type Photocontrol Notes 1 Not available rn 175W 2 200,250,320 350 and 40QW 3 150W m,l)(Imum In High Pressure Sodium, 176W maximum In Metal Halide 4 Available NPF onlv Metal Halide 70~'60W medium-base only HIgh Pressure Sodium 50 150W 120V mogul-base only 5 AVlulable NPF only Metal Hahde70-150W medium base only High Pressure Sodium 50 1 SOW 120V mogul-base only 6 Pulse Start Metal Halide only 7 Products also available In non US voltages and 50HZ for rnternatlonal markets 8 MultI Tap ballast 120J20B/240/277V Wifed 277V 9 Tflple-Tap ballast 120/277/347V Wired 347V 10 5 Tap ballast 120J208f240/277/480V Wired 277V 400W Metal Halide only 11 Add as suffix In the order shown 12 Lamp IS shipped separate from lumm81re Lamp IS Cooper designated product based on lumm81ra requirements SpecIfied lamps must be ordered as a separate line Item 13 Order separately 14 Wire guard, visor and shIelds can not be used together on the same Unlt STOCK SAMPLE NUMBER (lamp Included) SAMPLE NUMBER PS10 rds I ::~al-pak I --.J I --.J ~on 1 ~i~~-Tap (400W Motal Halide Only) Lamp Tvpe S=H,gh Pressure SodIum I M=Metal Halide Lamp Wattage 10=100W 1S=1S0W 17=17SW 2S=2S0W , 40=400W NOTES Opttons. not available With stock products Old~r ACl,;{"ssorMI U8 Stll-'Mdto tlcm~ for field installation Refer to standald ordering information to add options and ac(.os..onet ~R Llghtmg Date Recelved: ;. MAR 2 , 2008 Origina\ submittaL L AcceSSOries 19 WGlWL Wlreguard14 VS/WL--XX- Vandal Shleld14 FCJWL: Full Cut-off ShIeld FSClWl Semi Cut-off ShIeld WLR Replacement Glass Lens PLL Replacement Polycarbonate Lens (150W maxImum) PE 347V Field Installed Photocontrol, 34 7V PE-480V Fjeld Installed Photocontrol 480V PElMT- Field Installed Photocontrol TRSD-1/4-20: Tamper Resistant Screwdriver PCS Polycarbonate Vandal Shleld14 TWC Thru.way Conduit Specifications and Dimensions subiect to change without notice. Lumark. Customer First Center -1121 Highway 74 South - Peachtree City, GA30269 - TEL 7704864800. FAX 770 486 4801 AOH040990 05/031200723613 PM wwwcooperlightmgcom PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS · The FloodPak IS a perfect blc'nd of architectural design and performance ~ · The FloodPak can be surface mounted ' -j m various positions Use It as a cut-off .! wallpack or lip It up 22 5" for torward throw with seml-c.ut-off Tip It up 450 for floodlightmg, or turn It over and ~ u~(> It for Indm;,ct/accent lighting 1;j · The FloodPak Ldn dbo be pole ij mounted or ground mounted usmg ~ ~ mountmg accessories " !1 · PleCISlon die cast alumlllum construc- :1 tlon All exposed hardware IS stamless ~ sreel ~ · Duraplex II dark bronze polyester powder IlI1lsh IS standard but the FloodPak I~ dvatlabl(' m a vanety of deslgnel color~ · HlI1ged door flame with clear tempered glass lens o Multi-faceted reflection system provldc~ uniform dlstnbutlon · InJ('ctlon molded tnple finger Silicone ga~ket · UL wet location Iistcd for above or below honzontal almll1g · Complete with a UL approved mount- - IIlg box rated for 900C supply wire .. ~ with II1tegral bubble level ;i . · Integl al heat sll1k ensures cool ~ operation · Meets IESNA Full cut-oft reqUirements o Contractor Fnendly deSign With II1tegral cable permltmg easy, hands free WlIlIlg . ~ - , . 11-128.,.' ". :,.,~_~I)ERING INFORMATION, . '.. ._': '."..' .'-, ,;, _ CATALOG NUMBER: -, ".! -- - Example FPM175MAL-1:! - IljII , -, 1 l iii I FIXTURr FPM- FloodPa" Medium I LAMP SOURCE I MA-Metal Hdlrde (CWA) lX-High Pressure ~oalum (HX-HPF) HFl-Compacl Fluorescent PMA-Pulse Stalt Metal Halide (HX-HPF) I VOlTAGE 1-120V 5-480V 8-120V, 20BV I LAMP I 240V, l-Lamp 277V fur'lshedCate Reeelved: ~ , MAR 2 t 2008 Original Submittal : ':,~~~~~SO~jES . .' -, . '." ;,,: - ':; , . . . ' . . '" ;;: ~ , WATTAGr 50-50W 42-42W HFL only 70-70W 100-100W 150-150W 175-175W FPMSHIELD - Vandal Shield Helps protect lens and lamp from bleakagc Clear polycarbonate shield snaps m place over glass lens (Fol below honzontal only) FPMSHIELD Len, Shield ~ .. ~ d ii il ~ " -'j I liD UOIt' supplwd With dear medium base lamp 3 ~ FPSKNUCKlE - 1/2" Adjustable Knuckle FPSARM .. Shoebox Arm Converts FloodPak to pole-mount (mll1lmUm 4" squalc pole) FP2 - SlI1gle hole round cover for use With standard 4" round surface boxes FP4A - SlI1gle hole FS style cover for use on standard Single gang FS boxes FP4B .. Three hole FS style cover for use on standard srngle gang FS boxes FPM552 - Replacement lens for medIUm size FloodPak FPSARM Poll'Arm FPSRPA Round Pole Adapter .. .. ~j "i J TECHNICAL INfORMAtiON' . "', .:',': :' . . ~ .' .. ' ~' - iI" ~t ~ , .7_ . . ~ '.'" '" ~ . FPSKNUCKLE Knuckle ~ , EPA=O 89 sq ft ] ~~ J1 I - 12" I 12-7/8" I .c,escentstonco A DlVLlilon of oaa.m I 6-5/8" I .@ UL Wet LOLatlon L"led ~ " ,~ ,"f l~' DIRECT MOUNT 1611 FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK Lens Assembly-- Rigid die-cast copper-Iree alummum and flat glass lens Ballast- j\iIVOtlng Hinges -Wiring I'lfI Compartment '" <>/ . / . OJ. '\ ~(16~~m)t ~')J, , Ii' , :JJv]) I ~, 176' (447 ,mOl) II ! \\~I @ I ~ - ,,,", I ~ /., #'1 _ 4ll/Jl f ~ ~ - ---=-- - Capacitor ; / n .~ -f/ Lampholder '- Housing ~--+-- - '-~ Die-Cast Aluminum DeltaGuard"llnlsh I.' () ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, vIsible dunng relamplng UL Listed In the US and Canada for wet locations RaCine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA ~ .v IIf i; i I I \~- ,- 103" (261 mm) \SPEC' . 'WATTAGE ' CATALOG" ., .~ , , . PULSE START METAL HALIDE :..J J~I?Pf;liI; -250W PSMH GWC0625-(a)(bl J~ ;~t 320W PSMH GWC0632-(a)(b) "::Ji < _~~ ~ 400W PSMH GWC0640-(a)(b) METAL HALIDE Lb~f~9J:'': 175W MH GWC0417-(a)(b) 0: 41\: 250W MH GWC0425-(a)(bl 01 :~:;~'I' 400W MH GWC0440-(a)(b) , '-HIGlf PRESSURf SODIUM - -- - ---- [J~)iFj~}f~---250W HPS - GWC0525-(a)(b) u~s~1I 400W HPS GWC0540-(i)(b)-- COMPACT FLUORESCENT' D"iBpM'W'd 57W CFL GWC0257-(a)(b) D~~~i.~'lJ)~> 70W CFL GWC0270-(a)(b) Specify (a) Voltage & (b) Options 'Consult tactoljl tor alternate lamp wattages <Jl Reduced envelope ED28 lamp , \ Full Cutoff Wall Pack fixture for HID lamp, totally enclosed HOUSing IS seamless copper-free dle- cast aluminum Lens assembly consists of a hinged, rigid die-cast copper-free aluminum frame and clear borosilicate glass lens held securely inSide Lens frame IS eaSily removable and allows for easy attachment and serviceability uSing top pIVoting hll1ge Complete Silicone gasketll1g around lens and gasketlng at mountll1g proVide a watertight seal Ballast compartment IS separate, and gasketed, from the optical chamber A precIsion specular alumll1um reflector provides forward throw With Wide distribution to ensure Wide fixture spaclnQs and maximum light levels Fixture deSign proVides excellent IES Full Cutoff light distribution Without glare The optical chamber IS sealed to reduce dirt and II1sect contamll1atlon Furnished With e-coated, copper- free, lightweight mountll1g box deSigned for II1stallation over standard 4-lnch square or octagonal and sll1gle-gang J boxes and for condUit entry from top, Sides and rear DeSigned and approved for easy through-wiring All PSMH and MH fixtures use vertical-lamp pOSition All HPS and CFL flxtu res use honzontaHamp pOSitIOn 9201 Washll1gton Avenue @ Ruud Lighting Inc Printed In USA ~. -/... 163" (414 mm)-I Lamp (Included) \ I _ Reflector ~ . '-~l, PreciSion semi-specular aluminum 'r , (a) VOLTA-GE SUfFix KEY . . ~':':. , , '!1__ _~o/298/2'!O!P7V (~andari!L T 120/277134?Y (Canada OnlyL____ UL 120-277V Umversal Voltage (CFL only) (Standa~L____ 1 120V 2 277V 27 277V Reactor (PSMH Only) 3 208V 4 240V 5 480V 6 347V (Canada Only) For voltage aVailability oulslde the US and Canadd, see Bulletin TD-9 or WI/Mct your Ruud Llqhtmg aUUlonzed InlerlldtlOnal Dlslflbulor . ,.ELECTRICAL , -, " Fixture II1cludes a clear, mogul-base lamp 320 - 400W PSMH and 400W MH utilize the ED28 reduced envelope lamp Pulse-rated porcelall1 enclosed, 4kv-rated screw-shell-type lampholder With sprll1g-loaded center contact and lamp lockll1g feature Fluorescent fixture Includes one 57 or 70W quad tube/4-pll1 compact fluorescent lamp Fixtures reqUire a mll1lmUm 900C temperature feed wire All ballast assemblies are high-power factor and use the followlI1g CirCUit type Reactor (277V PSMH) 250 - 400W PSMH CWA - Constant Wattage Autotransformer 250 - 400W PSMH, 175W - 400W MH, 250 - 400W HPS Electronic (120 - 277V Ul1Iversal Voltagel (mll1lmUm startll1g temperature OOF [-18 Cn 57 and lOW CFL LABELS PHqNE (262) 886-1900 ~ ww ruUdliQhtlngcOm~ 34' (B6 nm) fl I- f 169" (429 mOl) I "- ~ ." "'~ ':. ~l ;~'\,.,~ \.."~ . ~"" ;'j3zr :~,11~~ , . (bl OPTIONS (f~ctory.installed) -CalF fusmg =tl!1~_ Button Photocell a Quartz Standby (Includes 100W Quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor) SpeCify (a) Smgle Voltage - See Voltage SuffiX Key Consult factoljl for IP65 oplion Date Received: 1 MAR 2 f 2008 Original Submittal FINISH ExclUSive DeltaGuard'" finish features an E-coat epoxy primer With medium bronze ultra-durable powder topcoat, provldll1g excellent resistance to corroSIOn, ultraVIOlet degradation and abraSIOn The fll1lsh IS covered by our seven- year limited warranty PATENTS ' Patents Pendll1g ACCESSORIES PC.1 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 120V) Button Photocell (lor Ilxtures set to 208, 240, 277V) Bulton Photocell (lor fixtures set to 347V) Uneven Surtace MountlOg Plate Emergency Egress (eFL only - remote mounted) PC-2 PC'6 WM-GW Consull Factory RUUD LIGHTING ,,) FAX (262) 884-3309 02123/07 r ,. -t' ~ .;. .... GWCO-16 . SERIES RUUD ~ LIGHTING DIRECT MOUNT 1611 FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK Isofootcandle plots show InJllal footcandles at grade (Footcandles - 00929 = Lux) f DBte Reeelved: MAR 2 , 20:8 1 Ori9;oal Submiti' , QI- 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA L=w ruudhghtmg ~ PHONE (262) 886-1900 02/23/07 @ Ruud Lighting Ine Pnnted In USA FAX (262) 884-3309 ~ ~ It.' ....' . . .. , G I DEFIANT II DECORATIVE WALL MOUNT INSTITUTIONAL/BEHAVIORAL o . ouotlng ate: Ie cas, manne grade a umlnum plate Two styles available flat and deep back box · Trim Ring: Ole cast aluminum bezel nng provided with surface mounted deep back box . Lens' 180" UV stabilized, Injection molded polycarbonate lens available In clear and opal . Locking Ring: U V stabilized, polycarbonate locking ring holds lens to back mounting plate (deep box) Locking ring has keyed slots for correct alignment . Front Accent Accessories: U V stabilized, polycarbonate Accessories are permanently mounted to fixture at factory Project Name Catalog No. Comments Type . listings/Certifications: ETL (US/Canada) Wet Location, ADA compliant with flat mountmg plate . Re lector: ymmetrlc, w Ite a ummum or specu ar hammertone aluminum for CFL or HID lamps Asymmetric. specular hammertone aluminum reflector for eyelid with single HID lamps for forward throw . Lamps: Lamps by others See below for lamplng options . Ballasts. Compact fluorescent ballast 120/277Velectronlc, high power factor, Class P HID ballast, HPF core and cOli ballast and Ignitor, 120/277 . Color: Standard colors, black white and bronze Bronze has textured, extenor grade high temperature, U V stabilized coating ~. Example: DFII . FP . CL - 232TRT - E . W ~ 120V .257TRT 2-57W Tnple Tube (flat plate only) -326TRT 3-26W Tnple Tube (deep plate only) .332TRT 3-32W Tnple Tube (deep plate only) .342TRT 3-42W Tnple Tube (deep plate only) .50HPS HOW HPS .70HPS 1-70W HPS -100HPS 1-100WHPS -150HPS 1-150WHPS -50MH 1-50W MH -70MH 1-70W MH -100MH 1-100W MH I... ~..I. @somelumlna"esusefluorescentorhlghlntenSlty discharge (HID: lamps that contain small H amounts 01 mercury Such lamps are labeled "Conlalns MerctJry" and/or the symbot "Hg . _ g Lamps that contain mercury must be dl!,posed of In accordance With local requirements Information regardmg lamp recycling and disposal can be found al wwwlamprecycle org rOUGH SITES ".... TOUGH t...I"I'E8 1805 Pills burgh Ave. Erie, PA 16502' 600-865-5954' Fax 600-667-5969 Series Mounting Plate Lens I DFII 1- I I -I -FP Flat Plate -CL Clear -DBR Deep Back Box - Recessed .WO White Opal -DBS Deep k Box - Surfac DISCONTINUED Date Received: MAR 2 , 2008 Original Submittal ..- Note: Contact Factory For Additional Configurations. ~ ~ .13Q 1-13W Quad -213Q 2-13W Quad -26Q 1-26WQuad .226Q 2-26W Quad -326Q 3-26W Quad (deep plate only) -26TRT 1-26WTnple Tube -32TRT 1-32W Tnple Tube -42TRT 1-42W Tnple Tube -57TRT 1-57WTnple Tube .226TRT 2-26W Tnple Tube .232TRT 2-32W Tnple Tube .242TRT 2-42W Tnple Tube , , Lamps (by Morlite) Front Accents Optrons Voltage 1- I 1-1 -E Eyelid' .L Lug .C Cross .ES Eyelid Slots" -EMG Emergency Battery Pak (CFL only) -AUX Quartz Restnke (HID only) .PC Photo DBS models on DISCONTINUED .GLR HLR/GLR Fusing .WL Wet Location .W White -8 Bronze -120V -277V 'Not available In 150W HID "Avallable In CFL only Custom eyelid wording or Images available - contact factory Contact Factory for other colors/pnclng c~j)~ ~ ". -, .. ../.' "". .. . DEFIANT II SERIES DECORATIVE WALL MOUNT 153' ---- I 10" I 153" -\ I ~ 1581" --~ ~~ Note 1 . Lug" design trim rmg and lens assembly to Immediate left measures 1581" All other lens assemblies measure 15 3" accross Ole cast aluminum bezel nng provides smooth transllion from deep back box to front, minimizing ledge , Align locking ring tamper proof fastener slot with red arrow on back plate, Insert locking ring Into mounting plate keyed slots and turn Lens with silicone gasket and locking ring tlghly seal to mounting plate , " Single tamper-proof fastener securely locks components m place ~ Model: DFII-FP-CL-242TRT 3 Lamp: 2PLT42/41/4P, rated at 3200 lumens each - 396' - r 46' _L 135' (fd] I --I __,-;' 133"; Ceiling Mounted Height (rn feet) Honzontal Plane Isofootcandle Line I A 8 C 10 IE 8 10.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 10 6.40 3.20 1.28 0.64 0.32 12 4.44 2.22 0.89 0.44 0.22 / I ,f 2 A minimum of 25' clearance IS needed between deep wall mounting plate and wall open- Ing In recessed Installalions .......---.......-'-,....,..............1" E / -- "- / / ""u / / ~I~ "" ((/ I) '\ \ ~~/~ / ~ 1"------ .. / , ~~/ \ r 3 Wire way for flat mounting plate IS 1 75' r'--- . . ~ Q) :> '8 Q) ~ Q) a; C Recessed 2 o -1 -2 -3 ~ ~ ~ C"I ~ :IE \ (ij ~ Oe ..0 ::s en (ij c 00, .t: o .~ ~ ~~:';i\ ~r~~t~l~~~~k ~~:~~~~' ~~{j~~~ril~1~;l:~~\:;~~~:7; ~J~:':0:~";-~~-.~~~ T} '<'~ ~~.. .~<<~~~gt;~;\~~il~>~\~:S~'Gi: ~L 11:\r ;'l:#~"Wf~~: f ~~~{':f~:;~~~~~-'~;~~~:*'::~1t:~ Available m clear (above) or opal U V stalllzed polycarbonate lens deSigned to soften lamp Image through precise radial pnsms Morl ite a Genlyte company Cross Accent Lug Accent Slotted Accent Eyelid Accent Standard Lensed Unit Eyelid Accent With Custom Wording 1805 Pittsburgh Ave, Erie, PA 16502.800.866.69640 Fax 800-&67.9969 ~ If )1\ ' , I;' '\ .:) '\. u GATE FRAME 1/2' = l'-lZ'1 06 .. .II,! . I ADD'1.. I4INGrE MOUNTINGr INFO. 05 . . --,,-, , , GA TE ,-, NGE FLN. 1-1121 = JI-lZ" ~'~ ~~ ~ (} CORRIGA TED ~- ~ d) FIBERGLASS ROOFING d) .. g .--- i .. -" ' I I I J J " I I ~' )' .. ...--~ "- """ ~AvE veNT 1V SOFFIT, r )------ << "- c "- FRONT ~ REAR - TYF. o! "- "- T -111 FL YWD SIDING Q "- (FAINT TO MATCI4 I ~ (n / TRASI-I ENCLOSURE) I / r / lx4 WD. CORNER TRfM / - TYF. (FTD) / / - ------- 3'-0'x6'-8' 141'1. DOOR .. .. ...-- -------- '- 4 FRAME (FAINT TO , -----------------......... ------ - -------. FRONT MATCH SID ING) SlOE 11 STORAGE 6,-DG. - ELEvAT ONe 1/41 = }I_". r Date Received: t 1 MAR 2' 2008 _ , . . ~\ subm~ttct"...,-:--i --:-'. . "nnnln..."" ",' 'v ,"".,__. ,_ ~Lc ~!~~..,_~"."".j..'r...,~..J,..,....'n!';;'-(ri-.>'.t"""""'fl~.>:MJ""'~v!.l" It..d -/.~", ".;"'1, , _'!", ~, -.,. ~ . ,- (~ . ~ ...1 , 'J1 - ~J.'! .~" ..f! 1 ;~i:.)